Section 1) HAVE LISTS BY PLAYER (Rookies at the end of the list):
91 ud hologram hh1 (2)
94 ud cooperstown coll
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG54
2013 Topps Heritage Baseball Flashbacks #BFHA
Abreu 97 Finest Uncommon Silver 295 3.00
02 dr f.c. die cut 200
J. Abreu 17 optic 86
Ali Muhammad 14 topps her.nf-ma(2)
13 topps chrome 35 (7), HOME TOWN HEROES 84
2014 panini/dr 83
15 topps 620
16 t. 317(2), open day 147(2), donrussd82-25
17 topps 644(2), update 175, donruss 97 (2),bowman 19
18 dr 166, 239, diam kg 11(2),
19 D.KINGS GALLERY OF STARS 1, A AND G STAR SIGNS BSS-11, optic mythical m6
Alomar R:ud on deckd2
93 ud fut hro 550,
94 coll ch silver 331, flair hot numbers 1(2), ult award win 3
95 flair hot glove1
97 col ch all star 11, gold crwn coll 1, ult. Leathr shp 8,
05 topps 626
G.Anderson: 96 old judge major respect 4
03 studio proof 3 /100(2)
Andujar 18 topps od137
Aparicio 08 goudey 39, topps ring of honor
Arenado 15 topps 62920
16 topps 12(2)
17 dr rv-11
18 t. heirt. 351
20 donruss elite series blue /249 e-3
Bagwell: 92 bowman 200
93 finest 11(2),flair 57, ud hr hero 25, dr mvp 6
94 col. Ch 254 silver sig , 329 silver sig, leaf ltd 110,
96 pin afficianado73, Finest Uncommon Silver 161 4.00
97 Metal unverse titanium 1, ud3 promotion38
99 star quest red 23, stad club trim. Luminous t16c, ULTRA RBI KING 6(2), s.c. never compromise16
00 topps tek 19-14, , bats of brill4, ud penn driven 4, IMPACT POINT OF IMPACT 4
01 pac nl dec. best 2
2002 Donruss Fan Club 2002 Bagwell LL-37 6.00
2003 Splendid Splinters Bagwell 10 of 10 SS 2.50
baldelli 04 timeless treasures 22 /999, leaf checklist press proof 283 /50
Banks ernie: 90 tcma 5
01 post 500 hr 2, ud legends 60(2), endl summer7,20th cent show 9(2), hof gallery 6.cooperstn coll 12,sp leg cuts 25(2)
02 Topps 206 157(2), ud poh 58(2)
04 Absolute Mem. Retl #47, Fleer Greats #56
05 sweet spot classic 29, ud past time penn27(2)
08 ud heroes 41, 195, Topps Heritage Flashbacks BF3
09 topps her flashback 8
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT76
2012 gypsy queen hallmark heroes eb
2013 Bow. Rky Re. Blue Sapp. REF. 242, hometn hero 86
2017 Diamond Kings #10 Ernie Banks Variation
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500EB, Topps Update Salute #S75 Ernie Banks
Baez,J. 19 dr dk 22(2), optic 75(3), 76(2), topps od 95
Bay 08 bow chr ref 11
04 reflections55, /50,
06 a and g white 416 ,
Belle 94 bowman peview 3
95 flair hot numbers(2)
97 pinnacle away 23, score heart of the order5
00 ovation curt call 18,
06 cl. moments 39,
Beltre97 bow 194
13 t chrome122(2)
17 dr 158(2), topps heritage 66
18 dr dk 29(2) 2619 topps op. dy 2
Bench 01 ud hof gallery,
2010 topps history of game 19
2013 Topps Update 1971 Topps Minis #TM28
2014 Topps Heritage First Draft #65MLBJB
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT77
16 archives 203
17 donruss182
2018 Topps Instant Impact #II30
Andrew Benintendi 2019 Topps Commemorative Patch Andrew Benintendi AMP-ABE
2017 Diamond Kings Baseball #131B Andrew Benintendi RC SP Variation Blue jersey
2017 Bowman Andrew Benintendi #23 RC
2017 Topps Holiday Wal-Mart Exclusive Andrew Benintendi #HMW140
2018 topps chrome refractor 151(3), future stars 13
Berkman 00 fleer focus fut vision 9,
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club Lance Berkman 284 1727/2025 4.00
08 sp auth ach. 39,
Berra: 98 Bowman Chrome rookie reprint # 1
01 ud hall of fame gallery 12
01 topps stars 149
02 fleer gotg 60, fleer grts duel duo w campanella, Topps '52 Rep. #14
03 ud mvpcelebration mvp 1/1955
2008 Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy Collection #2304
2013 Topps 1972 Topps Minis #TM63
Biggio 93 sc murphy115
99 ud hit brigade 11
96 tchr. star pwr chr 9
98 t chr 318
99 ex 64
00 revolution 65
Blalock 06 bow chrome ref 74
blue vida 87 opc 260
Blackmon: topps 34
18 topps 83 rep.83-27
19 topps silver slugger mlba45
Blyleven 87 opc 25, 88 dr bb best 18
Boggs WADE:83 dr diam king 26
85 dr 172
86 dr 371, fleer sticker 8
87 fleer a.s. 3,
88 topps 388, dr 7
89 topps 2,600(2), a.s. 4/22, dr 68, bow. Tiffany 32, fleer 81
90 ud 555, topps 600,760 dr 712, score 704, 683, 245 393 fleer 12, dr 68, 91 ud 546, score 12, 393,889, dr bc 7, 178, 55. 153, ultra 27
91 o-***-chee premier#11, fleer ultra#27, t 450
92 ud iooss coll 20, ud 443, studio 131 heritage 3, dr dk 9
95leaf great gloves 4
96 t 225,
98 bow best 74
99 topps 230
02 ud poh 24
Bonds:89 ud (4)
90 leaf 91
91 stad club 220
92 ted Williams t2, bow foil 590(2)
93 dr gall of stars 1(2), top glove 6,
94 leafpower broker 3, dominators 2, ud elect diam 400,gold rush632
Stad club dugout dirt 6
95 flair outfield power 3, score gold rush 1 leaf great gloves3
Ultra hit machine 4
96 leaf stars steel 6(2),, leafmvp contender 14
97 cc big show 40,
98 topps lords of diam 9,fl diam standout 2,
99 ud holo fx launchers 13,
01 ovatio Superstar Summit: 3,
2002 Upper Deck Victory Gold #366 12.00
Boone B. 04 leaf 2nd ed press proof 72
18 donruss 162
19 topps 44, topps hw35
BRETT: 86 topps mini 18, fleer 5
89 UD #215(3)
90 leaf 178(3),score superstar 21 ,
91 Stadium Club Charter Member , score super star85
92 bowman 500, ud sports sp5
93 flair 213 (2), sp 227(2),
94 topps gold 180, ud coop coll 20, sp die cut 3 COLSILVER SIG49,
95 sp silver salute, champ series oct legends 101, ud final tribute449
96 fleer 5
01 ud legends 28, hof gallery 14, gotg 87
02 ldiamking 140, tribute 32,
03 plat cornerstone 28
03 bow 265,
06 topps reprint row 12
13 hometown heroes139
17 topps all time all star 35
2018 Topps Update Postseason Preeminence #PO6 George Bret
Brock 01 ud disco dandies 3
k.brown:89 ud 752(2)
Kris Bryant
2013 Bow. Draft Dual Draftee #BM Bryant / Moran $4.00
2015 Bowman Kris Bryant #BP100 (6)
2015 USA Baseball Stars and Stripes #59 Kris Bryant
2016 Topps MLB Debut Bronze #MLBD3 Kris Bryant
20 17 dr68(2)
2018 Topps Highlights #KB6, kb 18dr diam kng 183
19 topps od 45, dr 57, Topps Gold /2019 #210
Madison Bumgarner
2012 Topps Gold Futures #GF33, topps mini200
2013 Bowman Gold #97 r, Topps Chrome37, Bowman Chrome hometown heroes260, topps chrome 100
2017 Topps 65, Bowman Then and Now #BOWMAN5, dr 140, 93(2), optic94(2), dr dk 28(2)[
2018donruss 259(4)
burroughs:01 t. chrome rept143-44, bow best fran fut 7,
Miguel Cabrera 06 bow chrome ref 194, t cosigner8
07 turkey red red 454, t.cosigner 53
2015 Bowman’s Best Refractors #61 Miguel Cabrera
2016topps 250 Bowman’s Best Refractors #56, t op. day 150
2017 topp.150, 297, Chrome 132, J. Rob day 7
2018 legends in making ltmmc, opening day od-16
Campanella 94 ud cooperstown coll 14704 dr classic ledg lumbjack 45,
84 donruss hof hero 39
1993 ted Williams memories roy campanella m1 5.00
2004 Upper Deck Diamond Images The Wingfield Collection DI-13
07 sp leg cut 13(2)
Cano 2010 topps 370
2012 topps 22
17 dr 145, topps her.130
Canseco:87 topps 620,
92 pinnacle slugfest3
94 finest 222, sp holoview fx 4,
95 flr headliner 4, ud cyclone squad 9
98 bow chrome 277
99 pacific crown coll 22, hr heroes 6, topps traded 83
00 bowman early indicators 10, ovation curt call19,
carew:86 topps400(2)
02 fleer gotg 29
03 tribute 17
05 zenith 244, sweet spot cl 77(2)
18 panini dr 123
carlton: 81 fleer 6
01 topps noteworthy 35
gary carter: 78 t120
80 topps 70, (2)
81 topps 660,
83 t 404, 370
84 topps1,393, 450,
85 topps 230(2) donruss 55
05 diamond king heritage collection12
08 topps ring of honor
Carter joe 86 topps 377
90 topps trd 20
93 studio superstar on canvas 5,
94 studio silver stars carter 5
95 topps power zone 4(2)
96 selectcert 5
Castellanos nick19 gypsy queen274
Cespedes13 t chrome 96(2)
2018 Diamond Kings Gallery of Stars #GS18 Orlando Cepeda
Chapman 13 topps chrome 124(3), gold furures 8
16 topps chrome 141
Clark j 89 ud 155(2),
92 studio heritage 8
99 topps traded 77
Tony clark: 99 gold label class 2 #4
Clemens:86 topps mini 42
87 t1
89 ud 195(3)
90 Leaf12 (2),
92 smoke and heat 4, triple play rocket 2, Leaf Black Gold 19,
93 stad club mem ch 748, Murphy 97, Leaf Heading for the Hall 6(2), Finest: 104, dr diamond kings 3, flair 160(2), Ud on deck 9, reggie jax
94 finest 217,
95 flair#10 (2),
96 select 8, fleer intim. 46, spx 9, topps lazer 52
97 dr dominators 11, ultra gold med g 13, UD Star Attractions Gold, star att 6
98 si 30 seas highlights, 171 untouchable,col ch cover glory 2, fleer 21, smoke and heat 301, diamond king 14/20, ultra seas crn 213, griffeys hot list, starquest 3-star, clemens club edition 12.00, tek preproduction 57, sp sheer dom silver 35, aurora hard ball cel fusions 19 , dr collections preferred collection
99 fleer warn track ed 30w, ultra diam mine 14, record numbers 8, era ldr 232, Gold Label Class 1, 95, Upper Deck: View to a Thrill: 30, ud Textbook 30T. flair r3 s21, Pacific Invincible Flash Point, #11, UD 3 set 80 die cut(1009/2000), flair r2 s 21,Topps Record Numbers RN8
00 Upper Deck LegendsReflections in Time r3 w. ryan , Defining Moments 8, Eternal Glory: 7(2), ud holo fx ausome 39, future fame 6,Topps Limited Edition 170,
01fl game time 60, ud b.l. beat bb4,mid summer classic 5, dr retro 99 22, fl game time 50, Topps Through The Years 31, RINGMASTER 7,
02 leaf r/s 260,261, topps ring masters 7, studio 25, ud chasing history 3,
19 topps A/G 66
Clemente 987 topps 313
3 ted williams etched in stone
2014 Topps Heritage Baseball Flashbacks #BFRC
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG37 Roberto Clemente
cobb: 01 fleer gotg40
04 fleer greats 2
05 sweet spot cl 91(5)
07 ud dimond legends174, sweet spot ptch ssp-co/300
11 topps liniage 105
2012 Topps Gold Standard #GS15 Ty Cobb
13 hometown heroes137
Cole 13 hometown heroes137
15 topps her. 425
16 t. open dy 163
17 topps 587
19 optic162(2), gypsy queen
Cruz 07 topps 564
15 topps her 270
18 optic diam king25
96 summit ballparks 12, old judge major respect 1,
09 topps gold uh179
Darvish 12 triple play84
2017 topps 81, JRD 11
Dawson:81 t 125
84 topps 392,200
85 dr 421
86 dr 87, t 760
87 fleer update 24,
89 ud 205,
93 toppsblack gold 4
DeGrom 16: t323, od 68
17 donruss 124(4), diam kg 113
18 t. bl 219
19 dr123(2), diam king49, t. opendy. 150
Delgado:91 classic best 63
93 sp 275,
94 finst423, Flr wv of fut.#2, ult art. 2, sp holoview fx 6, gold lf rookie 10
95 flair 344(2),
97 finest 57
00 ionix shockwave 15,
04 play ball hr heroics cd,
Rafael Devers bowman best hdh rd
2017 bow chrome 92b-rd
2018 Studio #7 RC, Topps Update �83 Topps #8347
Joe Dimaggio:
01 20th cent show 2
2012 Topps Gold Standard #GS18
2010 Upper Deck Baseball Heroes #BH6
2018 Diamond Kings Photo Variations #11
Drysdale: 90 topps all star glossy 11, 01 ud legends 64
07 sp legendary cuts 39
05 topps rookie cup reprint
Eckersley:82 t 490
84 fleer upd 34
feller: 06 sp leg. Cuts 77
Jose Fernandez
2014 Donruss #221 DK $2.50, topps413
C.FISK: 83 t 20, 393
85 dr 208
86 topps 290,
87 fleer 496
91 score super star41,
92 score super star 72
92 stud her 2
01 Chrome Golden Moments 661
02 Fleer Greats 89, UD Piece of History #23,
2017 Diamond Kings Heritage Collection #HC-6 Carlton Fisk 1.25
18 panini black Friday/199 cf
19 OPPSgreatest moments 150-6 archives #15
w. ford
93 ted Williams 62,
00 fleer gotg 69
04 bow her 59, throw thr cent stars 60 /1500, fleer greats 63
05 mlb artifacts197, 197 /1999
foster 80 topps 400
foxx 94 ud cooperstown coll 169,
05 sweet spot classic(4)
Frazier 13 T chrome123 (3)
Gallaragga:89 ud 115(2)
96 dr 33, fl. Upd 44, fleer 647(2)
94 sp holoview fx 38
96 stad club mega hero 7
97 topps chrome diamond duos w bichette
01 ud midsummer classic 19
03 dr diam king bronze 119
Garciaparra Nomar
95 leaf gold foil 249, bow best 29(4), classic images 85
97 stad cl 188, ultra 214(2), finest 41
98 topps new breed 4(2), revolution 24,(2). Choice 8, bow chr. Scouts hon roll 15, wonder years 8, dr spirit of gamr silver press proff
99 topps rec numb 6,power player 4, lord of diamond 10(2), lord of diamond 10 , chrome early road to hall 1,gold label road to aaron black 6, gold 6, ud longball leader,superstar spot. 86(2),statitude5, power rally 14, pac dyna. diam 2, ultra book on 17, revolution 24, ud immac. Perception 16, upper realm 15, fleer fran. Futures 580,
Wonder years 8, double version/2000 8
00 stad club bats of brilliance 6, capt act. chr. 10,chr 21 cent topps 5(2), bow best bbp 3, penn fever 5, fl. Focus pocus 3, t. stars walk of fame 7, tek architeks 1, ,ud 5 tool talent 11, holoview starview 2(2),longball legacy 14, vintage retro rules 1(2),,black diamond constant threat 7, diamond gallery 3, Starstruck5(2),skybox plat port 8, preeminence 3, spxcitement 1, ex gen ex15, ud center stage 3, bow best prev 3, IMPACT POINT OF IMPACT 7
01 fl diam tribute 5, game time new order 2, finest a look ahead 6(2), gallery star gall 4, mvp super tools 14,
02 topps all stars 6
2004 donruss diamond king insert #dk20 ser# 2500 3.00
Garza 08 bow crh ref 26.
Gehrig: 1982 tcma bb greats 23
94 ted Williams 147
2001 Ud monument park 1(2)
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG1,
B.Gibson: 04 prestige achievements 15
01 ud hof gallery 3
08 goudey 228, ud heroes 184, 163, dr threads cent leg6
2012 Topps Mound Dominance #MD6
Glaus:98 Bowman Rookie of The YEar Favorite#ROY2
99 bow chrome scouts choice 4
glavine:89 ud 360
91 tsc members only
93 topps black gold 6, finest 87
94 ult lg. ldr 9, team pinn w. smiley 2, score drm tm. 2,
96 topps classic confrontaions 14
07 momts and milestones card 138 ip 5, card 139 win 13,fleer crn ach tg
08 topps ear in rev 152
Goldschmidt 15 topps 203(2)
Gonzalez Juan: 97 ultra leathr shop5 ,
98 t lord of diamond8
99 ud launchers 6(2), soul of the game 7, TOPPS POWER BROKER 5
2000 Pacific Die cuts Juan Gonzalez 33 2.00
Gonzalez L: 98 spx /2250 spectrum
02 , topps gallery heritage lg, bow best red /200
04 donruss world series 20 /10, sky bx le 34, dr dk 69 /100
Gooden 13 hometown hero 229
S. Green:97 dr preferred cut to chase 90
00 metal plat port. 10, ud prime perf 8
02 s.c beam team 8,
06 bow chrome ref 48,
Greinke bowman platinum87
13 topps chrome 181
15 topps 267(2), diam king 117
16 topps 32(2)
17 donruss 48(2), topps 560, bunt163, gypsy queen 20
18 optic 67(2)
19 t. opening dy. 12(2)
Grieve: 98 cc yctg exchange card gold cg18,
Griffey: 1990 dr 365(5),score 560, ud 156(2) bowman 48, topps 336(3), collect a books,Fleer 513 (11),soaring stars # 6,
91 ultra gold 4(2), jimmy dean 2,Front row 4, ud ext. 87F, score super star 5
92 fleer279, performer coll. 4/24, ted Williams hit of fut t15(2), Arena Kid Comic Holograms #,21,3, score super star 1, starting lineup
93 Col ch silver 317, stad club pacific terrific,ultra top glove 16(2), bowman 375, topps 390
95 cut above die cut ca2,3,8,emotion masters, leaf grt gloves 6,ltd 6/24, topps class conf. 1,score hallof gold 1
96 topps classic conrontations 1
97 ud capture the flag 385, finest masters 238, flair s1r2seat24(6), dr hit list 299 , ultra rawhide 4
98 ultra double trob w arod 1, issue,gold label 100(3), crn roy pil. of game 22, studio 112
99ud heroes 1, mvp power surge 3, encore/pure excit 26, sp top prospects retrospectives r4 blk diamond diamonation d1, ud 2kplus 1, flair r3 s3, Upper Deck arms race 519, ,topps rec, number4,
00 ud stattitude s26, ovation center stage 2, stad club never comp nc3, gold label cl 2 50 (2), mf, bow best 100, millennium team 10, prime performer 4, ud 2kPlus 1, ionix shockwave 4, ult. Victory last impr. L6, noise of summer 5, sp auth prem perf 3(2), fl. Show cons prose 10
01 ud mid summer classic 8, topps a look ahead la5 , t132 reprint, ud hr highlites 56, 80, platinum grandstand grts 16, topps 790,big red machine7,
05 Leaf alt. threads9, topps 388
08 topps 580
09 ud first edition 17 star quest(5), ud 20 th anniv #1968
2013 Topps Archives #92, hometown heroes 176(2)
2015 Topps Gypsy Queen122, Walk Off Winners #GWO-2 Ken Griffey Jr.2.50
2017 donruss 183
Guerrero: 97 metal mining for gold4(4), fl. New horiz. 5, flair show s1 r2 s27(2), ultra prosp. 2, ex star dte 2000 5, t433, lim. counterparts 138 w. Edmond, pinn cert137, circafast track 1, udnat’l pride 14
98 ult.kid glves(2), metal univ lang 15,topps new breed8
99 brilliants 9, ud mvp 123, ud em dom.628, ud 2k plus8, gold lab cl 1 76
00 Crown Royale 84, st cl chr105, pros and pros promotion 10,flr diam moine 15, mystiqe diam dom. 4, Final answer 2 Stadium Club Bats of Brilliance #BB9 , t 181
01 top. look ahead 1, hobby mstr 5, ult powr plus 1, stad cl. reel time 12
02 ex 4, uddc66, hobby master 5, Bowman Chrome Reprint BCR-VG
04 dr diam king 24, ud 193, play prest conn 209, fl show 46, crk jx 81, bow 127, bazooka mini150
05 bow her75
07 mom and mile 41 (154 hits) 42 (8 runs, top. Upd. 288 , ud future stars 22
08 bow chr 15, sp auth. 1
15 diam king 123,
19 diamking 91
Guidry 87 opc 375
Guillen ozzie 87 0pc 89 2009 topps her 218
Gwynn:84 fleer 301 (2), dr324
85 topps 660(2), dr 63, fleer 34 (2), score dream team gold
86 topps 10
89 ud 384(3)
90 Leaf #154 (4),
91 score super star 94, ud update 97F
92 ud ted will.6,hit og gm, sire super star81
93 kraft singles 23 , stad cl538
94 ultra hitt mach 6, leaf stat standout 9(4), dr diam king 11, 27, flair 436(2), sp die cut130, holoview fx 13, cc 140 silver sig
95 pacific gold prism 36, dream team gold 8, stud gold 25, pinn red hot 8, cycl. squad 13,
96 t.classic conf 9,seas crn gold med 2, finest 320(2), leaf steel 18,
97 ultra top 30 12(3), mar mat.die cut7 (2), ,Hot comm. 16,
98 lord of diamond 12(2), fleer vint 52, ult top 30 10,
99 t. 229, hands of gold die cut 5(2), ud hit brigade 2, forte 23, ionix cyber 12, metal boyz w. wood 8,
00 ud holo fx fut fame 4, most wanted 6,flr grasskicker 1, ref. in time w. muxial 6, t. stars walk of fame 13, ultswing king 4, sky double play w. green, paramount fielders choice16
01 flr genuine at lg 5,
02 feer diam trib 2, 05 ud classics 128
17 donruss 190
19 diam king 37
Hafner 09 icons icon/999 th
Hamilton 00 bow best selection 8
01 bow best impact player
Haren 08 cosigners78 /75,
Harper: 2011 Bowman Chrome Retail Exclusive Red- BCE1R
2013 Bowman #150, Allen & Ginter #191, Across the Years #ATYBH , hometown heroes 213
2014 Topps Upper Class #UC1, Topps Chrome #150
17 topps chrome 48
2018 Topps Update #BH5,7,11,14,15,17,12, Longball Legends #LL27, Topps 83 Topps #83-84
R. Henderson:81 Topps # 261,
83 t 180
84 dr 54
85 dr 176
86 topps mini 64
87fleer 101, topps glossy all star 18
88 fleer 209,dr preferred grand stand 45
89 ud 210(2), topps mini 37
89 score traded50
89 topps traded48
91 ud updt 86F (2), score super star10
92 score super str 100
99 t 234, finest 159
2013 hometown heroes 50, topps chasing history 58
16 panini diamond kings 130
2018 Topps Update Don�t Blink #DB1 , Postseason Preeminence #PO20 Rickey Henderson
2019 topps 35 yr 84as-rh
Hermida 08 bow chr ref 23,udx die cut 44
Felix Hernandez
2013 T.pps chrome 34,
2015 Topps 325(2),
2016 topps 283(3), od 10, diamond king 71,gypsy qn. 150
17 bunt 79, topps JRD 12
2018 donruss 174, gypsy queen122
Hershiser 85 dr 581
05 leaf cy young winners 10
07 turkey red 161
09 sp leg cuts 45
Holliday 08 udx die cut 37, chrome 104,
Hornsby roger 05 sweet spot cl 78
08 topps triple threads 70 /1350
E.Howard 07 a and g perez 21
R. Howard: 07 fleer in the zone rh,crn ach rh, goudey 226(mini)_
09 topps her 300,
10 ud bio 26
Huff: 03 avant black 47 /199
Hunter torii: 04 power up shining thru 10
Ichiro: 01 ud breakout performers 1
02 Ud Baseball heroes all # to 1999 hb12,13,14,17; Stadium Club: Reel Time 6, dr 74, fan club 293, best of fan club 147, team 206 19, 74,topps 10 72, archives reprint 4,Ud mvp a season to remember 12,16, UD Greatest Hits #2,
03 mvp proview 36, avant20(2),
04 ultra performers 1,bazooka red 64, mini 64, topps 337
05 ultra gold med. 137, leafgamers 7, team zenith 1
07 artifacts 26
08 topps a.r.t. 42, tch 24, wbc 10(2), co signers 55,sp auth ach. 28,
09 topps her 326
16 topps OD 29(2)
18 topps 157
Irvin Monte 06 sp leg. Cuts 2
07 sp legendary cuts 46
17 topps699(2)
Connor jackson08 udx die cut 2
09 turkey red insert 17
Jackson bo 92 topps290, 93 topps 400
17 topps her 52
Reggie Jackson:79 t 700
83 topps 500, fleer 93
84 topps 100,
86 topps700, dr 377,leaf 173,
87 topps trd 52
18 dr optic 91
Fergie Jenkins:89 pro cards 1513
JETER: 1992 Classic/Best Blue Bonus #BC22 (3) BV $5
94 Ud electric diamond 550
1996 pinnacle 171, score select100, topps 13
1997 topps 13
1999 UD Choice O>S>Superstars #S9 BV $3
2004 Flair #59 (3) ($6)
2005 espn 60, topps 600
2006 Topps Rookie of the Week #18 93 BV $8, U.D. Fut.Stars #42 $2.50
2007 Upper Deck #163 BV $2.50,Artifacts #21 $2.50
2008 Upper Deck Timeline #149 94 ATH (2)$4,Upper Deck Timeline #277 04 TT BV $4, ud 297, Upper Deck StarQuest #SP9, Spectrum Retrospectrum #DJ91
2009 ud 115
2010 Topps Chrome #165 $3, Bowman Plati.#2 $2.50
2011 Bowman Plat. #9$2, Yankees Topps #NYY1, topps prime 9 # pnr4 derek jeter refractor 6.00
2012 Topps Golden Moments #GM3 $4,Triple Play #253 FOC $2,
Bowman Draft Dual Top 10 Picks #JA Almora/Jeter $4, us119 asg
2013 TOPPS 373(2), hometown heroes 92(2)
Donruss 154, 318
2014 topps chrome 56, Topps All Rookie Cup #RCT5
2015 Topps Archetypes #A12 $3,
2018 Topps Up.Salute #S78, djh21(2000hit)
2019 topps chrome 150th anni.greatest moments refractor derek jeter # 150c-23
John tommy 84 t 415, 86 t 240
Johnson Kelly 08 ud heroes red 95 /249,
Johnson josh 08 topps uh GOLD 253 ./2008
Nick. Johnson:08 bow chr ref 149
Randy. Johnson:
89 ud25donruss 4290 score rising star 52, leaf 483
91 Stadium Club Charter Member no #
92 dr.d. kng 22, flr smoke and heat 11,
93 flair 272,
94 flair 337,
95 fleer allstar 21, score 193 special del.
96 Fleer diam. Des. 37, ult. So. King 3, season crowns3
97 flair s1r2s20(2)
98 fleer gold. Mem.317, ultra 217,d. Pref. 30 club lev, revolut. 133(2)
99 ionix awesome 4,topps m2,
00 ud Cooperstown Calling: 13, topps tek pat 22 4,5,
02 fleer diam trib 11, All-Star Salutes: 12, best of fan club 82, return of the ace 1, ud chasing history 9
04 play prest chang stripes ,sky. Prosp. Endorsed 13 w. webb, leaf 104
05 leaf pict perf 16, topps all star 5, dr elite 9
06 topps 460, 06 ultra 177, ultra strikeout king 4
08 ud mvp pire grit 10, sp auth ach 3
Jones Andrew:96 best 50, col ch 1(2)
97 fin warriors 100, pac fireworks die cut 14, pin epix play20
00 ud united nations un8,topps allegiance ta 16, chrome clear shots 6, Revolution seas opener 3(2)
02 spx foundations 5(3), ABS MEM TEAM TAND 3, bow chrome reprint bcr-aj, studio spirt of game 38,
06 bow chrome refractor 45
Jones, Chipper:91 score 671, ud55, t 333, bow 569, classic best 268
92 classic best bc7, ud player of year 5
93 fleer excel 2, gold leaf rookie 19 , ud 24 , sp premier 280
94 team stad club 50,
96 ultra rising star 6 , finest 16 s7,
97 circa fast track 5/10 , finest 273(2),
98 ultra big shots 3, topps power broker16
99 ud holo fx starview 9,crwn roy. 12, ud long ball ldr 16, ionix hyper 7
00 bow MAJOR POWER 2, focus focal pts 6 (3), ultra swing king 6,
Topps 180(2), op. day 85
01 ud pennant driven 3
02 showcase advent card 132 (2), ud piece of history 49,
09 topps her then and now 3,
12 hometn hero 45
19 a and g 14
Michael Jordan:94 collectors choice 23, c.choice silver 420, ud 19
95 ud one/one 3
Judge 18 gq 300
Judge aaron 2018 bowman 24
Kershaw 09 bow chrome 72,sp leg cut 22,icons 24
2013 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors #220, Bowman Gold #91, T.Chrome175(7), hometown heroS 253
2014 Topps Opening Day Stars #ODS6, Topps �89 Topps Die Cut Minis #TM2
2014 Topps Opening Day Breaking Out #BO2 Clayton Kershaw Stadium Club Field Access #FA18 Clayton Kershaw
2015 bowman’s Best Refractors #100,stadium club
16 topps 150(3),HeritageChrome Purple Refractors #THC426
17 topps 50, Jackie robinson day 26, dr 108(2)
18 TOPPS 350, LEGENDS IN THE MAKING 13,Topps '83 Topps All Stars #83AS-12
2018 Donruss Optic Bronze #120 ,
2019 TOP OF CLASS47, op day 46, rally time rt-l
Harmon Killebrew x1
2013 Topps Archives #72
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500HK,
Kiner: 03 topps trib. Perr. As 44
05 mlb artifacts 186 /1999
Kipnis 11 bowman 104(3)
17 gypsy qn214
18 DONRUSS 163(3), DIAMOND KING55 (2), 66
19 DIAMOND KING86(3), t. op dy 52
Konerko 98 flair wave of future
99flair showcase row 1 seat 116/6000
03 stadium CLUB shot 6
08 topps COsigner 63 /100
99 topps traded 79
Koosman jerry 85 t 15
Koufax:01 Topps Golden Anniversary 8(2), Topps Chome Combos 11 Koufax/Drysdale/Brown(3),
02 UD world series history 30(2)
2011 Topps 60 #T6057 Sandy Koufax
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG46 Sandy Koufax
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH69 Sandy Koufax x1
2013 Topps Update Postseason Heroes #PH6
2016 Topps Berger’s Best #BB21959 Sandy Koufax
2018 Topps POST SEASON PROMINENCE 15,Update Storybook Endings #SE3 Sandy Koufax,Topps Update Salute #S83
Kouzmanoff08 ud heroes SILVER/399
Kruk 86 fl. Upd. 61, topps upd 56
87 fleer 420
Larkin:87 t 648
91 fl all star 2, stad cl92
93 ud ioos coll 21, finest 114, score dream team 5(2)
94 sp holoview fx 23,
95 ud sp champ ser36
LEIBER JON 02 boman chrome xfractor 86
2011 Bowman Chrome Refractors 149 Cliff Lee PHI $2.00
Lemahieu 17 topps 81, t.herit. 8
2009 Upper Deck Ballpark Collection #45 Jon Lester 600/699
LINDOR 16 t open day 110
18 DONRUSS 157,234(2), t. opening dayod-14
Lincecum 07 topps 52 dd1(dynamic duo)
13 T. CHROME64
07 ud rookie card of month 5, SP Rookie Edition #124
2012 Topps Update Golden Moments #GMU38,
13 hometown hero 36
2010 Topps Peak Performance #PP2
15 dr elite 179
Lofton: 91 ud updt. 24F (2)
92 ud scout rept 15
95 flair hot numbers 5(3)
2016 Bowman’s Best Refractors #5, optic dk 27, t. mlb debut-19
Lowell:02 leaf R&S Longevity /100
04 donruss diamond kings crown. Mom. 149 /100,
2013 Bowman #215 Manny Machado RC
16 topps175
2017 TOPPS 649 (3), donruss 57
Maddux: ( I have a page dedicated to his cards for trade just send e mail I’ll send the list
96 ultra rawhide
Maine 09 bow chrome 92 ref.
