Search results

  1. nbritton70

    Thrillseeker wins Playoff in last post September Three Strike Contest

    game 1 rangers Game 2 missed Game 3: White Sox Game 4: Dodgers Game 5: Giants Game 6: Angels
  2. nbritton70

    WTT/s Randy Keisler OMLB Auto

    Picture is available through email/text. I received this at a redsox./yankees game during batting practice when I was a kid. The baseball is very used, however autograph still looks good. I know he is not a big name player but maybe someone collects Signed OMLB, just looking to cover shipping...
  3. nbritton70

    mm1sub wins August Three Strikes Contest see last post

    hello and thanks again! game 1 padres L game 2 texas 3 - Pirates 4 - Tampa Bay 5 - Red Sox
  4. nbritton70

    Help With Tom Brady Autographs

    thank you!
  5. nbritton70

    Help With Tom Brady Autographs

    whats the best website to get autographs authenticated?PSA?
  6. nbritton70

    Help With Tom Brady Autographs

    ttt please
  7. nbritton70

    Help With Tom Brady Autographs

    Hello I have two top Brady autographs that I got in person and can verify them authentic. I am looking to sell these for profit, 1 is on a CIC and is just his autograph. Another is on a cover of a patriots program (with 15+ other players) and this autogprah is from his rookie year and is rare...
  8. nbritton70

    2003 New England Patriots Autograph Custom Index cards for sale.. 19 autographs for$4

    Just cleaning out my autographs I got when I was a kid. These are all on custom index cards that say 2003 New Englaand Patriots Training Camp at top. None of them are in great condition, however all autographs are readable. Looking to sell as a lot Ken Kocher NT 94 Rick Lyle NT/DE 96 & Ted...
  9. nbritton70

    Review TOPPS ATTAX MLB Game - Contest....

    Thnak you very much!! got them today
  10. nbritton70

    HOF 1983 Topps TRIFECTA!

    congrats elbert!
  11. nbritton70

    Review TOPPS ATTAX MLB Game - Contest....

    1. Winner of Rays V. Indians - May 27th -- Rays 2. Score of game -- 5 - 3 3. In the event of a tie, # of Home Runs (combined both teams during the game.) 2 HR's hit