Search results

  1. TheProfessor

    WTTF 2021 Topps Allen & Ginter

    Hi, Roger - I'll have a bunch of these, for sure - could you possibly check the thread I started this afternoon with my stupid big wantlist for 2021 Ginter?? I'll start pulling from your list now...
  2. TheProfessor

    Thanks for all your help, everybody - mods, please close!

    Yes, they're in the initial post; I edited it so it's a bit cleared, I think - check the list out!
  3. TheProfessor

    Thanks for all your help, everybody - mods, please close!

    Yes, I do; weird thing is I opened the box with my extra regulars (about 400 of them) and pulled it out on the first try...
  4. TheProfessor

    Thanks for all your help, everybody - mods, please close!

    I'm down to ONE CARD... I need a 2021 Allen & Ginter mini black border #210 Jonathan India - that's it. Help? Will trade or buy... A&G BACK MINI HAVES 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 34 37 38 40 41 43 44 45 46 48 50 52 54 55 56 57 59 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 73...
  5. TheProfessor

    2021 Topps A&G Wanted FT/FS

    No, the regular full-size one
  6. TheProfessor

    2021 Topps A&G Wanted FT/FS

    I do have one regular Lawrence; can I make up any of the rest of the difference with PayPal? Keith
  7. TheProfessor

    2021 Topps A&G Wanted FT/FS

    Possible trade?? I have these from your list of needs: Regular minis: 24 30 34 35 43 55 61 77 80 87 98 101 112 118 188 203 211 229 264 267 310 326 328 333 336 340 World's Largest 2 4 11 World Leaders 14 17 You have these I need: Regular minis: 54 136 157 239 A&G minis 29 35 51 53 73 74 151...
  8. TheProfessor

    21 TOPPS A/G FT/FS

    Just posted; thanks!
  9. TheProfessor

    WTT/WTS 2021 A/G - 2 boxes WTT/WTS/WTTF

    Aha! I found a #15...let me know?
  10. TheProfessor

    WTT/WTS 2021 A/G - 2 boxes WTT/WTS/WTTF

    How about FFA 10 and or 12?
  11. TheProfessor

    21 TOPPS A/G FT/FS

    I need one more base #237 - would you be willing to do a PWE single trade for HH-4 Ruth, possibly? Keith
  12. TheProfessor

    WTT/WTS 2021 A/G - 2 boxes WTT/WTS/WTTF

    Sorry I disappeared for a few days; it's been an ... interesting start to the school year. Happy to trade you the Murad for the #237 regular, if you're okay with that - let me know or post up; thanks! Keith
  13. TheProfessor

    WTT/WTS 2021 A/G - 2 boxes WTT/WTS/WTTF

    I have Murad 21 (Harper) and a couple of FFA minis - 11 and 13. Do you happen to have 2 regular size #237 on hand? Thanks - Keith
  14. TheProfessor

    2021 Topps Allen & Ginter for trade

    I need a couple of 2021 Ginter regular #237 Wrangham if you have 'em. I've got these Giants Ginter foils: 2 McCovey 13 Posey 238 Basabe RC 286 Cepeda LMK if you have a minute; thanks! Keith
  15. TheProfessor

    2021 Topps A&G Wanted FT/FS

    I've got a few for you: AA 7 & 15 DSS 4 SP's 315 320 322 323 325 329 332 334 335 337 I need regulars 237 (3 of them) and 245; I'd also take any minis of any type that you can trade; don't know BV on this stuff at all, so whatever you think is fair works...LMK! Thanks - Keith
  16. TheProfessor

    Mods, please close - thanks

    Got 'em all - thanks. Hello, Benchies! It's Allen & Ginter time again... Weird collation leaves me needing these regulars: 237 Kelly Wrangham (need 2 of them) I'll happily Paypal anybody for these. LMK, and thanks! Keith
  17. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    TTT (got very busy for a while and didn't have time to check in; sorry!)
  18. TheProfessor

    2020 A&G FT

    I'll post in a minute; thanks! Keith
  19. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    Post it on up!