93 ud then & now -TN17(12)
96 Topps7, (3)
01 ud 20th century showcase s5
2006 t. turkey red-586x2 (6), Bazooka 15 (3),baz stamp 16(8), topps 52 311 orange, 6.ea., topps 7 x2(1.50), mantle collectio1998,mm mm2001,mm2002,mm200415.= natl bb card insert t2 (1.50)
2007 a and g 7x2 (2.50), unlock the mick 1x2, 2,3,4,5 x 2.50EA Wal mart7(playball type reprint)x3(8), turkey red
19,34,77,107,117,,167, 6total x2.50 each (15), mhrc28(1.50)
topps #7 mom and milestones black 76 /29 (10.)
2007 Topps Mickey Mantle Story MMS1, MMS2,mms3,mms4, MMS5(3)
mms6,mms 7(2)mms8,mms9,mms11(2),mms12, mms13,MMS16,MMS17(4),MMS18(2), MMS19(2) MMS20, MMS21(4),mms22(5),MS23 (3),MMS24(2),MMS25(3), MMS26(2)
MMS27(2),MMS28(2),mmS29(2)MMS30MMS46,MMS47,MMS48,MMS49, MMS50,MMS51,MMS52,MMS53,MMS54,MMS55,MM56,MM59,MM60,MM61,M65
mantle the story 3, 5,6,8, 9,10,11x2,12x2,15x5 , 16, 17x2,18, 22,23,24,25,29,30, 46,54,56,68x2 2 each. topps chrom mantle the story24,
topps home run cards 5
hr cards 502,417,534,533,530,515,508,504,503
07 TOPPS CHROME HR CARDS 230,, opening day 7 (2.50),
2008 Topps Opening Day #7
2011 Topps Lost Cards #60YOTLC3
2012 Topps Classics Walk-Offs #CW7, Golden Greats #GG35 , Topps Allen & Ginter #7 Mickey Mantle
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500MM, Portraits #P7
Marichal 2004 sweet spotpath/230 ma
18 donruss 1115(2)
Markakis 08 bow chr ref 34
maris: 82 tcma , 94 yoo hoo
01 topps 383, American pie prof. in courage 1
04 throw threads balst from past 21 /1500
17 T. od 131
E. Martinez: 91 score super star 17
93 SP 133
96 sp 172(2)special fx 45,
97 ultra seasons crowns5
98 gold label 75 class 2
03 leaf home 3
04 dr dk 19 /100, leaf press proof 74 red
2018 Topps Update ‘83 Topps #8323 J.D. Martinez
P. Martinez: 91 ud update 2f(2)
92 Donruss the rookies # 69,
98 dr preferred grstand 47,(2)
00 ud diam. skills 4, mystdiam dom 2, topps stat star 16
01t. Noteworthy 25, finest 7,
02 TOPPS Recordbreakers pm. Gallery her. Pm, maximum impact 264
08 a an g mini 37,
2013 topps chasing history 119
Martinez Tino:91 ud 28
94 cc silver sig 191
99 wonder years 18 double /2000
Masterson 09 topps gold uh 110 /2009
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT63 Ed Mathews
Mathewson christy 09 topps leg of game 3
Mattingly:85 toppd 665dr 295(2),
86 TOPPS180(2)
87 TOPPS 500(2)
88 topps coin 19, star
89 ud(5)
90 donruss al best 38 (blue), leaf 69
91 score super star 23
92 studio heritage 5, score super star 23
93 flair 249, team stad club 1, score dream team 3, ult. top glove12
94 fleer diamond tribute 6, fleer team leaders 10, donruss sp. Ed. 60, diam king 16. sp holo view fx 25, die cut 198, score dream team 3, gold rush 23, TOPPS 600
95 leaf grt gloves 10(3), topps trip.crwn best 37, sp die cut 175, profiles 171 (3), score hall of gold 22, leaf limited gold 12, studio gold 12, bow best 46,
01 bow best franchise favorites dm (2), topps noteworthy 43,
03 diamond kings herit coll 11,
06 dr threads diam king 49 /250
09 goudey sport royalty green mini 224
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG80
2013 topps chasing history13
2016 Topps Triple Threads Amethyst #96 Don Mattingly 27/340
13 T CHROME 38(2)
Maybin 08 co signer3, 3 /400,
Mays:86 t 403
92 ud bbh 52,
94 ted williams 150, ud cooperstown coll 17,24 166
96 comm card 9,13, 25
00 ud millennium team, Legends Eternal Glory- 6, Defining Moments- 9
01topps archives ult series reprint(1953)
02 t206 295
Maxeroski09 topps heritage flashbackbf2
Mccovy06ultimate coll209 /799
mc griff 87 sportflix rookies 12, TOPPS TRADED 74
93 fleer a.s. 1, spirit of the game 12,
94 fl. Lumber co 7, ud 225
95 ultra hr king 9
98 ud power package die cut 6
McGwire:87 fleer upd. 76,dr 46(2), l topps 366 (4)
88 t 580
89 ud
90 leaf 62
91 score super star 39 , topps270
92 bowman 384 pinn slugfest 2(2),score super star 63
93 ud4 on deck18, stad club pacific teriffic , leaf superstars on canvas 3, studio super star/canvas3
94 finest 78, top gold40
96 finest sterling 162, finest franchises 236, fleer lumber co
97 all star conn 1/45, power package pp10, fleerheadliners 12/20, team timber 12, finest 30 (warrior), Topps Inter-league Match-ups Ilm1,
98 fleer gold mem. 318, , ud MCGWIRED 6, chase 70 25,26,27, topps 478, power broker 1, dr 62 (2), 164 (2), circa boss 14, fl. Showcase sec 2 r1 seat 9
99 gold label gold hr race 2, power mark6, 8,t. rec’d number 1, pow. Elite 9,ud hr highlites 46,69,70,71, stad club neve compromise 1, priv stk hr hist 5,
00 Bowman major power 1, best previews 7(2),ud power mark 9,, ult.diamond mine 2, stad club bats of brilliance 1, ultra swing king 7(2), ud pros and pros. Promotn 3, rare breed 1, topps od 1,perr. All star 10, ot game 7, hd 70,flrfocal pts 1, Showcase long gone 10
01 topps noteworthy 1,ring master 2(2), ud big lg beat bb3, home run derby heroes 1, vintage retro rules 9,Fleer rip it 7/15, Gold Label gold cl 1 72, sp game bat milestone tro. rm 5, spx Untouchable Talents: 3, 4, ud evolution legends 57(2), great. Hits of the game 1,
02 ud world series history 3, big fly zone1, best of fan club 166, topps 200, hobby master 1, T206 100,fleer diam trib 5,
Mize 2010world series comm. Patchmcp-11
Yadier Molina
2013 HOMETN HEROES85, T. CHROME 146(2),Topps Update US142
2015 topps update 214 (2), Gypsy Queen Pillars of the Community #PCym 4.00
2016 TOPPS134 OD 62
2017 Topps373(2) DONRUSS 152(2), qypsy qn.231
2019 DONRUSS81
Molitor:86 topps 267(2)
89 ud 525(4),
90 leaf 242
94 col ch silver 208, finest 239
95 bow best 17(2)
96 finest 194,
97 dr lim countpart 20, finest 181,
Montgomery 17 t. gallery 129
Morgan 84 topps traded82
18 optic 84(2)
19 topps ydf 12 open. Day fun
Jack Morris 79 topps 251,
81 topps 572
88 score 545
Moyer87 topps 227, dr 315, fleer 570
Mulder:04 bow chrome ref. 91,
05 leaf baseball 27 /25,
Munson: 82 kmart 29,
Murphy dale:81 t 504
84 t 150,
85 t. 320,
86 t. 600
89 ud 357,
01 Topps Archives #476
Murray:79 opc 338, topps 640
80 t 160
83 topps 530,
84 240
86 t 30, dr 88,
89 ud275(4), 763(4),
90 leaf 181(4)
91 stad club 177
93 flair 94(2),
94 pinn mus. coll 495, bow bst 2, leaf ltd 29, finest 317
95 leaf ltd. 39
96 pinnaficionado 28,pac milestones 8(blue), finest 21, bow best 42,
Ultra respect 5
97 pac cardsupial 3, score highlight zone 18, fleer gold mem 6, finest 235,
00ud hall of fame gallery 15
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500ED
Mussina:01 bow her 26
02 dr classics45
06 fleer smooth leather10
Musial: 88 dr 263
00 fleer club 3000
01 gotg 109(2), sp leg cut 1
02 fleer greats 88(2), score franchise 1
03 topps gallery 52, sweet spot cl 80
04 studio 184(2)
05 past time penn 78,
Newcombe 04 fleer gotg 128, sweet spot classic
05 sweet spot classic 22
Niekro86 fleer update 81
Nomo:95 sp prem. Prospects die cut 14
97 pinn artist proof pp41
O’Neill 95 sp 178(2)
97 finest warrior87
Ordonez:98 bowman 185, ex star date 2001 5
01 bow heritage chrome bhc68, fl game tme stick to it ness 10,
Playoff prim color 356 /975
03 studio star,play. Prest inside the nymbers 19 /2002 ,
David Ortiz:
2012 Topps Classic Walk-Offs #CW14
2013 Bowman Gold #147, Topps 1972 Topps Minis #TM94
2014 Topps Opening Day Stars #ODS14 David Ortiz
2016 Finest �96 Finest Intimidators Refractors #96FIDO
2017 Topps Heritage Discs #68TDC14 David Ortiz
2018 Topps Update Storybook Endings #SE2, Topps Update An International Affair #IA16, Topps Update Postseason Preeminence #PO13
Paige06 topps 83
Palmeiro:87 topps 634
89 ud 235(3), 772,
94 flr. lumb co.8,
95 uc 3 bomb squd16
96 ultra thunder clap
97 pinn passport to majors 19, pacific sizzling lumber
99 donruss elite series 18 /1500 and /250 version
00 skybox hitt machine, spx pwr brkr 1, pacific Die cuts 4 3.00
04 prestigiopus pros 8,
16 topps Wrigley field 22
81 dr 353, 82 topps 83 topps 490(2), 84 topps750(2)
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT31
17 DONRUSS 181(2)
Peavy 2009 t. uh 87 gold /2009,
Dustin Pedroia
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH133, topps mini tm-11, topps cut to the chase 15
2018 Topps Rainbow Foil #439, Diamond Kings Past and Present #PP2
Pena: 09 topps gold 156/ 2009
Pence 09 icons, icon hp /999
11 topps throwback patch card tlmp-hp
percival troy 05 diamond king 10 /50
perez 86 topps 85(2) 205, 80 topps 125
Perry:81 dr 471(2)
03 topps trib perr as 31
04 studio heroes of the hall 3 /499
Perry 04 syudioheroes of hall/4993
Pettite:97 ult seas crn 7
06 flai show field box legacy 143 /150
Phillips udx die cut 30
Piazza:93 topps 701(2), pinnacle 252, leaf gold rookies 4, flair 75(2) ($5) wave of fut12, diamond kings 15, ud 2)
94 cc hr all star 8(2), leaf power brokers 6, leaf gamers 12, studio stars 6, dr dk 15, opc 147, fleer award winner 6, all star 47, pro vision 8
95 studio gold 4, sp silver 70, pinn c/l 3 ult hitt. 9, upstart us3 ,flair hot numbers 7(2)
96 met. Heavy metal 6,Titanim 6, fleer lumber co 6, leaf all star contender 2
97 ultra seas crowns 8 (2), metal titanum 7,blast furnace 9, far and away7,, finest 292, fleer golden memories8, score showcase 22
98 ultra big shot 14,
99 holofx launchers l7, fleerthe book on 15, ud faces of game 14,
Ionix hyper h5, skybox supernatural xplosion 137
00 hd ball park figs. 6, ud home run explosion 9,vint. mat idol 5, most wanted 9
01 stad club reel time 9
03 flair 71,
04 dr dk 56,
06 mom and mile 80(67, 87)rbi 07
07 moments and milestones card 79 30 hr, ultra 134, gypsy qn 304
08 topps a.r.t, 40, all rookie chrome 3
Pierzynski 07 topps diamond stars 11
Ponson 04 bow chrome ref 125
Porello rick 209 bdpp1(2)
Posednik: 08 topps a.r.t.31,
Posey 10 Bowman Great Expectations- 13 w mauer
2011 Topps Lineage 4 Buster Posey SF $1.00
2012 Triple Play 71(2), 182,185,189
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH139,hometown heroes 168
2013 Pinnacle 144
2014 Topps 50, ‘89 Topps Die Cut Minis #TM42 donruss 198, 331
2015 topps od 183,update 380, gypsy Queen Pillars of he Community #PC-BP Buster Posey 4.00
2016 340
2017 Topps 675, all time as 9, update 237,Heritage 2, #475 SP,GAME CARD 7 domruss 141, gyp. Qn137, topps Jackie rob. Day 25, bowman 7
2018 donruss 167,133 optic
David Price13 topps chrome 127(4)
2017 Topps Chrome Refractors #147,
Puckett:86 donruss 72
93 leaf headed for hall 9,
94sp holo. fx 30, flair outfield pwr, diam. King 4
96 finest 271, ul;tra rtespect6, pinnacle affic. Slick picks 28
Albert Pujols
2012 Topps Opening Day Fantasy Squad #FS1
2013 Topps 1972 Topps Minis #TM57, Topps Calling Cards #CC15, CHROME 136 (3)
2015 topps 600(2), update 68 as,
2016 topps OD 42,chrome45, DIAMOND KINGS 105(2)
2017 topps 380, heritagr 57
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500AP, top. O.d.65,
2019 donruss 89,OPTIC 193,TOPPS TOC 2 (2)
Puig 13 home town heroes 14(2)
Quentin 09 turkey red ins. 29, ud starquest blue 32
Raines:84 dr 299, 0
85 fleer 405, topps 630
Ramirez manny1992 ud 63, SCORE 800
93 ud 433 (2)
94 col ch gold 16, 1996 DR ELITE INSERT 67, gold leaf rookie6
95 ukltra fresh foundations 9
Reese05 dr greats hofs-8, sweet spot cl68, past time penn 63
09 09 topps legends of game 15
Rendon:15 topps 251(2)
2017 t. op dy 109, heritage 183,diam king57(3), 103
Billy ripken99 fleer 616
Ripken 83 Topps # 163 , opc 163, donruss 279
84 t 426(5)
85 topps 30, dr 169 , fleer 187
86 topps340, dr 210
87 fleer 478, all star glossy 16, dr 38
89 ud 467(4),
90 all star glossy 16
1991 Topps Glossy All-Stars #5, ud up dt 85f(2)
92 fleer26
93 Leaf Heading for the Hall 5, flair 157
94 flair infield power 8
96 ultra rawhide gold medallion 9, Topps Chrome #28 Cal Ripken Jr ($6)
97 finest 281,ULTRA TOP 30, FLEER 13
1996 Topps Chrome #28 Cal Ripken Jr (BAL) ($6)
00 ud legends reflectns in time -R8 w/ gehrig
02 udpiece of history 16 sp, Fleer gotg 1, MAXIMUM IMPACT268
09 Topps Legends Chrome Wal-Mart Cereal Refractors Cal Ripken Jr PR-9
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG45, Topps Archives #44
2013 Topps Archives #16, hometown heroes 78(2)
2014 Topps �89 Topps Die Cut Minis #TM27
2015 Topps 2632 #2632-5 Cal Ripken Jr. 5.00
2017 donruss 177,
00,impact mf in 99 21, crown coll.latinos 23
08 goudey mini 126,
13 hometown heroes 121, topps chrome 118(2), Bowman Platinum Gold #29 $3.00
Rizzo:13 topps chrome 158 (8)
16 topps OD 20(2)
17 donruss 70
2018 Topps Salute #TS15, diam. Kng 64
2019 t. op. dy. 86
b robinson 77 t 285,
01 archives reprint 252, UD ENdLESS SUMMER 11
02 topps archives reprint 74
13 Topps Gypsy Queen Mini black (71/199), hometown hero178
17 topps her.35
f. robinson 83 t 576
84 t 171
88 topps trd 96
01 gotg 65, ud leg 86
04 all time fan favs
05 sweet spot cl 31
06 sp leg. Cuts 22
07 sp legendary cuts 3
08 ud heroes 18
2012 Topps Gold Standard #GS39
13 hometown hero 39
J. Robinson: baseball all time greats nno
96 topps 42(2)
01 topps chrome 52 ws 10, fleer gotg 32, sp leg cut 29
2002Topps Archives 312, Reprint 410,4, GOTG
2017 topps her 125
2018 Topps Update Storybook Endings #SE5 Jackie Robinson
A. Rodriguez:93 classic 4 spt 260(3),
95 Donruss top of the order, flair 85, fleer mlb prospects 10
96 topps ar14, spx 57 die cuts(2),
97fleerheadl.17, Metal Uni. Mag. Field 9, plat port 10, fast track 8,ultra top 30 4(3), doub troud 9,sp special fx die cut 49,, sp mar.match d.c.8, ud pred. 27,mem mom 10,
98 ultra arti. talents 3, kid gloves 2, power plus 3,Notables19, pac crwn coll 19, Revolution #135, pinn perf 4, ud3 pwr corp. 48, fleer tale of tape 336
99 ultra rbi king 20(2), stad club never comp. 6, video replay 5, wonder years 24, ud power elite 4, omega diamon masters-31, perr. All star 9,
st21 cent 6,(chrome version as well),Chrome Early Road to the Hall 3, chrome hr heroes 11, stars gold, bronze, silver 10, UD super tools 2, hit brigade3, HoloGrFxstar view8, launchers #L8, ionix nitro 6,ud pure excitement 27, inv. Seis force 18, cr. Pillar of game 23, stadium club never compromise6, stad club video replay5
00 fleer cons. Prose 2, focus focal pts 8 (2) Ten-4 10, victory diam dignitaries 8, ultra diamond mine, 1, U DHit Brigade, #H3, Bowman Chrome Teen Idols 1, Ult, Vict.Last. Imp. 10, Starstruck 1, PRISM 136, U. D, Five Tool Talents 15, sky dom eye on oct 15,speed merch4, crn roy final numb 23,invincible kings of diam 27(2), sp game bat hit parade 4,
01 spx untouchable talents 4(2), topps progression 1, t. triple crn fut threats 2, futures hot comm. 9,Ovation Curtain Calls 10 (3), Superstar Theatre 8, mid summer classic 16, greatest hits 5,
02 Leaf Certified Skills 7, fl box score 96 /2950, Fl. Plat.Wheelhouse 18, , license to skill 10, topps star play ch. aw 3, progression 1 Topps Heritage New age Performers #10,
03 leaf 60 47(3),
06 new age ar, 2 k6 9(2),
07 tops Own the game 19(3), open day diam star 3, road to 500 25, 199
09 ud first edition 2 star quest(2),
13 topps chrome 168(7)
Irod:91 ud pdt.55f
92 score ris star 77, topps78, mini 78
93 flair 285, sc Murphy 175
94 dr dk 10
95 Zenith all star salute,
97 ud 211asg
99 ud faces of game 17,heavy metal explosn112, 99 Stars and Steel 33
2000 OWN THE GAME 23, skybox fusion w. palmeiro 14,pacific die cuts 35 8.00
Rolen:95 Best 105
97 Bowman Scout's Honor Roll 11, fl new horoz.11, pinn museum coll 172, leaf fr. Matrix die cut 199, UD3 NEXT GEN, 19, ULTRAR. REF.10
98 ultra kid gloves, bak to future,
99 metal boyz w. wood 6, b.bestfranch fav 2a, crn roy mast perf 12
Ud hit brigade 8, longball leader 24
00 ud 5 tool talent 9, sky box dom eye on oct 13, invincible king of diamond 23,
01 finest origins f08, fl diam trib 17, focus big inning 21,
02 bow chrome reprint bcrsr(2), refractor, flr bx score amaz great 15, fl plat wheelhouse 13, play abs team tandem w. burrell
03 ,fl gen longball threats 12, topps red back (out)
04 bazooka mini 119
06 bow chrome ref. 20,
07 topps 302, fleer in the zone ar,year in review ar,
Rollins 07 ultra 136, artifacts 59,
08 topps chrome 8(2), goudey 14,
09 icons 54
Rose: 86 fleer 213,
1983 Topps #397 Pete Rose
1987 Topps Glossy Send Ins #41 Pete Rose
13 hometown hero 75
1984 Fleer Update #U102 (MTL) ($12)
Russell16 topps 562, od 121, update 93(2)
Ruth: 1994 ted williams 5s6
1995 ud baseball heroes 73, 81
99 black diamond 90
01 before topps bt2
07 masterpieces 22
2010 Topps Vintage Legends Collection #VLC31, curse of the bambino tales of the game tog 2
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG71,GG75 #GG73
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH11,107
2016 wrig-19 wrigley field
Ryan:78 T206(5), 400(4)
79 t 6
80 580
81 T 240(2), f 57
82 T90(2), 360. 167
83 t 360
84 t66(2),707,
85 t7, 547, leaf 216(2), dr60
86 topps 100 (6), topps mini 43, tru value 26. dr 258s
87 dr highlights 53 (7), fleer67, t 757
89 ud 145(7),774(3), score traded 2 (2).topps trd 106(2)
90 ud 34(3),544(4), 734,leaf 21, 265(2), FLEER U-131
91score sup start 25
92 leafgold moments bc 25, ud ioss coll 19, sp 6, score sup. St 50
93 ud ,then and now 5(2), Leaf head for hall 1, gold leaf star # 19 with
Maddux ,
94 Collectors Choic, SILVER 249
95 sp championship series 2
2001 ud hall of rec 82, legends 3
2002 Studio Classic CS-3 0167/1000 bv=15.00,
2005 YD Portraits SM-NR 241/250, Turkey Red 301 bv=6.00
2006 Fleer Greats of the Game 67 bv=6.00
2009 Goodwin Champions Mini Black Ryan 52 $12.00
2010 Panini Cooperstown #14 Red 144/399 bv=25.00
2012 Gypsy Queen 256 bv=3.00
2013 Topps Franchise Forerunners FF-8,hometown hero 120
17 donruss 185
Ryu 13 hometown hero251
CC Sabathia:99 topps chrome traded rookie 33
2001 BOW BEST 110
2013 t. chrome 174
Chris Sale 2013 topps chrome 187(2)
2016diamond kings 6, t.OD 57
2018 Diamond Kings Gallery of Stars #GS12
salmon: 94 holo view fx 34, flair outfield power 9
96 summit ball parks 16,
Sanchez 17 topps 7(3) , donruss 126(2)
2018 donruss 150(3)
Sandberg:84 fleer 504, topps 596, dr 311
85 topps 460, all star 3 713, sticker 175, dr 67, dk 1
86 topps 690(5), dr 67(2), fleer bb best 32
87 topps 680, dr 77, ultra 168, leaf all starstand up, fleer 572
88 topps 10(12), dr 242(2)
89 UD 120(3).dr105 675, bow290,fler 437(2), top 360(11), 387,opcmini 38
90 fleer 40,625 ud 324, to 210, bg’ lg star mvp 6, topps 398, leaf 98
91 ud 132, silver slugger 8,Woolw. 20, ultra 66(2), team ldr 10(8), stad cl 230, bow 377, 416(2), t. 7, dr dk 14(2), fleer 709
92 studio heritage 1(2),
93 Do Dia Kings 2, flair 20(3), sp 17(2) Leaf Heading for the Hall 8,
94 pinnacle 6, col ch 335 silver sg., ud 92,electic diamond 92, ud cent. Reg 6
96 t 356, select cert 28
97 col ch 66, dr sig 21(2), finest2(2), bo best 8, sp 43flairs1r2s23(2)
08 topps 83 as -49
2013 hometown heroes 94
2017 donruss188(2), ttopps her. 192
Sanders D.92 score rising star 6
Sano 17 donruss 121(2)M , TOPPS j.rOB DAY JR 18
Santana 2017 gypsy qn 293, topps her 199
santo: 90 pacific 48
Saunders 08 topps uh 82
09 topps her 78, finest 122
Max Scherzer
2013 Topps 40, Update Emerald #US193
2015 Topps Chrome 98,
2016 topps 209(4), OD 67(2), dr 172,100,diam kn. 88
2017 Topps595, op. day 9,chrome 155, cy young award 2, bunt 183,Chrome Prism Refractors #159, donruss 172, gypsy qn289
2018 Donruss 193, Optic 158(3), Pink #158, Donruss #269(3), Diamond Kings 88,Trophy Club #TC7, topps 329,bl 240, Donruss Dominator GOLD parallel #D4 / 99
2019 topps 344(2), op dy 183,NTCD 39, diam. Kg. 42,
M.Schmidt 80 t 270
81 topps 540, DR 590
82 topps 100, k mart 29
83 topps 300, 301,399,
84 topps700(3), 388(2)
85 topps 714(2),
86 Topps 200(2),
87 fleer 187(3) lim ed 35, topps430(2), 597, glossy all star 4
88 topps big 88(2),Woolworth 7, fleer315(3), 636, MVP 31, dr 330, bc 4,score657(2),topps 600(4),
89 ud 406(3), 684, topps 100(2), bowman 402 (6), dr 193, score 149, fleer 582
90 ud 20(3), dr 643(2)
05 ud legendary refluections 163
13 hometown hero 145
Schwarber 17 donruss 74(2) , topps 73
Seager: 17 topps 5, drb106
seaver: Topps baseball scratch off not sure of year
82 FLEER 82
84 topps740,246, opc whitesox 261, Fleer Update #U106 ($4
85 topps 670, dr 424
86 topps 390(4), 402(2), fleer glossy 45, dr 609
87 topps 425(3), dr 375
94 ud cooperstown 177, 180
01 sp leg cuts 53(2), ud decade dynasties 9, TOPPSGOLDEN GREAT6
02 ud legends of ny 78, dec of 70’s 158, hall of fame endless summer 6, ud poh 78(5), american pie49, t 206 286 (2 of each version)
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT18 Tom Seaver
13 hometown heroes 122
2017 donruss 189(2), t her. 278
Segura 2016 t. heritage 194
2017 gypsy qn 57
Severino 17 topps 544(2)
18 donruss 151(3), topps 303
19 donruss 110
Sheffield:94 triple play medalists 10
02 f. genuine 60, bow chrome reprint bcr-gs
03 game face 11 (2)
04 playoff honors gold 133 1/25, dr longball ldr9 /1500
Sisler g.05 sweet spot cl 36, 2009 topps turkey red insert 20
smith ozzie:80 t 393,
81 t 254,207, fl 488
83 topps 540
84 t 130(4), 389, dr runnin redbirds 625
85 t 605(2), 715, dr 59(2)
86 t 730(2), 794,
87 dr 60, fleer 308, a.s. 41, topps 598, glossy a.s.5
88 topps 400, all star 16, fleer 47, 628
89 fleer 463(2), ud 265(4),674, topps 230
90 score 285, ud 225, topps 400, 590, leaf 142(3)
91 stadium club 154, ultra 296(2),score super star 18, ud upd 95f
92 ud then and now 7(2), iooss coll. 7, studio 98, bow 675, topps 245
93 score 532, flair 128(3), sp 79 (2), t 40(3)
94 pinnacle 389, ultra 568, trip ply 66, topps gold 320
95 sp 100(2), sweet spot 66
96 t 301, select cert 50
01 topps repr 106, American pie 65,gotg 97, ud legends 55,Hawaii isl 81,
04 fleer gotg 143
05 sweet spot 66
08 ud heroes124
John Smoltz 89 UD 17
2012 Topps Gold Standard #GS16
2017 bergers best 45
Snell 07 gypsy qn 23, topps 190
Snider: 01 bow chrome reprint 8
02 ud ws hero 31
03 ud classic portraits bb royalty 232 /1200
05 sweet spot cl 24(2), past time penn 22,
Soler 16 diam king112(2)
Soriano 00 Diamonds in the Rough" R3, Topps Heritage, #114,
03 playoff prestige inside the numbers 17,
05fl show 54, meas. Of great.15,
93 flair 22(3
96 cc yctw gold cg9
97 finest 20(2), ultra power plus10
99 skybox turbo charge9 ,fleer diamond magic
00 : ud faces in the game f3, SP: Cornerstones: 7, refl in time w. clemente 2 halls well 12,stadium club 3x3 luminicent 9b
01 spx untouchable talents 5, topps tradition CONTINUES 15 , ud mvp sup tools 19,
Soto: 2019 Bowman #92 Juan Soto $1.25 x2
Springer 2018 topps 154, 275
19 donruss highlights diamond
Stanton: 13 topps127, chrome197
15 tops 159
17 donruss 116(2), topps updt 65
stargell: 81 fleer 363
82 FLEER 499(2)
01 topps archives 715, ud coopertn col 30
04 fleer gotg 103
07 sp legendary cuts 75
17 donruss 193(2)
19 dr 163
Stephen Strasburg
2010 Topps Update More Tales of the Game #MTOG14, , Topps Chrome Target Exclusive Refractors #BC1, Bowman Great Expectations- 5 (2) w lincecum
2011 Bowman Chrome Refractors #159,
2013 Topps Making Their Mark #MM25, Chasing History Gold Holofoil #CH67, Bowman Chrome X-Fractors #164, Topps Chrome 50(3) Chrome Connections Die Cuts #CCSS
2014 Topps Opening Day Stars #ODS12,Topps Chrome , Donruss Career Stat Line #204 42/400,
2015 Topps665, Chrome Refractors #23 (2),
2016 Bowmans Best Blue Refractors #52 39/250, Topps Triple Threads Emerald #67 52/250
17 topps od 174
2018 donruss 198, optic 163, t. legend in making 30
strawberry: 85 topps 570
92 studio heritage 6, triple 187
91 topps trd 114
86 topps 80
Sweeney m: 02 Bowman Chrome Reprint, Refractor reprint(2),
034 dr stat line/307
06 bow chrome ref 33
Syndergaard: 16 donruss 160, diam kg.115
17 donruss 122, topps 555,topps chrome 103
18 donruss 251(2), optic 110, diam kg. 18
19 t. op dy. 126
Tanaka 17 donruss 128(2), rv 23/807 career stat line, optic 123, topps 30 yr 87-68
Teixeira 04 studio192
2019 ud xponential x2-mt
Thomas :90 SCORE TRADED, TOPPS 414
91 score ris star 78
92 bash 2 with bo jackson(2), score sup str 51,
Bowman 114
93 Cooperstwn Card #24, gallery of stars 12, leaf series 1,2,4,5, 8,10, topps150
