Search results

  1. Shortbus12

    Magazines for sale

    I have Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News, Golf Digest, Dallas Cowboys Weekly and maybe a few others from the 1980's-1990's. I think there are a few 1970's Sports Illustrated. Looking to sell them all. I have about five (5) large boxes filled with magazines and I want them all gone...
  2. Shortbus12

    Card Collector Program

    Does anyone still use the Card Collector Program? I've been inputting all data for the cards I've collected ever since Beckett screwed them in 2016. The problem is when my computer recently updated, the new update won't let me run the program. When I click on the icon, the thing will spin...
  3. Shortbus12

    Vintage Beater Cards

    I have these beater cards available. Looking to trade for anything off my Want List. If you want to buy them, make me an offer. 1960 Topps- 378 (F), 380 (F, Hole) 1969 Topps- 387 (VG) Topps- Deckle Edge- 13 (P) 1970 Topps- 26 (P), 54 (F), 83 (P), 276 (VG), 283 (F), 315...
  4. Shortbus12

    Trading Basketball for Baseball cards

    I just added a bunch of basketball cards to my website that I would love to trade for baseball cards. LMK if you'd like to trade for something. Paul
  5. Shortbus12

    Trading Football for Baseball cards

    I just added a ton of football cards to my website that I would love to trade for baseball cards. Let me know if you'd like to trade for anything. Paul
  6. Shortbus12

    Trading Hockey for Baseball

    I have a few Hockey cards I would love to get rid of for any of my baseball wants. LMK if you'd like anything. Paul
  7. Shortbus12

    Want List and Trade List from 1952-Present

    Hello all, I upgraded my website from Free to Upgrade and it locked up my pages. So, I am listing everything here. Trade List 1933 Goudey- Reprint- Unknown year- Napolean Lajoie 1956 Topps- 60 Poor 1962 Topps- 365 (VG, creases, writing) 1963 Topps- 37, 53, 109, 114 1967 Topps- 152 VG...
  8. Shortbus12

    All-Stars and HOF'ers for Trade

    I went through a bucket of about 10,000 cards and came across these All-Stars and Hall of Famers. I'm looking for anything off my Want List. Greg Maddux- 1993 Upper Deck- 535 Tony Gwynn- 1991 Fleer- 529 Joe Carter- 1993 Score- 506 Randy Johnson- 1993 Score- 384 x2 Ozzie Guillen- 1991 Upper...
  9. Shortbus12

    1952-Present Topps Baseball Wanted

    My lists updated as of 3/7/25. I've added a page with the list of all cards listed by player.
  10. Shortbus12

    Diamond Cast Cards????

    What is the big deal about the DCC cards? I've seen some on ebay for $.99 and I've seen some for up to $75. I know there are people out there trying to make a lot of money off cards, so I'm assuming that's why they have them up so high. I got a 2011 DCC Torii Hunter through the Diamond...