Cardinals I Need

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Feb 27, 2006
St. Louis
I'm collecting players who played on the Cardinals in my life time (1979-current). Here are the ones I need:
Player Pos Final Year w/ Cardinals
Acevedo, Juan P 1999
Adduci, Jim 1983
Agosto, Juan P 1992
Alba, Gibson P 1988
Allen, Neil P 1985
Anderson, Marlon OF 2004
Andujar, Joaquin P 1985
Arnold, Scott P 1988
Aybar, Manny P 1999
Bailey, Cory P 1996
Bair, Doug P 1985
Baker, Steve P 1983
Barber, Brian P 1996
Bargar, Greg P 1986
Barnes, Skeeter 3B 1987
Batchelor, Rich P 1997
Battle, Allen OF 1995
Bautista, Jose P 1997
Beltran, Rigo P 1997
Berblinger, Jeff 2B 1997
Bien, Figueroa 2B 1992
Boever, Joe P 1986
Boggs, Mitchell P 2010
Bonds, Bobby OF 1980
Bonilla, Bobby 3B 2001
Booker, Rod 1989
Borbon, Pedro P 1980
Borbon, Pedro P 2003
Border, Pat C 1996
Bottalico, Ricky P 1999
Bottenfield, Kent P 1999
Boyer, Blaine P 2009
Boyer, Ken Mgr 1980
Bradshaw, Terry OF 1996
Bragg, Darren OF 1999
Braun, Steve OF 1985
Brewer, Rod 1993
Brock, Lou OF 1979
Brunette, Justin P 2000
Bruno, Tom P 1979
Buckels, Gary P 1994
Burns, Todd P 1993
Burris, Ray P 1986
Busby, Mike P 1999
Cali, Carmen P 2005
Camacho, Ernie P 1990
Campbell, Bill P 1985
Canseco, Ozzie OF 1993
Caraballo, Ramon 2B 1995
Carbo, Bernie 1980
Carpenter, Cris P 1992
Carr, Chuck OF 1992
Castillo, Alberto C 1999
Cavazos, Andy P 2007
Cedeno, Cesar 1B 1985
Cedeno, Roger OF 2005
Christiansen, Jason P 2001
Cimorelli, Frank P 1994
Citarella, Ralph P 1984
Clapp, Stubby 2B 2001
Clark, Mark P 1992
Clark, Will 1B 2000
Clarke, Stan P 1990
Clayton, Royce SS 1998
Coleman, Vince OF 1990
Coles, Darnell OF 1995
Collins, Dave 1990
Conroy, Tim P 1987
Coolbaugh, Mike 3B 2002
Coolbaugh, Scott 3B 1994
Cooper, Scott 3B 1995
Cormier, Rheal P 1994
Creek, Doug P 1995
Cromer, Tripp SS 1995
Croushore, Rich P 1999
Cruz, Ivan 1B 2002
Dawley, Bill P 1987
de Jesus, Ivan 1985
DeJean, Mike P 2003
DeLeon, Jose P 1992
DeLeon, Luis P 1981
Delgado, Wilson 2B 2003
DeLucia, Rich P 1995
Denny, John P 1979
DeRosa, Mark 3B 2009
DeSa, Joe 1980
DeShields, Delino 2B 1998
Difelice, Mike C 2002
Dimmel, Mike OF 1979
DiPino, Frank P 1992
Dixon, Steve P 1994
Dove, Dennis P 2007
Doyle, Jeff 2B 1983
Driessen, Dan 1B 1987
Duff, Matt P 2002
Durham, Leon 1B 1989
Duston, Shawon OF 2000
Earley, Bill P 1986
Edelen, Joe P 1981
Fassas, Tony P 1997
Fassero, Jeff P 2003
Fiala, Neil 1981
Finley, Chuck P 2002
Fitzgerald, Mike 1B 1988
Franklin, Micah OF 1997
Frascatore, John P 1998
Fraser, Willie P 1991
Frazier, George P 1980
Freed, Roger 1B 1979
Fulgham, John P 1979
Galarraga, Andres 1B 1992
Gant, Ron OF 1998
Gedman, Rich C 1992
Giannelli, Ray 1995
Gilbert, Shawn 2B 1998
Gilkey, Benard OF 1995
Gonzalez, Julio 3B 1982
Grater, Mark P 1991
Green, Scarborough OF 1997