94 stad club finest 10, studio thomas coll 2, flair inf pwr 9(2), ultra award winn19, dr gold se 61, dr dk 28, leaf power broker 1, stat standouts 1, flair hot numbers 10,TOPPS BLACK GOLD 21
95 score hall gold 56, fleer lumb. co9, sporsfilx detonator 4
96 topps classic conf 5, fl. Gold mem 9, headliner 19, summit hitters ink6 /5000
97 topps hobby master 11, seas best 2,number cruncher sb2
98 ultra seas crn 220, revol 37(2), topps 20, lord of diamond 4(2), sky bx superhero 9, thunderclap 10
99 black diamond diamation 9, pacific team checklist 4 , finest franchise best ref. 1
00 diam pearls 11, ud cooperstown calling 14, ultra swing king 3, diamond mine 8, hd 87
01 pacific decade best 6, trad. Continues 28
2007 Topps Hit Parade #HP3
13 hometown heroes 64
17 donruss 180(3)
18 dr optic 35
Thome:91 topps updt 17F, classic best195
96 pinn starburst 138, finest 47
99 bow best 18
02 Stud.dia col 11, t. heritage classic renditions 9
05 fl show meas of grt. 20,
06 spx treme team
07 turkey red 145, sp auth powr 27,
08 finest moment
Mike Trout:2013 hometown heroes 224(3)
14 bow 68, topps upper class uc-2, us 54
2015 Topps 300, 2015 Topps Gypsy Queen Walk Off Winners #GWO-10 trout 6.00
2016 topps 1a
2017 Donruss 104, 83 Retro Variations #RV15,gypsy queen 200a, topps 20 (2), t. gallery1, bow.100, diamond king 67a
2018 Donruss #242 Topps Update Don�t Blink #DB5 ,gypsy qn1, topps b. l. players w/e 150, topps her.47(2), 275, int’l affair 42, t chrome 100,
2019 bow 10
Bj Upton:03 studio stars
Vaughn 97 stadium club firebrand 11
Verlander: 05 topps 677
2012 Topps Golden Moments #GM9
2013 Topps Up. Postseason Heroes #PH2 , topps chrome 150(6)
2015 diam. King 88,
2016 topps od 25(2)
17 t. 159, 214 t. chrome 93, gypsy queen126
18 dr 111, optis mound marvel mm6,Donruss Dominator BLUE parallel #D5 / 249, topps superstar sensation 26 BV $3
2019 donruss 35; d.kn88,t. opening day 3,chrome prism ref 28, topps fire ft-9, heritage then/now 13 (palmer)
2020 turkey red 38
Visquel 89 T. TRD 122
90 leaf 88, fleer 528
Votto 08 t. tch 12,
12 topps 498
2011 Topps Chrome Refractors #19 Joey Votto
2013 Topps Emerald #19,topps chrome 206(3), hometown heroes149, t op dy 164
2014 Panini Prizm Diamond Dominance Prizms #6 Joey Votto
2015 Bowman’s Best Refractors #7 Joey Votto x1
16 topps 426, t. her 172
2017 donruss79, donruss 95, diamond king 60, topps 288,450, jrd 29(2), bunt 45(2), heritage 294t. chrome 94, qypsy qn 194 (2)
2018 donruss 147(4), 231(2), diamond king 4, topps od 20
19 diamond king 71, t. op. dy 59
93 ud trip crn cont. 10, flair 87, t. 95(3), score franchise 20,
95 flair 348,
99 bow late bloom 3,Pinn comp plyr 2b
00 topps franchise 2000 f17, sc chrome eyes of the game 9, sp auth u.n. 6, , ionix bio rhythm 11, revolution 53
02 Fleer premium intl pride 1,dr best of fan club 281 /2025, topps gold 25
wagner honus :09 topps legends of game 2
J weaver 06 topps update 318
09 bow chrome 156 ref
88 TOPPS TRD 128,FLEER TRD 6901 impact players bow best
Oo ionix reciprocal futuristic 66
Bernie Williams:01 bow her 11
93 flair 255,
97 sp special fx die cut 28
04 BOW GOLD 19
Billy Williams: 88 topps glossy as 22
00 pacific bb legends
07 sp legendary cuts 18
08 GOUDEY 32
Williams matt 93 flair 148(2)
98 ud3 power corps 134
00 ionix shockwave
Ted Williams
1982 cramer baseball legends61
1984 renata galasso 230
1994 ted williams lp2(2) ,5c8
2001 fleer red sox 100th yawkeys heroes 9
2002 fleer gotg 9
2004 fleer /406 1959 reprint
2005 zenith epix season e-20 /50, leather and lumber big bang #25/2000
2006 triple thrads heroestth 42 tw3(2), tw2, tw5
2007 topps distinguished service 25
2013 Topps Allen & Ginter #83, cut to the chase ctc-9
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH110 Ted Williams
2014 Topps ‘89 Topps Die Cut Minis #TM21 Ted Williams
2015 topps h-6,8, archives 1983 reprint 275, 1st home run -5
2016 topps 65th aanv. 1954 reprint, reprint, 2002, greatest streaks gs 9, amazing milestones 04
2017 topps legends s-19
2018 Diamond Kings Portraits #P10, The 500 #500TW,
Topps Update Storybook Endings #SE4 ,Topps Update Salute #S2
2019 TOPPS PERENNIAL ALL STAR2, topps chrome 150 years greatest moments150-48, REFRACTOR #150c-12, topps archives #24, a and g bss-5 virgo,
Winfield:78 topps 530
81 fleer 484, topps 370(2),
84 topps 460, 402
85 topps 180
86 fleer 121,
87 t. tiffany 770, leaf /drdiam king 20
88 topps mini85
89 ud 349(5),
90 leaf 426(4), Bowman Tiffany 432
91ud then/now 9
92 ud hr heroes 1,
96 finest 249
01 bow best franc fav dw(2)
02 fleer duel duo w molitor 23,
17 donruss 178
Wood K:
blk diam double dia 97/2500,
2001 fl focus roy coll 23
83 all star glossy topps 12004 Absolute Mem. #34 1343/1349, donruss Classics Membership #M8 77/2499
2000 Fleer club 3000
2005 Donruss Classics Membership #MS8 962/1000,studio portaits 39 /60
2008 goudey sports royalty 271
2011 gypsy queen /999
Yelich 15 topps 178,
16 topps 223(2), OD 141(2)
17 donruee 113(2), rv 19, optic 111(2), bunt148
2019 Bowman #14 .00 x2
Yount: 78 t 173
85 dr 48(3)
86 t 780(2), donrus 48
88 dr dk 5
90 leaf 71
93 sc 3000 hit club
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT25 Robin Yount
2013 hometown heroes19
Zimmerman 07 t. co signer 16
16 topps 45
18 dr 162optic, t. chrome212(2)
Section 2: Sets and Insert Sets:
I have a 1996 select set for trade and a 98 UD 10th ann Preview edition set
Odd ball items:
1983 topps glossy send ins all star set # 29 carew
1984 topps glossy all star cards 2 carew, 7 lynn
1985 topps glossyall star cards 9 carter, 20 parrish
1986 topps glossy send ins all star cards 12,16,4,42,47,54,50
1987 topps glossy all star cards 1,2,3,6,9,10,11,13,14,16,(ripken),1718,19,20, 22
1987 opc cards tabler 77, Flanagan122, Randolph 377, soto 11, mcclure 133, bedrosian 233
1987 topps traded tiffany cards salas 107, niekro 89, fisher 33, henneman 46,Dempsey 28, musselman 83,kingery 58, sundberg 119, hall 41, valle 122, robinson 104, brower 10, gardiner 36, noles 92, redus 99, berenguer 5, mack 69, Schmidt 110, leary 64
1988 topps glossy all star 3,4, 5 (ripken),6, 8, 13, 14, 16,17, 22
1988 buffalo bisons team set bridges,Easley,etc
2001 topps archives reprints mcdowell, uecker,, bouton, parker, newcombe, gossage, hernandez
2003 Yankee signature series cards: 13 metheny, 75 duren
2007 sp leg cuts slaughter 95, grove 69, wills 38. gehringer 32, marquard 60, Jackson, 89, wynn 31,Vernon 98, Hartnett 19, boyer 87 vandermeer 27
2007 Topps chrome 219, 210,19,13,177,209,90,241,239,137,43, 229,147,105,24,88, 230, 263,10,173,77,163,125,79,262
Odd ball inserts:
91 leaf gold rookie sanders,
1991 Topps Traded Tiffany 3T Wally Backman,25T Danny Cox,43T Jim Fregosi
92 dr diam king swift(2)
92 ud players of the year smith, young,
93 donruss elite series Winfield 35
93 finest baseballs finest 15 perez,
93 flair wave of the future hoffman 7, hammonds 6,
93 leaf gold rookies lofton, stairs(3)
93 score dream team Williams
93 select rookies hundley
93 sp plat pwr die cut gant(2), carter
93 Stadium club first day issue palmer 22
93 topps black gold daulton, deshields, karros, lankford
93 ud then and now hojo
94 dr diamond kings perez, irod , wilkins
94 dr dominators, Williams,
94 donruss mound marvels bere
94 dr spec comm. Issue carter 1
94 dr spirit of the game olerud(2),dykstra
94 flair wave of the future 6 mondesi (2), white 10(3), klesko 4, mouton 7, staton 9,Park 8
94 flair wave of fut hudek4 ,staton,mouton,karsay,delgado.park, white
94 flair outfield pwr dykstra, justice, belle puckett,bonds,salmonjustice,
94 Flair infield power have ripken, thomas
94 fleer award winner salmon
94 fleer lumber co justice, belle, gant, Williams
94 fleer prospects staton (2)
94 fleer pro visions ,Williams,
94 gold leaf rookies delgado,l power broker justice 2
94 pinn trib.whiten (2),alomar, museum coll beck 118 eldred 19, art. Proof zambrano 237
94 sp holoview fx karsay,fryman,mondesi,Nixon, listash,klesko, kent,hammonds,floyd, fielder,
94 Stad club first day issue d. sanders 408
94 ultra firemen , ward
94 ultra hr king gonzalez
94 Pinnacle Museum coll. 52,309, many others
94 pinnacle run creators 26, white,Vaughn
95 flair hot gloves grissom 4(3), white(2),
95 Flair wave of the future 1,3,4,5,7, Flair inf. power daulton 2 (2), hot glove 11 white
95 kraft superstar singles, Gonzalez, Vaughn,
95 score hall of gold have ripken, Griffey, maddux, mattingly,tarasco
95 stadium club clear shot morris, zeile,hamlin
95 stadium club power zone carter
95 ultra gold pros gold med benitez 1
95 zenith z team mondesi, palmeiro Williams
96 flair powerline belle
96 donruss long ball leader buhner 7
96 leaf mvp contender salmon, maddux (2)
96 ultra call to the hall henderson 4
96 ultra thunder clap palmeio 15
96 stadium club best closing act mesa 10
96 select red rookie park, team nucleus pirates, mariners, expos, royals
96 score fut fran damon 7
96 sportflix double take maddux/nomo
96 sp special fx belle, diamond destiny gold williamsdd34
96 summit above and beyond valentine
96 topps profiles sanders 8, Vaughn 10
96 ultra rbi king bichette 3
96 ultra rawhide piazza8
97 Fleer blea.blast. Vaughn 9,
97 ud power package buhner 4
97 ud diamond destiny 40 carter
97 topps team timber caminiti 2
97 leaf x axis die cut phillips 227, fractal matrix 117 becker
97 leaf dress for success /3500 bichette
97 metal un. Titanium 2
97 metal mining for gold 1,4, 6,7,9,10
97 pacific latinos m Kelly, arias
97 pinnacle passport to majors park23
Score blast master bichette caminiti, artist proof bordick 465
97 spx gold karros, gallaragga
97 stad club millennium durham
97 Topps interleague finest Sheffield/fryman ilm 14
97 Topps all stars smoltz 20, wohlers 22, bleacher reacher belle 9
97 topps seas best lead looters hentgen 18
97 topps team timber Anderson, 9, Gonzalez 10
97 Ultra kid gloves walker,
97 ultra back to future omack,
97 Ultra top 30 ,pettittte, 16,wiliams(2)
97 ultra prospects walker,
97 Ultra power plus m. Williams 12, arod 9
97 ultra season crowns belle(2),bichette(2), l martinez, pettitte
97 ultra hr king hundley 5
97 ud run producers b. anderson
98 bow chrome rookie class tatis,
Circa thunder boomers buhner 3
98 flair wave of future Marrero, lee,
98 fleer lumber co TY. Martinez 9
98 fleer tradition promising forecast varitek,
98 leaf r/s greatest hits arod 4
98 pac crn coll 12 castilla
98 stadium club in the wings fullmer
98 summit art prf wilson 177
Topps mlb future all stars cruz fa6
1998 Topps Chrome Refractors #326 Jose Cruz Jr.,#366 Orlando Cabrera, #374 Cecil
Fielder, #384 Carlos Delgado
98 ultra big shots vanghn 10, mwilliams
98 ultra kid gloves 6,11(2)
98 ud pre med star rookie rolen tejada,
98 ud destination stardom wright
99 brilliant illuminators chavez 9,
99 showcase row 1 numbered to 6000 68 r. white,
99 showcase row 2 107 boone
99 sports illustrated fabulous 40 palmeiro 11, Vaughn 13
1999 Topps Hall of Fame Coll.10 Yogi Berra,4 Willie McCovey(2)
99 ultra rbi king bagwell(2), erstad 8
00 ionix shockwave belle, m. Williams, ausome mondesi 30
00 skybox new era weaver (2),
00 stad club 3x3 luminous 4c bell
00 stadium club eyes of the game refractors johnson,mcgwire
2000 Topps Perennial All Stars PA7 Jeff Bagwell, PA8 Barry Bonds
2000 topps chrome new mill. stars sexson,
Topps gold label prospectors dream burrell 4
00 pacific crown coll latinos of the major leagues Rey Ordonez 10
00 ultra world premier beltran 6
00 ud hot properties drew,
00 ud launchers belle
00 ud yankee lkegends new dynasty Winfield 5
00 mlilenial team mays, Griffey, ruth, Schmidt, mcgwire, ripken,bench, J ROBINSON
01 bow best impact players cresse 16, wells 11,Hamilton 19
01 bow best rookie fever 9, wilson 2
01 bow chrome jt snow 4
2001 Donruss Production Line Moises Alou PL-20 118/416 4.00
01 fleer focus roy coll aparacio
01 topps archives bouton,
01 topps stars progression 4, m musial 5(2), gold limited inserts/499 Larkin 91, grieve 140,
01 topps gold anniversary 2 banks, 36,49 6 seaver, bonds 17, pedro 29(2), mcgwire 41 tradition continues rolen7, arod13a jones 22,brown 24
2001 Topps Noteworthy TN25 Pedro Martinez, TN27 Whitey Ford(3).
TN3 Sammy Sosa,TN31 Warren Spahn,TN35 Steve Carlton
TN38 Reggie Jackson,tN4 Todd Helton,TN41 Eddie Mathews
TN46 Harmon Killebrew
01 Topps what could have been 8 suttles, 10Pop Lloyd,3 Buck Leonard
7,Judy Johnson,9 Ray Dandridge
01 topps a look ahead pedro 9(2)
01 Topps before topps Gehrig 1,alexander9,johnson 4, Hornsby 6
01 Topps chrome what could have been: paige 2,
01 topps chrome before there was topps Mathewson 8, gehrig 1
01 topps 52 w/s reprints17 houk, game 3 ws-3(robinson)
01 topps chrome 52 w/s 4 pafko, 9 Reynolds, 19 bauer
01 ud hof gallery reggie, jax. Berraibson, musial
01 ud 20th century showcase mays
01 ud pros and prosp fran. Bld blk wilson 24
01 ud stars of japan 4 irabu/shinjo,7 shinjo/sasaki, 18 yoshii/irabu, 27 yoshi/sasaki
2002 Topps Ticket to History 1952 World Series Ticket 2 Dodgers,
Ticket 3 Yankees,Ticket 4 Yankees,Ticket 5 Yankees,Ticket 6 Dodgers
(filed under ticket)
2002 Topps Archives Reserve Al Oliver Card 3 of 100 1.50
2002 Topps Chrome Traded Refractors T45 Omar Daal,T96 John Mabry,T10 Eric Hinske TOR $2.50
02 Dr elite series guerrero6,f robinson 17pass the torch cuddyer 13 /1000
02 fleer genuine leaders 13,
02 Fleer genuine touch em all 14,20
02 gold label jack cust class 1 gold 132 /500
2002 Topps All-World Team AW-9 Alex Rodriguez
02 topps ticket to baseball historygame 3,4,7(2) under yankees
02 topps res floyd 40 /150
02 ultra glove wrks ventura 9
03 bow heritage oldies split screen ford 177, kaline 173
03 bow heritage oldies aparicio 176, kaline 173
0 donruss elite series Edmonds 9
03 fleer double header181, 197, 202, 281
03 leaf
ress proof/50 Hampton 161,
03 leaf: home e. martinez 3, leaf 60 klesko 39
03 stad club royal gold salmon 32
03 studiom proofsw /100 145 sexson, burks 27,perez 174
03 Standing o die cuts 11 lopez, 23 casey, 65 schmidt
03 aweet spot classic patch lynn /50
2003 Topps Own the Game OG1 Ichiro,OG27Clemens,OG7 Alex Rodriguez
2003 Topps Record Breakers (Purple) RB-HK Harmon Killebrew,
(Purple) RB-RC Roger Clemens, (Purple) RB-RCA Rod Carew
03 topps gallery artist proof 59 kennedy, 187 martinez
03 topps polar bear pedro (93),nomar 110,,sosa 51
03 topps sovereign reyes 122
03 total topps Thome, Tejada, Anderson, ramirez
03 total topps production ordonez,
04 bazooka comics :anderson, palmeiro, loaiza, furcal
04 bazooka tattoos biggio, I other cardinal
04 Bazooka red parallel: Ramirez 22, Pettitte 182
04 bowman uncirculated russ Ortiz silver 94 /245,
04 bowman gold draft picks 4 tracy,
04 cracker jax stickers 16,
04 leaf red press proof giles 112, martinez 74
04 sweet spot classic patches fingers, heinrich, f. robinson , rick ferrell
04 leaf blue press proof tatis 156 /100, nady 192 /100
04 throw threads estevez fans og game 1
2004 Topps Total Silver 304 Jaret Wright ATL $0.75
04 ud natl pride: romanczuk 9,, register 3,
04 ud 25 slutes young 10
05 diamond king red bdr Wilson 85, bigbee 31,overbay 125,blalock 228
05 ultra gold med Wilson 80,
05 studio stars upton, lee, Crosby alou,tejada,guerrero,giles
2005 Diamond Kings Timeline 8 Rafael Palmeiro BAL/TEX $2.50
2005 Topps A-Rod Spokesman Insert ARI1,2,3,4, Alex Rodriguez
2005 Topps Dem Bums Reprints DB-CL Labine,DB-DH Don Hoak,
DB-DZ Don Zimmer,DB-JG Jim Gilliam,DB-JH Jim Hughes,DB-KS Karl Spooner
2005 topps all stars many ts6
06 flair show wave of future Willingham 5
2006 Finest Refractor Young 108 151/299 2.00
2006 Flair Showcase Hot Numbers HN28 Todd Helton COL $2.50
06 topps gold/2006 crain, 96,, update 298 berkman/oswalt
2006 Topps Own the Game OG12and 13 David Ortiz,OG21 Mariano Rivera, OG3 Albert Pujols, OG4 Roger Clemens
2006 Topps - Topps Stars TS-RC Roger Clemens
2006 Topps Update Barry Bonds 715 715-BB Barry Bonds
2006 Topps Update Rookie Debut RD-33 James Shields
2006 Topps WalMart Blaster WM46 David Ortiz(2)
2006 Topps Hobby Masters HM16 Ichiro,HM17 Pedro Martinez
2007 bowman chrome refractor 32, 128
2007 UD Goudey 147 Phil Hughes NYY $2.00
2007 Topps Own the Game OTG2 David Ortiz(7)
2007 Topps The Streak JD4,jd40,jd46 Joe DiMaggio
2007 Topps The Streak Before the Streak JDSF11 Joe DiMaggio
2007 Topps WalMart Inserts WM1 Frank Thomas,WM12 Miguel Cabrera,
WM2 Mike Piazza,WM25 Alex Rodriguez,wM27 Daisuke Matsuzaka
WM4 David Ortiz
2007 Topps - Topps Stars TS7 Daisuke Matsuzaka
2007 Topps Distinguished Service DS4 Bobby Doerr
2007 Topps Update Barry Bonds 756 HRK Barry Bonds
2007 Topps Update World Series Watch NNO Diamondbacks,
Detroit Tigers,NNO San Diego Padres,nNO Seattle Mariners
2007 Topps Hobby Masters HM10 Alex Rodriguez
07 topps gen. now 107, 114, Utley 53, 80
07 topps gen now arrives 6 taveras, 8 young,
07 topps gold miller 128, burres 289
2007 Finest Refractor Teixeira 27 0.75,Kevin Millwood 89 0.50
2007 Topps Chrome Black Refractor Teixeira 181 1.50, Black Refractor Blalock 181 2.50,White Refractor Nelson Cruz 241 630/660 3.00, White Refractor Carlos Lee 26 510/660 2.00
2007 Topps Chrome Refractors #219 Kenny Rogers, #198 Gary Sheffield
-2007 Topps Chrome Blue Refractors #16 Andy Pettitte
07 Fleer rookie sensations: weaver,
08 Bowman chrome refractors de jesus 2, hermida 23,garza 26, n. Johnson 149, Tejada 68,59 Burrell PHI,80 ****,173 Brett Myers,x fractor /250 maholm
08 goudet Sport royalty foudy 296
2008 Topps Chrome Refractors 72 Brandon Phillips,150 Homer Bailey
2008 Topps Year in Review YR7(2),19,125 Alex Rodriguez,
YR156 Varitek,YR5,27 Matsuzaka,YR33 Ichiro,yr 41,74 Lincecum,
YR50,73 Justin Verlander YR78 Chipper Jones,b eltre 58, Reynolds 55,
08 topps u/h gold /2008 guzman 23, Hensley 325, moeller 69, Johnson 253, cancel 66, pagan 224.
2008 Topps Update Ring of Honor 1986 Mets MRH-GC Carter,
WS Champs RH-DS Snider,WS Champs RH-WF Ford
2008 Topps - Topps Stars TS1 Alex Rodriguez, TS15 David Ortiz(3)
2008 Topps All-Rook.Tm. 50th Anniv AR17 Verlander AR34 Chipper Jones
2008 Topps Own the Game OTG11 Alex Rodriguez
2008 Topps T205 TCP1 Albert Pujols,TCP11 Ichiro,TCP5 Alex Rodriguez
2008 Topps Trading Card His. TCH17 Clemens,TCH31 Chipper Jones
2008 Topps Update WBC Preview WBC1 Daisuke Matsuzaka2008 Bowman CHR Ref. Miguel Tejada 68 2.00
2008 T.CHR Ref. C.Lee 143 1.50, All Star Rookie Team Teixeira ARC12 114/400 3.00
2008 stadium club first day issue 12,27,57 81 berkman
09 sp leg cuts booker t Washington 184 /550
2009 Topps Update 201 Jordan Zimmermann WSH $2.50
2009 Topps Update Legends Career Best LGCB-CY Cy Young
LGCB-GS Sisler,LGCB-MO Mel Ott, LGCB-RC Campanella
LGCB-RH Hornsby,LGCB-TC Ty Cobb,TS Tris Speaker
LGCB-WJ Johnson
2009 Topps Update Leg. of the Game LGU4 Ty Cobb(2),LGU7 George Sisler, ott j. robinson
2009 Topps Ring of Honor RH10 Brooks Robinson,RH18 and RH 40 Bob Gibson,RH2Whitey Ford, RH23and 44 Mariano Rivera,RH47 Roger Clemens,RH56 Dustin Pedroia,RH6 Johnny Bench(2),rH63 Miguel Cabrera,RH75 Daisuke Matsuzaka
2009 Topps Turkey Red TR125 Max Scherzer,TR15 David Ortiz
TR16 Joe Mauer,TR25 Alex Rodriguez, TR79 Roy Campanella
2009 Topps ToppsTown TTT21 Chipper Jones, TTT13 Albert Pujols
TTT21 Chipper Jones, TTT25 Daisuke Matsuzaka,TTT29 Derek Jeter
2009 Topps Update Propaganda PP14 Ichiro,PP3 Albert Pujols,
PP30 Zack Greinke,pP9 Dustin Pedroia
2009 Topps World Baseball Classic BCS14 Miguel Cabrera,BCS24 Dustin Pedroia,BCS25 David Ortiz
2009 Topps WBC Rising Stars 10 Daisuke Matsuzaka
2010 Topps Update US181 JP Arencibia,US235 Jose Tabata ,US319 Josh Tomlin, US323 Ryan Kalish BOS
2010 Topps Chrome Refractors 30 Ian Kinsler,63 James Shields,78 Placido Polanco PHI(2)
2010 T.CHR Ref Hunter Pence 164 2.00
2010 Finest Red Ref Ian Kinsler 61 10/25 12.00
2010 Topps Copper #473 Jason Varitek (168/399) (BOS) ($10)
2010 topps gold/2010 344,490,571
2010 topps gold update/2010 7,12,208,243
2010 Topps Turkey Red TR127 Ichiro,TR140Munson,TR141 *** Wee Reese,TR146 Duke Snider,TR21 Johnny Bench,TR4 Albert Pujols
TR70 Jackie Robinson,TR74 Tom Seaver,TR83 Yogi Berra,TR84 Dustin Pedroia
2010 Topps Peak Performance PP-47 Roger Maris, PP-57 Max Scherzer,
PP-86 Justin Verlander(2)
2010 Topps History of the World Series HWS2 Walter Johnson,HWS10 Whitey Ford, HWS11 Johnny Podres,HWS12 Yogi Berra
HWS15 Bob Gibson, HWS19 Jason Varitek
2010 Topps Home Team Advantage HTA-1 Albert Pujols,HTA-10 Jackie Robinson,HTA-12 Ichiro,HTA-29 Alex Rodriguez,HTA-30 Thurman Munson
31 Mel Ott,39 Roy Campanella, HTA-42 Carl Yastrzemski
2010 Topps Mil.Card Giveaway Card TMC-29 Yaz, TMC-30 Mantle
2010 Topps Tales of the Game TOG-8 Roger Maris
2010 Topps The Cards Your Mom Threw Out CMT158 f.Thomas
2010 Topps When They Were Young WTWYAR ARod.g WTWYJV Verlander
2011 topps gold /2011 88.298,507,579
2011 Topps Heritage CHR Green Ref Nelson Cruz C9 8.00
2011 T.CHR XFractorKinsler18 4.00,
2011 T.CHR Ref Neftali Feliz 66 1.25, Adrian Beltre 165 3.00
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps 01 J, Robinson,02 Roy Campanella(2),
18 and 78 Seaver,22 Fisk(2),24 Yastrzemski,49 A. Rod.,54 Verlander,
58 Joe Mauer(2),68 Killebrew,76 Banks,81Gossage,86 Carter, 87 Murray(2)
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps Lost Cards OTLC-2 Snider,4 Cmpnella
6 Ford,9 Musial
2011 Topps - Topps 60 T60-10, 104 Alex Rodriguez, T60-110 Carlton Fisk
T60-4 Gary Carter,T60-66 Paul Molitor
2011 Topps Before there was Topps BTT1 Honus Wagner(2)
BTT2 Christy Mathewson,BTT3 Walter Johnson,bTT6 George Moll
2011 Topps CMG Worldwide Vintage Reprints CMGR-20,21 Gehrig
CMGR-28 Ty Cobb(2),CMGR-7 Robinson
2011 Topps Diamond Giveaway Code Card TDG-4 Albert Pujols
2011 Topps Ticket to Toppstown TT-50 Albert Pujols, TT2-20 Kershaw
2012 Bowman Chrome Refractors 69 Carlos Gonzalez COL $2.50
2012 Topps CareerDay CD-12 R. Jackson,CD-19 Jackie Robinson(2),
CD-25 Yogi Berra(2).CD-3 Al Kaline,CD-5 Sandy Koufax(3)
2012 Topps Mound Dominance MD-11 Warren Spahn, MD-12 Bob Feller
MD-2 Justin Verlander(3), MD-3 Sandy Koufax(5)
2012 Topps 1987 Topps Minis TM-35 Zack Greinke,TM-55 Justin Verlander(2),TM-63 Felix Hernandez,TM-75 Alex Rodriguez(2)
2012 Topps Update Blockbusters BB-1 Albert Pujols, BB-18 Carlton Fisk
BB-25 Alex Rodriguez, BB-4 Gary Carter, BB-8 Miguel Cabrera
2012 Topps A Cut Above ACA-3 Justin Verlander
2012 Topps Classic Walk-Offs CW-4,14 David Ortiz
2012 Topps Classic Walk-Offs CW-2 Carlton Fisk(2)
2012 Topps Gold Futures GF-33 Madison Bumgarner
2012 Topps Gold Futures GF-43 Stephen Strasburg
2013 Topps Update Postseason Heroes PH-13 David Ortiz,
PH-19 Jim Palmer, PH-2 Justin Verlander,PH-3 George Brett,
PH-4 John Smoltz, PH-5 Greg Maddux, PH-6 Sandy Koufax
PH-7 Reggie Jackson
2013 toppsgold /2013 624
2014 Topps All-Rookie Cup Team RCT-6 Jim Rice(2)
2014 Topps The Future is Now FN-40,41 Xander Bogaerts
2014 Topps Update Power Players PPA-MS Max Scherzer
2014 Topps Upper Class UC-24 Justin Verlander(2),
UC-39 Greg Maddux(2),UC-42 Jim Rice(2),UC-46 Boggs,
UC-49 Al Kaline(2
2015 Topps Archetypes A-15 Mike Piazza
2015 Topps First Home Run FHR-15 Alex Rodriguez
2015 Topps Heart of Order HOR-19 Goldschmidt, HOR-8 Gary Carter
2015 Topps High.of the Year H-11 Maris,H-18 Willie McCovey,H-20Jenkins
2015 Topps Hot Streak HS-4 Max Scherzer
2015 Topps Update All-Star Game Acc.MLB-12 Greinke,-18 Max Scherzer
4 Yadier Molina,-5 M Bumgarner
2015 Topps Update Pride and Perserverance PP-8 Jon Lester
2015 Topps Update Rookie Sensations RS-4 Mike Piazza
2015 Topps Update Tape Measure Blasts TMB-15 Josh Gibson
2015 Topps Update Whatever Works WW-8 Roger Clemens
2015 Topps Free Agent 40 F40-12 Carlton Fisk(2),F40-14 Roger Clemens
F40-6 David Ortiz(2), F40-8 Greg Maddux(2),F40-9 Alex Rodriguez
2015 Topps The Babe Ruth Story BR-1,4,5, Babe Ruth
2016 donruss elite series /999 moustakas es2
2016 Topps MLB Debut MBBD-21 Joe Mauer,MLBD-25 Mike Piazza,
MLBD-31 Alex Rodriguez ,MLBD-4 Miguel Cabrera,
