Search results

  1. R

    82 Donruss baseball set needs

    I can supply a few hundred mint cond. Seliing only, commons .04 each plus postage If interested let me know.
  2. R

    Looking for these Darrell Evans and Dwight Evans Cards

    Darrell Evans PM sent.
  3. R

    ANY Yankees Vintage Wanted!

    PM sent.
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    PM sent. Roland
  5. R

    Sets Where I Need Just A Few Cards To Finish

    PM sent.Roland
  6. R

    2001 Topps Golden Ann. needed (2) BUY or TRADE

    Golden Ann. PM sent. Roland
  7. R

    Looking for 1970 Topps

    1970 Wants PM sent. Forgot to mention selling only.
  8. R

    1974 and 1975 wantlists

    PM sent. Roland
  9. R

    '74, '76 and '80 Wantlists (Any Condition)

    PM sent. Roland
  10. R

    Fs - league leader cards 1961-1978

    The following League Leader cards from 1961 to 1978 are for sale only (not trading). If interested in any, will send scans and prices, need your email address to send scans. Any questions ask. Postage depends on no. of cards sent, need zip code for postage. Roland 1961 41 NL Bat...
  11. R

    Fs - league leader cards 1961-1978

    The following League Leader cards from 1961 to 1978 are for sale only (not trading). If interested in any, will send scans and prices, need your email address to send scans. Any questions ask. Postage depends on no. of cards sent, need zip code for postage. Roland 1961 41 NL Bat...
  12. R

    Fs - league leader cards 1961-1978

    The following League Leader cards from 1961 to 1978 are for sale only (not trading). If interested in any, will send scans and prices, need your email address to send scans. Any questions ask. Postage depends on no. of cards sent, need zip code for postage. Roland 1961 41 NL Bat Mays/Clemente...
  13. R

    WTTF 1986 Sportflics

    PM sent.