Search results

  1. Tina57

    An "Ox" and a closer

  2. Tina57

    3 in Today 8-17

    nice, congrats!
  3. Tina57

    Very Good Day All Around

    super cool autos!
  4. Tina57

    Chalk up two more 8-16

  5. Tina57

    Larsen and PC in 8/16...

    awesome auto, great player congrats!!
  6. Tina57

    LES autos today...

    Nice autos !!
  7. Tina57

    8/16 - The Closer 86 days later

    very cool!
  8. Tina57

    8/16 - The Closer 86 days later

    very cool!
  9. Tina57

    another beauty in today :0)

    cool, congrats!
  10. Tina57

    A "Royal" return 8/16

    quick return congrats!!
  11. Tina57

    batting .500 for 8-16

    cool autos!!
  12. Tina57

    Cats at Air Hogs IP

    sounds like a wonderful time had by all. super collection of auto's too!!!
  13. Tina57

    Got these 2 today 8/16/2010

  14. Tina57

    Awesome Mail Day 8/16

    very nice collection of autos. congrats!!
  15. Tina57

    1 for 8/14

    great autos congratulations!!
  16. Tina57

    "The Phenom"

  17. Tina57

    3 TTM on 8/14/10

    super success, great autos, congratulations!
  18. Tina57

    AWSOME day @ the angels game vs blue jays

    congrats on the auto,and good job on your wifes part that is cool!!!
  19. Tina57

    The "Grich" who stole Christmas.

    Great return, congratulations.
  20. Tina57

    One Former Met on 8/14
