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  1. PitofSteel

    Review 2012 Topps Inception Football

    Eeesh I dont know about this product. But thanks for the review sir! Chris
  2. PitofSteel

    BSL Update: 2009 #12*UPDATED* info on the last 2 sims of Reg Season

    Strategy? Who needs strategy hahaha. You all finish this out because next year is the year of the.. .Wait for it.. Wait for it... THE BUCCOS!!:D
  3. PitofSteel

    BSL Update: 2009 #11

    Pirates have exported.
  4. PitofSteel

    1000 Trades has been reached!!! Thank you!!!!

    First I want to thank everyone that has helped me get to this milestone! It took a while to get here and tonight was my 1000 trade and the winner of my contest was Mike who posted this "Easy contest... 7/21/12 @ 9:34 PST" He was close on the time as well LOL!! But once again thank you to...
  5. PitofSteel

    Mini Lot for Sale GQ Minis, Goodwin Champs, A&G $11!!!

    I have the following lot of Minis for sale. Will Sell the entire lot for $11 dlvd. 2011 Goodwin Champions Lady Luck Mini Cynthia Cooper (Basketball) 2011 Goodwin Champions Lady Luck Mini Derrick Favors(Basketball) 2011 Goodwin Champions Mini Mike Smith (Jockey) 2011 A&G Mini Step Right Up...
  6. PitofSteel

    2012 Gypsy Queen & Tier One

    Hey there is the Hanrahan still available? I have a Matt Kemp A&G game used if your interested. I know you were looking for an auto but lmk if we can work something out. Thanks Chris
  7. PitofSteel

    10 packs ginter 1 pack 11 platinum and 1 10 platinum nice hit

    Robby what kind of value on the Cano? I have a Maclin Topps Mayo auto if your interested to start. LMK Thanks Chris
  8. PitofSteel

    Todays Sim

    Pirates have exported! Thanks again Nick for all your help last night getting this bad boy loaded up and such!
  9. PitofSteel

    2011 Gypsy Queen Mini Lot For Sale with Gypsy Backs

    I have the following lot for sale which include the GQ Backs as well. Looking for $20 dlvd for them. The lot includes the following numbers 329.325.311.
  10. PitofSteel

    You better Watch Out!

    Isnt that the truth!!:p Nah I like the software program now the other way just didnt keep my attention for some reason. I need things to be moving bright lights, fires, thunder etc:D You know kinda like the Buccos!! :D
  11. PitofSteel

    You better Watch Out!

    After alot of arm twisting and so forth I decided to take the Buccos over and take them to being an elite team:D Im pretty darn excited about it and glad to get everything downloaded and such. Just waiting for a couple minor things that Nick is helping out with. Good luck! Chris