well i have busted a total of 11 boxes of this product going after the donruss signature set and all the parallels of the diamond kings just like i did in 05 i sent in all the wrappers for the last 3 rated rookies of the set and got 6 back the other day and figured i would open 1 for the cards to put in my set and trade out the rest or sell the packs ...... well after discussing things with my best friend in the world he kinda talked me into opening them all to see if i was a lucky one and get the japanese font version of tanaka ................ nothing i was about to just say to heck with it sell the last pack or 2 but the fever got me and the last pack of the 6 ..... yielded me the sweet japanese font ......... thank you ZLW I guess i kinda owe you one for twisting my arm so bad ....... it went straight to my set so i can say it is a true complete set .... maybe i can get real lucky and get another when the other 5 packs arrive