Search results

  1. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    jflan702, Was not able to find any. LMK if there are any others I can look for.
  2. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    The only one I had was the 2011#US160, VIctor Martinez. Go ahead and send me your address and I'll mail it out to you - no trade needed in return. I do have quite a few 1972 Topps if you want to send me your wantlist. Plus, I will next have a card show in a couple of weeks. I might be able...
  3. Gstoke

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    Most are base set from 1981-date. Post your set wants and I'll return mine. My whole set wants list is over 50 pages on MSWord if you want to see it.
  4. Gstoke

    300,000 basketball to trade for my set wants

    Most of them are base from 1989-date. Post your set wants and I'll return mine. My whole set want list is over 50 pages on MSWord if you want to see it.
  5. Gstoke

    100,000 FB cards to trade for my FB set wants.

    Most of my to trade is 1981-date. Post a wantlist for your set and I'll return mine. (My own list is 55 pages long on MSWord if you want to see it.)
  6. Gstoke

    Updated: All Hoops Wants (4,023 Base Needs!)

    Have several thousand in all years total. Willing to trade for what I need to fill sets. LMK what you are still looking for. Greg