Search results

  1. B

    Last 2 needed u/d 9/28

    Hey, I forgot about this offer and have since traded for those two cards I needed. So I posted a free card for you. Have a look and confirm. Thanks AL
  2. B

    2013 Topps Mini base cards wanted

    Post #1 is updated with what I still need. Thanks AL
  3. B

    2013 Topps Mini breaks - 3 boxes

    2013 Topps Mini NSCC: # 28, 46, 65, 101, 154, 159, 205, 232, 266, 271, 303, 335, 354, 362, 372, 413, 426, 428, 440, 442, 452, 468, 475, 494, 505, 540, 547, 555, 617, 639, I have the cards above for your set. I need the 5 you have for me-#36, 106, 136, 211, 269. Do you have any current orioles...
  4. B

    Last 2 needed u/d 9/28

    I'm looking for #130 and #145 base cards. If you have either of those I have a couple of sp's that you need
  5. B

    2013 Topps Mini breaks - 3 boxes

    I busted some of this and have some extras. LMK what you need. I need these- 36-106-126-136-176-211-247-269-275-363-423 Thanks AL
  6. B

    Atomic Buxton

    That is one sweet card........
  7. B

    2013 Topps A&G wants

    Way to go benchies, down to 3 cards. Whos got 'em? 7-130-145
  8. B

    2013 Allen & Ginter Base, Inserts, Mini Parallels, etc FOR TRADE - Bought a Case!

    2013 A&G base needs- 4-7-13-34-37-41-70-97-126-130-145-167-201-202-210-272 Check and see if you can finish me up. I'll look at your wants. I know I have this one for sure-AGFR-LD Lucas Duda
  9. B

    WTTF 2013 Emeralds, 2014 Red Foil

    I have emerald #377. I'll get it sent out to you. I just posted free card to you but it doesn't show your address so I guess you have to confirm it. AL
  10. B

    2013 Topps Mini base cards wanted

    Still looking for the cards above. Thanks AL
  11. B

    2013 Topps Tribute base cards wanted

    I need these two cards to finish my 2013 Topps Tribute set- 8-Kershaw 15- Fisk Have lots of trade material so let me know what you're looking for. Thanks AL
  12. B

    2013 A&g needs

    I have no problem sending you all 6 minis for the base. If that works for you post it up. Thanks EDIT*- I didn't do any price checking, just going according to one mini per pack versus several base per pack.
  13. B

    2013 A&g needs

    I have these reg minis 161-172-209-265-292-298 I need these base for my set- 2013 A&G base needs- 4-7-13-34-37-41-70-97-126-130-145-167-201-202-210-272 Let me know what you haveof those Thanks AL
  14. B

    2013 Topps A&G wants

    I have a black border mini #280 of Morales and have a chasing history insert of Griffey Jr from 2013 Topps #55 If that looks good go ahead and post. Thanks
  15. B

    2013 Topps A&G wants

    I have Heyward Longoria, and Weeks base and Longoria reg mini. Also have a Trout that was given away at the national as part of the panini wrapper redemption program.
  16. B

    Wtt/wttf 2013 allen & ginter

    Hi I have a #143 reg mini would you trade it for the accross the years CRJ? PWE? Thanks AL
  17. B

    2013 Topps A&G wants

    ok i'll throw in the billingsly. I'll post a trade in a minute thanks
  18. B

    2013 Topps A&G wants

    I also still need puig. I'll post 305 for 323 in a minute thanks
  19. B

    2013 Topps A&G wants

    I pulled light blue border- Maybin, Votto, Furcal creme border- Billingsly, Vonn, Gonzalez, Cain
  20. B

    2013 Topps A&G wants

    You wanna swap sp for sp? either one is fine. send in a pwe