Search results

  1. DCNats

    WTTF 2002-04 Topps Total

    PM sent.
  2. DCNats

    Set Needs

    Jeff, I don't think I have any more for you. I am happy with what you propose in return, and I will post the transaction. Thanks, Anton.
  3. DCNats

    Set Needs

    dubby25 - I have the following from your list: 1984 Topps - 202, 502 1985 Topps - 323, 459, 513, 716, 761 2000 Upper Deck - 397, 423, 540 2001 Upper Deck - 4, 20, 64, 88, 91, 116, 136, 139, 145, 194, 199, 223, 306, 323 2002 Upper Deck - 170, 265, 325 My want list is up to date. Thanks, Anton.
  4. DCNats

    WTTF: Set Needs; 2005 Topps Turkey Red & 2002 Topps

    I have 2002 Topps 95 99 240 332 and 338 for you. I am looking for help with set wants at Thanks, Anton.
  5. DCNats

    1985-1997 Baseball for Set Builders

    I have some football cards to trade for baseball from 1985-1997. Will send PM shortly. Anton.
  6. DCNats

    100,000 BB cards to trade for my set wants

    I am a set collector, too. Please email me your wants document. My wants are listed on my site at Thanks, Anton.