2016 Topps MLB Debut Series 2 MLBD2-13 Bumgarner, MLBD2-14 Clayton Kershaw, MLBD2-36 Greinke, 2 MLBD2-37 Joey Votto
2016 Topps Berger's Best BB-10 Bill Mazeroski, BB-23 Dave Winfield,
BB-42 Randy Johnson,Series 2 BB2-1993 Mike Piazza
2016 Topps Hallowed Highlights HH-13 Robin Yount
2016 Topps Record Setters RS-9 Alex Rodriguez
2016 Topps Greatest Streaks GS-03 Greinke(2),GS-04 Ichiro(3),07Seaver
2016 Topps Update Retail 500 HR Futures 500-1 Miguel Cabrera
2016 Topps Walk-Off Wins WOW-14 Carlton Fisk,wow-2 David Ortiz
2017 donruss elite series/999 kinsler es10, red /149 frazier es 8
2017 donruss optic elite sries e 16 schwarber
2017 Topps Five Tool 5T-36 Madison Bumgarner
2017 Topps MLB A.S.Game MVP ASM-13 Piazza,ASM-18 Ichiro
2017 Topps Salute S-50 Brooks Robinson
2017 Topps Update Postseason Celebrations PC-12 Boston
2017 Topps Update Salute USS-2 Altuve,USS-28 Scherzer,USS-29 Benintendi
2017 toops chrome prism refractors185 rodriguez 2.00
2017 toops chrome prism refractors 84 porcello 2.50
2018 Donruss elite dominator/999 verlanderd5
2018 donruss elite series posey e7
2018 Topps Instant Impact II-23 Carlton Fisk, II-37 Joey Votto
2018 Topps MLB Awards MLBA-1,12(2),37(2) Jose Altuve,
MLBA-11 Max Scherzer(2),46 Nolan Arenado, 47 Jose Ramirez
2018 Topps Superstar Sensations SSS-12 C Kershaw,2 Jose Altuve
2018 Topps Update An International Affair IA-1 Bogaerts,
13 Martinez,16 Ortiz,24 Ichiro,IA-45 Betts,46 Altuve,IA-48 Cabrera
2018 Topps Update HoF Highlights HFH-1,2,3,4,6, Chipper Jones
2018 toops chrome pink refractors 115 jackie Bradley 2.50
2018 topps chrome pink refractors (3) Benintendi 151 12.00
2018 topps chrome pink refractors (2)Kimbrel 53 4.00
2018 toops chrome pink refractors 59 ramirez 2.00
2018 topps chrome refracrtor hamley 59 1.50
2018 Topps Chrome Refractors 141 Starlin Castro MIA $1.25
2018 Topps Chrome Sepia Refractors 102 Chris Archer TMB $1.50
2019 Topps Chrome Pink Refractors 77 Andrew McCutchen, 103 Odubel Herrera PHI
2019 Topps Chrome Prism Refractors 7 Maikel Franco PHI $2.00
2019 Topps Grapefruit League Greats GLG-15 Martinez, GLG-24 J Altuve
2019 Topps Chrome Refractors 7 Maikel Franco PHI $1.50
2020 donruss elite series /999 baez e-2
2020 Topps Home Run Challenge HRC-3 J.D. Martinez
2020 Topps Turkey Red Series 2 TR-26 Sandberg,TR-3 Votto
Section 3 Vintage cards:
1951 bowman 18,25,33,98
1952 bowman 124 creased
1952 topps 93,115,153,198
1953 topps 12,31,62,,63,90,103,123,135, 160.201
1954Topps 19,22(2),23,26,44,64,105, 149,189, 201
1955T: 6,29,34,35,44,46,48,59,60,61,62,,66(2),93,112,113(2),148,0
1955 bowman 34,47,152,181,182,223
1956 T 4,45,171,257
1957 66, 82,124,16,160(2),151, 181,263,278,318
1958: 70,72,120,203,269,362,379,383,385,386,398,406,416,420,429,438,444,450,466
1959: 86,96,182,211(2),230,265,307,318,331,335,378(2),
385,409(2),411,413,414,418,421,422(2),426, 431,433,442,
1960- 1,41,90,105,121.122.127,132,143,147,199,227,228,299,327,346,365,424,453,505, fleer 35,
1961- 1,6,15,24,31(2),32,33.34,55,59,61,62,75,76,90,103,111(2),123,125(2), 129,134,135,147,152,155,159(2),163, 177,183,184,186,187(2),
193, 195,206,225,226, 238,241,246,257,262,263,266,268,
277,285,288,296,298, 301,309,314,317,318(2), 328,329(2),332,335,373,384,399,424(2),437,447(2),
448,452,456, 462,463 both versions,474(2),507(3)
FLEER 10,12,33,57 ( Topps stamps drysdale)
1962 6,13,16,27,50,,51,53,58,59(2),63,66,98,101,107, 128, 141,158,165,170,199,262,310,314,340,350,370,456,493,496,510,531,576
(also Topps stamps drysdale)
1963 17,26,33,41,43,47,69,70,79.94,118,158,149,165(2).190,214,250,269,276,280,321,332(2),481,499,500,521,538,541,554,
1963 post cereal stuart 137, marichal109
1964 2,6,7,12,13,18,19,24,26,29,30,31(2),32,38,39(3,)41,42,47(2),49,52,56(2),61,62(2),65,,70,78,79(2),80,82,84,96,97,102,104(2),105(2), 109,111,114(3),118,119,123, 124(2),126, 127, 133,141,142,143,144,147(2),149,151,152,153,154,156,157,
158(2),159,161,162(2),165,168,169,170,174(2),178,181,182,183,184(2),185, 186(2),191,
192,193(3)199, 201(2), 203,209,211,212, 213,215, 216(2),217,218,227, 229,231(2),239,240,241,245(2),247,248,250,253,261(3),263,265,266
315,316,321,323,328(3),332(2),333,334,338,339,341,342,348,351,354,356,357,358360,,361(2),363(2),364,368,369,370(2),372,376,378,380,381,382(2),385,386(388(2),389,397(2),401,402,404,405,408,409,411, 418,420(2),421,422(3), 427(2),428,430,431,433,436,437, 441,443,444,445,448,455,472,480,483,488,491,494,502,531,543,
1965 1,2,9,11,12,,13,23,48,49.50,55,59,62,73,82,86, 88,97,100,103,110,132,133,136,137,153(2),161,166,193(2),202,236(2), 242,259,286,325,329,388(4),398,400(2),403(2),456,
1966: 2,3,5,8,12,13,14,16,18,20,23,24,25,27,29,32,33,36(2),37,39,4041,44,46,52,53,56,55,58,59,65,6971,73,75,76,78,81,82,84,85,86,88,91.93,95,98,99,106,107,108,119,120,123,124(2),125,127,128,134,140,148.148,154,156,157,158,161,165,184,199,200,203,211,213,213,214,221,222,224,,226,244,245,246,256,258,261,263,265,268,269,270(2),272,273,274,277,278,291,295,302,304,307,312,316,318,325,329,332,334,344,349,354,356,363,368,369,371,373,374,374,377,378,386, 393,395,399
412,415,417418,432,437,438,441,443,447,459,473,489, 503
1967 5,8,9,11,18,19,22,29,30,37,46,47,53,67,78,90,92,98,101,114, 123(2),136, 145,158,172,179,207,229,238,257(2),259,271,273, 287294,309,320,340,349,436,446,62, 519(marked)
1968 6,13,14,26(4), 43(5),47(2), 61, 69,80,89,103,104,106,123(3),178,189, marshall 201,207,208,209,222, 233(2), 236,246(3),251,263,277,283,294,
331, 377,387,399,455,461,504511,522,555,557,566, JOHNNY BENCH ROOKIE
,587 gold all star aaron,clemente
1969-8,30,57,69,92,130,142,409,412,441,,458,487,494,519,528,552(2),553,554 deckle edge mc covey 31, KESSINGER, GIBSON 29, boog,mays,brooks r., Wilhelm, rose
1970 9,28,45,62,75,104,109,111,118,127,128,135,138,144,160,161,171,182,186,203,206,210,221,227(2),231,241,242,255,260,261,277,286,288,290(3),300,305,308,309,310,323,324(2)354,359(3),361,371,383,390,(2)394,403,437,445.453,472,490,501,511,541,553549,,560,560,563,575,596,606,650,658,674.679693,699
topps booklet 14 banks
1971 16,20,26,40, 55(2),57,62,65,66,69,81,91,92,97,102
180,181, 183,217,220,222,232,242,248,251, rookies: singleton 16, 27(2),493,garr 494, 231,262,splitorff 247(2), 274, 93, forsch102(2), Montanez 138, cleveland 216,13, 317,320,376,391,403,411,413,416(2),420(2),421,426(2),430,459,467,468,475,492,496(2),507,508,610,623,626,679, 691,Ryan, 695,699, 718
1972 11,13,16,30,32,37,49,51,52,53,61,66,67,71m79,84, 89,92(2),93,95,101(2), 130(2),141,162(2),171,,181,198(2), 205,208(2),209, 211,232, 241,243.251,257,263,264,285,309,312,339,395,452,457, 474,498, 507, 523,525(2),620,
1973 2,3,4,7,15,16,22,24,33,34,43,44,45,48,49,57,62,73,79,87,90,95,97,133, 154,157,158,166,167,175,178,188,190,210,213(2),226,243,318,354,386,396,403,404,439,441,446, 451,466(2),468,486,494,513(2),502, 503,523,530,
1974 9lolich,74,97,99t,105,106,133,alston 144,167, 177, 646 foster(2),139,APARICIO 61(2),rangers braves team cl, 36(2),179(2),187,195,205,270,286,288,310,316,317, 390t,456,464t474,489.504(2),507,523,534,554,579t Traded 43, 51,330,454(2)486,630,649, Opc 161,295,270
1975 7,17,26,28,34,41,50,52,59,63,74,75,80,85,
91,95,97,99.104,119,125,133,142,153,163,167,177, 199, 220, 222,223,,227,247,256,258261,,262,264280 yaz,,284,294,299,,28,315,325,337,341,345,352,360,379,381,386,389,408,410,436,446,456,466,554,560(2),
1975 TOPPS minis 4,192,208,210,225,275,359 437,
1976 45,50,52, 55,85,90,108,165,180,183,192,195,199,207,263,270,
512,520,,527,530,,569,580,582,587,594,637 traded: 83,99,120,158,208,250,
1977-1,2,3(2),5(4),6(4),7,8(2)10,34,50,73,87,92, 110(3)204,220,221,228,231,232(2), 233(2), 234(3),276(3)277,285,291,309(3),356,,360,409,411,412,413,428,433,434,435,436,437,472, 473,474(4),475,476(4),477(4)478,487(3),489,490,491(2), 492(3)493(4)
494, 504, 531.532,562,597(2),600,629,631,632(2),633(3),634, 756,
Cloth reggie 22
664(2),695(2), 703morris(4),704,705(2),707, 708(2),709,710(2),711,712(2), 715,716, 36 EDDIE MURRAY (3), 119 DENNY MARTINEZ,173 ROBIN YOUNT,
400 NOLAN RYAN,206,706
Opc 56, 170
1979: ,6(2),17,20(2),24,39,40,46,50(3),55,60,74,100,109, 123,135,140,159(2), 160,170, 200(2),202,204,211,212,225,233,251,284,285,320(2)
321(2),325,335,340(2),341,355,370,382,390,403,411,412,413,414(2),415,416(2),418,428,430(2),450,457,460(2),469,500,544(2),545,549,551,595,600,621,650,655,670,695(3), 718rookies Lansford 212, upshaw 341(2), 116 OZZIE SMITH RC ,
155 D. EVANS Red Sox,412 Aaron & Hack Wilson All-Time Record Holders,
wilson409, landreaux 619, kennedy 724(3), griffin 705(2), murphy 711(3),sanderson 720(2),721(2), l smith 722 Kelly 714 , 722 OPC Hunter 352, murray 338, rose343
1980TOPPS 4(2),13,17,34,38(2),40,58,70(2)76,94(2),96,102,117,121,122,125,140,141,160(4),167,200(2),202,205,207,230,241,259,270(2),275(2)278,290,300(2),358,381,393(2),400.401,404(2),406(5),416, 428,456,459, 460,478,493,512,534,543555,
567,600,603,625,641,645,654,680,687,698,707,710(2), rookies 482 RICKY HENDERSON, scott 681(2), allen 94(3),bernazard 680,ward669,griffin 558, Sutcliffe 544,petry 373(4)
Opc 4,75
1981-topps 1,2,3,5,6,34,58,60(3),63,75,80,93(2),100(2),103,117,125(3),139,151,158,163,164,189,200,202,207(3)224,234,240(3),250,254(3),261(3),299(2),303,310,315(2),320,335,359,364(2),365(2),370(3),378,380,383,387,400,
401(4)414,420(2),428,460,472,479,504,510,516,525,530(2),540(2),551,560(3),567,574,575,582,595,600(3),601,602,619,620(2),623,627(2),630(2),640,650,651,660, 670(2)681,698,700 brett,724, Rookies: hurst 689(3), pena 551(3), baines 347 m. Wilson 259(4), raines 479, Valenzuela 302(3),192(2), 328, 577, howe 693,durham 321, hoyt 164(2), moseby 643,quisenberry 493,
1981 Topps Traded 742 Hubie Brooks, 819 Jeff Reardon, Topps Traded 853 Bob Walk
738,761,812(2), 839,
81 fleer: ricky h 351, 574, 346 baines(3), 418 ainge, 488 ozzie(2),57(2) ryan,
Fernando v 140, 481,196,655, 511
1982 Topps 3,10,25,,30(3),45, 75,80(2),83, 90 (2), 95(2),100(2), 115(2), 118(3), 122,1124,42, 157,167,168, 171, 179(2), 181,185,189,191 wallach,201,203 barfield rc,208,213, 225,241,247, 249,250,255,257,270, 289,297,298,305, 312, 334,341, 349,373388,,452, 456,472,486,501, 502, 508, 521,547,548, 550,553,570,596600,619,623,624(2)650 yaz,,651,653 brunanski rc 653, 669,681,684,686,706, 712,715(3), 722, 730,751,755, 791, Topps Cal Ripken #21 Rookie (2)
82 topps traded ozzie 109, hrbek rc44, barfield 2
1982 Fleer Cal Ripken Rookie Card RC #176 (3)
82 dr ryan 419,
1983 topps 35, 83 sandberg, 140,145,146,163 ripken,henderson180,209, 439,482
gwynn, 536 VIOLA 498 boggs(2), 765
83 opc ripken163, gwynn rookies 143
83 dr 277 sandberg(3),279 RIPKEN,525 franco(3),586 boggs(2),598 gwynn, 589 BLYLEVEN
83 fleer sandberg 277,
1984 topps ,matttingly8, 182strawberry,490ripken(4),596sandberg, 740, 708 483 OPC 224(staub)
84 topps trd rose 103 ,
84:dr32fernandez,41 carter(2) also gold foil, 54 henderson,,48 yount,311 sandberg, 106 ripken,57(3) reggie,516, carew 352, 216 franco,299 546 palmer, 324 gwynn(2)
84: Fleer 301 gwynn, 504 sandberg (2), 131 mattingly,17 ripken,
1985 TOPPS 536 puckett, 23, 192 ho jo., clemens181(5), 765
donruss 273 clemens, 295mattingly 169 ripken(2),60 ryan, 63 gwynn, PUCKETT 438
85 fleer gwynn 34,ripken187(2)
85 leaf ryan 216
86 Donruss fielder 512Donruss rookies 22 canseco, Leaf reggie 173
86 Fleer 191Canseco 649(2), 78 dykstra 438 daulton, Fleer #646 Kal Daniels & Paul O’Neill (CIN) ($4)
86 fleer update 14 bonds(2), maddux u68, clark 25
86 topps traded bonds(3), canseco 20(3), bo Jackson, clark(2) , joyner, gallaragga,kruk,bonilla,Mitchell7 4 thompson, nieves seaver
87 topps larkin 648, bonds 320,mcgwire 366,
87 top traded maddux 70, tiffany maddux70,mattingly 500,
87 dr. 43palmeiro(3), mcgwire 46 (4), maddux 36(3), 361 bonds(2),
87 Dr the rookies McGwire 1(2). Palmeiro 47, maddux 52
87 Leaf Maddux 36, palmeiro 43
87 fleer Larkin 204(2),clark 269,,478,ripken, 213 rose, 79 finley
88 fleer brett 254
Section 4 Rookies:
88 fleer: grace 641,e. martinez 378, glavine 539(3), fleer update: alomar 122(2), biggio 89 (2), g smoltz 74,grace 77(2)
88 dr grace 40(4), glavine 644, leaf: Grace40
88 rise. star alomar 72 , Johnson 63, young sup star biggio 7
88 topps traded abbott alomar, wells grace 42
1989 bowman griffey#220,
89 Donruss Schilling 635(14),smoltz 642 sheffield31, biggio 561(5), bbb smoltz 85, Alomar 28, Griffey 33(8),glavine2 the rookies Sheffield 1
89 dr rookies biggio 561, visquel 53,
89 fleer Johnson 381 (2), Griffey 548(5)
89 score traded r Johnson 77(2), Griffey 100(2), finley, belle,visquel rising star 63 johnson, 89 Griffey
89 topps johnson 647(2), smoltz 382, Sheffield 343(3),biggio 49
89 topps traded d. sanders 110(2), griffey 41(2), r Johnson 57(4), visquel 122 (3) ROGERS 104
89 UD biggio 273, jeffries9, carpenter8,Anderson 408, alomar 5, Glavine 360
1990 Bowman Sosa 312
90 Fleer Sosa (4) 548, walker 383(2), fleer update Thomas 87(3)
90 leaf walker 325, olerud 237,
90 donruss sosa 489 (3),
90 ud sosa 17 (4),
90 topps Sosa 692(5) .Thomas 414(2),walker 757
91 bowman irod 272, chipper569
91 gold leaf mussina bc12
91 topps. jones 333, topps trd giambi 45(6), irod 101(2), bagwell 4(3),
91 ud c. Jones 55(2), bagwell 755(12), mussina 65(9),l gonzo 576,
Ud update irod55
91 score mussina 383(5), chipper 671(4),
92 bowman percival 290(2),anderson 298(3), Klesko 623
randa foil 560, lopez 452,byrd349(2), Floyd 678,
92 Donruss the rookies kent 61(2)
92 gold leaf rookie pedro bc3
92 stadium club dome s. green
92 topps manny r. 156
92 ud pedro 18(3), diamond skills manny55
1993 dr piazza 209,
93 Topps jeter 98 , classic gold 115(2)
93 flair wave of futr davis 3, white 18(2), sele116
94 b\ow best posada/lopez, wagner 19, mondesi86
94 classic 4 sport arod 260
94 collectors choice wagner29
94, leaf limited park 78
94 ud lee 539,arod 24(3),298, 524 wagner(2)
95 topps traded beltran18 t, embossed buhner
96 bowman morris(2), bowman foil morris 301, Bowman’s Best Refractors #137 Morris ($20
Score 225 rivera
96 topps 432(konerko) morris 232,
97 bowman vasquez 387, berkman438 (2)($10)wood 196
1998 Bowman's Best #153 Troy Glaus $4.00
1997 Bowman Chrome #214 Aramis Ramirez ($10, #273 Miguel Tejada $10),
#284 Vernon Wells ($8),#293 Jayson Werth ($8),#298 Lance Berkman ($6)
1997 Bowman Inter. #310 Aramis Ramirez ($5), #411 Miguel Tejada($6)
1997 Bowman International #438 Lance Berkman (HOU) ($10)
98 bow chrome 95,145, 211(2)glaus 134, #185 Ordornez (2)
98 bow chrome intl nicholson 338, Halladay 75
98 bowman millwood 91(2), CUDDYER 148(2),
'98 flair row 2 magglio ordonez
99 bowbest 151 burrell, Soriano 169
99 bow intl mulder 355'
99 Bowman burrell 175 , rookie of yer glaus
'99 Just Soriano (2), kearns (4)
99 fleer update u5 soriano, brilliants burrell 140,
'99 team best soriano x3
99 Topps Kearns/George 439
99 top. chrome traded traded: Soriano, Crawford, burrell,
clark, kanerko, Canseco, johnson’wells,Hamilton,dunn, rivera,lopez,pena,mulder,kearns,burnett,.patterson,
T chrome rook. halliday ae 18 all etch,
99 T.Traded #T50 Adam Dunn ($4), #T65 Alfonso Soriano ($5),#T66 Josh Hamilton ($8),#T75 Carl Crawford (TMB) ($4)
'99 Upper Deck Ultimate Victory sps Berkman x2 ,
99 sky box prem burrell 248
99 Topps Tek Pat Burrell, #36A P-08 4.00
99 UD MVP Pat Burrell, #157 2.00
99 ud beltran rookie class r8
99 UD star rookie burrell 266, beltran 287
99 sp top prospects 45 burrell (3), 93 Henson, 56 halliday, 63 jones
99 ud holo fx burrell (3)45
00 bowman zito 419, oswalt 395, j. lopez 587, tiffany belle 333
00 team best zito 212 (2)
00 topps zito/ 451,
00 topps traded zito 67, #T81 Adrian Gonzalez (FLA) ($8)(2)
00 topps chrome trd #T81 Adrian Gonzalez (FLA) ($10)(2), #T46 Mike Young (TOR) ($12),#T67 Barry Zito (OAK) ($3)
01 bow.hafner 256, bow. Her hafner 227, Utley 304
01 Fleer plat pujols 435 (8), prior 529(2)
01 royal rookies Cabrera 16
01 ud howard 62
02 bow mauer 379(2),
2002 Fleer Mini Morgan Ensberg 502 27/50
02 finest x fractor/299nageotte
02 Leaf R&S C. Lee 318,
2002 UD Prospect Premieres #14 Curtis Granderson, ($8),#24 Brian McCann ($8)
03 bowman Contreras 166, victorino 319 chrome 97
03 bow Best: victorino,
2003 Bowman Chrome Refractors 46 Kevin Millwood PHI $2.00
03 bowman chrome31, 150 ,170 gold refractor/170#330 dominique
03 playoff absolute texiera 53, Prestige matsui 197
03 studio Contreras 55
03 topps youkilis311(2) topps traded hanley ramirez t181
03 topps topps chrome 216 Youkilis(2), topps total howard 952
03 playball matsui 104
03 ud star rookie Cabrera 5, 503 webb,
03 ud 40 man WEBB 503
03 ud play ball matsui 104
2004 bowman 224 F. Hernandez 224(2), chrome reg refractor sosa 196,
04 bowman chrome K. Matsui 286, refractors 313 mallory, capellan 255
04 skybox le gold proof/150 laird 158, Willingham 129, rios 159, photo proof /25 gomes 124
04 topps gold traded 42 ibanez, 171 aybar /2004
2004 Topps Chrome Refractors 303 Oliver Perez
2005 bow kinsler 171, x fractor coats 278/225, DRAFT PICK FRANCOEUR 158, bowman best Cabrera 84 /488
Donruss team heroes verlander371
2005 flair verlander68 /699
05 Sweet Spot 158 Russell Martin
05 throwback threads verlander 213
05 topps hernandez 688
05 topps update cruz rc 206, Francoeur 2
Topps chrome update weaver197, Zimmerman 208
05 Ud verlander 430, pro sigs verlander 105, fielder 111
2006 a and g Zimmerman 264
BOW CHROME FG 3 braun, FG 7 GONZALEZ 7, bc 171 ciriaco ref /150,bc 183 cuevas xref/250, dp 54 eisenberg ref., xfractors bdp 35 haeger/299, bdp 49 ethier /299 Bowman Chrome Prospects BC110 Kendry Morales $2.50
2006 bow sterl ref penn /199
06 flair showcase kinsler192 (suite level), tracy 136, cain 102 ,
Wsve of the future verlander 20
06 fleer verlander 173(3),, zimmerman113,(2), fielder 80
Finest ref young 108 /299
06 justifiable lincecum 07
06 sp auth wbc /999 enriquez 44, duursma 75,
06 topps fielder 639, verlander 641, Zimmerman 617(2),rookie debut kohjima 3
06 topps 52 kinsler 149, Zimmerman 270,martin 30,fielder253(2),pena 54 /1952, ramirez 83
Topps heritage 461 verlander
06 turkey red verlander 630, Zimmerman 606(2), cain 609, fielder 591 red kemp 602
06 topps update kemp 138, shields 147(2), ethier 151(2),
06 ultra Zimmerman(3) 97,gold Zimmerman 97(3)
Ud Zimmerman 97 (3),498, ud fielder 80
06 UD 985 Andre Ethier LA $2.50, UD 992 Kendry Morales ANA $2.00
UD #963 Jon Lester (BOS) ($3)
2007bow chrome refractors Loretta 32, lee 128
07 bow chr draft pick Reynolds 54, pence 25,braun 50,Gordon 15
07 bow drft bdp lincecum 11(4),( gold11) braun 50,
07 bow heritage slowey 215, Reynolds224, braun 234 , lincecum 202
07 bow chrome bc 97 rodriguez, bc 200 refractor clippard
07 Bow chrome bddp longoria 99,
07 finest refractor millwood 89
07 goudey mini 147 hughes
07 sp 214 lincecum, rookie ed 142 hughes, lincecum 124(3), also 264
lincecum, 96 version braun 249, dice k167($4)
-07 Tristar prospects plus potential bruce jb,c. Gonzalez cg, longoria el,
07 turk red rookies hamilton 55,lincecum 88,chrome version 102 /1999,
07 ud masterpiece lincecum 82
07 ud mvp prospects verlander mvp-jv
2008 bow chrome ref. riviero 203 /500, bdp price 55(2)
08 goudey bruce 153, fukudome 36,
2008 Upper Deck #708 Kosuke Fukudome RC (2)$10.00
08 topps chr. longori 193, ref garcia 198, gold/599 wells 212
08 topps heritage bruce 547
08 topps update rookies:1FUKODOME, C. GONZALEZ U146100bruce(2), 100 Gold bruce/2008,146(2),
08 ud bb heroes 37 fukudome,
08 ud first pitch 329FUKODOME, 390, 391, 708
08 ud timeline bruce 86
2009: bow chr refractors bcw Beresford / 25, Ramirez bcw 59 /150,
BCW cespedes 49, 42,
2009 Topps Chrome #200 Rick Porcello (DET) ($5)
2010 bow chrome bcp214,refractor 85
10 topps 353
2010 Topps Allen and Ginter #294 Buster Posey (SF) ($8)
?10 topps vintage legends” gehrig1,Jackson 3, mccovey 6,seaver 7,ozzie 9,ruth 10,mathewson 11,ott 14,munson 16,Schmidt 17,wagner 25
2011 Topps Lineage Diamond Anniversary Platinum Refractors 22 Johan Santana 00
2010 Paul Goldschmidt 245 Topps Pro Debut Rookie $25
2010 Topps Opening Day Buster Posey #207 RC $8
2010 ud 40 bumgartner
2011 bowman chapman 197
2011 Bowman Plat. Pro. Purple RefractorBPP10 Singelton, BPP23 Josh Zeid,colvin 85
2011 Bowman Plat.Pro. Refractors BPP10 Singelton, BPP20 Benson,bpp21 Hyatt,bpp23 Zeid 2011 Bowman Plat.Pro. Refractors BPP27 Cosart, BPP85 Brody Colvin(2)2011 Bowman Platinum Prospects Xfractors BPP10,singelton, BPP21Hyatt, webster bpp68
2011 topps update cognac diamond anniversary 107 mccarthy,220 dunn
2011 Bowman Platinum Prospects Xfractors BPP85 Brody Colvin PHI $1.25(2),
2011bow chromebdpp20,24,46,60,91,110
2011 bow chrome bd0 6, 187
2011 Bowman Chrome Draft #70 Anthony Rizzo (SD) ($6)
2011 usa 18 vanegas
2011 bow chr bcp 181
Bow chr 55 kozma rc
2011 Topps Gold Mike Moustakas RC #/2011 #US192
2011 Bowman Chrome Trevor Story bddp84 ref,RC $30.00
2011 Bowman Draft Charlie Blackmon #7 RC $15
2011 Bowman Prospects Bryce Harper ROOKIE RC #BP1 $15.00 each 5x
2011 Topps Update JOSE ALTUVE #US132 RC $30
2012 Bowman Chrome Draft Draft Picks Refractors BDPP21 Mitch Guelle, Refractors BDPP165 Kevin Brady
2013 Bowman Chrome Draft Draft Picks Refractors BDPP46 Sweaney,BDPP127 Matt Southard PHI $2.00
2012 bow chrome bcp4,12,19.,29, 4257,,82,188,209,refractor 144
2012 bowman Bryce harper 10 (16)
2012 topps gold lowrie 455,sparkle Wallace 43, myers 169,castro 568, redddick 158
2013 Bowman Platinum Chrome Prospects Purple Refractors BPCP71 Michael Choice 2013 Bowman Platinum Chrome Prospects Refractors BPCP59 Jesse Biddle PHI $0.75
2013 Bowman Draft Chrome Nolan Arenado #41 Rookie, 2013 BOWMAN CHROME # 4 MANNY MACHADO RC $ 5
2013 Pinnacle #163 Manny Machado ($3), #182 Gerrit Cole ($3)
2013 Topps Calling Card CC-3 Hernandez(2),CC-4 Ortiz(3), CC-6 Stargell
2013 Topps Chasing History CH-88,132 Verlander,CH-138 Ortiz, CH-145 Jim Palmer,CH-15 McCovey,CH-34 Yount, CH-42 AlRod, CH-6 Carew
CH-65 Carter
2013 Topps Spring Fever SF-47 Joey Votto
2013 Topps Finest Refractor Nolan Arenado #37 Rookie
2013 topps emerald Wallace 538
2013 topps traded rendon 233(2), CHROME RENDON 128
2014 bow chrome mini future of franchisewinker, glasnow
2014 Bowman Kris Bryant RC #BP25
2014 Leaf Rize Draft KRIS BRYANT (RC) #5
2014 Donruss #206 Masahiro Tanaka (NYY) ($5),Donruss The Rookies #8 Bogaerts (4) ($3), #18Tanaka (3) ($3,) 41 Jose Ramirez 7) ($6), #74 Jacob DeGrom (6) ($6)
2014 topps gold mchugh 118
2014 Topps Chrome Retail Purple Refractor Nolan Arenado #216 Rookie Cup $7
2015 studio baez 3 20.
2015 Bowman Chrome FRANCISCO LINDOR Bowman Scouts Top 100 #BTP12 $7
2015 Topps Series 2 Kris Bryant Rookie RC #616 Close Up Variation 2x
2015 Topps Pro Debut #159 Aaron Judge
2015 Bowman Chrome Ozhaino Albies Rc #BCP71 $15
2015 Topps Update Chrome Kris Bryant Rookie RC
2015 Topps Update #US78 Kris Bryant RC
2015 Topps Update #US242 RC Kris Bryant
2015 Topps Update Gold /2015 Carlos Correa #US251
2016 Topps Chrome Refractor Kyle Schwarber #166 $10
2016 bow sanchez rc 143, chr bcp 18,42
2016 topps sano 237
2016 bowman plat. Top prospect purple tp-md dubon /250 2.00
2017 Topps Chrome Aaron Judge Freshman Flash RC #FF-11 $12
2017 Diamond Kings #131 Andrew Benintendi RC
Bowman bregman rc 75
2017 t. chrome ref 42 9marquez
2017 Aaron Judge Bowman Platinum Rookie Radar RR-AJ $
2017 TOPPS #87-58 AARON JUDGE 1987 TOPPS $25
2017 Topps Chrome Update #HMT50 Aaron Judge Rookie Debut
2017 Topps Gallery Heritage Insert Aaron Judge # H8 $15
2018 Topps Chrome Future Stars Refractors FS19 Lewis Brinson MIA $0.60
2018 Diamond Kings #76(2) Ohtani ($6),Diamond Kings Gallery of Stars #GS11 Ohtani (ANA) ($5), Topps Fire ohitani#150 ($5)
2018 Donruss Optic Variations #56 Shohei Ohtani , 176 Ohitani ($10)
18optic rater rookies gallager 64,bader 54
2018 Topps Heritage #114 Andujar + Frazier (NYY) ($3), ’69 Topps Deckle Edge #22 Clint Frazier (NYY) ($3)
2018 Topps Chrome Refractor #148 Clint Frazier RC $10
2019 bow chrome roy of year favorites tellez royf11 black ref?
