Escobar, Burnett, Zambrano, Helton, Bullfrog Jackson, you name it for trade

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5.00 star(s)
Jul 22, 2003
North East, Pa.
Carlos Zambrano, FA after this year, willing to sign a 2 yr. ext. at 5.5 mil per .

Solid mid end starter. Looking for younger SP or prospects. LMK thanks Pat

can move Helton in the right deal. Added the Bullfrom William Jackson, Almost anyone can go in the right deal.

Looking at the guys who are leaving or I cannot offer to I am putting up almost everyone on the ML roster for trade in the right deal.

I could move either Escobar or Burnett to cut salary, Helton ,Zambrano, Bullfrog Jackson (5 star MR),

+ Helms, Byrd, Floyd, Munson, Hairston, and a few more

Looking to pick up a younger and cheaper SP in a deal for one of the top two SP here, and depth, prospects, whatever in any deal. Take a look and let me know. There are some guys who only have this year under contract who could help someone down the stretch. Thanks Pat
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I had a bunch of money for extensions the last 3 sims, now I am apparently in the hole again. If anyone can use Zambrano let me know. I dont want to just lose him after the season because I have no money for extension.

I am not sure how this works, my team is drawing well, playing well and the Salary is under budget, but every sim there seems to be a huge swing in projected budget. I guess it is in the timing, should sign guys in the sims where there is projected money available. I dont know.

anyhow. LMK thanks Pat

the Bullfrog may fall into the same category. I got him with the idea that I had money available to extend and now maybe not. LMK
Pat - most players prefer extension talk in the offseason and/or spring training (much like real life).

After the World Series is complete, teams will have a much better idea of what is available for extensions, etc (plus the revenue for the next year is available). You will have a bit of time to offer extensions to pending arb cases or pending free agents.
I am planning on moving Bullfrog today to the best offer, I would love to pick up a younger OF with some power in a deal for him. I have a couple of solid leads but so far I havent pulled the trigger.
Looking to move Zambrano today if I can also. If you see someone you can use let me know, I should be around most of the afternoon. Thanks Pat

check out the Bullfrog !
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I have Green, Patterson, Cruz and Blake available for OF trade... do any of them or (multiples there of :))intrest you for the frog