Buckets!!! Why I don't do buckets.

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5.00 star(s)
Mar 28, 2010
New Jersey
I understand the benefits of having a bucket. They can be a great tool for trading. I don't do buckets and a recent thread response triggered something in me that I have to share. This is not to target anyone in particular, just to make those aware that suggest "Check My Bucket" to be considerate.
I offered a card recently, provided a picture of the card in the thread. One of the responses I received was " I have a Game Used ...(players name), check my bucket!". OK, I have in my signature that I don't check buckets but what the heck, I'll take a look. Well, I get to this bucket and notice there are 120 pictures in the file and the first picture I see is this:

120 of these things where I would have to go through all of them to find the one card your offering me!
If your going to offer a card up from a bucket, why not offer a link or picture of it so I don't have to waste my time searching. After all, it is YOU that wants a card from me. It is only being considerate.
Just a suggestion in making trading more fun and easy. I don't mean to start a fight but if your starting a new bucket, please post 1 picture per file and label it well. Thanks, Mike
my exact thoughts mike.

i admit, i have a few scans with mutliple cards in one scan, and alot of times you can't make out the names or any detail on those cards, which is why i don't like looking thru buckets either.

but for the most part, i do one card at a time, and i've been trying to at least add the players name and alphabetize for easier searches.

if you'd like to take a look and critique my efforts, i'd appreciate it :)

Since you asked for a critique Paul, I would not go through your photobucket. Your first page gives first impressions and the only 2 cards that I could make out were the two Ichiro's. If all cards were labelled and posted 1 per scan, I wouldn't mind going through buckets. You have a few pictures labelled "fantasy Prizes". I would have made a album called "Fantasy Prizes" and then listed the cards 1 per page with each labelled with year/make/name of player as file name. I hope this helps. I am sure there are others that would like to see this practice but it IS a lot of work. That's why I don't have a bucket! LOL!
The best way to do it is like my Picasa link below (which blows buckets out of the water anyways)

I scan one card at a time. Players name is at the top and if you click on the pic and it expands there is a description of the card along with the BV when I looked it up. I dislike multiple images in a scan as it is very hard to look at. One other thing I dislike are single scans that are posted sideways. What is so hard about rotating it to the correct position ? Also I know there are some people who do not have scanners and use a camera to post the pics. Most time they are very difficult to make out. No offense to those that do that but it would help if the players name is at the top and some kind of card info in the discription box.

One note on my photo bucket home page were it shows what has been recently scanned.
That is my starting page and things then get moved to the proper location and then taggged.
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I hate buckets. I don't mind seeing pictures, but not if I can't get information about the card. What's the year? What's the card number? What's the value? Is it a real or fascimile signature? Who's the player? Is it a Refractor or does the Chome card just shine? For that matter, is it the Topps base or is it the Chome? These are just some of my problems with buckets, but looking at dozens of pictures takes more time than reading through lists or using the CTRL-F function to highlight specifics I'm looking for is more effective than anything a picture can give.
Cory and Rich, High Grades to you both. Your albums were very inviting and I would have no problems with those. very Nice! As a matter of fact, Cory, Your album was so inviting that I went perusing. You have an auto that is on my priority Mets list and would love to trade for it. I believe the Huber you have is a 2002 Bowman number 176. Would love a chance at it. See what a nice album gets...
I can help with your 2012 Heritage and Topps inserts needs. Not sure if you'd want to do those for an auto as I know some traders won't do that...LMK
Beautiful albums Guys!

James, I am right there with you Brother!
I hate buckets. I don't mind seeing pictures, but not if I can't get information about the card. What's the year? What's the card number? What's the value? Is it a real or fascimile signature? Who's the player? Is it a Refractor or does the Chome card just shine? For that matter, is it the Topps base or is it the Chome? These are just some of my problems with buckets, but looking at dozens of pictures takes more time than reading through lists or using the CTRL-F function to highlight specifics I'm looking for is more effective than anything a picture can give.

Same here. Could not have said it better.
As James said, the picture isn't worth much unless you know the card info. Year, set, card no. etc. Many of the pictures that I've seen, I can't even read the name of the player.
I recently was criticized here for having the statement in my sig line that I "no longer check buckets". I had too many issues with a) the item they thought they had in their bucket wasn't there & b) there wasn't a single one of my likes/needs available/listed in their buckets & c) some buckets were so disorganized it was impossible to make heads or tails of what was for trade and what wasn't.
Isn't it just courteous to actually list the cards you have to offer to the person you are trying to work a deal with? And if you have a link to an image, that's even better.
I like to think my Bucket is set up right. Set #, Players name, year, set, in that order, Up-to-date, 1 card per scan (accept for a few from 8 or so years ago). Though I have had Terrible experiences with buckets before, like you guys.
................Some people.
Mike!! Grade my Bucket!
I like to think my Bucket is set up right. Set #, Players name, year, set, in that order, Up-to-date, 1 card per scan (accept for a few from 8 or so years ago). Though I have had Terrible experiences with buckets before, like you guys.
................Some people.
Mike!! Grade my Bucket!