Greive, Tom OF 1979
Grudzielanek, Mark 2B 2005
Guerrero, Pedro 1B 1992
Guetterman, Lee P 1993
Gulan, Mike 3B 1997
Gulgham, John P 1980
Habyan, John P 1995
Hackman, Luther P 2002
Hagen, Kevin P 1984
Harper, Brian 1985
Hart, Bo 2B 2004
Hassler, Andy P 1985
Heath, Mike C 1986
Heinkel, Don P 1989
Heiserman, Rick P 1999
Hemond, Scott C 1995
Hendrick, George OF 1984
Hermanson, Dustin P 2003
Hernandez, Carlos C 2000
Hernandez, Keith 1B 1983
Hill, Ken P 1995
Hilton, Howard P 1990
Hitchcock, Sterling P 2003
Holbert, Aaron OF 1996
Holliday, Matt OF 2010
Holmes, Darren P 2000
Hood, Don P 1980
Householder, Paul OF 1984
Howard, David OF 1999
Howard, Thomas OF 2000
Howe, Art 1985
Hudler, Rex OF 1992
Hulett, Tim 2B 1995
Hunt, Randy C 1985
Hunter, Brian OF 1998
Hutchinson, Chad P 2001
Izturis, Cesar SS 2008
James, Mike P 2001
Jarvis, Kevin P 2005
Jeffries, Gregg 1B 1994
Jensen, Marcus C 1999
Jimenez, Jose P 1999
Jimenez, Kelvin P 2008
Johnson, Lance OF 1987
Johnson, Mark C 2008
Jones, Tim SS 1993
Jose, Felix OF 1992
Joseph, Kevin P 2002
Journell, Jimmy P 2005
Karnuth, Jason P 2001
Keener, Jeff P 1983
Kelly, Pat 2B 1998
Kennedy, Terry 1980
Keough, Matt P 1985
Kepshire, Kurt P 1986
Kile, Darryl P 2002
Kilgus, Paul P 1993
King, Curtis P 1999
King, Ray P 2005
Kinzer, Matt P 1989
Knicely, Alan 1B 1986
Krol, Jack Mgr 1980
Lahti, Jeff P 1986
Lake, Steve C 1988
Lampkin, Tom C 1998
Lancaster, Les P 1993
LaPoint, Dave P 1987
LaValliere, Mike C 1986
Lee, Manuel 2B 1995
Lentine, Jim OF 1980
Lezcano, Sixto OF 1981
Lincoln, Mike P 2004
Lindeman, Jim 1989
Littell, Mark P 1982
Little, Jeff P 1980
Little, Mark OF 1998
Littlefield, John P 1980
Livingstone, Scott 1997
Lopez, Felipe 3B 2010
Lowe, Sean P 1998
Ludwick, Eric P 1997
Luebbers, Larry P 1999
Lyons, Bill 2B 1984
Maclane, Evan P 2010
Maclin, Lonnie OF 1993
Manrique, Fred 1986
Maroth, Mike P 2007
Martin, John P 1983
Martinez, Silvio P 1981
Martinez, Tino 1B 2003
Matthews, Mike P 2002
McClellan, Kyle P 2010
McDonald, Keith C 2001
McEnaney, Will P 1979
McGee, Willie OF 1999
McGraw, Tom P 1997
McGwire, Mark P 2001
McKay, Cody C 2004
McWilliams, Larry P 1988
Mejia, Miguel OF 1996
Mejia, Roberto 1997
Mercker, Kent P 1999
Miller, Trever P 2010
Mohler, Mike P 2000
Molina, Gabe P 2003
Moore, Donnie P 1980
Morgan, Mike P 1996
Morris, John OF 1990
Mortenson, Clay P 2009
Mumphrey, Jerry OF 1979
Mura, Steve P 1982
Murphy, Rob P 1994
Niedenfuer, Tom P 1990
Nunez, Abraham 3B 2005
O'Brien, Dan P 1979
Ohme, Kevin P 2003
Oliva, Jose 3B 1995
Olivares, Omar P 1994
Olmsted, Al P 1980
O'Neal, Randy P 1988
Oquendo, Jose 2B 1995
Orosco, Jesse P 2000
Ortega, Bill 2001
Otten, Jim P 1981
Ownbey, Rick P 1986
Pagnozzi, Matt C 2009
Painter, Lance P 2003
Palacios, Vicente P 1995
Pappas, Erik C 1994
Paris, Kelly 1982
