Some recent progress, and plans moving forward.

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Bench Founder
5.00 star(s)
Bench Founder
Sep 30, 2002
New Jersey
With social media being a part of most people's lives. We are going to utilize these avenues to help the site and it's members.

There will be more of a presence on facebook and twitter from our official page. A few of the member involved spotlights will be geared towards TTM success, Gallery images and Super Collector status. You do not need to do anything different, just keep doing what you are doing and the social media team will handle the rest. Don't have card images in the gallery yet? load them up! Maybe it could be your card we feature and someone out there wants it. Same goes for your TTM mail days, post your images on your threads.

SC - has been around for a long time now, and soon will have a new way to feature your collections.

TOTM (Trader of the Month) - FIND OUT June 6th

Chat box (top of site) was removed and a new real time chatroom was installed. The chat bar is located on the bottom of the screen. Chatroom can be opened on the left side and the Who's online list can be used to instant message a member.

Also Bench Bucks Redemption's have been getting mailed out, sorry for the long delay. I didn't want to make Topps look bad so I was delaying them, just like the card companies do.

Do you have an idea for the site? The Mod team is always open to discussing whatever is brought up, they might not all come to fruition but it's always good to hear new ideas.