BSL: Need nominations for league presidents for 09/10 seasons

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5.00 star(s)
Oct 19, 2005
Duluth, MN
BSL Rules said:
B. League Presidents.
1. Two (2) positions available, one in each league.
2. Peer or Self-nominated, voted in by respective league.
3. Each president can step down at any time. A replacement for the remainder of the year will be appointed by the commissioner.
4. The term is for two years. A "year" ends after a World Series is played. An infinite number of terms can be held by one individual.
5. Responsibilities
a. Have vote in high-level league issues when deemed necessary by commissioner.
b. Be the voice of his/her league concerning rules and other issues. League members should approach their president with issues/ideas if the commissioner is not available.
c. Each president holds a spot on the league trade committee which is comprised of the comissioner and two presidents for a total of 3 members.
d. Other duties as assigned by commissioner

Ed will be leaving the league due to personal time constraints.

As stated above Team owners can serve as many terms as League president as long as they are willing to accept the office.

Please shoot out some nominations for league presidents.
I would like to nominate myself again, since Ed beat me last time..

If not, I will also second Steph(Yankees) and Heath(Cardinals)..

Checking in...
I would like to second the nomination for kendalld99(Toronto) and nominate JamesNevans(SF Giants) to a second term
Ill nominate Cory KC Royals in AL and Chris Brewers in NL or Pat lol he doesnt have anything better to do at work!
While I appreciate the nominations I will have I respectfully decline. The majority of my free time is spent taking care of my pop pop's estate and making sure my grandmother is taken care of. At this point I don't have the time to be president but I appreciate the nominations :)