2019 TOPPS # 475 PETE ALONSO RC $ 15
Section 1) HAVE LISTS BY PLAYER (Rookies at the end of the list):
91 ud hologram hh1 (2)
94 ud cooperstown coll
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG54
2013 Topps Heritage Baseball Flashbacks #BFHA
Abreu 97 Finest Uncommon Silver 295 3.00
02 dr f.c. die cut 200
J. Abreu 17 optic 86
Ali Muhammad 14 topps her.nf-ma(2)
13 topps chrome 35 (7), HOME TOWN HEROES 84
2014 panini/dr 83
15 topps 620
16 t. 317(2), open day 147(2), donrussd82-25
17 topps 644(2), update 175, donruss 97 (2),bowman 19
18 dr 166, 239, diam kg 11(2),
19 D.KINGS GALLERY OF STARS 1, A AND G STAR SIGNS BSS-11, optic mythical m6
Alomar R:ud on deckd2
93 ud fut hro 550,
94 coll ch silver 331, flair hot numbers 1(2), ult award win 3
95 flair hot glove1
97 col ch all star 11, gold crwn coll 1, ult. Leathr shp 8,
05 topps 626
G.Anderson: 96 old judge major respect 4
03 studio proof 3 /100(2)
Andujar 18 topps od137
Aparicio 08 goudey 39, topps ring of honor
Arenado 15 topps 62920
16 topps 12(2)
17 dr rv-11
18 t. heirt. 351
20 donruss elite series blue /249 e-3
Bagwell: 92 bowman 200
93 finest 11(2),flair 57, ud hr hero 25, dr mvp 6
94 col. Ch 254 silver sig , 329 silver sig, leaf ltd 110,
96 pin afficianado73, Finest Uncommon Silver 161 4.00
97 Metal unverse titanium 1, ud3 promotion38
99 star quest red 23, stad club trim. Luminous t16c, ULTRA RBI KING 6(2), s.c. never compromise16
00 topps tek 19-14, , bats of brill4, ud penn driven 4, IMPACT POINT OF IMPACT 4
01 pac nl dec. best 2
2002 Donruss Fan Club 2002 Bagwell LL-37 6.00
2003 Splendid Splinters Bagwell 10 of 10 SS 2.50
baldelli 04 timeless treasures 22 /999, leaf checklist press proof 283 /50
Banks ernie: 90 tcma 5
01 post 500 hr 2, ud legends 60(2), endl summer7,20th cent show 9(2), hof gallery 6.cooperstn coll 12,sp leg cuts 25(2)
02 Topps 206 157(2), ud poh 58(2)
04 Absolute Mem. Retl #47, Fleer Greats #56
05 sweet spot classic 29, ud past time penn27(2)
08 ud heroes 41, 195, Topps Heritage Flashbacks BF3
09 topps her flashback 8
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT76
2012 gypsy queen hallmark heroes eb
2013 Bow. Rky Re. Blue Sapp. REF. 242, hometn hero 86
2017 Diamond Kings #10 Ernie Banks Variation
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500EB, Topps Update Salute #S75 Ernie Banks
Baez,J. 19 dr dk 22(2), optic 75(3), 76(2), topps od 95
Bay 08 bow chr ref 11
04 reflections55, /50,
06 a and g white 416 ,
Belle 94 bowman peview 3
95 flair hot numbers(2)
97 pinnacle away 23, score heart of the order5
00 ovation curt call 18,
06 cl. moments 39,
Beltre97 bow 194
13 t chrome122(2)
17 dr 158(2), topps heritage 66
18 dr dk 29(2) 2619 topps op. dy 2
Bench 01 ud hof gallery,
2010 topps history of game 19
2013 Topps Update 1971 Topps Minis #TM28
2014 Topps Heritage First Draft #65MLBJB
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT77
16 archives 203
17 donruss182
2018 Topps Instant Impact #II30
Andrew Benintendi 2019 Topps Commemorative Patch Andrew Benintendi AMP-ABE
2017 Diamond Kings Baseball #131B Andrew Benintendi RC SP Variation Blue jersey
2017 Bowman Andrew Benintendi #23 RC
2017 Topps Holiday Wal-Mart Exclusive Andrew Benintendi #HMW140
2018 topps chrome refractor 151(3), future stars 13
Berkman 00 fleer focus fut vision 9,
2002 Donruss Best of Fan Club Lance Berkman 284 1727/2025 4.00
08 sp auth ach. 39,
Berra: 98 Bowman Chrome rookie reprint # 1
01 ud hall of fame gallery 12
01 topps stars 149
02 fleer gotg 60, fleer grts duel duo w campanella, Topps '52 Rep. #14
03 ud mvpcelebration mvp 1/1955
2008 Upper Deck Yankee Stadium Legacy Collection #2304
2013 Topps 1972 Topps Minis #TM63
Biggio 93 sc murphy115
99 ud hit brigade 11
96 tchr. star pwr chr 9
98 t chr 318
99 ex 64
00 revolution 65
Blalock 06 bow chrome ref 74
blue vida 87 opc 260
Blackmon: topps 34
18 topps 83 rep.83-27
19 topps silver slugger mlba45
Blyleven 87 opc 25, 88 dr bb best 18
Boggs WADE:83 dr diam king 26
85 dr 172
86 dr 371, fleer sticker 8
87 fleer a.s. 3,
88 topps 388, dr 7
89 topps 2,600(2), a.s. 4/22, dr 68, bow. Tiffany 32, fleer 81
90 ud 555, topps 600,760 dr 712, score 704, 683, 245 393 fleer 12, dr 68, 91 ud 546, score 12, 393,889, dr bc 7, 178, 55. 153, ultra 27
91 o-***-chee premier#11, fleer ultra#27, t 450
92 ud iooss coll 20, ud 443, studio 131 heritage 3, dr dk 9
95leaf great gloves 4
96 t 225,
98 bow best 74
99 topps 230
02 ud poh 24
Bonds:89 ud (4)
90 leaf 91
91 stad club 220
92 ted Williams t2, bow foil 590(2)
93 dr gall of stars 1(2), top glove 6,
94 leafpower broker 3, dominators 2, ud elect diam 400,gold rush632
Stad club dugout dirt 6
95 flair outfield power 3, score gold rush 1 leaf great gloves3
Ultra hit machine 4
96 leaf stars steel 6(2),, leafmvp contender 14
97 cc big show 40,
98 topps lords of diam 9,fl diam standout 2,
99 ud holo fx launchers 13,
01 ovatio Superstar Summit: 3,
2002 Upper Deck Victory Gold #366 12.00
Boone B. 04 leaf 2nd ed press proof 72
18 donruss 162
19 topps 44, topps hw35
BRETT: 86 topps mini 18, fleer 5
89 UD #215(3)
90 leaf 178(3),score superstar 21 ,
91 Stadium Club Charter Member , score super star85
92 bowman 500, ud sports sp5
93 flair 213 (2), sp 227(2),
94 topps gold 180, ud coop coll 20, sp die cut 3 COLSILVER SIG49,
95 sp silver salute, champ series oct legends 101, ud final tribute449
96 fleer 5
01 ud legends 28, hof gallery 14, gotg 87
02 ldiamking 140, tribute 32,
03 plat cornerstone 28
03 bow 265,
06 topps reprint row 12
13 hometown heroes139
17 topps all time all star 35
2018 Topps Update Postseason Preeminence #PO6 George Bret
Brock 01 ud disco dandies 3
k.brown:89 ud 752(2)
Kris Bryant
2013 Bow. Draft Dual Draftee #BM Bryant / Moran $4.00
2015 Bowman Kris Bryant #BP100 (6)
2015 USA Baseball Stars and Stripes #59 Kris Bryant
2016 Topps MLB Debut Bronze #MLBD3 Kris Bryant
20 17 dr68(2)
2018 Topps Highlights #KB6, kb 18dr diam kng 183
19 topps od 45, dr 57, Topps Gold /2019 #210
Madison Bumgarner
2012 Topps Gold Futures #GF33, topps mini200
2013 Bowman Gold #97 r, Topps Chrome37, Bowman Chrome hometown heroes260, topps chrome 100
2017 Topps 65, Bowman Then and Now #BOWMAN5, dr 140, 93(2), optic94(2), dr dk 28(2)[
2018donruss 259(4)
burroughs:01 t. chrome rept143-44, bow best fran fut 7,
Miguel Cabrera 06 bow chrome ref 194, t cosigner8
07 turkey red red 454, t.cosigner 53
2015 Bowman’s Best Refractors #61 Miguel Cabrera
2016topps 250 Bowman’s Best Refractors #56, t op. day 150
2017 topp.150, 297, Chrome 132, J. Rob day 7
2018 legends in making ltmmc, opening day od-16
Campanella 94 ud cooperstown coll 14704 dr classic ledg lumbjack 45,
84 donruss hof hero 39
1993 ted Williams memories roy campanella m1 5.00
2004 Upper Deck Diamond Images The Wingfield Collection DI-13
07 sp leg cut 13(2)
Cano 2010 topps 370
2012 topps 22
17 dr 145, topps her.130
Canseco:87 topps 620,
92 pinnacle slugfest3
94 finest 222, sp holoview fx 4,
95 flr headliner 4, ud cyclone squad 9
98 bow chrome 277
99 pacific crown coll 22, hr heroes 6, topps traded 83
00 bowman early indicators 10, ovation curt call19,
carew:86 topps400(2)
02 fleer gotg 29
03 tribute 17
05 zenith 244, sweet spot cl 77(2)
18 panini dr 123
carlton: 81 fleer 6
01 topps noteworthy 35
gary carter: 78 t120
80 topps 70, (2)
81 topps 660,
83 t 404, 370
84 topps1,393, 450,
85 topps 230(2) donruss 55
05 diamond king heritage collection12
08 topps ring of honor
Carter joe 86 topps 377
90 topps trd 20
93 studio superstar on canvas 5,
94 studio silver stars carter 5
95 topps power zone 4(2)
96 selectcert 5
Castellanos nick19 gypsy queen274
Cespedes13 t chrome 96(2)
2018 Diamond Kings Gallery of Stars #GS18 Orlando Cepeda
Chapman 13 topps chrome 124(3), gold furures 8
16 topps chrome 141
Clark j 89 ud 155(2),
92 studio heritage 8
99 topps traded 77
Tony clark: 99 gold label class 2 #4
Clemens:86 topps mini 42
87 t1
89 ud 195(3)
90 Leaf12 (2),
92 smoke and heat 4, triple play rocket 2, Leaf Black Gold 19,
93 stad club mem ch 748, Murphy 97, Leaf Heading for the Hall 6(2), Finest: 104, dr diamond kings 3, flair 160(2), Ud on deck 9, reggie jax
94 finest 217,
95 flair#10 (2),
96 select 8, fleer intim. 46, spx 9, topps lazer 52
97 dr dominators 11, ultra gold med g 13, UD Star Attractions Gold, star att 6
98 si 30 seas highlights, 171 untouchable,col ch cover glory 2, fleer 21, smoke and heat 301, diamond king 14/20, ultra seas crn 213, griffeys hot list, starquest 3-star, clemens club edition 12.00, tek preproduction 57, sp sheer dom silver 35, aurora hard ball cel fusions 19 , dr collections preferred collection
99 fleer warn track ed 30w, ultra diam mine 14, record numbers 8, era ldr 232, Gold Label Class 1, 95, Upper Deck: View to a Thrill: 30, ud Textbook 30T. flair r3 s21, Pacific Invincible Flash Point, #11, UD 3 set 80 die cut(1009/2000), flair r2 s 21,Topps Record Numbers RN8
00 Upper Deck LegendsReflections in Time r3 w. ryan , Defining Moments 8, Eternal Glory: 7(2), ud holo fx ausome 39, future fame 6,Topps Limited Edition 170,
01fl game time 60, ud b.l. beat bb4,mid summer classic 5, dr retro 99 22, fl game time 50, Topps Through The Years 31, RINGMASTER 7,
02 leaf r/s 260,261, topps ring masters 7, studio 25, ud chasing history 3,
19 topps A/G 66
Clemente 987 topps 313
3 ted williams etched in stone
2014 Topps Heritage Baseball Flashbacks #BFRC
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG37 Roberto Clemente
cobb: 01 fleer gotg40
04 fleer greats 2
05 sweet spot cl 91(5)
07 ud dimond legends174, sweet spot ptch ssp-co/300
11 topps liniage 105
2012 Topps Gold Standard #GS15 Ty Cobb
13 hometown heroes137
Cole 13 hometown heroes137
15 topps her. 425
16 t. open dy 163
17 topps 587
19 optic162(2), gypsy queen
Cruz 07 topps 564
15 topps her 270
18 optic diam king25
96 summit ballparks 12, old judge major respect 1,
09 topps gold uh179
Darvish 12 triple play84
2017 topps 81, JRD 11
Dawson:81 t 125
84 topps 392,200
85 dr 421
86 dr 87, t 760
87 fleer update 24,
89 ud 205,
93 toppsblack gold 4
DeGrom 16: t323, od 68
17 donruss 124(4), diam kg 113
18 t. bl 219
19 dr123(2), diam king49, t. opendy. 150
Delgado:91 classic best 63
93 sp 275,
94 finst423, Flr wv of fut.#2, ult art. 2, sp holoview fx 6, gold lf rookie 10
95 flair 344(2),
97 finest 57
00 ionix shockwave 15,
04 play ball hr heroics cd,
Rafael Devers bowman best hdh rd
2017 bow chrome 92b-rd
2018 Studio #7 RC, Topps Update �83 Topps #8347
Joe Dimaggio:
01 20th cent show 2
2012 Topps Gold Standard #GS18
2010 Upper Deck Baseball Heroes #BH6
2018 Diamond Kings Photo Variations #11
Drysdale: 90 topps all star glossy 11, 01 ud legends 64
07 sp legendary cuts 39
05 topps rookie cup reprint
Eckersley:82 t 490
84 fleer upd 34
feller: 06 sp leg. Cuts 77
Jose Fernandez
2014 Donruss #221 DK $2.50, topps413
C.FISK: 83 t 20, 393
85 dr 208
86 topps 290,
87 fleer 496
91 score super star41,
92 score super star 72
92 stud her 2
01 Chrome Golden Moments 661
02 Fleer Greats 89, UD Piece of History #23,
2017 Diamond Kings Heritage Collection #HC-6 Carlton Fisk 1.25
18 panini black Friday/199 cf
19 OPPSgreatest moments 150-6 archives #15
w. ford
93 ted Williams 62,
00 fleer gotg 69
04 bow her 59, throw thr cent stars 60 /1500, fleer greats 63
05 mlb artifacts197, 197 /1999
foster 80 topps 400
foxx 94 ud cooperstown coll 169,
05 sweet spot classic(4)
Frazier 13 T chrome123 (3)
Gallaragga:89 ud 115(2)
96 dr 33, fl. Upd 44, fleer 647(2)
94 sp holoview fx 38
96 stad club mega hero 7
97 topps chrome diamond duos w bichette
01 ud midsummer classic 19
03 dr diam king bronze 119
Garciaparra Nomar
95 leaf gold foil 249, bow best 29(4), classic images 85
97 stad cl 188, ultra 214(2), finest 41
98 topps new breed 4(2), revolution 24,(2). Choice 8, bow chr. Scouts hon roll 15, wonder years 8, dr spirit of gamr silver press proff
99 topps rec numb 6,power player 4, lord of diamond 10(2), lord of diamond 10 , chrome early road to hall 1,gold label road to aaron black 6, gold 6, ud longball leader,superstar spot. 86(2),statitude5, power rally 14, pac dyna. diam 2, ultra book on 17, revolution 24, ud immac. Perception 16, upper realm 15, fleer fran. Futures 580,
Wonder years 8, double version/2000 8
00 stad club bats of brilliance 6, capt act. chr. 10,chr 21 cent topps 5(2), bow best bbp 3, penn fever 5, fl. Focus pocus 3, t. stars walk of fame 7, tek architeks 1, ,ud 5 tool talent 11, holoview starview 2(2),longball legacy 14, vintage retro rules 1(2),,black diamond constant threat 7, diamond gallery 3, Starstruck5(2),skybox plat port 8, preeminence 3, spxcitement 1, ex gen ex15, ud center stage 3, bow best prev 3, IMPACT POINT OF IMPACT 7
01 fl diam tribute 5, game time new order 2, finest a look ahead 6(2), gallery star gall 4, mvp super tools 14,
02 topps all stars 6
2004 donruss diamond king insert #dk20 ser# 2500 3.00
Garza 08 bow crh ref 26.
Gehrig: 1982 tcma bb greats 23
94 ted Williams 147
2001 Ud monument park 1(2)
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG1,
B.Gibson: 04 prestige achievements 15
01 ud hof gallery 3
08 goudey 228, ud heroes 184, 163, dr threads cent leg6
2012 Topps Mound Dominance #MD6
Glaus:98 Bowman Rookie of The YEar Favorite#ROY2
99 bow chrome scouts choice 4
glavine:89 ud 360
91 tsc members only
93 topps black gold 6, finest 87
94 ult lg. ldr 9, team pinn w. smiley 2, score drm tm. 2,
96 topps classic confrontaions 14
07 momts and milestones card 138 ip 5, card 139 win 13,fleer crn ach tg
08 topps ear in rev 152
Goldschmidt 15 topps 203(2)
Gonzalez Juan: 97 ultra leathr shop5 ,
98 t lord of diamond8
99 ud launchers 6(2), soul of the game 7, TOPPS POWER BROKER 5
2000 Pacific Die cuts Juan Gonzalez 33 2.00
Gonzalez L: 98 spx /2250 spectrum
02 , topps gallery heritage lg, bow best red /200
04 donruss world series 20 /10, sky bx le 34, dr dk 69 /100
Gooden 13 hometown hero 229
S. Green:97 dr preferred cut to chase 90
00 metal plat port. 10, ud prime perf 8
02 s.c beam team 8,
06 bow chrome ref 48,
Greinke bowman platinum87
13 topps chrome 181
15 topps 267(2), diam king 117
16 topps 32(2)
17 donruss 48(2), topps 560, bunt163, gypsy queen 20
18 optic 67(2)
19 t. opening dy. 12(2)
Grieve: 98 cc yctg exchange card gold cg18,
Griffey: 1990 dr 365(5),score 560, ud 156(2) bowman 48, topps 336(3), collect a books,Fleer 513 (11),soaring stars # 6,
91 ultra gold 4(2), jimmy dean 2,Front row 4, ud ext. 87F, score super star 5
92 fleer279, performer coll. 4/24, ted Williams hit of fut t15(2), Arena Kid Comic Holograms #,21,3, score super star 1, starting lineup
93 Col ch silver 317, stad club pacific terrific,ultra top glove 16(2), bowman 375, topps 390
95 cut above die cut ca2,3,8,emotion masters, leaf grt gloves 6,ltd 6/24, topps class conf. 1,score hallof gold 1
96 topps classic conrontations 1
97 ud capture the flag 385, finest masters 238, flair s1r2seat24(6), dr hit list 299 , ultra rawhide 4
98 ultra double trob w arod 1, issue,gold label 100(3), crn roy pil. of game 22, studio 112
99ud heroes 1, mvp power surge 3, encore/pure excit 26, sp top prospects retrospectives r4 blk diamond diamonation d1, ud 2kplus 1, flair r3 s3, Upper Deck arms race 519, ,topps rec, number4,
00 ud stattitude s26, ovation center stage 2, stad club never comp nc3, gold label cl 2 50 (2), mf, bow best 100, millennium team 10, prime performer 4, ud 2kPlus 1, ionix shockwave 4, ult. Victory last impr. L6, noise of summer 5, sp auth prem perf 3(2), fl. Show cons prose 10
01 ud mid summer classic 8, topps a look ahead la5 , t132 reprint, ud hr highlites 56, 80, platinum grandstand grts 16, topps 790,big red machine7,
05 Leaf alt. threads9, topps 388
08 topps 580
09 ud first edition 17 star quest(5), ud 20 th anniv #1968
2013 Topps Archives #92, hometown heroes 176(2)
2015 Topps Gypsy Queen122, Walk Off Winners #GWO-2 Ken Griffey Jr.2.50
2017 donruss 183
Guerrero: 97 metal mining for gold4(4), fl. New horiz. 5, flair show s1 r2 s27(2), ultra prosp. 2, ex star dte 2000 5, t433, lim. counterparts 138 w. Edmond, pinn cert137, circafast track 1, udnat’l pride 14
98 ult.kid glves(2), metal univ lang 15,topps new breed8
99 brilliants 9, ud mvp 123, ud em dom.628, ud 2k plus8, gold lab cl 1 76
00 Crown Royale 84, st cl chr105, pros and pros promotion 10,flr diam moine 15, mystiqe diam dom. 4, Final answer 2 Stadium Club Bats of Brilliance #BB9 , t 181
01 top. look ahead 1, hobby mstr 5, ult powr plus 1, stad cl. reel time 12
02 ex 4, uddc66, hobby master 5, Bowman Chrome Reprint BCR-VG
04 dr diam king 24, ud 193, play prest conn 209, fl show 46, crk jx 81, bow 127, bazooka mini150
05 bow her75
07 mom and mile 41 (154 hits) 42 (8 runs, top. Upd. 288 , ud future stars 22
08 bow chr 15, sp auth. 1
15 diam king 123,
19 diamking 91
Guidry 87 opc 375
Guillen ozzie 87 0pc 89 2009 topps her 218
Gwynn:84 fleer 301 (2), dr324
85 topps 660(2), dr 63, fleer 34 (2), score dream team gold
86 topps 10
89 ud 384(3)
90 Leaf #154 (4),
91 score super star 94, ud update 97F
92 ud ted will.6,hit og gm, sire super star81
93 kraft singles 23 , stad cl538
94 ultra hitt mach 6, leaf stat standout 9(4), dr diam king 11, 27, flair 436(2), sp die cut130, holoview fx 13, cc 140 silver sig
95 pacific gold prism 36, dream team gold 8, stud gold 25, pinn red hot 8, cycl. squad 13,
96 t.classic conf 9,seas crn gold med 2, finest 320(2), leaf steel 18,
97 ultra top 30 12(3), mar mat.die cut7 (2), ,Hot comm. 16,
98 lord of diamond 12(2), fleer vint 52, ult top 30 10,
99 t. 229, hands of gold die cut 5(2), ud hit brigade 2, forte 23, ionix cyber 12, metal boyz w. wood 8,
00 ud holo fx fut fame 4, most wanted 6,flr grasskicker 1, ref. in time w. muxial 6, t. stars walk of fame 13, ultswing king 4, sky double play w. green, paramount fielders choice16
01 flr genuine at lg 5,
02 feer diam trib 2, 05 ud classics 128
17 donruss 190
19 diam king 37
Hafner 09 icons icon/999 th
Hamilton 00 bow best selection 8
01 bow best impact player
Haren 08 cosigners78 /75,
Harper: 2011 Bowman Chrome Retail Exclusive Red- BCE1R
2013 Bowman #150, Allen & Ginter #191, Across the Years #ATYBH , hometown heroes 213
2014 Topps Upper Class #UC1, Topps Chrome #150
17 topps chrome 48
2018 Topps Update #BH5,7,11,14,15,17,12, Longball Legends #LL27, Topps 83 Topps #83-84
R. Henderson:81 Topps # 261,
83 t 180
84 dr 54
85 dr 176
86 topps mini 64
87fleer 101, topps glossy all star 18
88 fleer 209,dr preferred grand stand 45
89 ud 210(2), topps mini 37
89 score traded50
89 topps traded48
91 ud updt 86F (2), score super star10
92 score super str 100
99 t 234, finest 159
2013 hometown heroes 50, topps chasing history 58
16 panini diamond kings 130
2018 Topps Update Don�t Blink #DB1 , Postseason Preeminence #PO20 Rickey Henderson
2019 topps 35 yr 84as-rh
Hermida 08 bow chr ref 23,udx die cut 44
Felix Hernandez
2013 T.pps chrome 34,
2015 Topps 325(2),
2016 topps 283(3), od 10, diamond king 71,gypsy qn. 150
17 bunt 79, topps JRD 12
2018 donruss 174, gypsy queen122
Hershiser 85 dr 581
05 leaf cy young winners 10
07 turkey red 161
09 sp leg cuts 45
Holliday 08 udx die cut 37, chrome 104,
Hornsby roger 05 sweet spot cl 78
08 topps triple threads 70 /1350
E.Howard 07 a and g perez 21
R. Howard: 07 fleer in the zone rh,crn ach rh, goudey 226(mini)_
09 topps her 300,
10 ud bio 26
Huff: 03 avant black 47 /199
Hunter torii: 04 power up shining thru 10
Ichiro: 01 ud breakout performers 1
02 Ud Baseball heroes all # to 1999 hb12,13,14,17; Stadium Club: Reel Time 6, dr 74, fan club 293, best of fan club 147, team 206 19, 74,topps 10 72, archives reprint 4,Ud mvp a season to remember 12,16, UD Greatest Hits #2,
03 mvp proview 36, avant20(2),
04 ultra performers 1,bazooka red 64, mini 64, topps 337
05 ultra gold med. 137, leafgamers 7, team zenith 1
07 artifacts 26
08 topps a.r.t. 42, tch 24, wbc 10(2), co signers 55,sp auth ach. 28,
09 topps her 326
16 topps OD 29(2)
18 topps 157
Irvin Monte 06 sp leg. Cuts 2
07 sp legendary cuts 46
17 topps699(2)
Connor jackson08 udx die cut 2
09 turkey red insert 17
Jackson bo 92 topps290, 93 topps 400
17 topps her 52
Reggie Jackson:79 t 700
83 topps 500, fleer 93
84 topps 100,
86 topps700, dr 377,leaf 173,
87 topps trd 52
18 dr optic 91
Fergie Jenkins:89 pro cards 1513
JETER: 1992 Classic/Best Blue Bonus #BC22 (3) BV $5
94 Ud electric diamond 550
1996 pinnacle 171, score select100, topps 13
1997 topps 13
1999 UD Choice O>S>Superstars #S9 BV $3
2004 Flair #59 (3) ($6)
2005 espn 60, topps 600
2006 Topps Rookie of the Week #18 93 BV $8, U.D. Fut.Stars #42 $2.50
2007 Upper Deck #163 BV $2.50,Artifacts #21 $2.50
2008 Upper Deck Timeline #149 94 ATH (2)$4,Upper Deck Timeline #277 04 TT BV $4, ud 297, Upper Deck StarQuest #SP9, Spectrum Retrospectrum #DJ91
2009 ud 115
2010 Topps Chrome #165 $3, Bowman Plati.#2 $2.50
2011 Bowman Plat. #9$2, Yankees Topps #NYY1, topps prime 9 # pnr4 derek jeter refractor 6.00
2012 Topps Golden Moments #GM3 $4,Triple Play #253 FOC $2,
Bowman Draft Dual Top 10 Picks #JA Almora/Jeter $4, us119 asg
2013 TOPPS 373(2), hometown heroes 92(2)
Donruss 154, 318
2014 topps chrome 56, Topps All Rookie Cup #RCT5
2015 Topps Archetypes #A12 $3,
2018 Topps Up.Salute #S78, djh21(2000hit)
2019 topps chrome 150th anni.greatest moments refractor derek jeter # 150c-23
John tommy 84 t 415, 86 t 240
Johnson Kelly 08 ud heroes red 95 /249,
Johnson josh 08 topps uh GOLD 253 ./2008
Nick. Johnson:08 bow chr ref 149
Randy. Johnson:
89 ud25donruss 4290 score rising star 52, leaf 483
91 Stadium Club Charter Member no #
92 dr.d. kng 22, flr smoke and heat 11,
93 flair 272,
94 flair 337,
95 fleer allstar 21, score 193 special del.
96 Fleer diam. Des. 37, ult. So. King 3, season crowns3
97 flair s1r2s20(2)
98 fleer gold. Mem.317, ultra 217,d. Pref. 30 club lev, revolut. 133(2)
99 ionix awesome 4,topps m2,
00 ud Cooperstown Calling: 13, topps tek pat 22 4,5,
02 fleer diam trib 11, All-Star Salutes: 12, best of fan club 82, return of the ace 1, ud chasing history 9
04 play prest chang stripes ,sky. Prosp. Endorsed 13 w. webb, leaf 104
05 leaf pict perf 16, topps all star 5, dr elite 9
06 topps 460, 06 ultra 177, ultra strikeout king 4
08 ud mvp pire grit 10, sp auth ach 3
Jones Andrew:96 best 50, col ch 1(2)
97 fin warriors 100, pac fireworks die cut 14, pin epix play20
00 ud united nations un8,topps allegiance ta 16, chrome clear shots 6, Revolution seas opener 3(2)
02 spx foundations 5(3), ABS MEM TEAM TAND 3, bow chrome reprint bcr-aj, studio spirt of game 38,
06 bow chrome refractor 45
Jones, Chipper:91 score 671, ud55, t 333, bow 569, classic best 268
92 classic best bc7, ud player of year 5
93 fleer excel 2, gold leaf rookie 19 , ud 24 , sp premier 280
94 team stad club 50,
96 ultra rising star 6 , finest 16 s7,
97 circa fast track 5/10 , finest 273(2),
98 ultra big shots 3, topps power broker16
99 ud holo fx starview 9,crwn roy. 12, ud long ball ldr 16, ionix hyper 7
00 bow MAJOR POWER 2, focus focal pts 6 (3), ultra swing king 6,
Topps 180(2), op. day 85
01 ud pennant driven 3
02 showcase advent card 132 (2), ud piece of history 49,
09 topps her then and now 3,
12 hometn hero 45
19 a and g 14
Michael Jordan:94 collectors choice 23, c.choice silver 420, ud 19
95 ud one/one 3
Judge 18 gq 300
Judge aaron 2018 bowman 24
Kershaw 09 bow chrome 72,sp leg cut 22,icons 24
2013 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors #220, Bowman Gold #91, T.Chrome175(7), hometown heroS 253
2014 Topps Opening Day Stars #ODS6, Topps �89 Topps Die Cut Minis #TM2
2014 Topps Opening Day Breaking Out #BO2 Clayton Kershaw Stadium Club Field Access #FA18 Clayton Kershaw
2015 bowman’s Best Refractors #100,stadium club
16 topps 150(3),HeritageChrome Purple Refractors #THC426
17 topps 50, Jackie robinson day 26, dr 108(2)
18 TOPPS 350, LEGENDS IN THE MAKING 13,Topps '83 Topps All Stars #83AS-12
2018 Donruss Optic Bronze #120 ,
2019 TOP OF CLASS47, op day 46, rally time rt-l
Harmon Killebrew x1
2013 Topps Archives #72
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500HK,
Kiner: 03 topps trib. Perr. As 44
05 mlb artifacts 186 /1999
Kipnis 11 bowman 104(3)
17 gypsy qn214
18 DONRUSS 163(3), DIAMOND KING55 (2), 66
19 DIAMOND KING86(3), t. op dy 52
Konerko 98 flair wave of future
99flair showcase row 1 seat 116/6000
03 stadium CLUB shot 6
08 topps COsigner 63 /100
99 topps traded 79
Koosman jerry 85 t 15
Koufax:01 Topps Golden Anniversary 8(2), Topps Chome Combos 11 Koufax/Drysdale/Brown(3),
02 UD world series history 30(2)
2011 Topps 60 #T6057 Sandy Koufax
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG46 Sandy Koufax
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH69 Sandy Koufax x1
2013 Topps Update Postseason Heroes #PH6
2016 Topps Berger’s Best #BB21959 Sandy Koufax
2018 Topps POST SEASON PROMINENCE 15,Update Storybook Endings #SE3 Sandy Koufax,Topps Update Salute #S83
Kouzmanoff08 ud heroes SILVER/399
Kruk 86 fl. Upd. 61, topps upd 56
87 fleer 420
Larkin:87 t 648
91 fl all star 2, stad cl92
93 ud ioos coll 21, finest 114, score dream team 5(2)
94 sp holoview fx 23,
95 ud sp champ ser36
LEIBER JON 02 boman chrome xfractor 86
2011 Bowman Chrome Refractors 149 Cliff Lee PHI $2.00
Lemahieu 17 topps 81, t.herit. 8
2009 Upper Deck Ballpark Collection #45 Jon Lester 600/699
LINDOR 16 t open day 110
18 DONRUSS 157,234(2), t. opening dayod-14
Lincecum 07 topps 52 dd1(dynamic duo)
13 T. CHROME64
07 ud rookie card of month 5, SP Rookie Edition #124
2012 Topps Update Golden Moments #GMU38,
13 hometown hero 36
2010 Topps Peak Performance #PP2
15 dr elite 179
Lofton: 91 ud updt. 24F (2)
92 ud scout rept 15
95 flair hot numbers 5(3)
2016 Bowman’s Best Refractors #5, optic dk 27, t. mlb debut-19
Lowell:02 leaf R&S Longevity /100
04 donruss diamond kings crown. Mom. 149 /100,
2013 Bowman #215 Manny Machado RC
16 topps175
2017 TOPPS 649 (3), donruss 57
Maddux: ( I have a page dedicated to his cards for trade just send e mail I’ll send the list
96 ultra rawhide
Maine 09 bow chrome 92 ref.
