Search results

  1. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Bob, Thanks for the reminder. I have a couple of card show buddies looking for me and I'll see them again this Saturday. Not sure if they have anything you listed but they are looking for stuff and I can let you know what they find. Greg
  2. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Ooops, sorry about the name mix up. No problem on the trade. Maybe next time, I can make a bigger dent for you. Greg
  3. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    I'm pretty sure I could come up with a few, especially in the 80s and some in the 70s. Unfortunately, without numbers, I'm not going to be able to search through the boxes I have to pull out. Is there any way you can get me some numbers on the cards you don't have? Greg
  4. Gstoke

    Wttf:Set Needs 1990 Skybox-92-93 UD-93-94 Skybox-94-95 Flair-95-96 Stadium Club..

    Will, I should have most of those. I have set wants in BB, BK and FB I can send to you on an MSWord document. PM me an email address and I can send them to you. Greg
  5. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks to everyone for your patience. I believe I have everyone's wantlist pulled and answered. If not, please let me know. I do want to look at it and see if we can make a trade. Good news is there has been over 20,000 cards exchange hands so far and more on the way. Way more than I...
  6. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Thanks to everyone for your patience. I believe I have everyone's wantlist pulled and answered. If not, please let me know. I do want to look at it and see if we can make a trade. Good news is there has been over 20,000 cards exchange hands so far and more on the way. Way more than I...
  7. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Paul, Thank you for your patience. I finsihed looking through your lists and only came up with 3 cards: 1998 Bowman's Best: 190 Todd Walker. 1995 Leaf: 358 Marty Cordova. 2001 Upper Deck Pros and Prospects: 34 Brad Radke. My own list is kind of huge so if you can find a fair trade from...
  8. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Paul, Thanks for your patirence. Came up with the following from you list: 1976 Topps: 227(10/90), 232(30/70-soft corners), 652(10/90). 1988 Topps Traded: 9, 17, 21, 22, 23, 27, 33, 34, 35, 38, 44, 52, 67, 92, 95, 106, 110, 130. 1990 Topps Traded: 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18,19, 23, 24...
  9. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks for replying. I have wantlists on MSWord but I will need an email address to attach them to. Also, my inventory is mostly base set, organized by year, set and card number. I will need a wantlist that gives me the card numbers in order to pull any I have for you.
  10. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi, Checked the wantlists but was not able to come up with anything. Most of my inventory is base set from 1981-date. LMK if there are any base sets I can help you with. Greg
  11. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Here's what I found: 1983 Fleer Team Action: 49. 1988 Topps: 350(soft corners), 351, 358. 1989 Pro Set: 409-421, 515. Greg
  12. Gstoke

    300,000 basketball to trade for my set wants

    I'll need an email address so I can attach an MSWord document to it. Plus, my inventory is organized by year, set and then card number so I would need the specific card numbers you are looking for. Greg
  13. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Dust is starting to settle but is still a little cloudy. But, I should have responded to you earlier than this. Sorry. I will look through your wants this weekend and let you know. Feel free to remind me by Sunday night. Greg
  14. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Might be easier if I look at the card show this weekend. I'll let you know but feel to remind me if you don't hear from me by Sunday night. Greg
  15. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Iain, Do you have an email address I can attach them to. Set wants alone total over 150 pages for the three sports. Feel free to PM me the addy. Greg
  16. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Responded. Thanks, Greg
  17. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Bob, My inventory is organized by year, set and then number. If you can get me numbers, I can check them for you but I wouldn't have anything hard to get. Greg
  18. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Only card I could find was the 1982 Topps FB#249 (Steve Largent) - sharp corners. I'm still working on that set as well. Here are my wants: 1982 Topps: 14, 105, 124, 178, 199-206, 208, 209, 211, 212, 215, 218-222, 225-227, 229, 234-237, 239-242, 257-260, 262-265, 267-271, 273-278, 280...
  19. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    The only card I have is 1979 Fleer Team Action#53. Go ahead and send me your other wants and I'll check them out. Greg