Parrett, Jeff P 1996
Pearce, Josh P 2004
Pearson, Jason P 2003
Pena, Geronimo 2B 1995
Pena, Tony C 1989
Penny, Brad P 2010
Percival, Troy P 2007
Perez, Eduardo OF 2003
Perez, Mike P 1994
Perry, Pat P 1987
Peters, Steve P 1988
Phelps, Josh OF 2008
Phillips, Mike SS 1980
Plantier, Phil OF 1997
Politte, Cliff P 1998
Polonco, Placido 3B 2002
Porter, Colin OF 2004
Porter, Darrell C 1985
Pulsipher, Bill P 2005
Quisenberry, Dan P 1989
Radinsky, Scott P 2000
Raggio, Brady P 1998
Rajsich, Gary 1B 1984
Ramsey, Mike 1984
Rasmus, Colby OF 2010
Rasmussen, Eric P 1983
Reames, Britt P 2000
Renteria, Edgar SS 2004
Reyes, Alberto P 2005
Rincon, Andy P 1982
Robinson, Shane OF 2009
Rodriguez, Jose P 2002
Rodriguez, Nerio P 2002
Rodriguez, Rich P 1995
Ronan, Marc C 1993
Roof, Gene OF 1983
Rucker, Dave P 1984
Sabo, Chris 3B 1995
Salas, Mark 1984
Sanchez, Orlando C 1983
Santana, Rafael 1983
Saturria, Luis OF 2001
Scarsone, Steve 1997
Schultz, Buddy P 1979
Scott, Tony OF 1981
******, Kim P 1980
Sexton, Jimmy 1983
Sheaffer, Danny 3B 1997
Sherrill, Tim P 1991
Shirley, Bob P 1981
Simmons, Ted C 1980
Slocumb, Heathcliff P 2000
Smith, Bryn P 1992
Smith, Bud P 2002
Smith, Keith OF 1980
Smith, Travis P 2002
Smith, Willie P 1994
Sodowsky, Clint P 1999
Soff, Ray P 1987
Sorensen, Lary P 1981
Speier, Chris SS 1984
Springer, Russ P 2008
Stechschulte, Gene P 2002
Stephens, Ray C 1991
Stephenson, Garrett P 2003
Stinnett, Kelly C 2007
Stottlemyre, Todd P 1998
Stuper, John P 1984
Sutcliffe, Rick P 1994
Sutter, Bruce P 1984
Sutton, Larry 2001
Swisher, Steve C 1980
Tabaka, Jeff P 2001
Tatis, Fernando 3B 2000
Tavarez, Julian P 2005
Templeton, Garry SS 1981
Tenace, Gene C 1982
Thomas, Roy P 1980
Thompson, Mark P 2000
Thompson, Milt OF 1992
Timlin, Mike P 2002
Tunnell, Lee P 1987
Uribe, Jose 1984
Urrea, John P 1980
Valenzuela, Fernando P 1997
Van Slyke, Andy OF 1986
Veres, Dave P 2002
Villanueca, Hector C 1993
Villone, Ron P 2008
Von Ohlen, Dave P 1983
Vuckovich, Pete P 1980
Wainhouse, Dave P 2000
Walker, Duane 1988
Waller, Ty 3B 1980
Walling, Denny 3B 1990
Wellemeyer, Todd P 2009
Wells, Kip P 2007
White, Gabe P 2005
White, Jerry OF 1986
White, Rick P 2002
Whiten, Mark OF 1994
Widger, Chris C 2003
Wilkins, Rick C 2000
Wilson, Craig 3B 1992
Winn, Randy OF 2010
Witt, Bobby P 1998
Womack, Tony 2B 2004
Woodson, Tracy 3B 1993
Wright, Jamey P 2002
Yan, Esteban P 2003
Young, Gerald OF 1994
Zeile, Todd 1B 1995

I'm also looking for upgrades on Adam Ottavino, Fernando Salas, Tyler Greene, Khalil Greene, Allen Craig, Bryan Eversgerd, Derrick May, Brian Esposito, Luis Ordaz, and Joe Thurston.
I have extra autos of these guys

Bobby Witt
bernard Gilkey
skeeter barnes
John frascatore
Joe boever
frank dipino
Dave veres
Dave lapoint
milt Thompson
Bryn smith
Colin porter
Brian Harper