John, your bucket was very inviting...I did do a little searching and noticed that you typed "gone" next to some of the cards that you kept pictures of but already traded the card. That reminded me of the time I spent an hour going through someones bucket and found 1 card I could use only to find out later that I wasted my time as he had already traded that card. Aaaaaaaaaarrrg! Thanks for the invite! Mike
John, your bucket was very inviting...I did do a little searching and noticed that you typed "gone" next to some of the cards that you kept pictures of but already traded the card. That reminded me of the time I spent an hour going through someones bucket and found 1 card I could use only to find out later that I wasted my time as he had already traded that card. Aaaaaaaaaarrrg! Thanks for the invite! Mike
I believe your talking about a scan of 2 or so cards with the Word "Gone" only over the card that is no longer available. I would never take the time to type gone over a scan rather than just delete it entirely. This is one of the Scans from YEARS ago I was talking about. I no longer do such things.
Thanks for the Evaluation! I'm going to put the words "Very inviting" next to my Bucket link. :) :) Thanks
Well, I get to this bucket and notice there are 120 pictures in the file and the first picture I see is this:

120 of these things where I would have to go through all of them to find the one card your offering me!

I would definitely agree with you on that point. That is a pretty useless photo there, unless actually being on the page itself allows you to zoom in. I know they are Gypsy Queen cards and I see a couple that look familiar. One looks like it is probably Warren Spahn and another maybe Mickey Mantle, but it could be Ted Williams or Al Kaline too...or Gehrig for that matter. Who knows?

I think to each their own though. I like to see the cards because with newer cards, I don't care what the set, number, value or anything else is. If I like how it looks, I may go after it. If it is an older card, the scan allows me to ID the card immediately. I may be one of the few that despises lists and will take photo sites every time over a text list. Of course, I am usually not looking for anything that specific that a list is the way to find it either. I am a browser.

Take autographed cards for example. I like vintage TTM/IP cards. I will often grab a card that looks cool, even if I wasn't looking for that player. I like action shots and if I was not already aware of the card, I might never chase it down. 1973 Topps Barry Lersch is a perfect example. I loved the look of the card and bid on one only fbecause of the classic 70s action shot (Sadly his auto seems somewhat hard to get and I didn't win). I wasn't looking for a Barry Lersch auto and would not want any of his other cards signed at half the price I was willing to pay for the 73. A picture is the only way this will capture me.

As well, one can hardly disagree with your logic that a messy album, loaded with small scans that don't allow you to even tell who the player is, is not a great trading tool. The time to do it "right" is a cost and some people don't have the time or are not willing to spend the time. My albums are filled with a variety of photos...some good, some not so good. Some group shots, some solo shots. I also scanned most of my junk autos in groups too, but at around $1 each at most, it is not worth the time to scan each card alone. Someday perhaps I will rescan everything, but for now it is like wandering into a classic card shop with a little of everything. If someone is willing to spend some time browsing, you might find something good hidden away. I don't really spend a lot of time pointing people to my albums because it is just a random assortment of items I scanned when the mood struck me. It's just the tip of the iceberg and not a complete representation of my collection anyway.
Great points there Mr. M. Not everyone has time to scan and organize. That is why I do not have an album. I DO, however, spend a ton of time keeping my wantlist up-to-date and have different versions of it so more traders can find something to help me with. Same thing with a good bucket. You get out of it what you put into it. I would only ask that if you had a card that you know I could use, don't say "check my bucket" Provide me a link. It is easier for you to find it than have me have to search your whole bucket of 9 pics on 1 screen. This, to me, is just being considerate to other traders which made me start this thread in the first place. Thanks for your thoughts and reasonings. Mike
Fully agree if you are looking for specifics. I've had people tell me they wanted a certain card in one of my scans and say something like 9th scan, middle card.

I am not sure that my account looks the same to me as it does to visitors though. When I click on other accounts, they seem to have folders right there, where as mine are kind of hidden on the side. This may be a format issue? I have not spent a ton of time looking over the site. I should probably do that some time though.

I would only ask that if you had a card that you know I could use, don't say "check my bucket" Provide me a link.
I am bringing this back to the top as yes, it has happened to me again. I got a good picture of the carpet behind a traders card which took up approximately 25% of the space given for the picture. The picture was so small I couldn't even tell what sport was being represented. C'mon people. This is meant to be constructive critisism. (ok, how do you spell critsism? Critisizm?)...I looked it up...criticism! LOL!
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