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  1. M

    the absolute holy GRAIL Jordan card, you'll never believe where I found it!

    Hey All, Can you believe I found this under my bed last year, after cracking it open in a pack 28 years ago? Teenage-me received the pack as a birthday present from my dad. The pack had an insert that I had to sign and mail out. Many months later, after assuming it got lost in the mail (with no...
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  5. M

    Selling 1996 Upper Deck UD3 Michael Jordan (Court Commemorative Autograph) #C1 BGS Gem Mint 9.5

    Hi All, I’m selling a Michael Jordan autograph card that I opened in a pack as a kid in 1996. I had to send away for the card (and as a kid in ‘96 without a computer, there was not much hope on whether anything would be sent back to me). After an extremely long wait (the woman I had phoned told...