Jack Voigt 1994 Score, 1994 Score Gold Rush, 1995 Donruss
c/o home
Nevin Ashley 2008 Bowman Chrome BCP189
c/o Montgomery Buscuits
Greg Colbrunn 1991 Topps, 1996 UD
c/o Charlston River Dogs
addresses added or updated in database
off-site trade and purchase:
1987 Topps Bobby Thigpen, Dave Anderson, Graig Nettles, Steve Lyons,Kurt Stillwell, Terry Puhl,Ed Wojna, and Ron Robinson
c/o home
Nevin Ashley 2008 Bowman Chrome BCP189
c/o Montgomery Buscuits
Greg Colbrunn 1991 Topps, 1996 UD
c/o Charlston River Dogs
addresses added or updated in database
off-site trade and purchase:
1987 Topps Bobby Thigpen, Dave Anderson, Graig Nettles, Steve Lyons,Kurt Stillwell, Terry Puhl,Ed Wojna, and Ron Robinson
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