Search results

  1. K

    2004 Fleer Patchworks "Rookies" Baseball

    I am currently looking for 4 cards to finish off a 2004 Fleer Patchworks set. They are all rookie cards and are in the rookie's section (#91 to #110) after the basic set (#1 - #90). The cards I need are: "2004 Fleer Patchworks "Rookies" Baseball:" #95 - Don Kelly #97 - Greg Dobbs #101 - Graham...
  2. K

    2004 Fleer Patchworks Baseball

    Hello all. I am new to The Bench. I started collecting baseball cards in 1967 and I am still collecting them today. I retired 3 years ago and spent four months organizing and cataloging my collection. I love building sets, and I have used eBay and a few local card shops for finding what I am...