Recent content by AndyDrummond

  1. AndyDrummond

    WTTF: 2023 Topps Silver Pack Riley Greene

    Hey all, Title says it all, last one I need to complete the set. Have plenty of silver packs and other 2023 inserts to trade. Always willing to check out your want lists too. Let me know. Andy
  2. AndyDrummond

    2010’s Set Needs

    No worries…appreciate you trying. A few of these I have been hunting for a while now.
  3. AndyDrummond

    2010’s Set Needs

    Sorry…link should work now
  4. AndyDrummond

    2010’s Set Needs

    Hey all, I need to finish out a few sets from the last decade, don’t need too many cards. Let me know what you have and you might be looking for…..plenty to trade. Link to my list below. Andy 2010’s Set Needs
  5. AndyDrummond


    Hey all, I appreciate the thank you posts. I just wanted to say this isn’t just about @Shaggy and I do believe he has the best of intentions. As you may have noticed he has been online the last few days. I just wasn’t ready to go through any more of the site floundering while my limited hobby...
  6. AndyDrummond

    Looking for 1958 Topps #464 Curt Flood

    I have a pretty decent stack of 58s, most are in VG or lower condition, but let me know if you would like me to take a look at your list.
  7. AndyDrummond


    Hi All, Nothing against anyone who has worked on this site for all the years that it has been great, but I respectfully resign. I have spent the last five years fielding needs for password resets and even offers to buy the site prior to Mike taking it over and shuttling them to the correct...
  8. AndyDrummond

    Help RIPAHL DONE - 16 Days, mm1Sub Wins :)

    I will guess 6 months if no one else reminds the owner
  9. AndyDrummond

    WTTF: 2022 Topps Chrome Update

    Thanks David…appreciate the set help!
  10. AndyDrummond

    WTTF: 2022 Topps Chrome Update

    I could still use 10, 53, 111, and 156. If you’re up for a small trade let me know. Thanks, Andy
  11. AndyDrummond

    WTTF: 2022 Topps Chrome Update

    Hey David…could still use 160 and 195
  12. AndyDrummond

    WTTF: 2022 Topps Chrome Update

    Been out of town all weekend…need to do some updates and I’ll get back to you both
  13. AndyDrummond

    WTTF: 2022 Topps Chrome Update

    Posted…thanks David!
  14. AndyDrummond

    WTTF: 2022 Topps Chrome Update

    Can still use them except 6, just working on getting caught up. I’ll get into your wants ASAP.
  15. AndyDrummond

    WTTF: 2022 Topps Chrome Update

    Hey David, Can still use those. I don’t have a dupe of the ASG Ohtani though, I have ASG6 - Kirk and ASG12 - Machado. Let me know. Andy