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  1. liberatemadness

    Updated Bowman set needs....

    Still waiting...But I will start a list... Thank you
  2. liberatemadness

    Updated Bowman set needs....

    Hello...Below are my updated set needs. Please check my totally updated page for everything I have to trade... Set Needs ****2020 Bowman Chrome Prospects**** BCP-1 Wander Franco - Tampa Bay Rays BCP-8 Jasson Dominguez - Yankees BCP-12 Ronaldo Hernandez -...
  3. liberatemadness

    Totally Updated Trade Page....Inserts, Rookies, Numbered, and More

    Hey... Im just waiting on a recent trade to see what I still need from ya...Not ignoring ya. Thanks
  4. liberatemadness

    Totally Updated Trade Page....Inserts, Rookies, Numbered, and More

    Hello.... I have finally updated my trade page. From Topps, Bowman, and Panini. Looking for set needs or a starter 2018-2021 Bowman Sets. My set needs are found here...Will sell as well Thanks for looking and...
  5. liberatemadness

    Freshly Updated Site....Topps and Bowman FT

    Hello.. Ill trade what you need for what you have that I need. If that works post it up. Thank you
  6. liberatemadness

    Freshly Updated Site....Topps and Bowman FT

    Hi Ryan... This trade looks good to me. Post it up please! Thank you again
  7. liberatemadness

    Freshly Updated Site....Topps and Bowman FT

    Hi Ray, Ill trade what you need for what I need. If your good with it post it up! Thank you
  8. liberatemadness

    Freshly Updated Site....Topps and Bowman FT

    Hello... I just updated my site with all the Topps & Bowman I have for trade. Looking for sets needs that are also listed on my site or found here. Thanks
  9. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    I do need Chrome Kelenic...I am done with 2018 paper. Consider Wells yours... Thanks and lmk whwn you can.
  10. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    Hey Don, I replied earlier...I dont know BV of the Wells auto but the sell for 25/30. The deal for the Bohm looks good to me and if ya want the Wells I would take some Draft Refractors for it. Thanks bud
  11. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    Hello... I can use those... Thanks
  12. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    I dont have any 2021 yet...sorry
  13. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    Hey...I dont know BV on the Wells but it looks like they sell for $25/$30.
  14. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    Hello.... My needs are found here...
  15. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    Hey... I will update my lists this weekend and promise to get back with you on this...lots incoming..
  16. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    Lmk if ya can help with my other...Thanks for the reply
  17. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    David... Ahh yes Topps Update! Cant wait...good luck bud
  18. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    Hello... I just updated lists with some Topps stuff. I have a long way to go yet. Check it out amd lmk.
  19. liberatemadness

    Bowman/Bowman Chrome for trade...Site Updated

    Hello... I havent even started...Not sure if I will. It was traded to guy above ya. Happy collecting!