93 ud then & now -TN17(12)
96 Topps7, (3)
01 ud 20th century showcase s5
2006 t. turkey red-586x2 (6), Bazooka 15 (3),baz stamp 16(8), topps 52 311 orange, 6.ea., topps 7 x2(1.50), mantle collectio1998,mm mm2001,mm2002,mm200415.= natl bb card insert t2 (1.50)
2007 a and g 7x2 (2.50), unlock the mick 1x2, 2,3,4,5 x 2.50EA Wal mart7(playball type reprint)x3(8), turkey red
19,34,77,107,117,,167, 6total x2.50 each (15), mhrc28(1.50)
topps #7 mom and milestones black 76 /29 (10.)
2007 Topps Mickey Mantle Story MMS1, MMS2,mms3,mms4, MMS5(3)
mms6,mms 7(2)mms8,mms9,mms11(2),mms12, mms13,MMS16,MMS17(4),MMS18(2), MMS19(2) MMS20, MMS21(4),mms22(5),MS23 (3),MMS24(2),MMS25(3), MMS26(2)
MMS27(2),MMS28(2),mmS29(2)MMS30MMS46,MMS47,MMS48,MMS49, MMS50,MMS51,MMS52,MMS53,MMS54,MMS55,MM56,MM59,MM60,MM61,M65
mantle the story 3, 5,6,8, 9,10,11x2,12x2,15x5 , 16, 17x2,18, 22,23,24,25,29,30, 46,54,56,68x2 2 each. topps chrom mantle the story24,
topps home run cards 5
hr cards 502,417,534,533,530,515,508,504,503
07 TOPPS CHROME HR CARDS 230,, opening day 7 (2.50),
2008 Topps Opening Day #7
2011 Topps Lost Cards #60YOTLC3
2012 Topps Classics Walk-Offs #CW7, Golden Greats #GG35 , Topps Allen & Ginter #7 Mickey Mantle
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500MM, Portraits #P7
Marichal 2004 sweet spotpath/230 ma
18 donruss 1115(2)
Markakis 08 bow chr ref 34
maris: 82 tcma , 94 yoo hoo
01 topps 383, American pie prof. in courage 1
04 throw threads balst from past 21 /1500
17 T. od 131
E. Martinez: 91 score super star 17
93 SP 133
96 sp 172(2)special fx 45,
97 ultra seasons crowns5
98 gold label 75 class 2
03 leaf home 3
04 dr dk 19 /100, leaf press proof 74 red
2018 Topps Update ‘83 Topps #8323 J.D. Martinez
P. Martinez: 91 ud update 2f(2)
92 Donruss the rookies # 69,
98 dr preferred grstand 47,(2)
00 ud diam. skills 4, mystdiam dom 2, topps stat star 16
01t. Noteworthy 25, finest 7,
02 TOPPS Recordbreakers pm. Gallery her. Pm, maximum impact 264
08 a an g mini 37,
2013 topps chasing history 119
Martinez Tino:91 ud 28
94 cc silver sig 191
99 wonder years 18 double /2000
Masterson 09 topps gold uh 110 /2009
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT63 Ed Mathews
Mathewson christy 09 topps leg of game 3
Mattingly:85 toppd 665dr 295(2),
86 TOPPS180(2)
87 TOPPS 500(2)
88 topps coin 19, star
89 ud(5)
90 donruss al best 38 (blue), leaf 69
91 score super star 23
92 studio heritage 5, score super star 23
93 flair 249, team stad club 1, score dream team 3, ult. top glove12
94 fleer diamond tribute 6, fleer team leaders 10, donruss sp. Ed. 60, diam king 16. sp holo view fx 25, die cut 198, score dream team 3, gold rush 23, TOPPS 600
95 leaf grt gloves 10(3), topps trip.crwn best 37, sp die cut 175, profiles 171 (3), score hall of gold 22, leaf limited gold 12, studio gold 12, bow best 46,
01 bow best franchise favorites dm (2), topps noteworthy 43,
03 diamond kings herit coll 11,
06 dr threads diam king 49 /250
09 goudey sport royalty green mini 224
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG80
2013 topps chasing history13
2016 Topps Triple Threads Amethyst #96 Don Mattingly 27/340
13 T CHROME 38(2)
Maybin 08 co signer3, 3 /400,
Mays:86 t 403
92 ud bbh 52,
94 ted williams 150, ud cooperstown coll 17,24 166
96 comm card 9,13, 25
00 ud millennium team, Legends Eternal Glory- 6, Defining Moments- 9
01topps archives ult series reprint(1953)
02 t206 295
Maxeroski09 topps heritage flashbackbf2
Mccovy06ultimate coll209 /799
mc griff 87 sportflix rookies 12, TOPPS TRADED 74
93 fleer a.s. 1, spirit of the game 12,
94 fl. Lumber co 7, ud 225
95 ultra hr king 9
98 ud power package die cut 6
McGwire:87 fleer upd. 76,dr 46(2), l topps 366 (4)
88 t 580
89 ud
90 leaf 62
91 score super star 39 , topps270
92 bowman 384 pinn slugfest 2(2),score super star 63
93 ud4 on deck18, stad club pacific teriffic , leaf superstars on canvas 3, studio super star/canvas3
94 finest 78, top gold40
96 finest sterling 162, finest franchises 236, fleer lumber co
97 all star conn 1/45, power package pp10, fleerheadliners 12/20, team timber 12, finest 30 (warrior), Topps Inter-league Match-ups Ilm1,
98 fleer gold mem. 318, , ud MCGWIRED 6, chase 70 25,26,27, topps 478, power broker 1, dr 62 (2), 164 (2), circa boss 14, fl. Showcase sec 2 r1 seat 9
99 gold label gold hr race 2, power mark6, 8,t. rec’d number 1, pow. Elite 9,ud hr highlites 46,69,70,71, stad club neve compromise 1, priv stk hr hist 5,
00 Bowman major power 1, best previews 7(2),ud power mark 9,, ult.diamond mine 2, stad club bats of brilliance 1, ultra swing king 7(2), ud pros and pros. Promotn 3, rare breed 1, topps od 1,perr. All star 10, ot game 7, hd 70,flrfocal pts 1, Showcase long gone 10
01 topps noteworthy 1,ring master 2(2), ud big lg beat bb3, home run derby heroes 1, vintage retro rules 9,Fleer rip it 7/15, Gold Label gold cl 1 72, sp game bat milestone tro. rm 5, spx Untouchable Talents: 3, 4, ud evolution legends 57(2), great. Hits of the game 1,
02 ud world series history 3, big fly zone1, best of fan club 166, topps 200, hobby master 1, T206 100,fleer diam trib 5,
Mize 2010world series comm. Patchmcp-11
Yadier Molina
2013 HOMETN HEROES85, T. CHROME 146(2),Topps Update US142
2015 topps update 214 (2), Gypsy Queen Pillars of the Community #PCym 4.00
2016 TOPPS134 OD 62
2017 Topps373(2) DONRUSS 152(2), qypsy qn.231
2019 DONRUSS81
Molitor:86 topps 267(2)
89 ud 525(4),
90 leaf 242
94 col ch silver 208, finest 239
95 bow best 17(2)
96 finest 194,
97 dr lim countpart 20, finest 181,
Montgomery 17 t. gallery 129
Morgan 84 topps traded82
18 optic 84(2)
19 topps ydf 12 open. Day fun
Jack Morris 79 topps 251,
81 topps 572
88 score 545
Moyer87 topps 227, dr 315, fleer 570
Mulder:04 bow chrome ref. 91,
05 leaf baseball 27 /25,
Munson: 82 kmart 29,
Murphy dale:81 t 504
84 t 150,
85 t. 320,
86 t. 600
89 ud 357,
01 Topps Archives #476
Murray:79 opc 338, topps 640
80 t 160
83 topps 530,
84 240
86 t 30, dr 88,
89 ud275(4), 763(4),
90 leaf 181(4)
91 stad club 177
93 flair 94(2),
94 pinn mus. coll 495, bow bst 2, leaf ltd 29, finest 317
95 leaf ltd. 39
96 pinnaficionado 28,pac milestones 8(blue), finest 21, bow best 42,
Ultra respect 5
97 pac cardsupial 3, score highlight zone 18, fleer gold mem 6, finest 235,
00ud hall of fame gallery 15
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500ED
Mussina:01 bow her 26
02 dr classics45
06 fleer smooth leather10
Musial: 88 dr 263
00 fleer club 3000
01 gotg 109(2), sp leg cut 1
02 fleer greats 88(2), score franchise 1
03 topps gallery 52, sweet spot cl 80
04 studio 184(2)
05 past time penn 78,
Newcombe 04 fleer gotg 128, sweet spot classic
05 sweet spot classic 22
Niekro86 fleer update 81
Nomo:95 sp prem. Prospects die cut 14
97 pinn artist proof pp41
O’Neill 95 sp 178(2)
97 finest warrior87
Ordonez:98 bowman 185, ex star date 2001 5
01 bow heritage chrome bhc68, fl game tme stick to it ness 10,
Playoff prim color 356 /975
03 studio star,play. Prest inside the nymbers 19 /2002 ,
David Ortiz:
2012 Topps Classic Walk-Offs #CW14
2013 Bowman Gold #147, Topps 1972 Topps Minis #TM94
2014 Topps Opening Day Stars #ODS14 David Ortiz
2016 Finest �96 Finest Intimidators Refractors #96FIDO
2017 Topps Heritage Discs #68TDC14 David Ortiz
2018 Topps Update Storybook Endings #SE2, Topps Update An International Affair #IA16, Topps Update Postseason Preeminence #PO13
Paige06 topps 83
Palmeiro:87 topps 634
89 ud 235(3), 772,
94 flr. lumb co.8,
95 uc 3 bomb squd16
96 ultra thunder clap
97 pinn passport to majors 19, pacific sizzling lumber
99 donruss elite series 18 /1500 and /250 version
00 skybox hitt machine, spx pwr brkr 1, pacific Die cuts 4 3.00
04 prestigiopus pros 8,
16 topps Wrigley field 22
81 dr 353, 82 topps 83 topps 490(2), 84 topps750(2)
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT31
17 DONRUSS 181(2)
Peavy 2009 t. uh 87 gold /2009,
Dustin Pedroia
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH133, topps mini tm-11, topps cut to the chase 15
2018 Topps Rainbow Foil #439, Diamond Kings Past and Present #PP2
Pena: 09 topps gold 156/ 2009
Pence 09 icons, icon hp /999
11 topps throwback patch card tlmp-hp
percival troy 05 diamond king 10 /50
perez 86 topps 85(2) 205, 80 topps 125
Perry:81 dr 471(2)
03 topps trib perr as 31
04 studio heroes of the hall 3 /499
Perry 04 syudioheroes of hall/4993
Pettite:97 ult seas crn 7
06 flai show field box legacy 143 /150
Phillips udx die cut 30
Piazza:93 topps 701(2), pinnacle 252, leaf gold rookies 4, flair 75(2) ($5) wave of fut12, diamond kings 15, ud 2)
94 cc hr all star 8(2), leaf power brokers 6, leaf gamers 12, studio stars 6, dr dk 15, opc 147, fleer award winner 6, all star 47, pro vision 8
95 studio gold 4, sp silver 70, pinn c/l 3 ult hitt. 9, upstart us3 ,flair hot numbers 7(2)
96 met. Heavy metal 6,Titanim 6, fleer lumber co 6, leaf all star contender 2
97 ultra seas crowns 8 (2), metal titanum 7,blast furnace 9, far and away7,, finest 292, fleer golden memories8, score showcase 22
98 ultra big shot 14,
99 holofx launchers l7, fleerthe book on 15, ud faces of game 14,
Ionix hyper h5, skybox supernatural xplosion 137
00 hd ball park figs. 6, ud home run explosion 9,vint. mat idol 5, most wanted 9
01 stad club reel time 9
03 flair 71,
04 dr dk 56,
06 mom and mile 80(67, 87)rbi 07
07 moments and milestones card 79 30 hr, ultra 134, gypsy qn 304
08 topps a.r.t, 40, all rookie chrome 3
Pierzynski 07 topps diamond stars 11
Ponson 04 bow chrome ref 125
Porello rick 209 bdpp1(2)
Posednik: 08 topps a.r.t.31,
Posey 10 Bowman Great Expectations- 13 w mauer
2011 Topps Lineage 4 Buster Posey SF $1.00
2012 Triple Play 71(2), 182,185,189
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH139,hometown heroes 168
2013 Pinnacle 144
2014 Topps 50, ‘89 Topps Die Cut Minis #TM42 donruss 198, 331
2015 topps od 183,update 380, gypsy Queen Pillars of he Community #PC-BP Buster Posey 4.00
2016 340
2017 Topps 675, all time as 9, update 237,Heritage 2, #475 SP,GAME CARD 7 domruss 141, gyp. Qn137, topps Jackie rob. Day 25, bowman 7
2018 donruss 167,133 optic
David Price13 topps chrome 127(4)
2017 Topps Chrome Refractors #147,
Puckett:86 donruss 72
93 leaf headed for hall 9,
94sp holo. fx 30, flair outfield pwr, diam. King 4
96 finest 271, ul;tra rtespect6, pinnacle affic. Slick picks 28
Albert Pujols
2012 Topps Opening Day Fantasy Squad #FS1
2013 Topps 1972 Topps Minis #TM57, Topps Calling Cards #CC15, CHROME 136 (3)
2015 topps 600(2), update 68 as,
2016 topps OD 42,chrome45, DIAMOND KINGS 105(2)
2017 topps 380, heritagr 57
2018 Diamond Kings The 500 #500AP, top. O.d.65,
2019 donruss 89,OPTIC 193,TOPPS TOC 2 (2)
Puig 13 home town heroes 14(2)
Quentin 09 turkey red ins. 29, ud starquest blue 32
Raines:84 dr 299, 0
85 fleer 405, topps 630
Ramirez manny1992 ud 63, SCORE 800
93 ud 433 (2)
94 col ch gold 16, 1996 DR ELITE INSERT 67, gold leaf rookie6
95 ukltra fresh foundations 9
Reese05 dr greats hofs-8, sweet spot cl68, past time penn 63
09 09 topps legends of game 15
Rendon:15 topps 251(2)
2017 t. op dy 109, heritage 183,diam king57(3), 103
Billy ripken99 fleer 616
Ripken 83 Topps # 163 , opc 163, donruss 279
84 t 426(5)
85 topps 30, dr 169 , fleer 187
86 topps340, dr 210
87 fleer 478, all star glossy 16, dr 38
89 ud 467(4),
90 all star glossy 16
1991 Topps Glossy All-Stars #5, ud up dt 85f(2)
92 fleer26
93 Leaf Heading for the Hall 5, flair 157
94 flair infield power 8
96 ultra rawhide gold medallion 9, Topps Chrome #28 Cal Ripken Jr ($6)
97 finest 281,ULTRA TOP 30, FLEER 13
1996 Topps Chrome #28 Cal Ripken Jr (BAL) ($6)
00 ud legends reflectns in time -R8 w/ gehrig
02 udpiece of history 16 sp, Fleer gotg 1, MAXIMUM IMPACT268
09 Topps Legends Chrome Wal-Mart Cereal Refractors Cal Ripken Jr PR-9
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG45, Topps Archives #44
2013 Topps Archives #16, hometown heroes 78(2)
2014 Topps �89 Topps Die Cut Minis #TM27
2015 Topps 2632 #2632-5 Cal Ripken Jr. 5.00
2017 donruss 177,
00,impact mf in 99 21, crown coll.latinos 23
08 goudey mini 126,
13 hometown heroes 121, topps chrome 118(2), Bowman Platinum Gold #29 $3.00
Rizzo:13 topps chrome 158 (8)
16 topps OD 20(2)
17 donruss 70
2018 Topps Salute #TS15, diam. Kng 64
2019 t. op. dy. 86
b robinson 77 t 285,
01 archives reprint 252, UD ENdLESS SUMMER 11
02 topps archives reprint 74
13 Topps Gypsy Queen Mini black (71/199), hometown hero178
17 topps her.35
f. robinson 83 t 576
84 t 171
88 topps trd 96
01 gotg 65, ud leg 86
04 all time fan favs
05 sweet spot cl 31
06 sp leg. Cuts 22
07 sp legendary cuts 3
08 ud heroes 18
2012 Topps Gold Standard #GS39
13 hometown hero 39
J. Robinson: baseball all time greats nno
96 topps 42(2)
01 topps chrome 52 ws 10, fleer gotg 32, sp leg cut 29
2002Topps Archives 312, Reprint 410,4, GOTG
2017 topps her 125
2018 Topps Update Storybook Endings #SE5 Jackie Robinson
A. Rodriguez:93 classic 4 spt 260(3),
95 Donruss top of the order, flair 85, fleer mlb prospects 10
96 topps ar14, spx 57 die cuts(2),
97fleerheadl.17, Metal Uni. Mag. Field 9, plat port 10, fast track 8,ultra top 30 4(3), doub troud 9,sp special fx die cut 49,, sp mar.match d.c.8, ud pred. 27,mem mom 10,
98 ultra arti. talents 3, kid gloves 2, power plus 3,Notables19, pac crwn coll 19, Revolution #135, pinn perf 4, ud3 pwr corp. 48, fleer tale of tape 336
99 ultra rbi king 20(2), stad club never comp. 6, video replay 5, wonder years 24, ud power elite 4, omega diamon masters-31, perr. All star 9,
st21 cent 6,(chrome version as well),Chrome Early Road to the Hall 3, chrome hr heroes 11, stars gold, bronze, silver 10, UD super tools 2, hit brigade3, HoloGrFxstar view8, launchers #L8, ionix nitro 6,ud pure excitement 27, inv. Seis force 18, cr. Pillar of game 23, stadium club never compromise6, stad club video replay5
00 fleer cons. Prose 2, focus focal pts 8 (2) Ten-4 10, victory diam dignitaries 8, ultra diamond mine, 1, U DHit Brigade, #H3, Bowman Chrome Teen Idols 1, Ult, Vict.Last. Imp. 10, Starstruck 1, PRISM 136, U. D, Five Tool Talents 15, sky dom eye on oct 15,speed merch4, crn roy final numb 23,invincible kings of diam 27(2), sp game bat hit parade 4,
01 spx untouchable talents 4(2), topps progression 1, t. triple crn fut threats 2, futures hot comm. 9,Ovation Curtain Calls 10 (3), Superstar Theatre 8, mid summer classic 16, greatest hits 5,
02 Leaf Certified Skills 7, fl box score 96 /2950, Fl. Plat.Wheelhouse 18, , license to skill 10, topps star play ch. aw 3, progression 1 Topps Heritage New age Performers #10,
03 leaf 60 47(3),
06 new age ar, 2 k6 9(2),
07 tops Own the game 19(3), open day diam star 3, road to 500 25, 199
09 ud first edition 2 star quest(2),
13 topps chrome 168(7)
Irod:91 ud pdt.55f
92 score ris star 77, topps78, mini 78
93 flair 285, sc Murphy 175
94 dr dk 10
95 Zenith all star salute,
97 ud 211asg
99 ud faces of game 17,heavy metal explosn112, 99 Stars and Steel 33
2000 OWN THE GAME 23, skybox fusion w. palmeiro 14,pacific die cuts 35 8.00
Rolen:95 Best 105
97 Bowman Scout's Honor Roll 11, fl new horoz.11, pinn museum coll 172, leaf fr. Matrix die cut 199, UD3 NEXT GEN, 19, ULTRAR. REF.10
98 ultra kid gloves, bak to future,
99 metal boyz w. wood 6, b.bestfranch fav 2a, crn roy mast perf 12
Ud hit brigade 8, longball leader 24
00 ud 5 tool talent 9, sky box dom eye on oct 13, invincible king of diamond 23,
01 finest origins f08, fl diam trib 17, focus big inning 21,
02 bow chrome reprint bcrsr(2), refractor, flr bx score amaz great 15, fl plat wheelhouse 13, play abs team tandem w. burrell
03 ,fl gen longball threats 12, topps red back (out)
04 bazooka mini 119
06 bow chrome ref. 20,
07 topps 302, fleer in the zone ar,year in review ar,
Rollins 07 ultra 136, artifacts 59,
08 topps chrome 8(2), goudey 14,
09 icons 54
Rose: 86 fleer 213,
1983 Topps #397 Pete Rose
1987 Topps Glossy Send Ins #41 Pete Rose
13 hometown hero 75
1984 Fleer Update #U102 (MTL) ($12)
Russell16 topps 562, od 121, update 93(2)
Ruth: 1994 ted williams 5s6
1995 ud baseball heroes 73, 81
99 black diamond 90
01 before topps bt2
07 masterpieces 22
2010 Topps Vintage Legends Collection #VLC31, curse of the bambino tales of the game tog 2
2012 Topps Golden Greats #GG71,GG75 #GG73
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH11,107
2016 wrig-19 wrigley field
Ryan:78 T206(5), 400(4)
79 t 6
80 580
81 T 240(2), f 57
82 T90(2), 360. 167
83 t 360
84 t66(2),707,
85 t7, 547, leaf 216(2), dr60
86 topps 100 (6), topps mini 43, tru value 26. dr 258s
87 dr highlights 53 (7), fleer67, t 757
89 ud 145(7),774(3), score traded 2 (2).topps trd 106(2)
90 ud 34(3),544(4), 734,leaf 21, 265(2), FLEER U-131
91score sup start 25
92 leafgold moments bc 25, ud ioss coll 19, sp 6, score sup. St 50
93 ud ,then and now 5(2), Leaf head for hall 1, gold leaf star # 19 with
Maddux ,
94 Collectors Choic, SILVER 249
95 sp championship series 2
2001 ud hall of rec 82, legends 3
2002 Studio Classic CS-3 0167/1000 bv=15.00,
2005 YD Portraits SM-NR 241/250, Turkey Red 301 bv=6.00
2006 Fleer Greats of the Game 67 bv=6.00
2009 Goodwin Champions Mini Black Ryan 52 $12.00
2010 Panini Cooperstown #14 Red 144/399 bv=25.00
2012 Gypsy Queen 256 bv=3.00
2013 Topps Franchise Forerunners FF-8,hometown hero 120
17 donruss 185
Ryu 13 hometown hero251
CC Sabathia:99 topps chrome traded rookie 33
2001 BOW BEST 110
2013 t. chrome 174
Chris Sale 2013 topps chrome 187(2)
2016diamond kings 6, t.OD 57
2018 Diamond Kings Gallery of Stars #GS12
salmon: 94 holo view fx 34, flair outfield power 9
96 summit ball parks 16,
Sanchez 17 topps 7(3) , donruss 126(2)
2018 donruss 150(3)
Sandberg:84 fleer 504, topps 596, dr 311
85 topps 460, all star 3 713, sticker 175, dr 67, dk 1
86 topps 690(5), dr 67(2), fleer bb best 32
87 topps 680, dr 77, ultra 168, leaf all starstand up, fleer 572
88 topps 10(12), dr 242(2)
89 UD 120(3).dr105 675, bow290,fler 437(2), top 360(11), 387,opcmini 38
90 fleer 40,625 ud 324, to 210, bg’ lg star mvp 6, topps 398, leaf 98
91 ud 132, silver slugger 8,Woolw. 20, ultra 66(2), team ldr 10(8), stad cl 230, bow 377, 416(2), t. 7, dr dk 14(2), fleer 709
92 studio heritage 1(2),
93 Do Dia Kings 2, flair 20(3), sp 17(2) Leaf Heading for the Hall 8,
94 pinnacle 6, col ch 335 silver sg., ud 92,electic diamond 92, ud cent. Reg 6
96 t 356, select cert 28
97 col ch 66, dr sig 21(2), finest2(2), bo best 8, sp 43flairs1r2s23(2)
08 topps 83 as -49
2013 hometown heroes 94
2017 donruss188(2), ttopps her. 192
Sanders D.92 score rising star 6
Sano 17 donruss 121(2)M , TOPPS j.rOB DAY JR 18
Santana 2017 gypsy qn 293, topps her 199
santo: 90 pacific 48
Saunders 08 topps uh 82
09 topps her 78, finest 122
Max Scherzer
2013 Topps 40, Update Emerald #US193
2015 Topps Chrome 98,
2016 topps 209(4), OD 67(2), dr 172,100,diam kn. 88
2017 Topps595, op. day 9,chrome 155, cy young award 2, bunt 183,Chrome Prism Refractors #159, donruss 172, gypsy qn289
2018 Donruss 193, Optic 158(3), Pink #158, Donruss #269(3), Diamond Kings 88,Trophy Club #TC7, topps 329,bl 240, Donruss Dominator GOLD parallel #D4 / 99
2019 topps 344(2), op dy 183,NTCD 39, diam. Kg. 42,
M.Schmidt 80 t 270
81 topps 540, DR 590
82 topps 100, k mart 29
83 topps 300, 301,399,
84 topps700(3), 388(2)
85 topps 714(2),
86 Topps 200(2),
87 fleer 187(3) lim ed 35, topps430(2), 597, glossy all star 4
88 topps big 88(2),Woolworth 7, fleer315(3), 636, MVP 31, dr 330, bc 4,score657(2),topps 600(4),
89 ud 406(3), 684, topps 100(2), bowman 402 (6), dr 193, score 149, fleer 582
90 ud 20(3), dr 643(2)
05 ud legendary refluections 163
13 hometown hero 145
Schwarber 17 donruss 74(2) , topps 73
Seager: 17 topps 5, drb106
seaver: Topps baseball scratch off not sure of year
82 FLEER 82
84 topps740,246, opc whitesox 261, Fleer Update #U106 ($4
85 topps 670, dr 424
86 topps 390(4), 402(2), fleer glossy 45, dr 609
87 topps 425(3), dr 375
94 ud cooperstown 177, 180
01 sp leg cuts 53(2), ud decade dynasties 9, TOPPSGOLDEN GREAT6
02 ud legends of ny 78, dec of 70’s 158, hall of fame endless summer 6, ud poh 78(5), american pie49, t 206 286 (2 of each version)
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT18 Tom Seaver
13 hometown heroes 122
2017 donruss 189(2), t her. 278
Segura 2016 t. heritage 194
2017 gypsy qn 57
Severino 17 topps 544(2)
18 donruss 151(3), topps 303
19 donruss 110
Sheffield:94 triple play medalists 10
02 f. genuine 60, bow chrome reprint bcr-gs
03 game face 11 (2)
04 playoff honors gold 133 1/25, dr longball ldr9 /1500
Sisler g.05 sweet spot cl 36, 2009 topps turkey red insert 20
smith ozzie:80 t 393,
81 t 254,207, fl 488
83 topps 540
84 t 130(4), 389, dr runnin redbirds 625
