2011 Topps Finest UFC
Per Box Items:
2 mini-boxes
6 packs per mini-box
5 cards per pack
3 autographs or relics per mini box
Topps UFC Products (as of this writing, no sell sheet for Finest available)
The standard sized cards feature a full-color action shot of the fighter superimposed over a silver-metallic background. There is a chin-link fence graphic in the corners of the card front. The action shot is bordered in an elongated red and black octagon graphic. The set logo, fighter name, and weight class all adorn the card front. The card backs are photo-less and feature the same graphics just without the metallic sheen. There is basic biographical information and lengthy career highlights and accomplishments. Several of the cards or orientated horizontally. the backs of these cards are designed to match.
What I pulled:
61 cards
3 duplicates
35/100 base set cards = 35% of the base set
1 Unlocked code card
1 Autograph redemption
3 event used relics
1 serial numbered refractor relic
1 autograph
8 refractors #/888
2 Atomic refractors
6 other refractors # from 88, 28, and 388
Base card front and back:

The Inserts: (not all scanned)
Atomic Refractor Die-Cut Lesner and Penn
Refractor #/888 6, 19, 55, 80, 85, 94, 97, 98
Gold Refractor #/88 Miller
X-Factor #/388 48, 85, 99
Finest Moment #/388 Faber
Finest Moment Refractor #/288 Brookens

The Hits:
Finest Threads Schaub
Mat Relic Leben
Finest Treads Madsen
Finest Threads Refractor #/188 Miller
Finest Fighters Kampmann Autograph
Finest Fighters Cerone Redemption

I love Topps Finest products. I always have and always will. I love the designs, the refractors and inserts. Any year, any sport, I will find myself gravitating toward a box of Finest over titles. Of all of the products Topps send me to review, this is one I was really hoping to get a chance to. I have to admit I was surprised though to pull three base duplicates. It has been a while since I have pulled any duplicates from any Topps product, let alone a mid range product. For as much as I love the design and the good quality though, Finest UFC does have a couple of drawbacks. All of the cards have will have the infamous 'chrome curl.' The card edges and corner seem prone to chip and ding easily. Then there is the autograph redemption. I admit I know nothing of production timelines and autograph turnaround times, but there are usually a couple of month between fights where guys are training at their home base. I would think that there would be lots of time to sign the cards and return them. It is not like there is a several month season and an off season the fighters and Topps would have to contend with. For every collector though, I find that we all have that one special set that we always like and will always buy. Topps Finest products are that product for me!
The Bottom Line:
I give 2011 Topps Finest UFC a buy rating. Plan on three master boxes (six mini-boxes) for a chance at the complete set. Several tiers of cards to chase will be fun. Go buy a master box and trade your Lesner cards to me!
The Final Score:
Final Ratings (Out of 5):
Base set collect-ability: 2/5
Big-hit Hunter: 4/5
Prospector Hunter: NA
Overall Design: 5/5
Fun: 5/5
Value: 4/5
Re-buy: 5/5
Overall Quality: 4/5
Overall: 29/35 (83% = B)
Topps sent me this box to review for Baseball Digest. I am also offering base and insert cards to members of The Bench for a SASE.
Thanks to Topps for making this review possible!
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