Search results

  1. pootshwan

    2nd Dec Contest for Frank Thomas auto/PSA 1990 leaf!

    Wow, this is an awesome contest! Frank is my main PC guy! #2 please and thank you
  2. pootshwan

    WTB: Frank Thomas - Serial#d, GU, Auto, etc.

    Hi Scobes, thanks for the reply. I have the ones listed there. Steve
  3. pootshwan

    Paypal for Frank Thomas

    to the top////
  4. pootshwan

    Paypal for Frank Thomas

    to the top
  5. pootshwan

    Paypal for Frank Thomas

    Still looking.....
  6. pootshwan

    Paypal for Frank Thomas

    Anyone have any Frank Thomas for sale/trade?
  7. pootshwan

    Want to trade/buy Frank Thomas (90's player)

    xzy & craig have the one's listed. t.rooster where do I find your list? Steve
  8. pootshwan

    Want to trade/buy Frank Thomas (90's player)

    Thanks for the reply. I have the ones listed.
  9. pootshwan

    Want to trade/buy Frank Thomas (90's player)

    Looking to trade or buy for any I don't already have. I'm willing to look through lists/websites/buckets etc. leave a link. Thanks and I hope to hear from you.
  10. pootshwan

    WTB: Frank Thomas - Serial#d, GU, Auto, etc.

    reickholt: thank you for the offer, I do have that one.
  11. pootshwan

    WTB: Frank Thomas - Serial#d, GU, Auto, etc.

    to the top....
  12. pootshwan

    WTB: Frank Thomas - Serial#d, GU, Auto, etc.

    to the top!!!