85 t 605(2), 715, dr 59(2)
86 t 730(2), 794,
87 dr 60, fleer 308, a.s. 41, topps 598, glossy a.s.5
88 topps 400, all star 16, fleer 47, 628
89 fleer 463(2), ud 265(4),674, topps 230
90 score 285, ud 225, topps 400, 590, leaf 142(3)
91 stadium club 154, ultra 296(2),score super star 18, ud upd 95f
92 ud then and now 7(2), iooss coll. 7, studio 98, bow 675, topps 245
93 score 532, flair 128(3), sp 79 (2), t 40(3)
94 pinnacle 389, ultra 568, trip ply 66, topps gold 320
95 sp 100(2), sweet spot 66
96 t 301, select cert 50
01 topps repr 106, American pie 65,gotg 97, ud legends 55,Hawaii isl 81,
04 fleer gotg 143
05 sweet spot 66
08 ud heroes124
John Smoltz 89 UD 17
2012 Topps Gold Standard #GS16
2017 bergers best 45
Snell 07 gypsy qn 23, topps 190
Snider: 01 bow chrome reprint 8
02 ud ws hero 31
03 ud classic portraits bb royalty 232 /1200
05 sweet spot cl 24(2), past time penn 22,
Soler 16 diam king112(2)
Soriano 00 Diamonds in the Rough" R3, Topps Heritage, #114,
03 playoff prestige inside the numbers 17,
05fl show 54, meas. Of great.15,
93 flair 22(3
96 cc yctw gold cg9
97 finest 20(2), ultra power plus10
99 skybox turbo charge9 ,fleer diamond magic
00 : ud faces in the game f3, SP: Cornerstones: 7, refl in time w. clemente 2 halls well 12,stadium club 3x3 luminicent 9b
01 spx untouchable talents 5, topps tradition CONTINUES 15 , ud mvp sup tools 19,
Soto: 2019 Bowman #92 Juan Soto $1.25 x2
Springer 2018 topps 154, 275
19 donruss highlights diamond
Stanton: 13 topps127, chrome197
15 tops 159
17 donruss 116(2), topps updt 65
stargell: 81 fleer 363
82 FLEER 499(2)
01 topps archives 715, ud coopertn col 30
04 fleer gotg 103
07 sp legendary cuts 75
17 donruss 193(2)
19 dr 163
Stephen Strasburg
2010 Topps Update More Tales of the Game #MTOG14, , Topps Chrome Target Exclusive Refractors #BC1, Bowman Great Expectations- 5 (2) w lincecum
2011 Bowman Chrome Refractors #159,
2013 Topps Making Their Mark #MM25, Chasing History Gold Holofoil #CH67, Bowman Chrome X-Fractors #164, Topps Chrome 50(3) Chrome Connections Die Cuts #CCSS
2014 Topps Opening Day Stars #ODS12,Topps Chrome , Donruss Career Stat Line #204 42/400,
2015 Topps665, Chrome Refractors #23 (2),
2016 Bowmans Best Blue Refractors #52 39/250, Topps Triple Threads Emerald #67 52/250
17 topps od 174
2018 donruss 198, optic 163, t. legend in making 30
strawberry: 85 topps 570
92 studio heritage 6, triple 187
91 topps trd 114
86 topps 80
Sweeney m: 02 Bowman Chrome Reprint, Refractor reprint(2),
034 dr stat line/307
06 bow chrome ref 33
Syndergaard: 16 donruss 160, diam kg.115
17 donruss 122, topps 555,topps chrome 103
18 donruss 251(2), optic 110, diam kg. 18
19 t. op dy. 126
Tanaka 17 donruss 128(2), rv 23/807 career stat line, optic 123, topps 30 yr 87-68
Teixeira 04 studio192
2019 ud xponential x2-mt
Thomas :90 SCORE TRADED, TOPPS 414
91 score ris star 78
92 bash 2 with bo jackson(2), score sup str 51,
Bowman 114
93 Cooperstwn Card #24, gallery of stars 12, leaf series 1,2,4,5, 8,10, topps150
94 stad club finest 10, studio thomas coll 2, flair inf pwr 9(2), ultra award winn19, dr gold se 61, dr dk 28, leaf power broker 1, stat standouts 1, flair hot numbers 10,TOPPS BLACK GOLD 21
95 score hall gold 56, fleer lumb. co9, sporsfilx detonator 4
96 topps classic conf 5, fl. Gold mem 9, headliner 19, summit hitters ink6 /5000
97 topps hobby master 11, seas best 2,number cruncher sb2
98 ultra seas crn 220, revol 37(2), topps 20, lord of diamond 4(2), sky bx superhero 9, thunderclap 10
99 black diamond diamation 9, pacific team checklist 4 , finest franchise best ref. 1
00 diam pearls 11, ud cooperstown calling 14, ultra swing king 3, diamond mine 8, hd 87
01 pacific decade best 6, trad. Continues 28
2007 Topps Hit Parade #HP3
13 hometown heroes 64
17 donruss 180(3)
18 dr optic 35
Thome:91 topps updt 17F, classic best195
96 pinn starburst 138, finest 47
99 bow best 18
02 Stud.dia col 11, t. heritage classic renditions 9
05 fl show meas of grt. 20,
06 spx treme team
07 turkey red 145, sp auth powr 27,
08 finest moment
Mike Trout:2013 hometown heroes 224(3)
14 bow 68, topps upper class uc-2, us 54
2015 Topps 300, 2015 Topps Gypsy Queen Walk Off Winners #GWO-10 trout 6.00
2016 topps 1a
2017 Donruss 104, 83 Retro Variations #RV15,gypsy queen 200a, topps 20 (2), t. gallery1, bow.100, diamond king 67a
2018 Donruss #242 Topps Update Don�t Blink #DB5 ,gypsy qn1, topps b. l. players w/e 150, topps her.47(2), 275, int’l affair 42, t chrome 100,
2019 bow 10
Bj Upton:03 studio stars
Vaughn 97 stadium club firebrand 11
Verlander: 05 topps 677
2012 Topps Golden Moments #GM9
2013 Topps Up. Postseason Heroes #PH2 , topps chrome 150(6)
2015 diam. King 88,
2016 topps od 25(2)
17 t. 159, 214 t. chrome 93, gypsy queen126
18 dr 111, optis mound marvel mm6,Donruss Dominator BLUE parallel #D5 / 249, topps superstar sensation 26 BV $3
2019 donruss 35; d.kn88,t. opening day 3,chrome prism ref 28, topps fire ft-9, heritage then/now 13 (palmer)
2020 turkey red 38
Visquel 89 T. TRD 122
90 leaf 88, fleer 528
Votto 08 t. tch 12,
12 topps 498
2011 Topps Chrome Refractors #19 Joey Votto
2013 Topps Emerald #19,topps chrome 206(3), hometown heroes149, t op dy 164
2014 Panini Prizm Diamond Dominance Prizms #6 Joey Votto
2015 Bowman’s Best Refractors #7 Joey Votto x1
16 topps 426, t. her 172
2017 donruss79, donruss 95, diamond king 60, topps 288,450, jrd 29(2), bunt 45(2), heritage 294t. chrome 94, qypsy qn 194 (2)
2018 donruss 147(4), 231(2), diamond king 4, topps od 20
19 diamond king 71, t. op. dy 59
93 ud trip crn cont. 10, flair 87, t. 95(3), score franchise 20,
95 flair 348,
99 bow late bloom 3,Pinn comp plyr 2b
00 topps franchise 2000 f17, sc chrome eyes of the game 9, sp auth u.n. 6, , ionix bio rhythm 11, revolution 53
02 Fleer premium intl pride 1,dr best of fan club 281 /2025, topps gold 25
wagner honus :09 topps legends of game 2
J weaver 06 topps update 318
09 bow chrome 156 ref
88 TOPPS TRD 128,FLEER TRD 6901 impact players bow best
Oo ionix reciprocal futuristic 66
Bernie Williams:01 bow her 11
93 flair 255,
97 sp special fx die cut 28
04 BOW GOLD 19
Billy Williams: 88 topps glossy as 22
00 pacific bb legends
07 sp legendary cuts 18
08 GOUDEY 32
Williams matt 93 flair 148(2)
98 ud3 power corps 134
00 ionix shockwave
Ted Williams
1982 cramer baseball legends61
1984 renata galasso 230
1994 ted williams lp2(2) ,5c8
2001 fleer red sox 100th yawkeys heroes 9
2002 fleer gotg 9
2004 fleer /406 1959 reprint
2005 zenith epix season e-20 /50, leather and lumber big bang #25/2000
2006 triple thrads heroestth 42 tw3(2), tw2, tw5
2007 topps distinguished service 25
2013 Topps Allen & Ginter #83, cut to the chase ctc-9
2013 Topps Chasing History #CH110 Ted Williams
2014 Topps ‘89 Topps Die Cut Minis #TM21 Ted Williams
2015 topps h-6,8, archives 1983 reprint 275, 1st home run -5
2016 topps 65th aanv. 1954 reprint, reprint, 2002, greatest streaks gs 9, amazing milestones 04
2017 topps legends s-19
2018 Diamond Kings Portraits #P10, The 500 #500TW,
Topps Update Storybook Endings #SE4 ,Topps Update Salute #S2
2019 TOPPS PERENNIAL ALL STAR2, topps chrome 150 years greatest moments150-48, REFRACTOR #150c-12, topps archives #24, a and g bss-5 virgo,
Winfield:78 topps 530
81 fleer 484, topps 370(2),
84 topps 460, 402
85 topps 180
86 fleer 121,
87 t. tiffany 770, leaf /drdiam king 20
88 topps mini85
89 ud 349(5),
90 leaf 426(4), Bowman Tiffany 432
91ud then/now 9
92 ud hr heroes 1,
96 finest 249
01 bow best franc fav dw(2)
02 fleer duel duo w molitor 23,
17 donruss 178
Wood K:
blk diam double dia 97/2500,
2001 fl focus roy coll 23
83 all star glossy topps 12004 Absolute Mem. #34 1343/1349, donruss Classics Membership #M8 77/2499
2000 Fleer club 3000
2005 Donruss Classics Membership #MS8 962/1000,studio portaits 39 /60
2008 goudey sports royalty 271
2011 gypsy queen /999
Yelich 15 topps 178,
16 topps 223(2), OD 141(2)
17 donruee 113(2), rv 19, optic 111(2), bunt148
2019 Bowman #14 .00 x2
Yount: 78 t 173
85 dr 48(3)
86 t 780(2), donrus 48
88 dr dk 5
90 leaf 71
93 sc 3000 hit club
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps #60YOT25 Robin Yount
2013 hometown heroes19
Zimmerman 07 t. co signer 16
16 topps 45
18 dr 162optic, t. chrome212(2)
Section 2: Sets and Insert Sets:
I have a 1996 select set for trade and a 98 UD 10th ann Preview edition set
Odd ball items:
1983 topps glossy send ins all star set # 29 carew
1984 topps glossy all star cards 2 carew, 7 lynn
1985 topps glossyall star cards 9 carter, 20 parrish
1986 topps glossy send ins all star cards 12,16,4,42,47,54,50
1987 topps glossy all star cards 1,2,3,6,9,10,11,13,14,16,(ripken),1718,19,20, 22
1987 opc cards tabler 77, Flanagan122, Randolph 377, soto 11, mcclure 133, bedrosian 233
1987 topps traded tiffany cards salas 107, niekro 89, fisher 33, henneman 46,Dempsey 28, musselman 83,kingery 58, sundberg 119, hall 41, valle 122, robinson 104, brower 10, gardiner 36, noles 92, redus 99, berenguer 5, mack 69, Schmidt 110, leary 64
1988 topps glossy all star 3,4, 5 (ripken),6, 8, 13, 14, 16,17, 22
1988 buffalo bisons team set bridges,Easley,etc
2001 topps archives reprints mcdowell, uecker,, bouton, parker, newcombe, gossage, hernandez
2003 Yankee signature series cards: 13 metheny, 75 duren
2007 sp leg cuts slaughter 95, grove 69, wills 38. gehringer 32, marquard 60, Jackson, 89, wynn 31,Vernon 98, Hartnett 19, boyer 87 vandermeer 27
2007 Topps chrome 219, 210,19,13,177,209,90,241,239,137,43, 229,147,105,24,88, 230, 263,10,173,77,163,125,79,262
Odd ball inserts:
91 leaf gold rookie sanders,
1991 Topps Traded Tiffany 3T Wally Backman,25T Danny Cox,43T Jim Fregosi
92 dr diam king swift(2)
92 ud players of the year smith, young,
93 donruss elite series Winfield 35
93 finest baseballs finest 15 perez,
93 flair wave of the future hoffman 7, hammonds 6,
93 leaf gold rookies lofton, stairs(3)
93 score dream team Williams
93 select rookies hundley
93 sp plat pwr die cut gant(2), carter
93 Stadium club first day issue palmer 22
93 topps black gold daulton, deshields, karros, lankford
93 ud then and now hojo
94 dr diamond kings perez, irod , wilkins
94 dr dominators, Williams,
94 donruss mound marvels bere
94 dr spec comm. Issue carter 1
94 dr spirit of the game olerud(2),dykstra
94 flair wave of the future 6 mondesi (2), white 10(3), klesko 4, mouton 7, staton 9,Park 8
94 flair wave of fut hudek4 ,staton,mouton,karsay,delgado.park, white
94 flair outfield pwr dykstra, justice, belle puckett,bonds,salmonjustice,
94 Flair infield power have ripken, thomas
94 fleer award winner salmon
94 fleer lumber co justice, belle, gant, Williams
94 fleer prospects staton (2)
94 fleer pro visions ,Williams,
94 gold leaf rookies delgado,l power broker justice 2
94 pinn trib.whiten (2),alomar, museum coll beck 118 eldred 19, art. Proof zambrano 237
94 sp holoview fx karsay,fryman,mondesi,Nixon, listash,klesko, kent,hammonds,floyd, fielder,
94 Stad club first day issue d. sanders 408
94 ultra firemen , ward
94 ultra hr king gonzalez
94 Pinnacle Museum coll. 52,309, many others
94 pinnacle run creators 26, white,Vaughn
95 flair hot gloves grissom 4(3), white(2),
95 Flair wave of the future 1,3,4,5,7, Flair inf. power daulton 2 (2), hot glove 11 white
95 kraft superstar singles, Gonzalez, Vaughn,
95 score hall of gold have ripken, Griffey, maddux, mattingly,tarasco
95 stadium club clear shot morris, zeile,hamlin
95 stadium club power zone carter
95 ultra gold pros gold med benitez 1
95 zenith z team mondesi, palmeiro Williams
96 flair powerline belle
96 donruss long ball leader buhner 7
96 leaf mvp contender salmon, maddux (2)
96 ultra call to the hall henderson 4
96 ultra thunder clap palmeio 15
96 stadium club best closing act mesa 10
96 select red rookie park, team nucleus pirates, mariners, expos, royals
96 score fut fran damon 7
96 sportflix double take maddux/nomo
96 sp special fx belle, diamond destiny gold williamsdd34
96 summit above and beyond valentine
96 topps profiles sanders 8, Vaughn 10
96 ultra rbi king bichette 3
96 ultra rawhide piazza8
97 Fleer blea.blast. Vaughn 9,
97 ud power package buhner 4
97 ud diamond destiny 40 carter
97 topps team timber caminiti 2
97 leaf x axis die cut phillips 227, fractal matrix 117 becker
97 leaf dress for success /3500 bichette
97 metal un. Titanium 2
97 metal mining for gold 1,4, 6,7,9,10
97 pacific latinos m Kelly, arias
97 pinnacle passport to majors park23
Score blast master bichette caminiti, artist proof bordick 465
97 spx gold karros, gallaragga
97 stad club millennium durham
97 Topps interleague finest Sheffield/fryman ilm 14
97 Topps all stars smoltz 20, wohlers 22, bleacher reacher belle 9
97 topps seas best lead looters hentgen 18
97 topps team timber Anderson, 9, Gonzalez 10
97 Ultra kid gloves walker,
97 ultra back to future omack,
97 Ultra top 30 ,pettittte, 16,wiliams(2)
97 ultra prospects walker,
97 Ultra power plus m. Williams 12, arod 9
97 ultra season crowns belle(2),bichette(2), l martinez, pettitte
97 ultra hr king hundley 5
97 ud run producers b. anderson
98 bow chrome rookie class tatis,
Circa thunder boomers buhner 3
98 flair wave of future Marrero, lee,
98 fleer lumber co TY. Martinez 9
98 fleer tradition promising forecast varitek,
98 leaf r/s greatest hits arod 4
98 pac crn coll 12 castilla
98 stadium club in the wings fullmer
98 summit art prf wilson 177
Topps mlb future all stars cruz fa6
1998 Topps Chrome Refractors #326 Jose Cruz Jr.,#366 Orlando Cabrera, #374 Cecil
Fielder, #384 Carlos Delgado
98 ultra big shots vanghn 10, mwilliams
98 ultra kid gloves 6,11(2)
98 ud pre med star rookie rolen tejada,
98 ud destination stardom wright
99 brilliant illuminators chavez 9,
99 showcase row 1 numbered to 6000 68 r. white,
99 showcase row 2 107 boone
99 sports illustrated fabulous 40 palmeiro 11, Vaughn 13
1999 Topps Hall of Fame Coll.10 Yogi Berra,4 Willie McCovey(2)
99 ultra rbi king bagwell(2), erstad 8
00 ionix shockwave belle, m. Williams, ausome mondesi 30
00 skybox new era weaver (2),
00 stad club 3x3 luminous 4c bell
00 stadium club eyes of the game refractors johnson,mcgwire
2000 Topps Perennial All Stars PA7 Jeff Bagwell, PA8 Barry Bonds
2000 topps chrome new mill. stars sexson,
Topps gold label prospectors dream burrell 4
00 pacific crown coll latinos of the major leagues Rey Ordonez 10
00 ultra world premier beltran 6
00 ud hot properties drew,
00 ud launchers belle
00 ud yankee lkegends new dynasty Winfield 5
00 mlilenial team mays, Griffey, ruth, Schmidt, mcgwire, ripken,bench, J ROBINSON
01 bow best impact players cresse 16, wells 11,Hamilton 19
01 bow best rookie fever 9, wilson 2
01 bow chrome jt snow 4
2001 Donruss Production Line Moises Alou PL-20 118/416 4.00
01 fleer focus roy coll aparacio
01 topps archives bouton,
01 topps stars progression 4, m musial 5(2), gold limited inserts/499 Larkin 91, grieve 140,
01 topps gold anniversary 2 banks, 36,49 6 seaver, bonds 17, pedro 29(2), mcgwire 41 tradition continues rolen7, arod13a jones 22,brown 24
2001 Topps Noteworthy TN25 Pedro Martinez, TN27 Whitey Ford(3).
TN3 Sammy Sosa,TN31 Warren Spahn,TN35 Steve Carlton
TN38 Reggie Jackson,tN4 Todd Helton,TN41 Eddie Mathews
TN46 Harmon Killebrew
01 Topps what could have been 8 suttles, 10Pop Lloyd,3 Buck Leonard
7,Judy Johnson,9 Ray Dandridge
01 topps a look ahead pedro 9(2)
01 Topps before topps Gehrig 1,alexander9,johnson 4, Hornsby 6
01 Topps chrome what could have been: paige 2,
01 topps chrome before there was topps Mathewson 8, gehrig 1
01 topps 52 w/s reprints17 houk, game 3 ws-3(robinson)
01 topps chrome 52 w/s 4 pafko, 9 Reynolds, 19 bauer
01 ud hof gallery reggie, jax. Berraibson, musial
01 ud 20th century showcase mays
01 ud pros and prosp fran. Bld blk wilson 24
01 ud stars of japan 4 irabu/shinjo,7 shinjo/sasaki, 18 yoshii/irabu, 27 yoshi/sasaki
2002 Topps Ticket to History 1952 World Series Ticket 2 Dodgers,
Ticket 3 Yankees,Ticket 4 Yankees,Ticket 5 Yankees,Ticket 6 Dodgers
(filed under ticket)
2002 Topps Archives Reserve Al Oliver Card 3 of 100 1.50
2002 Topps Chrome Traded Refractors T45 Omar Daal,T96 John Mabry,T10 Eric Hinske TOR $2.50
02 Dr elite series guerrero6,f robinson 17pass the torch cuddyer 13 /1000
02 fleer genuine leaders 13,
02 Fleer genuine touch em all 14,20
02 gold label jack cust class 1 gold 132 /500
2002 Topps All-World Team AW-9 Alex Rodriguez
02 topps ticket to baseball historygame 3,4,7(2) under yankees
02 topps res floyd 40 /150
02 ultra glove wrks ventura 9
03 bow heritage oldies split screen ford 177, kaline 173
03 bow heritage oldies aparicio 176, kaline 173
0 donruss elite series Edmonds 9
03 fleer double header181, 197, 202, 281
03 leaf
03 leaf: home e. martinez 3, leaf 60 klesko 39
03 stad club royal gold salmon 32
03 studiom proofsw /100 145 sexson, burks 27,perez 174
03 Standing o die cuts 11 lopez, 23 casey, 65 schmidt
03 aweet spot classic patch lynn /50
2003 Topps Own the Game OG1 Ichiro,OG27Clemens,OG7 Alex Rodriguez
2003 Topps Record Breakers (Purple) RB-HK Harmon Killebrew,
(Purple) RB-RC Roger Clemens, (Purple) RB-RCA Rod Carew
03 topps gallery artist proof 59 kennedy, 187 martinez
03 topps polar bear pedro (93),nomar 110,,sosa 51
03 topps sovereign reyes 122
03 total topps Thome, Tejada, Anderson, ramirez
03 total topps production ordonez,
04 bazooka comics :anderson, palmeiro, loaiza, furcal
04 bazooka tattoos biggio, I other cardinal
04 Bazooka red parallel: Ramirez 22, Pettitte 182
04 bowman uncirculated russ Ortiz silver 94 /245,
04 bowman gold draft picks 4 tracy,
04 cracker jax stickers 16,
04 leaf red press proof giles 112, martinez 74
04 sweet spot classic patches fingers, heinrich, f. robinson , rick ferrell
04 leaf blue press proof tatis 156 /100, nady 192 /100
04 throw threads estevez fans og game 1
2004 Topps Total Silver 304 Jaret Wright ATL $0.75
04 ud natl pride: romanczuk 9,, register 3,
04 ud 25 slutes young 10
05 diamond king red bdr Wilson 85, bigbee 31,overbay 125,blalock 228
05 ultra gold med Wilson 80,
05 studio stars upton, lee, Crosby alou,tejada,guerrero,giles
2005 Diamond Kings Timeline 8 Rafael Palmeiro BAL/TEX $2.50
2005 Topps A-Rod Spokesman Insert ARI1,2,3,4, Alex Rodriguez
2005 Topps Dem Bums Reprints DB-CL Labine,DB-DH Don Hoak,
DB-DZ Don Zimmer,DB-JG Jim Gilliam,DB-JH Jim Hughes,DB-KS Karl Spooner
2005 topps all stars many ts6
06 flair show wave of future Willingham 5
2006 Finest Refractor Young 108 151/299 2.00
2006 Flair Showcase Hot Numbers HN28 Todd Helton COL $2.50
06 topps gold/2006 crain, 96,, update 298 berkman/oswalt
2006 Topps Own the Game OG12and 13 David Ortiz,OG21 Mariano Rivera, OG3 Albert Pujols, OG4 Roger Clemens
2006 Topps - Topps Stars TS-RC Roger Clemens
2006 Topps Update Barry Bonds 715 715-BB Barry Bonds
2006 Topps Update Rookie Debut RD-33 James Shields
2006 Topps WalMart Blaster WM46 David Ortiz(2)
2006 Topps Hobby Masters HM16 Ichiro,HM17 Pedro Martinez
2007 bowman chrome refractor 32, 128
2007 UD Goudey 147 Phil Hughes NYY $2.00
2007 Topps Own the Game OTG2 David Ortiz(7)
2007 Topps The Streak JD4,jd40,jd46 Joe DiMaggio
2007 Topps The Streak Before the Streak JDSF11 Joe DiMaggio
2007 Topps WalMart Inserts WM1 Frank Thomas,WM12 Miguel Cabrera,
WM2 Mike Piazza,WM25 Alex Rodriguez,wM27 Daisuke Matsuzaka
WM4 David Ortiz
2007 Topps - Topps Stars TS7 Daisuke Matsuzaka
2007 Topps Distinguished Service DS4 Bobby Doerr
2007 Topps Update Barry Bonds 756 HRK Barry Bonds
2007 Topps Update World Series Watch NNO Diamondbacks,
Detroit Tigers,NNO San Diego Padres,nNO Seattle Mariners
2007 Topps Hobby Masters HM10 Alex Rodriguez
07 topps gen. now 107, 114, Utley 53, 80
07 topps gen now arrives 6 taveras, 8 young,
07 topps gold miller 128, burres 289
2007 Finest Refractor Teixeira 27 0.75,Kevin Millwood 89 0.50
2007 Topps Chrome Black Refractor Teixeira 181 1.50, Black Refractor Blalock 181 2.50,White Refractor Nelson Cruz 241 630/660 3.00, White Refractor Carlos Lee 26 510/660 2.00
2007 Topps Chrome Refractors #219 Kenny Rogers, #198 Gary Sheffield
-2007 Topps Chrome Blue Refractors #16 Andy Pettitte
07 Fleer rookie sensations: weaver,
08 Bowman chrome refractors de jesus 2, hermida 23,garza 26, n. Johnson 149, Tejada 68,59 Burrell PHI,80 ****,173 Brett Myers,x fractor /250 maholm
08 goudet Sport royalty foudy 296
2008 Topps Chrome Refractors 72 Brandon Phillips,150 Homer Bailey
2008 Topps Year in Review YR7(2),19,125 Alex Rodriguez,
YR156 Varitek,YR5,27 Matsuzaka,YR33 Ichiro,yr 41,74 Lincecum,
YR50,73 Justin Verlander YR78 Chipper Jones,b eltre 58, Reynolds 55,
08 topps u/h gold /2008 guzman 23, Hensley 325, moeller 69, Johnson 253, cancel 66, pagan 224.
