Search results

  1. badlarrys

    2019 Miguel Cabrera Transcendent

    Looking to finish up this Miggy set......I know they have been pulled and I have seen them. Base Auto Gold, Purple, Red 1/1 Variation Platinum 1/1 Thanks!
  2. 160560700_3681969428563506_3832417812730050394_n.jpg


  3. badlarrys

    WTTF: Detroit Tigers Prospects/RCs

    I understood, was just saying I would be interested in it if you did not trade for it. I have a Willi Sapphire Auto coming and Willi Stadium Club Wave.....SSP only 12! I do not see your trade list?
  4. badlarrys

    WTTF: Detroit Tigers Prospects/RCs

    Interested in your Willi refractor!