Recent content by DaBaddestHic

  1. DaBaddestHic

    2024 Cardinals Base Wantlist- ADDED 2023 AS WELL

    Turns out you had more I needed than I thought you would, so I can send you all of the ones you listed. Let me know if this works: For you: 21 Topps 1986 All Star Black Pedro Martinez $3 19 Bowman Sky Blue Matt Carpenter $2.50 12 Bowman Draft Blue Joseph Almaraz $3 12 Bowman Draft Chrome Blue...
  2. DaBaddestHic

    2025 Topps - Series 1 WTTF/WTT

    Ah, I don't have any of those. Don't have any extra SMLB cards either - only opened two blasters. Don't think we'll be able to work a trade or this time.
  3. DaBaddestHic

    2024 Cardinals Base Wantlist- ADDED 2023 AS WELL

    Hey, I know you're swamped right now, but I quickly browsed your tradelist and saw some things I could use. But if you wanted to check out my tradelist and see if there's anything you'd want off of it, I can put together a trade proposal based off of that...
  4. DaBaddestHic

    2025 Topps - Series 1 WTTF/WTT

    Looking over your base list again, this is what I now get that I need from you: 328, 281, 252, 240, 239, 235, 233, 207, 188, 170, 149, 96, 62, 39, 37, 33, 27, 26, 9 $.50, $1.25, $.40, $.40, $1, $.50, $.50, $2.50, $.40, $.40, $.50, $.40, $.40, $.40, $1, $.75, $.60, $.40, $.40 Found a few from...
  5. DaBaddestHic

    WTTF Set Needs - Updated 3/26/25 - Added 2024 Update and 2025

    Hey, just wanted to surface this again to see if you're interested. Thanks!
  6. DaBaddestHic

    2025 Topps - Series 1 WTTF/WTT

    Hey, how about this: To me: 2025 Topps: 328, 281, 276, 240, 239, 233, 207, 188, 170, 149, 96, 62, 39, 37, 33, 27, 9 $.50, $1.25, $.75, $.40, $1, $.50, $2.50, $.40, $.40, $.50, $.40, $.40, $.40, $1, $.75, $.60, $.40 Stars of mlb: 20 $1.50 $13.65 To you: 2025 Topps: 11, 12, 28, 40, 63, 79...
  7. DaBaddestHic

    2025 Topps Rainbow foil and Silver packs

    How's this: For you: 2025 Topps Rainbow Foil: 348, 284, 164, 48, 19 $1.50, $4, $3, $1.50, $3 Total: $13 For me: 2022 Topps Allen & Ginter: 331, 346, 350 $1, $1 $1.25 2022 Topps Allen & Ginter Banner Season: 1, 2, 5, 9 $.75, $2, $6 $1 Total: $13
  8. DaBaddestHic

    Want and trade list Updated 2/9 with new stuff

    Cool, yeah I can use all of those. I looked and came up with these additional cards I can add in: 2021 Topps Update: 302, 318 2021 Topps Heritage: 684, 678, 658, 625, 584, 557, 530, 102 2021 Topps Big League: 82, 127, 263 2021 Donruss: 235, 253 2022 Topps A&G: 39, 221, 313, 339 2023 Topps...
  9. DaBaddestHic

    Want and trade list Updated 2/9 with new stuff

    I didn't need anymore of the base you have listed, but I have a larger wantlist with my insert needs as well: Obviously you don't need to throw anything else in unless you want to. But let me know...
  10. DaBaddestHic

    Want and trade list Updated 2/9 with new stuff

    Hey, I was able to put together a pretty big trade between us. Here's what I came up with - let me know if this works for you! For me: 2011 Topps Heritage: 42, 308 $.75, $.60 2016 Bowman Chrome Prospects: BCP51, BCP54, BCP84, BCP86 $.75, $.60, $.60, $.60 2017 Topps Fire: 5, 20, 66, 69, 102...
  11. DaBaddestHic

    WTTF Set Needs - Updated 3/26/25 - Added 2024 Update and 2025

    I really thought I'd have more for you, but was only able to come up with 4. One finishes out a base set for you at least. If you're up for a PWE trade, how about this: For you: 2006 Upper Deck: 716, 884 $.40, $1.25 2010 Topps: 501 $.40 2017 Topps: 514 $.40 $2.45 For me: 2023 Topps: 216...
  12. DaBaddestHic

    WTT/WTS 2024 Topps Update Series Baseball - BASE SET COMPLETE

    Here's the BVs on those: 2010 Topps Update: 255, 229, 186,172, 122, 112, 100 $1.50, $1.50, $1.50, $6, $1.50, $1.50, $2.50 That brings your end up to $24.20. How about I reduce the Stars of MLB cards from the cards I'm getting from you and just do this: 76, 170, 268, 284, 291 $2.50, $.40...
  13. DaBaddestHic

    Updated Trade List 3/11

    I'll pass on the starter sets, but the trade without those sounds good to me. I'll go ahead and post it - thanks!
  14. DaBaddestHic

    2024 Topps Update. Finishing off a LAST base set (3 cards to go) + common Yellow Borders,,..Updated 3/28/2025

    For some reason it won't let me quote your last message, but the yellow border Raisel Iglesias works for me!
  15. DaBaddestHic

    WTT/WTS 2024 Topps Update Series Baseball - BASE SET COMPLETE

    Hey, I could use these from you: 2024 Topps Update: 76, 170, 268, 284, 291 $2.50, $.40, $.60, $.40, $.40 Stars Of The MLB: 66, 68, 70, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85 $3, $1.25, $1.25, $1.50, $2.50, $1.50, $2, $1.25, $4, $12, $8, $8 $46.55 I have these: Base: 88, 96, 128, 154, 271 $1.25...