Search results

  1. soxfan30

    WTT 2022 Topps Heritage Base & SPs

    I don't have any of those. Wasn't sure if you'd take something else for them
  2. soxfan30

    WTT 2022 Topps Heritage Base & SPs

    I do not, but check my sitefor the base if you want
  3. soxfan30

    WTT 2022 Topps Heritage Base & SPs

    I do have som Sox GU of Boggs and Papi left I think I could trade.
  4. soxfan30

    WTT 2022 Topps Heritage Base & SPs

    We chatted a couple days ago and I couldn't hit anything you needed.
  5. soxfan30

    WTT 2022 Topps Heritage Base & SPs

    No one can help on these?
  6. soxfan30

    WTT 2022 Topps Heritage Base & SPs

    Looking for the below to complete my set. Tradelist is in my signature. Appreciate any help! Base 1, 7, 13, 17, 18, 30, 39, 44, 47, 49, 50, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 87, 88, 92, 104, 116, 117, 121, 125, 129, 131, 134, 138, 140, 143, 147, 161, 162, 165, 172, 176,179, 180, 183, 186, 188, 189...
  7. soxfan30

    WTT/WTS 2022 Topps Inception (Updated 07/31)

    My traders are on my site in signature. PM me and we can chat more
  8. soxfan30

    WTT/WTS 2022 Topps Inception (Updated 07/31)

    Still waiting for reply
  9. soxfan30

    WTT/WTS 2022 Topps Inception (Updated 07/31)

    PM me about above when you can
  10. soxfan30

    WTT/WTS 2022 Topps Inception (Updated 07/31)

    Interested in trade for the two below Oneil Cruz RC Red Parallel (# /75) Rafael Devers Magenta Parallel (# /99)
  11. soxfan30

    2022 Topps Series 1 Base Needs (5 Cards)

    Need the 5 below to complete my base set. Trading. 21,91,240,264,288 Thanks.
  12. soxfan30

    WTTF 2022 Topps '87 Topps Blue Parallels, Autos/Relics and Boxtoppers.

    Eric. I have a Rolen 1987 Auto if interested. After Sox Parallels for PC or 1 RC even value.
  13. soxfan30

    1980s-1990s RCs FS

    I have 2022 topps inserts FT. PM me your needs. I could use some of these.
  14. soxfan30

    WTT/WTTF 2022 Topps Inserts and a few Rc's.. Updated 5/20

    I have some needs, but don't need any of what you got above. PM me to chat
  15. soxfan30

    For Sale: 1996 Bowman Best Atomic Refractors

    Any of these guys in Red Sox Jerseys? PM me
  16. soxfan30

    WTS Mike Trout Inserts All $1.00 Each

    I will take below F&F 2020 Topps Inception Green #100* 2020 Topps Update Rainbow Foil #U-261* 2020 Topps Update Walgreens Yellow #U-261* 2020 Topps Update Walmart Royal Blue #U-261 * 2021 Topps Rainbow Foil #166* 2020 Stadium Club Chrome Beam Team #BT-2* 2020 Panini Contenders Optic Holo #9*...