I finally got around to sending out almost 60 requests after taking time to focus on classes. Here's what I got back so far.
(Thursday) Matt Thornton 3/3, 5 days
(Today) John McDonald 3/3, 9 days
Phil Nevin 3/3, 9 days
Wade Boggs 5/3, 9 days (with $10 donation)
+ I sent him 3 cards and a check addressed to him, and got the cards back along with 2 HOF postcards (he only put HOF 05 on the postcards). I saw a post on SCN that someone just so happened to send 2 HOF postcards and didn't get either of them back. I contacted him to see what's up.
(Thursday) Matt Thornton 3/3, 5 days
(Today) John McDonald 3/3, 9 days
Phil Nevin 3/3, 9 days
Wade Boggs 5/3, 9 days (with $10 donation)
+ I sent him 3 cards and a check addressed to him, and got the cards back along with 2 HOF postcards (he only put HOF 05 on the postcards). I saw a post on SCN that someone just so happened to send 2 HOF postcards and didn't get either of them back. I contacted him to see what's up.