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  1. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    Wow. Sound awesome but I don't know what value to put on it either. probably 200 or so
  2. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    I will take a look and see what I need. What are you looking for in return
  3. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    Sorry about the delay in response. I am taking a summer calculus class and it is kicking my trash. It is finals week as well so time has been limited. I will try to get to this tonight. Thanx for being patient Dave
  4. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    Saw some I could use. What are you looking for in return? Dave
  5. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    Currently sitting at 1561. Getting closer
  6. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    David K. : Received my end today. Thanx for the help Dave
  7. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    Confirmed. Thanx again for the help. Dave
  8. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    Works for me. Go ahead and post it up. Pwe ok?
  9. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    potvin48: I am taking my kids to swim lessons so will look at the stuff after lunch. Everyone else: pm sent
  10. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    stlshoeman & topaz77: pm sent David K: I don't have a wantlist made up because I still need about 14,000 cards. Sorry
  11. J

    Wttf griffey....looking to hit 1600 before school starts!

    I'm off on summer break from teaching so figured now would be a great time to expand my Griffey PC. I'm hoping to hit 1600 different Griffey's before I have to go back to work. There's way too many missing so just send a list of what you have. Looking for base, inserts, #'d (especially 08 SPX...
  12. J

    Holy Autograph Tradelist Batman!

    list updated with trade. keep em coming
  13. J

    Holy Autograph Tradelist Batman!

    List updated with trades. Keep em coming
  14. J

    Holy Autograph Tradelist Batman!

    bucCollector: sorry, I'm really only looking for certified pack pulled autos and didn't really see any that I could use. Thanx for the inquiry though. heboAlan: The only specific thing I collect are hofer autos. Otherwise I will look through lists and see if anything catches my eye.
  15. J

    Holy Autograph Tradelist Batman!

    Looks like there is 14,000 items to look through and don't have that much time. Do you just have a list of autographs for trade?
  16. J

    Holy Autograph Tradelist Batman!

    Teaching is done for Summer and I finally have some time to trade. This is just my Basketball Autograph posting. If you want other cards as well let me know. Primarily looking for baseball and football autos in return but will also look at basketball as well. Please list what you like from me...