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  1. TheProfessor

    2020 A&G FT

    How about these Acunas? 2020 Gypsy Queen Fortune Teller 2020 Gypsy Queen regular #187 2020 Topps #150 2019 Topps Chrome Update #81 2019 Topps Bowman #78 2019 Allen & Ginter regular #25 2019 Allen & Ginter Baseball Star Signs BSS-1 That get us there?
  2. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    Hey, before I post this up - did you mean gold 143 (that's Fisk) instead of 153?
  3. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    I JUST finished that set a minute ago! Thanks for the offer; I'll go update my listing now.
  4. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    I pulled the Tino and these four Buggin' Out: 8 14 15 20 Does that balance out okay for you? Let me know, or go ahead and post it up. Thanks!
  5. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    I'm going to have to call it a day - I'll look at this tomorrow and pull some of the Buggin' Out to even things out and then run it by you...thanks!
  6. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    That works for me - I'm okay with PWE both ways, if you are; post it up if that's all right?
  7. TheProfessor

    2020 A&G FT

    Have a few of your needs, if you're willing to trade for that Astudillo auto?? Regular Ginter 9 40 70 81 108 158 171 256 Longball Lore 42 49 Not sure if you want to trade that auto for these - let me know if that's anywhere near close?? Thanks! Keith
  8. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    Posted up! Thanks!
  9. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    Would you throw me a couple of bucks for the difference? Let me know what you think - I've pulled those 9 Ways cards for you, and I'm sure we can figure something out. Thanks!
  10. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    That works for me! I'll post it up; thanks. Keith
  11. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    Works for me! I went ahead and posted it up. Thanks! Keith
  12. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    Posted! Thank you!
  13. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    Jim - I'm not sure either, and honestly don't care all that much, as long as it isn't crazy unbalanced. If you're okay with this as is, go ahead and post it up!
  14. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    GotMelky - I think I'm going to be pretty much all set for those Monsters #7 cards - thanks, though!
  15. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    Trish - all the ones you wanted were still available except for regular mini #286 - your list for me is: Black #201 monsters #7 x2 Behemoths #10 Booming # 15 Base mini #'s 35, 71, 113, 121, 173, 213, 228, 231, 237, 298 I have these for you: base mini #'s 57, 101, 134, 277, 303, 307 Gold mini...
  16. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    I'll pull these later today, Roger - I have no notion at all where we are on BV; I know the insert minis are generally $3 this year, right? Other than that, I'm off the Beckett grid pretty much completely. I'd happily accept a fair PayPal amount. Let me know what you think that is; I'll get...
  17. TheProfessor

    MODS, please close!

    (Updated Wednesday night 12/16/20) I'm going to try to wrap this up by Sunday, one way or another - just need a few Behemoths and regular minis! Thanks for all your help! Hello, Benchies - time for my annual Allen & Ginter madness. I hope these lists are clear and helpful, and hope we can...
  18. TheProfessor


    Looks good to me. Is PWE okay?
  19. TheProfessor


    No biggie - let's go with it - could you post with exactly which minis you still need? Thanks!