Recent content by r_rich_r

  1. r_rich_r

    Need help to complete '75 Topps Baseball

    I need these: 1975 Wantlist: 17, 61, 70, 151, 185, 257, 354, 429, 500, 564, 565. I'm looking for exmt or better. I have early 70's to trade.
  2. r_rich_r

    Combined '60's and '70's Baseball Want/Buy and Trade/Sell Lists

    Bought a few hi #'s for 66-67. Lists updated.
  3. r_rich_r

    Steve Blass

    This address worked! Card returned today. He used a black sharpie and signed on his dark windbreaker (1972 Topps), but he signed.
  4. r_rich_r

    Steve Blass

    Thanks! I’ll give it a try.
  5. r_rich_r

    Steve Blass

    I'm looking for Steve's address for a TTM auto request. Thanks!
  6. r_rich_r

    Combined '60's and '70's Baseball Want/Buy and Trade/Sell Lists

    Please let me know if this one meets your requirements.
  7. r_rich_r

    Combined '60's and '70's Baseball Want/Buy and Trade/Sell Lists

    I'm still looking. I will buy or trade.
  8. r_rich_r

    Combined '60's and '70's Baseball Want/Buy and Trade/Sell Lists

    Go ahead and set up a transaction. Thanks.
  9. r_rich_r

    Combined '60's and '70's Baseball Want/Buy and Trade/Sell Lists

    Here's the bolded 1971's. I had not noticed, but 732 has a light wrinkle across the upper left.
  10. r_rich_r

    Combined '60's and '70's Baseball Want/Buy and Trade/Sell Lists

    Here's the bolded 1971's. I had not noticed, but 732 has a light wrinkle across the upper left.
  11. r_rich_r

    Combined '60's and '70's Baseball Want/Buy and Trade/Sell Lists

    Donnie: I have these: Please note bold changes: 1976 TOPPS 501 1975 TOPPS 465 1974 TOPPS 494 1973 TOPPS 12 16 24 36 104 If OK, please post. Thanks.
  12. r_rich_r

    Combined '60's and '70's Baseball Want/Buy and Trade/Sell Lists

    Donnie: I am interested. Please double-check all of the card numbers and then I'll make sure I have the ones you want and still need the ones you are offering. Thanks, Rich