Search results

  1. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Hi Chief, I've got the following from your wantlists: FOOTBALL: 1973 Topps: 23 EX 1992 Stadium Club: 666. BASKETBALL: 1995-96 Flair: 42, 88, 133, 1995-96 Stadium Club: 119. 1996-97 Skybox Premium: 85, 122. 1966-97: 13. 1997-98 Collector's Choice Bullseye: B18. 1997-98 Skybox Premium: 224...
  2. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    I only found a few from your list but here they are: 1994 Topps: 160, 553. 1997 Topps: 23, 102, 225, 230, 270, 315, 330. 2000 Topps: 377. I'm still working on the 1997 set myself My wants are below. Pick what you think is a fair trade and send me your address: 1997 Topps: 1-5, 8, 10, 12...
  3. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Thanks. Just realized I sent you my BB set wants. When you write back, remind me to send you my FB wants and I'll reply with them. Greg
  4. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Hi George, Didn't have any from your post but I did find a few from your home page: BASEBALL: 1972T: 90 EX 1973T: 329 VG-EX (fuzzy corners) 1973T: 447 VG-EX (two fuzzy corners) I'm still working on those sets as well. here are my wants for those: 1972 Topps: 1, 2, 4, 7-10, 12, 13, 18a...
  5. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Yes, here are a few more that should help finish the trade: 1998 Collector’s Choice: 2-7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16-23, 25-31, 35, 36, 39-58, 60-69, 71-74, 76-95, 98-110, 114-117, 120, 121, 123-131, 133-150, 152-156, 160, 163-170, 172-174, 176-178, 180, 182, 183, 185-201, 208-230, 232, 234-238...
  6. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Wasn't able to find any. LMK if there is anything else I can look for. Greg
  7. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks for the response. Looked through your list but wasn't able to find anything. LMK if there is anything else I can look for. Greg
  8. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks for the response but I wasn't able to find anything from your list. LMK if there is anything else I can look for. Greg
  9. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Aaron, Went through your list and didn't find any. Most of my stuff is base singles. LMK if there is anything else I can look for. Greg
  10. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Anton, I've pulled about 400 cards so far with more to go. I'll send you an email with my BB set wants attached. You can let me know how much more I'll need to pull. I also have set wants in BK and FB as well. Greg
  11. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Looked at your list but was not able to find any (though I do have some in those years). LMK if you start another set or if I can help you with a trade with someone else. Greg
  12. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks for the response. It may take me a couple of days to go through it all. I'll let you know what I can find. Greg
  13. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks Ray, Found the following for you. Cards are NM unless noted 1974 Topps#209 (one corner dinged. Two corners lightly dinged.) 1993 Fun Packs#74. 1994 Ted Williams#124. 1995 UC3#83. 1996 Summit#173. 1996 Leaf Preferred#98. 1998 Thunder#92. 1998 Dugout Access#42. My whole list of wants...
  14. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Will send you an email shortly with what I pulled from your list. I was able to fill a 400 count box.
  15. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Thanks to everyone for a great response. I'm heading out of town for a family dinner and will be back later tonight to start pulling and answering new replies.
  16. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Thanks to everyone for a great response. I'm heading out of town for a family dinner and will be back later tonight to start pulling and answering new replies.
  17. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Hi Chief, Looking at your list, I should have quite a few. I'll pull what I have and get back to you with a list no later than tomorrow.
  18. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Thanks Billy, I pull what I have for you( I should have a few) and let you what I have with my list no later than tomorrow.
  19. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Ray, Looking at your list, I should have several. I'll get them pulled and send you a list of what I have no later than tomorrow.
  20. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Hi Adrian, Looking at your wantlist I should have quite a few. Have not been to the football site to see if you replied to me there but I should have some there as well. Will get back to you no later than tomorrow with a list. My set wants have been emailed to you.