Search results

  1. shig

    WTTF -- 1973 Topps

    Still wanting these? Is list up to date? ...and are you looking to buy at all or just trade? (I have a bunch but don;t see anything in your traders that I could use)
  2. shig

    Canton Card Shops?

    Yeah!! Glad someone could back me up that theres a good place in Massillon. We drank too much that trip but i was quite certain i remembered that part right. Sending you a pm about the trip Kc
  3. shig

    Wantlist. I finally did it!

    Sending pm
  4. shig

    Adult Cards - what to do with them?

    ....and it really censored b00bs. Wow.
  5. shig

    Adult Cards - what to do with them?

    Burn them! They are sinful cards! A woman's bare chest can only lead to damnation!! 👹 Your entire collection is nowtainted and all members of this forum are at risk for knowing of their evil existence. ....nah just kidding. I like *****, need any late 70s or early 2000s baseball? 😋 (I'm 42)
  6. shig

    ISO Chiefs cards years 2000-2022

    sending a pm now!
  7. shig

    Free for a SASE!

    Do you sneak in the locker rooms for you memrabilia pieces? :D
  8. shig

    Wantlist. I finally did it!

    Special teams are getting nice and sorted this weekend . You'll be hearing from me. Thanks! Oh, anmd I do know that Vai Sikahema has a RC in 87 if you have that. He's not a kicker so i wouldnt have expected you to notice him but he was a good returner.
  9. shig

    Wantlist. I finally did it!

    I emailed you last time you said that. You didnt reply :p
  10. shig

    Wantlist. I finally did it!

    SURE! (if it's not too much trouble of course)
  11. shig

    Wantlist. I finally did it!

    I've put it off since joining like 5 months ago, but finally got an actual wantlist made. I feel all accomplished... and then realize.. damn! Now I gotta get an official tradelist made. Oh well, tomorrow for that. Just kinda relieved to finally do somethin I've put off forever. Like most...
  12. shig

    Finished With Football

    First off. That sucks and holy crap I would hae said never mind and left. And second, you better be lying because once my buddy is back from Spain I'll have some of those WoodsonsI asked you about a while ago, and if I get stuck with a buncha freakin' Raider cards.... actually they're pretty...
  13. shig

    Hello, I am new here but not to cards!

    Hi and welcome. No need to apologize for a long post. I'm a wordy, long winded type as well. You may find that out in the pm I'm about to send, depending on whether or not I choose to restrain myself from typing 5 paragraphs. :)
  14. shig

    I am so disgusted, I want this stuff gone!!!

    Wow I'm intrigued. I looked these up but am confused by the search results. What exactly dsid you buy and what's it cost and what do the cards look like"? (I know nothing of baseball, just curious after the scathing review)
  15. shig

    Canton Card Shops?

    Oops. Accident post. Wont delete
  16. shig

    Canton Card Shops?

    I want to give you names of places, but I just looked em up and I was on vacation and enjoying drinks often on those getaways so I might tell you the wrong places. Check out Massilon and report back though. It's just a few miles from Canton.
  17. shig

    Orlando Card Shops

    I was wondering this as well. I'm gonna be theere next month too. Was also wondering if theres anything north of Orlando and south of Jacksonville. Like in that stretch where Dayton is.
  18. shig

    Canton Card Shops?

  19. shig

    Canton Card Shops?

    I sopent a bunch of time in Canton a few years ago. I recall going to one little shop and it sucked, so don;t go to it. HAHA real helpful huh? My rewal advice though. Go to Massilon. I think that's where I found the one I really liked and there may be two there. I went to probably 8 shops in...
  20. shig

    Panini Jersey/Patch concerns?

    I've seen it worded to where it could mean that without saying it exactly. And in 1999, Collectors Edge put out those Game Gear cards that (to my knowledge) were never even said to be memorabilia from anything. They just had a goofy little piece of a football stuck on em. (I've got a bunch if...