Search results

  1. Gstoke

    300,000 basketball to trade for my set wants

    Checked your set wants and could only find 1993-94 Upper Deck Electric Court#173. Do you have any sets you haven't started yet in any of the three sports? Greg
  2. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    You're welcome, Billy and thank you. Cards are on their way. Greg
  3. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Steve, Thanks for the response but I was unable to find anything off your list. Most of my stuff is base. LMK if there is anything I can look for. Greg
  4. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Hi Billy, That works. Go ahead and post it and I'll get your cards out in the mail. Greg
  5. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Bob, I was unable to get any hits off your list. Most of my stuff is base set. LMK if there is anything else I can look for. Greg
  6. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Dan, I was unable to come up with any hits off your post. LMK if there is anything else I can look for. Greg
  7. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi, I have set wants in BB, BK and FB. Except for BK on SCF under GStoke, they are not on the net. I do have MSWord docs if you want to send me an email address. Greg
  8. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Kevin, Was only able to find a few: 2002 Upper Deck: 705. 2002 Upper Deck Victory: 442. 2003 Playoff Prestige: 155. 2005 Donruss Greats: 52. I am still working on many, many sets. here is one of them. Go ahead and pick what you think is a fair trade and LMK: 2002 Upper Deck: 1-17, 19-24...
  9. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Went through your wants and came up with the following: 1988 Topps: 88. 1990 Fleer Soaring Stars: 8, 12. I've got those sets filled but I'm still working on 1993 Topps. See if you can find a fair trade out of that and LMK. If you need other wants, I can post more or send you a 55 page MSWord...
  10. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    NOTE: I had 4 PMs deleted before I could read them. If you sent me a PM between 1am this morning and now (13:47pm) Pacific Standard time, please PM me again.
  11. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    NOTE: I had 4 PMs deleted before I could read them. If you sent me a PM between 1am this morning and now (13:45pm) pacific standard time, please PM me again.
  12. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Hi Matt, I've got the following from your list: baseball: 2010 Topps Update: 83, 96, 131, 208, 217, 229, 245, 277, 284. football: 1990 Topps: 200, 229, 372, 429, 491. 1991 Topps: 14, 38, 68, 125, 130, 164, 256, 287, 334, 357, 389, 407, 465, 478, 481, 494, 501, 507, 508, 523, 526, 529, 609...
  13. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    My inventory is set up by year, set and then number. If you have a list that I can pull from like that, I can take a look at it. From Mom-Wed, I get hit harder by work than anything else. Thursday is a day off so I can catch up (Though I get to go in on my day off for a meeting) Fleer are...
  14. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks, Joe. Responded back to you. Found more than 400 cards. We can either call it a trade at 400 or see about increasing it. Greg
  15. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks Steve, I'll head over there and email you my wantlist now. When I get yours, I'll check it out and see what I can do. Greg
  16. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks Ray, I'll head over there later today and finish my end. Greg
  17. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks Beachbum, I was only able to find the following: 1985 Fleer: 101, 140, 223, 234, 409. which only come to $1.25 in trade value. I've got them set aside for you in case we can work something out. LMK. Greg
  18. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Thanks, Wayne. I have the following from your wants: 1994 Topps: 52(2), 70(2), 86, 87, 93(2), 107(2), 114(2), 135(2), 136, 143(2), 144(2), 145(2), 156(2), 157(2), 159(2), 182(2), 191(2), 199(2), 207(2), 214, 220(2), 230, 232(2), 251(2), 258, 271(2), 283(2), 284(2), 315(2). The only wantpage if...
  19. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Thanks, I'm heading over their later today to catch up. Greg
  20. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Hi George, I looked over your post and your want page and couldn't find anything. LMK if there is anything else I can look for you. Greg