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  1. pg1.jpg


  2. thebradau


    War Eagle, Stan. Don't quit. I've had similar feelings. Remember when The Bench was packed with users? You could find ANYTHING on here, and that was the best! I completed sets and found some obscure cards for my player pc (Clete Thomas... again, War Eagle!) While the site has changed, the hobby...
  3. thebradau

    Anyone Collect Rediscover Topps and Other Stamped Cards? I Have a Bunch

    any Clete Thomas (tigers player with Topps cards 2008-2010)
  4. thebradau

    FT: 2021 Products (S1, Heritage & Donruss) (Updated 4/16)

    Mornin! I’m interested in the Soto topps gold. I think you drained my BoSox pile. I’ll try and get you a tradelist. In the meantime, is there any specific player/set you’re hunting?
  5. thebradau

    WTTF: Detroit Tigers Prospects/RCs

    mentioning that you'd like to trade for a card that the original thread creator was offered is called "thread hijacking." i see you're a new member so i am hopeful you weren't aware of this policy. some on this site aren't as forgiving, so just a heads-up. in my original post to this thread, i...
  6. thebradau

    WTTF: Detroit Tigers Prospects/RCs

    i think you misread. i started the thread looking for those players. CP10 traded me the Willi refractor.
  7. thebradau

    WTTF: Detroit Tigers Prospects/RCs

    Thank you but not trading down for these
  8. thebradau

    WTTF: Detroit Tigers Prospects/RCs

    hi Josh. Would love to expand if possible as I have some Harper prospect/RC stuff Hi David. Apologies as I had my notifications turned on for this thread and apparently they were toggled off. I have the Mize but thank you thank you but all set on those Unfortunately, you've seen my list of...
  9. thebradau

    WTTF: Detroit Tigers Prospects/RCs

    Been in limbo for ages and now looking to boost my Tigers PC. Looking for the following players' base RC logos, 1st chromes and parallels from the years listed. Please, only Topps products or Bowman flagship/Bowman Chrome products (no Best or online-only products) Castro, Willi - 2020 products...
  10. thebradau

    2020 Topps Heritage Juan Soto SP Contest (WINNER IS CHAMPS387)

    150 no thanks for the contest!
  11. thebradau

    WTTF: Barry Bonds

    Pm sent
  12. thebradau

    WTTF: Barry Bonds

    Any interest in a 2000 spx winning materials dual GU (jsy and bat)? Card has some touches on the corners
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  15. thebradau

    Trade List

    I need this one for my set: 2015 topps heritage 717a Francisco lindor What may I find you in return?
  16. thebradau

    Random Acts of Kindness!

    Big thanks to Mike @grapler135s for the 2021 Tigers team set! They're already in my PC album!
  17. thebradau

    Baseball I have for football

    payton isn't mint; you can see the touched corners in the photo. if that's OK, i can do a PWE trade for any one of: lux topps chrome lewis topps chrome arozarena topps lewis topps bichette bowman chrome carlson topps pache topps adell topps
  18. thebradau

    Baseball I have for football

    i don't collect football and would love to move this lot. lmk if interested. (ignore the price stickers - i am low on sleeves/toploaders.) PM is best.
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  20. thebradau


    Hi David. I can use the keibert Ruiz gold and the tiger base cards. I can send a list of autos tomorrow if you don’t mind