2008 Topps Update Ring of Honor 1986 Mets MRH-GC Carter,
WS Champs RH-DS Snider,WS Champs RH-WF Ford
2008 Topps - Topps Stars TS1 Alex Rodriguez, TS15 David Ortiz(3)
2008 Topps All-Rook.Tm. 50th Anniv AR17 Verlander AR34 Chipper Jones
2008 Topps Own the Game OTG11 Alex Rodriguez
2008 Topps T205 TCP1 Albert Pujols,TCP11 Ichiro,TCP5 Alex Rodriguez
2008 Topps Trading Card His. TCH17 Clemens,TCH31 Chipper Jones
2008 Topps Update WBC Preview WBC1 Daisuke Matsuzaka2008 Bowman CHR Ref. Miguel Tejada 68 2.00
2008 T.CHR Ref. C.Lee 143 1.50, All Star Rookie Team Teixeira ARC12 114/400 3.00
2008 stadium club first day issue 12,27,57 81 berkman
09 sp leg cuts booker t Washington 184 /550
2009 Topps Update 201 Jordan Zimmermann WSH $2.50
2009 Topps Update Legends Career Best LGCB-CY Cy Young
LGCB-GS Sisler,LGCB-MO Mel Ott, LGCB-RC Campanella
LGCB-RH Hornsby,LGCB-TC Ty Cobb,TS Tris Speaker
LGCB-WJ Johnson
2009 Topps Update Leg. of the Game LGU4 Ty Cobb(2),LGU7 George Sisler, ott j. robinson
2009 Topps Ring of Honor RH10 Brooks Robinson,RH18 and RH 40 Bob Gibson,RH2Whitey Ford, RH23and 44 Mariano Rivera,RH47 Roger Clemens,RH56 Dustin Pedroia,RH6 Johnny Bench(2),rH63 Miguel Cabrera,RH75 Daisuke Matsuzaka
2009 Topps Turkey Red TR125 Max Scherzer,TR15 David Ortiz
TR16 Joe Mauer,TR25 Alex Rodriguez, TR79 Roy Campanella
2009 Topps ToppsTown TTT21 Chipper Jones, TTT13 Albert Pujols
TTT21 Chipper Jones, TTT25 Daisuke Matsuzaka,TTT29 Derek Jeter
2009 Topps Update Propaganda PP14 Ichiro,PP3 Albert Pujols,
PP30 Zack Greinke,pP9 Dustin Pedroia
2009 Topps World Baseball Classic BCS14 Miguel Cabrera,BCS24 Dustin Pedroia,BCS25 David Ortiz
2009 Topps WBC Rising Stars 10 Daisuke Matsuzaka
2010 Topps Update US181 JP Arencibia,US235 Jose Tabata ,US319 Josh Tomlin, US323 Ryan Kalish BOS
2010 Topps Chrome Refractors 30 Ian Kinsler,63 James Shields,78 Placido Polanco PHI(2)
2010 T.CHR Ref Hunter Pence 164 2.00
2010 Finest Red Ref Ian Kinsler 61 10/25 12.00
2010 Topps Copper #473 Jason Varitek (168/399) (BOS) ($10)
2010 topps gold/2010 344,490,571
2010 topps gold update/2010 7,12,208,243
2010 Topps Turkey Red TR127 Ichiro,TR140Munson,TR141 *** Wee Reese,TR146 Duke Snider,TR21 Johnny Bench,TR4 Albert Pujols
TR70 Jackie Robinson,TR74 Tom Seaver,TR83 Yogi Berra,TR84 Dustin Pedroia
2010 Topps Peak Performance PP-47 Roger Maris, PP-57 Max Scherzer,
PP-86 Justin Verlander(2)
2010 Topps History of the World Series HWS2 Walter Johnson,HWS10 Whitey Ford, HWS11 Johnny Podres,HWS12 Yogi Berra
HWS15 Bob Gibson, HWS19 Jason Varitek
2010 Topps Home Team Advantage HTA-1 Albert Pujols,HTA-10 Jackie Robinson,HTA-12 Ichiro,HTA-29 Alex Rodriguez,HTA-30 Thurman Munson
31 Mel Ott,39 Roy Campanella, HTA-42 Carl Yastrzemski
2010 Topps Mil.Card Giveaway Card TMC-29 Yaz, TMC-30 Mantle
2010 Topps Tales of the Game TOG-8 Roger Maris
2010 Topps The Cards Your Mom Threw Out CMT158 f.Thomas
2010 Topps When They Were Young WTWYAR ARod.g WTWYJV Verlander
2011 topps gold /2011 88.298,507,579
2011 Topps Heritage CHR Green Ref Nelson Cruz C9 8.00
2011 T.CHR XFractorKinsler18 4.00,
2011 T.CHR Ref Neftali Feliz 66 1.25, Adrian Beltre 165 3.00
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps 01 J, Robinson,02 Roy Campanella(2),
18 and 78 Seaver,22 Fisk(2),24 Yastrzemski,49 A. Rod.,54 Verlander,
58 Joe Mauer(2),68 Killebrew,76 Banks,81Gossage,86 Carter, 87 Murray(2)
2011 Topps 60 Years of Topps Lost Cards OTLC-2 Snider,4 Cmpnella
6 Ford,9 Musial
2011 Topps - Topps 60 T60-10, 104 Alex Rodriguez, T60-110 Carlton Fisk
T60-4 Gary Carter,T60-66 Paul Molitor
2011 Topps Before there was Topps BTT1 Honus Wagner(2)
BTT2 Christy Mathewson,BTT3 Walter Johnson,bTT6 George Moll
2011 Topps CMG Worldwide Vintage Reprints CMGR-20,21 Gehrig
CMGR-28 Ty Cobb(2),CMGR-7 Robinson
2011 Topps Diamond Giveaway Code Card TDG-4 Albert Pujols
2011 Topps Ticket to Toppstown TT-50 Albert Pujols, TT2-20 Kershaw
2012 Bowman Chrome Refractors 69 Carlos Gonzalez COL $2.50
2012 Topps CareerDay CD-12 R. Jackson,CD-19 Jackie Robinson(2),
CD-25 Yogi Berra(2).CD-3 Al Kaline,CD-5 Sandy Koufax(3)
2012 Topps Mound Dominance MD-11 Warren Spahn, MD-12 Bob Feller
MD-2 Justin Verlander(3), MD-3 Sandy Koufax(5)
2012 Topps 1987 Topps Minis TM-35 Zack Greinke,TM-55 Justin Verlander(2),TM-63 Felix Hernandez,TM-75 Alex Rodriguez(2)
2012 Topps Update Blockbusters BB-1 Albert Pujols, BB-18 Carlton Fisk
BB-25 Alex Rodriguez, BB-4 Gary Carter, BB-8 Miguel Cabrera
2012 Topps A Cut Above ACA-3 Justin Verlander
2012 Topps Classic Walk-Offs CW-4,14 David Ortiz
2012 Topps Classic Walk-Offs CW-2 Carlton Fisk(2)
2012 Topps Gold Futures GF-33 Madison Bumgarner
2012 Topps Gold Futures GF-43 Stephen Strasburg
2013 Topps Update Postseason Heroes PH-13 David Ortiz,
PH-19 Jim Palmer, PH-2 Justin Verlander,PH-3 George Brett,
PH-4 John Smoltz, PH-5 Greg Maddux, PH-6 Sandy Koufax
PH-7 Reggie Jackson
2013 toppsgold /2013 624
2014 Topps All-Rookie Cup Team RCT-6 Jim Rice(2)
2014 Topps The Future is Now FN-40,41 Xander Bogaerts
2014 Topps Update Power Players PPA-MS Max Scherzer
2014 Topps Upper Class UC-24 Justin Verlander(2),
UC-39 Greg Maddux(2),UC-42 Jim Rice(2),UC-46 Boggs,
UC-49 Al Kaline(2
2015 Topps Archetypes A-15 Mike Piazza
2015 Topps First Home Run FHR-15 Alex Rodriguez
2015 Topps Heart of Order HOR-19 Goldschmidt, HOR-8 Gary Carter
2015 Topps High.of the Year H-11 Maris,H-18 Willie McCovey,H-20Jenkins
2015 Topps Hot Streak HS-4 Max Scherzer
2015 Topps Update All-Star Game Acc.MLB-12 Greinke,-18 Max Scherzer
4 Yadier Molina,-5 M Bumgarner
2015 Topps Update Pride and Perserverance PP-8 Jon Lester
2015 Topps Update Rookie Sensations RS-4 Mike Piazza
2015 Topps Update Tape Measure Blasts TMB-15 Josh Gibson
2015 Topps Update Whatever Works WW-8 Roger Clemens
2015 Topps Free Agent 40 F40-12 Carlton Fisk(2),F40-14 Roger Clemens
F40-6 David Ortiz(2), F40-8 Greg Maddux(2),F40-9 Alex Rodriguez
2015 Topps The Babe Ruth Story BR-1,4,5, Babe Ruth
2016 donruss elite series /999 moustakas es2
2016 Topps MLB Debut MBBD-21 Joe Mauer,MLBD-25 Mike Piazza,
MLBD-31 Alex Rodriguez ,MLBD-4 Miguel Cabrera,
2016 Topps MLB Debut Series 2 MLBD2-13 Bumgarner, MLBD2-14 Clayton Kershaw, MLBD2-36 Greinke, 2 MLBD2-37 Joey Votto
2016 Topps Berger's Best BB-10 Bill Mazeroski, BB-23 Dave Winfield,
BB-42 Randy Johnson,Series 2 BB2-1993 Mike Piazza
2016 Topps Hallowed Highlights HH-13 Robin Yount
2016 Topps Record Setters RS-9 Alex Rodriguez
2016 Topps Greatest Streaks GS-03 Greinke(2),GS-04 Ichiro(3),07Seaver
2016 Topps Update Retail 500 HR Futures 500-1 Miguel Cabrera
2016 Topps Walk-Off Wins WOW-14 Carlton Fisk,wow-2 David Ortiz
2017 donruss elite series/999 kinsler es10, red /149 frazier es 8
2017 donruss optic elite sries e 16 schwarber
2017 Topps Five Tool 5T-36 Madison Bumgarner
2017 Topps MLB A.S.Game MVP ASM-13 Piazza,ASM-18 Ichiro
2017 Topps Salute S-50 Brooks Robinson
2017 Topps Update Postseason Celebrations PC-12 Boston
2017 Topps Update Salute USS-2 Altuve,USS-28 Scherzer,USS-29 Benintendi
2017 toops chrome prism refractors185 rodriguez 2.00
2017 toops chrome prism refractors 84 porcello 2.50
2018 Donruss elite dominator/999 verlanderd5
2018 donruss elite series posey e7
2018 Topps Instant Impact II-23 Carlton Fisk, II-37 Joey Votto
2018 Topps MLB Awards MLBA-1,12(2),37(2) Jose Altuve,
MLBA-11 Max Scherzer(2),46 Nolan Arenado, 47 Jose Ramirez
2018 Topps Superstar Sensations SSS-12 C Kershaw,2 Jose Altuve
2018 Topps Update An International Affair IA-1 Bogaerts,
13 Martinez,16 Ortiz,24 Ichiro,IA-45 Betts,46 Altuve,IA-48 Cabrera
2018 Topps Update HoF Highlights HFH-1,2,3,4,6, Chipper Jones
2018 toops chrome pink refractors 115 jackie Bradley 2.50
2018 topps chrome pink refractors (3) Benintendi 151 12.00
2018 topps chrome pink refractors (2)Kimbrel 53 4.00
2018 toops chrome pink refractors 59 ramirez 2.00
2018 topps chrome refracrtor hamley 59 1.50
2018 Topps Chrome Refractors 141 Starlin Castro MIA $1.25
2018 Topps Chrome Sepia Refractors 102 Chris Archer TMB $1.50
2019 Topps Chrome Pink Refractors 77 Andrew McCutchen, 103 Odubel Herrera PHI
2019 Topps Chrome Prism Refractors 7 Maikel Franco PHI $2.00
2019 Topps Grapefruit League Greats GLG-15 Martinez, GLG-24 J Altuve
2019 Topps Chrome Refractors 7 Maikel Franco PHI $1.50
2020 donruss elite series /999 baez e-2
2020 Topps Home Run Challenge HRC-3 J.D. Martinez
2020 Topps Turkey Red Series 2 TR-26 Sandberg,TR-3 Votto
Section 3 Vintage cards:
1951 bowman 18,25,33,98
1952 bowman 124 creased
1952 topps 93,115,153,198
1953 topps 12,31,62,,63,90,103,123,135, 160.201
1954Topps 19,22(2),23,26,44,64,105, 149,189, 201
1955T: 6,29,34,35,44,46,48,59,60,61,62,,66(2),93,112,113(2),148,0
1955 bowman 34,47,152,181,182,223
1956 T 4,45,171,257
1957 66, 82,124,16,160(2),151, 181,263,278,318
1958: 70,72,120,203,269,362,379,383,385,386,398,406,416,420,429,438,444,450,466
1959: 86,96,182,211(2),230,265,307,318,331,335,378(2),
385,409(2),411,413,414,418,421,422(2),426, 431,433,442,
1960- 1,41,90,105,121.122.127,132,143,147,199,227,228,299,327,346,365,424,453,505, fleer 35,
1961- 1,6,15,24,31(2),32,33.34,55,59,61,62,75,76,90,103,111(2),123,125(2), 129,134,135,147,152,155,159(2),163, 177,183,184,186,187(2),
193, 195,206,225,226, 238,241,246,257,262,263,266,268,
277,285,288,296,298, 301,309,314,317,318(2), 328,329(2),332,335,373,384,399,424(2),437,447(2),
448,452,456, 462,463 both versions,474(2),507(3)
FLEER 10,12,33,57 ( Topps stamps drysdale)
1962 6,13,16,27,50,,51,53,58,59(2),63,66,98,101,107, 128, 141,158,165,170,199,262,310,314,340,350,370,456,493,496,510,531,576
(also Topps stamps drysdale)
1963 17,26,33,41,43,47,69,70,79.94,118,158,149,165(2).190,214,250,269,276,280,321,332(2),481,499,500,521,538,541,554,
1963 post cereal stuart 137, marichal109
1964 2,6,7,12,13,18,19,24,26,29,30,31(2),32,38,39(3,)41,42,47(2),49,52,56(2),61,62(2),65,,70,78,79(2),80,82,84,96,97,102,104(2),105(2), 109,111,114(3),118,119,123, 124(2),126, 127, 133,141,142,143,144,147(2),149,151,152,153,154,156,157,
158(2),159,161,162(2),165,168,169,170,174(2),178,181,182,183,184(2),185, 186(2),191,
192,193(3)199, 201(2), 203,209,211,212, 213,215, 216(2),217,218,227, 229,231(2),239,240,241,245(2),247,248,250,253,261(3),263,265,266
315,316,321,323,328(3),332(2),333,334,338,339,341,342,348,351,354,356,357,358360,,361(2),363(2),364,368,369,370(2),372,376,378,380,381,382(2),385,386(388(2),389,397(2),401,402,404,405,408,409,411, 418,420(2),421,422(3), 427(2),428,430,431,433,436,437, 441,443,444,445,448,455,472,480,483,488,491,494,502,531,543,
1965 1,2,9,11,12,,13,23,48,49.50,55,59,62,73,82,86, 88,97,100,103,110,132,133,136,137,153(2),161,166,193(2),202,236(2), 242,259,286,325,329,388(4),398,400(2),403(2),456,
1966: 2,3,5,8,12,13,14,16,18,20,23,24,25,27,29,32,33,36(2),37,39,4041,44,46,52,53,56,55,58,59,65,6971,73,75,76,78,81,82,84,85,86,88,91.93,95,98,99,106,107,108,119,120,123,124(2),125,127,128,134,140,148.148,154,156,157,158,161,165,184,199,200,203,211,213,213,214,221,222,224,,226,244,245,246,256,258,261,263,265,268,269,270(2),272,273,274,277,278,291,295,302,304,307,312,316,318,325,329,332,334,344,349,354,356,363,368,369,371,373,374,374,377,378,386, 393,395,399
412,415,417418,432,437,438,441,443,447,459,473,489, 503
1967 5,8,9,11,18,19,22,29,30,37,46,47,53,67,78,90,92,98,101,114, 123(2),136, 145,158,172,179,207,229,238,257(2),259,271,273, 287294,309,320,340,349,436,446,62, 519(marked)
1968 6,13,14,26(4), 43(5),47(2), 61, 69,80,89,103,104,106,123(3),178,189, marshall 201,207,208,209,222, 233(2), 236,246(3),251,263,277,283,294,
331, 377,387,399,455,461,504511,522,555,557,566, JOHNNY BENCH ROOKIE
,587 gold all star aaron,clemente
1969-8,30,57,69,92,130,142,409,412,441,,458,487,494,519,528,552(2),553,554 deckle edge mc covey 31, KESSINGER, GIBSON 29, boog,mays,brooks r., Wilhelm, rose
1970 9,28,45,62,75,104,109,111,118,127,128,135,138,144,160,161,171,182,186,203,206,210,221,227(2),231,241,242,255,260,261,277,286,288,290(3),300,305,308,309,310,323,324(2)354,359(3),361,371,383,390,(2)394,403,437,445.453,472,490,501,511,541,553549,,560,560,563,575,596,606,650,658,674.679693,699
topps booklet 14 banks
1971 16,20,26,40, 55(2),57,62,65,66,69,81,91,92,97,102
180,181, 183,217,220,222,232,242,248,251, rookies: singleton 16, 27(2),493,garr 494, 231,262,splitorff 247(2), 274, 93, forsch102(2), Montanez 138, cleveland 216,13, 317,320,376,391,403,411,413,416(2),420(2),421,426(2),430,459,467,468,475,492,496(2),507,508,610,623,626,679, 691,Ryan, 695,699, 718
1972 11,13,16,30,32,37,49,51,52,53,61,66,67,71m79,84, 89,92(2),93,95,101(2), 130(2),141,162(2),171,,181,198(2), 205,208(2),209, 211,232, 241,243.251,257,263,264,285,309,312,339,395,452,457, 474,498, 507, 523,525(2),620,
1973 2,3,4,7,15,16,22,24,33,34,43,44,45,48,49,57,62,73,79,87,90,95,97,133, 154,157,158,166,167,175,178,188,190,210,213(2),226,243,318,354,386,396,403,404,439,441,446, 451,466(2),468,486,494,513(2),502, 503,523,530,
1974 9lolich,74,97,99t,105,106,133,alston 144,167, 177, 646 foster(2),139,APARICIO 61(2),rangers braves team cl, 36(2),179(2),187,195,205,270,286,288,310,316,317, 390t,456,464t474,489.504(2),507,523,534,554,579t Traded 43, 51,330,454(2)486,630,649, Opc 161,295,270
1975 7,17,26,28,34,41,50,52,59,63,74,75,80,85,
91,95,97,99.104,119,125,133,142,153,163,167,177, 199, 220, 222,223,,227,247,256,258261,,262,264280 yaz,,284,294,299,,28,315,325,337,341,345,352,360,379,381,386,389,408,410,436,446,456,466,554,560(2),
1975 TOPPS minis 4,192,208,210,225,275,359 437,
1976 45,50,52, 55,85,90,108,165,180,183,192,195,199,207,263,270,
512,520,,527,530,,569,580,582,587,594,637 traded: 83,99,120,158,208,250,
1977-1,2,3(2),5(4),6(4),7,8(2)10,34,50,73,87,92, 110(3)204,220,221,228,231,232(2), 233(2), 234(3),276(3)277,285,291,309(3),356,,360,409,411,412,413,428,433,434,435,436,437,472, 473,474(4),475,476(4),477(4)478,487(3),489,490,491(2), 492(3)493(4)
494, 504, 531.532,562,597(2),600,629,631,632(2),633(3),634, 756,
Cloth reggie 22
664(2),695(2), 703morris(4),704,705(2),707, 708(2),709,710(2),711,712(2), 715,716, 36 EDDIE MURRAY (3), 119 DENNY MARTINEZ,173 ROBIN YOUNT,
400 NOLAN RYAN,206,706
Opc 56, 170
1979: ,6(2),17,20(2),24,39,40,46,50(3),55,60,74,100,109, 123,135,140,159(2), 160,170, 200(2),202,204,211,212,225,233,251,284,285,320(2)
321(2),325,335,340(2),341,355,370,382,390,403,411,412,413,414(2),415,416(2),418,428,430(2),450,457,460(2),469,500,544(2),545,549,551,595,600,621,650,655,670,695(3), 718rookies Lansford 212, upshaw 341(2), 116 OZZIE SMITH RC ,
155 D. EVANS Red Sox,412 Aaron & Hack Wilson All-Time Record Holders,
wilson409, landreaux 619, kennedy 724(3), griffin 705(2), murphy 711(3),sanderson 720(2),721(2), l smith 722 Kelly 714 , 722 OPC Hunter 352, murray 338, rose343
1980TOPPS 4(2),13,17,34,38(2),40,58,70(2)76,94(2),96,102,117,121,122,125,140,141,160(4),167,200(2),202,205,207,230,241,259,270(2),275(2)278,290,300(2),358,381,393(2),400.401,404(2),406(5),416, 428,456,459, 460,478,493,512,534,543555,
567,600,603,625,641,645,654,680,687,698,707,710(2), rookies 482 RICKY HENDERSON, scott 681(2), allen 94(3),bernazard 680,ward669,griffin 558, Sutcliffe 544,petry 373(4)
Opc 4,75
1981-topps 1,2,3,5,6,34,58,60(3),63,75,80,93(2),100(2),103,117,125(3),139,151,158,163,164,189,200,202,207(3)224,234,240(3),250,254(3),261(3),299(2),303,310,315(2),320,335,359,364(2),365(2),370(3),378,380,383,387,400,
401(4)414,420(2),428,460,472,479,504,510,516,525,530(2),540(2),551,560(3),567,574,575,582,595,600(3),601,602,619,620(2),623,627(2),630(2),640,650,651,660, 670(2)681,698,700 brett,724, Rookies: hurst 689(3), pena 551(3), baines 347 m. Wilson 259(4), raines 479, Valenzuela 302(3),192(2), 328, 577, howe 693,durham 321, hoyt 164(2), moseby 643,quisenberry 493,
1981 Topps Traded 742 Hubie Brooks, 819 Jeff Reardon, Topps Traded 853 Bob Walk
738,761,812(2), 839,
81 fleer: ricky h 351, 574, 346 baines(3), 418 ainge, 488 ozzie(2),57(2) ryan,
Fernando v 140, 481,196,655, 511
1982 Topps 3,10,25,,30(3),45, 75,80(2),83, 90 (2), 95(2),100(2), 115(2), 118(3), 122,1124,42, 157,167,168, 171, 179(2), 181,185,189,191 wallach,201,203 barfield rc,208,213, 225,241,247, 249,250,255,257,270, 289,297,298,305, 312, 334,341, 349,373388,,452, 456,472,486,501, 502, 508, 521,547,548, 550,553,570,596600,619,623,624(2)650 yaz,,651,653 brunanski rc 653, 669,681,684,686,706, 712,715(3), 722, 730,751,755, 791, Topps Cal Ripken #21 Rookie (2)
82 topps traded ozzie 109, hrbek rc44, barfield 2
1982 Fleer Cal Ripken Rookie Card RC #176 (3)
82 dr ryan 419,
1983 topps 35, 83 sandberg, 140,145,146,163 ripken,henderson180,209, 439,482
gwynn, 536 VIOLA 498 boggs(2), 765
83 opc ripken163, gwynn rookies 143
83 dr 277 sandberg(3),279 RIPKEN,525 franco(3),586 boggs(2),598 gwynn, 589 BLYLEVEN
83 fleer sandberg 277,
1984 topps ,matttingly8, 182strawberry,490ripken(4),596sandberg, 740, 708 483 OPC 224(staub)
84 topps trd rose 103 ,
84:dr32fernandez,41 carter(2) also gold foil, 54 henderson,,48 yount,311 sandberg, 106 ripken,57(3) reggie,516, carew 352, 216 franco,299 546 palmer, 324 gwynn(2)
84: Fleer 301 gwynn, 504 sandberg (2), 131 mattingly,17 ripken,
1985 TOPPS 536 puckett, 23, 192 ho jo., clemens181(5), 765
donruss 273 clemens, 295mattingly 169 ripken(2),60 ryan, 63 gwynn, PUCKETT 438
85 fleer gwynn 34,ripken187(2)
85 leaf ryan 216
86 Donruss fielder 512Donruss rookies 22 canseco, Leaf reggie 173
86 Fleer 191Canseco 649(2), 78 dykstra 438 daulton, Fleer #646 Kal Daniels & Paul O’Neill (CIN) ($4)
86 fleer update 14 bonds(2), maddux u68, clark 25
86 topps traded bonds(3), canseco 20(3), bo Jackson, clark(2) , joyner, gallaragga,kruk,bonilla,Mitchell7 4 thompson, nieves seaver
87 topps larkin 648, bonds 320,mcgwire 366,
87 top traded maddux 70, tiffany maddux70,mattingly 500,
87 dr. 43palmeiro(3), mcgwire 46 (4), maddux 36(3), 361 bonds(2),
87 Dr the rookies McGwire 1(2). Palmeiro 47, maddux 52
87 Leaf Maddux 36, palmeiro 43
87 fleer Larkin 204(2),clark 269,,478,ripken, 213 rose, 79 finley
88 fleer brett 254
Section 4 Rookies:
88 fleer: grace 641,e. martinez 378, glavine 539(3), fleer update: alomar 122(2), biggio 89 (2), g smoltz 74,grace 77(2)
88 dr grace 40(4), glavine 644, leaf: Grace40
88 rise. star alomar 72 , Johnson 63, young sup star biggio 7
88 topps traded abbott alomar, wells grace 42
1989 bowman griffey#220,
89 Donruss Schilling 635(14),smoltz 642 sheffield31, biggio 561(5), bbb smoltz 85, Alomar 28, Griffey 33(8),glavine2 the rookies Sheffield 1
89 dr rookies biggio 561, visquel 53,
89 fleer Johnson 381 (2), Griffey 548(5)
89 score traded r Johnson 77(2), Griffey 100(2), finley, belle,visquel rising star 63 johnson, 89 Griffey
89 topps johnson 647(2), smoltz 382, Sheffield 343(3),biggio 49
89 topps traded d. sanders 110(2), griffey 41(2), r Johnson 57(4), visquel 122 (3) ROGERS 104
89 UD biggio 273, jeffries9, carpenter8,Anderson 408, alomar 5, Glavine 360
1990 Bowman Sosa 312
90 Fleer Sosa (4) 548, walker 383(2), fleer update Thomas 87(3)
90 leaf walker 325, olerud 237,
90 donruss sosa 489 (3),
90 ud sosa 17 (4),
90 topps Sosa 692(5) .Thomas 414(2),walker 757
91 bowman irod 272, chipper569
91 gold leaf mussina bc12
91 topps. jones 333, topps trd giambi 45(6), irod 101(2), bagwell 4(3),
91 ud c. Jones 55(2), bagwell 755(12), mussina 65(9),l gonzo 576,
Ud update irod55
91 score mussina 383(5), chipper 671(4),
92 bowman percival 290(2),anderson 298(3), Klesko 623
randa foil 560, lopez 452,byrd349(2), Floyd 678,
92 Donruss the rookies kent 61(2)
92 gold leaf rookie pedro bc3
92 stadium club dome s. green
92 topps manny r. 156
92 ud pedro 18(3), diamond skills manny55
1993 dr piazza 209,
93 Topps jeter 98 , classic gold 115(2)
93 flair wave of futr davis 3, white 18(2), sele116
94 b\ow best posada/lopez, wagner 19, mondesi86
94 classic 4 sport arod 260
94 collectors choice wagner29
94, leaf limited park 78
94 ud lee 539,arod 24(3),298, 524 wagner(2)
95 topps traded beltran18 t, embossed buhner
96 bowman morris(2), bowman foil morris 301, Bowman’s Best Refractors #137 Morris ($20
Score 225 rivera
96 topps 432(konerko) morris 232,
97 bowman vasquez 387, berkman438 (2)($10)wood 196
1998 Bowman's Best #153 Troy Glaus $4.00
1997 Bowman Chrome #214 Aramis Ramirez ($10, #273 Miguel Tejada $10),
#284 Vernon Wells ($8),#293 Jayson Werth ($8),#298 Lance Berkman ($6)
1997 Bowman Inter. #310 Aramis Ramirez ($5), #411 Miguel Tejada($6)
1997 Bowman International #438 Lance Berkman (HOU) ($10)
98 bow chrome 95,145, 211(2)glaus 134, #185 Ordornez (2)
98 bow chrome intl nicholson 338, Halladay 75
98 bowman millwood 91(2), CUDDYER 148(2),
'98 flair row 2 magglio ordonez
99 bowbest 151 burrell, Soriano 169
99 bow intl mulder 355'
99 Bowman burrell 175 , rookie of yer glaus
'99 Just Soriano (2), kearns (4)
99 fleer update u5 soriano, brilliants burrell 140,
'99 team best soriano x3
99 Topps Kearns/George 439
99 top. chrome traded traded: Soriano, Crawford, burrell,
clark, kanerko, Canseco, johnson’wells,Hamilton,dunn, rivera,lopez,pena,mulder,kearns,burnett,.patterson,
T chrome rook. halliday ae 18 all etch,
99 T.Traded #T50 Adam Dunn ($4), #T65 Alfonso Soriano ($5),#T66 Josh Hamilton ($8),#T75 Carl Crawford (TMB) ($4)
'99 Upper Deck Ultimate Victory sps Berkman x2 ,
99 sky box prem burrell 248
99 Topps Tek Pat Burrell, #36A P-08 4.00
99 UD MVP Pat Burrell, #157 2.00
99 ud beltran rookie class r8
99 UD star rookie burrell 266, beltran 287
99 sp top prospects 45 burrell (3), 93 Henson, 56 halliday, 63 jones
99 ud holo fx burrell (3)45
00 bowman zito 419, oswalt 395, j. lopez 587, tiffany belle 333
00 team best zito 212 (2)
00 topps zito/ 451,
00 topps traded zito 67, #T81 Adrian Gonzalez (FLA) ($8)(2)
00 topps chrome trd #T81 Adrian Gonzalez (FLA) ($10)(2), #T46 Mike Young (TOR) ($12),#T67 Barry Zito (OAK) ($3)
01 bow.hafner 256, bow. Her hafner 227, Utley 304
01 Fleer plat pujols 435 (8), prior 529(2)
01 royal rookies Cabrera 16
01 ud howard 62
02 bow mauer 379(2),
2002 Fleer Mini Morgan Ensberg 502 27/50
02 finest x fractor/299nageotte
02 Leaf R&S C. Lee 318,
2002 UD Prospect Premieres #14 Curtis Granderson, ($8),#24 Brian McCann ($8)
03 bowman Contreras 166, victorino 319 chrome 97
03 bow Best: victorino,
2003 Bowman Chrome Refractors 46 Kevin Millwood PHI $2.00
03 bowman chrome31, 150 ,170 gold refractor/170#330 dominique
03 playoff absolute texiera 53, Prestige matsui 197
03 studio Contreras 55
03 topps youkilis311(2) topps traded hanley ramirez t181
03 topps topps chrome 216 Youkilis(2), topps total howard 952
03 playball matsui 104
03 ud star rookie Cabrera 5, 503 webb,
03 ud 40 man WEBB 503
03 ud play ball matsui 104
2004 bowman 224 F. Hernandez 224(2), chrome reg refractor sosa 196,
04 bowman chrome K. Matsui 286, refractors 313 mallory, capellan 255
04 skybox le gold proof/150 laird 158, Willingham 129, rios 159, photo proof /25 gomes 124
04 topps gold traded 42 ibanez, 171 aybar /2004
2004 Topps Chrome Refractors 303 Oliver Perez
2005 bow kinsler 171, x fractor coats 278/225, DRAFT PICK FRANCOEUR 158, bowman best Cabrera 84 /488
Donruss team heroes verlander371
2005 flair verlander68 /699
05 Sweet Spot 158 Russell Martin
05 throwback threads verlander 213
05 topps hernandez 688
05 topps update cruz rc 206, Francoeur 2
Topps chrome update weaver197, Zimmerman 208
05 Ud verlander 430, pro sigs verlander 105, fielder 111
2006 a and g Zimmerman 264
BOW CHROME FG 3 braun, FG 7 GONZALEZ 7, bc 171 ciriaco ref /150,bc 183 cuevas xref/250, dp 54 eisenberg ref., xfractors bdp 35 haeger/299, bdp 49 ethier /299 Bowman Chrome Prospects BC110 Kendry Morales $2.50
2006 bow sterl ref penn /199
06 flair showcase kinsler192 (suite level), tracy 136, cain 102 ,
Wsve of the future verlander 20
06 fleer verlander 173(3),, zimmerman113,(2), fielder 80
Finest ref young 108 /299
06 justifiable lincecum 07
06 sp auth wbc /999 enriquez 44, duursma 75,
06 topps fielder 639, verlander 641, Zimmerman 617(2),rookie debut kohjima 3
06 topps 52 kinsler 149, Zimmerman 270,martin 30,fielder253(2),pena 54 /1952, ramirez 83
Topps heritage 461 verlander
06 turkey red verlander 630, Zimmerman 606(2), cain 609, fielder 591 red kemp 602
06 topps update kemp 138, shields 147(2), ethier 151(2),
06 ultra Zimmerman(3) 97,gold Zimmerman 97(3)
Ud Zimmerman 97 (3),498, ud fielder 80
06 UD 985 Andre Ethier LA $2.50, UD 992 Kendry Morales ANA $2.00
UD #963 Jon Lester (BOS) ($3)
2007bow chrome refractors Loretta 32, lee 128
07 bow chr draft pick Reynolds 54, pence 25,braun 50,Gordon 15
07 bow drft bdp lincecum 11(4),( gold11) braun 50,
07 bow heritage slowey 215, Reynolds224, braun 234 , lincecum 202
07 bow chrome bc 97 rodriguez, bc 200 refractor clippard
07 Bow chrome bddp longoria 99,
07 finest refractor millwood 89
07 goudey mini 147 hughes
07 sp 214 lincecum, rookie ed 142 hughes, lincecum 124(3), also 264
lincecum, 96 version braun 249, dice k167($4)
-07 Tristar prospects plus potential bruce jb,c. Gonzalez cg, longoria el,
07 turk red rookies hamilton 55,lincecum 88,chrome version 102 /1999,
07 ud masterpiece lincecum 82
07 ud mvp prospects verlander mvp-jv
2008 bow chrome ref. riviero 203 /500, bdp price 55(2)
08 goudey bruce 153, fukudome 36,
2008 Upper Deck #708 Kosuke Fukudome RC (2)$10.00
08 topps chr. longori 193, ref garcia 198, gold/599 wells 212
08 topps heritage bruce 547
08 topps update rookies:1FUKODOME, C. GONZALEZ U146100bruce(2), 100 Gold bruce/2008,146(2),
08 ud bb heroes 37 fukudome,
08 ud first pitch 329FUKODOME, 390, 391, 708
08 ud timeline bruce 86
2009: bow chr refractors bcw Beresford / 25, Ramirez bcw 59 /150,
BCW cespedes 49, 42,
2009 Topps Chrome #200 Rick Porcello (DET) ($5)
2010 bow chrome bcp214,refractor 85
10 topps 353
2010 Topps Allen and Ginter #294 Buster Posey (SF) ($8)
?10 topps vintage legends” gehrig1,Jackson 3, mccovey 6,seaver 7,ozzie 9,ruth 10,mathewson 11,ott 14,munson 16,Schmidt 17,wagner 25
2011 Topps Lineage Diamond Anniversary Platinum Refractors 22 Johan Santana 00
2010 Paul Goldschmidt 245 Topps Pro Debut Rookie $25
2010 Topps Opening Day Buster Posey #207 RC $8
2010 ud 40 bumgartner
2011 bowman chapman 197
2011 Bowman Plat. Pro. Purple RefractorBPP10 Singelton, BPP23 Josh Zeid,colvin 85
2011 Bowman Plat.Pro. Refractors BPP10 Singelton, BPP20 Benson,bpp21 Hyatt,bpp23 Zeid 2011 Bowman Plat.Pro. Refractors BPP27 Cosart, BPP85 Brody Colvin(2)2011 Bowman Platinum Prospects Xfractors BPP10,singelton, BPP21Hyatt, webster bpp68
2011 topps update cognac diamond anniversary 107 mccarthy,220 dunn
2011 Bowman Platinum Prospects Xfractors BPP85 Brody Colvin PHI $1.25(2),
2011bow chromebdpp20,24,46,60,91,110
2011 bow chrome bd0 6, 187
2011 Bowman Chrome Draft #70 Anthony Rizzo (SD) ($6)
2011 usa 18 vanegas
2011 bow chr bcp 181
Bow chr 55 kozma rc
2011 Topps Gold Mike Moustakas RC #/2011 #US192
2011 Bowman Chrome Trevor Story bddp84 ref,RC $30.00
2011 Bowman Draft Charlie Blackmon #7 RC $15
2011 Bowman Prospects Bryce Harper ROOKIE RC #BP1 $15.00 each 5x
2011 Topps Update JOSE ALTUVE #US132 RC $30
2012 Bowman Chrome Draft Draft Picks Refractors BDPP21 Mitch Guelle, Refractors BDPP165 Kevin Brady
2013 Bowman Chrome Draft Draft Picks Refractors BDPP46 Sweaney,BDPP127 Matt Southard PHI $2.00
2012 bow chrome bcp4,12,19.,29, 4257,,82,188,209,refractor 144
2012 bowman Bryce harper 10 (16)
2012 topps gold lowrie 455,sparkle Wallace 43, myers 169,castro 568, redddick 158
2013 Bowman Platinum Chrome Prospects Purple Refractors BPCP71 Michael Choice 2013 Bowman Platinum Chrome Prospects Refractors BPCP59 Jesse Biddle PHI $0.75
2013 Bowman Draft Chrome Nolan Arenado #41 Rookie, 2013 BOWMAN CHROME # 4 MANNY MACHADO RC $ 5
2013 Pinnacle #163 Manny Machado ($3), #182 Gerrit Cole ($3)
2013 Topps Calling Card CC-3 Hernandez(2),CC-4 Ortiz(3), CC-6 Stargell
2013 Topps Chasing History CH-88,132 Verlander,CH-138 Ortiz, CH-145 Jim Palmer,CH-15 McCovey,CH-34 Yount, CH-42 AlRod, CH-6 Carew
CH-65 Carter
2013 Topps Spring Fever SF-47 Joey Votto
2013 Topps Finest Refractor Nolan Arenado #37 Rookie
2013 topps emerald Wallace 538
2013 topps traded rendon 233(2), CHROME RENDON 128
2014 bow chrome mini future of franchisewinker, glasnow
2014 Bowman Kris Bryant RC #BP25
2014 Leaf Rize Draft KRIS BRYANT (RC) #5
2014 Donruss #206 Masahiro Tanaka (NYY) ($5),Donruss The Rookies #8 Bogaerts (4) ($3), #18Tanaka (3) ($3,) 41 Jose Ramirez 7) ($6), #74 Jacob DeGrom (6) ($6)
2014 topps gold mchugh 118
2014 Topps Chrome Retail Purple Refractor Nolan Arenado #216 Rookie Cup $7
2015 studio baez 3 20.
2015 Bowman Chrome FRANCISCO LINDOR Bowman Scouts Top 100 #BTP12 $7
2015 Topps Series 2 Kris Bryant Rookie RC #616 Close Up Variation 2x
2015 Topps Pro Debut #159 Aaron Judge
2015 Bowman Chrome Ozhaino Albies Rc #BCP71 $15
2015 Topps Update Chrome Kris Bryant Rookie RC
2015 Topps Update #US78 Kris Bryant RC
2015 Topps Update #US242 RC Kris Bryant
2015 Topps Update Gold /2015 Carlos Correa #US251
2016 Topps Chrome Refractor Kyle Schwarber #166 $10
2016 bow sanchez rc 143, chr bcp 18,42
2016 topps sano 237
2016 bowman plat. Top prospect purple tp-md dubon /250 2.00
2017 Topps Chrome Aaron Judge Freshman Flash RC #FF-11 $12
2017 Diamond Kings #131 Andrew Benintendi RC
Bowman bregman rc 75
2017 t. chrome ref 42 9marquez
2017 Aaron Judge Bowman Platinum Rookie Radar RR-AJ $
2017 TOPPS #87-58 AARON JUDGE 1987 TOPPS $25
2017 Topps Chrome Update #HMT50 Aaron Judge Rookie Debut
2017 Topps Gallery Heritage Insert Aaron Judge # H8 $15
2018 Topps Chrome Future Stars Refractors FS19 Lewis Brinson MIA $0.60
2018 Diamond Kings #76(2) Ohtani ($6),Diamond Kings Gallery of Stars #GS11 Ohtani (ANA) ($5), Topps Fire ohitani#150 ($5)
2018 Donruss Optic Variations #56 Shohei Ohtani , 176 Ohitani ($10)
18optic rater rookies gallager 64,bader 54
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