LeHigh Valley Iron Pigs came into town and that meant Ryan Sandberg. So I headed to the stadium Wednesday afternoon to get players walking in but my main goal was Sandberg. Turned out I missed him by 15 mins that afternoon. Oh well theres always post game. I did manage to get:
Domonic Brown 6/6
Michal Martinez 1/1 (1 per even though I was the only guy out there)
Durham Bulls
Matt Mangni – signed program
Brandon Allen – 2/2
Returned that night for post game and got most of the team which included:
Phillippe Aumont 2/2
Michal Martinez 1/1 (1 for Javier)
Pete Orr 1/1 8x10
BJ Rosenberg 1/1 8x10
Pat Misch 1/1 8x10
Tuffy Gosewisch 1/1 8x10 (pretty cool name as well)
Scott Elarton 3/3
Dominic Brown 4/4
Kyle Hudson 3/3
So last night July 19th, I actually had tickets for the game. Got there before the gates opened and then the rain came. So they let us into the stadium early only for the rain to return and boy did it come down. A rain delay went into effect and everyone who wanted Sandberg went into trying to stay dry. It rained and rained and rained some more and the lightening struck somewhere behind the stadiums which sent hordes of people under the stadium where the concessions were. Finally the rain let up and everyone made a mad dash for their spot in line. Of course I lost my good spot in line but no worries. Finally about 15 minutes before first pitch Sandberg started signing and only did 1 per. Glad my wife was a good sport about being there. Sandberg signed a photo and 1 card I had. Didn’t get anyone else pre-game.
Post game: finished up what I need from LeHigh
David Purcey 3/3, 2/2 help keeping the 09 Topps
Tyson Brummett 1/1 (actually a very nice guy and very personable. Saw him warm up but didn’t get to pitch. Has a nice pitching stance and delivery. Not a very good sig though. Signed TB)
Hector Luna 2/2 (1 for Arron)
Kevin Frandsen 8/8
Cody Overbeck 1/1 8x10
Domonic Brown 1/1 1/1 w/ help
Kyle Hudson 1/1, 1/1 w/ help
Andres Blanco 1/1 (hoping to get Berroa, can anyone help me out with that one?)
Justin De Fratus 1/1 (glad I checked the roster to see he was with the team)
Rod Nichols 2/2
Sam Fuld – on rehab, didn’t have any cards but got him to sign a program
As always, wiling to trade but am keeping 1 of the Brown A&Gs, at least 1 from everyone and the Aumont Heritage minor card.
Domonic Brown 6/6
Michal Martinez 1/1 (1 per even though I was the only guy out there)
Durham Bulls
Matt Mangni – signed program
Brandon Allen – 2/2
Returned that night for post game and got most of the team which included:
Phillippe Aumont 2/2
Michal Martinez 1/1 (1 for Javier)
Pete Orr 1/1 8x10
BJ Rosenberg 1/1 8x10
Pat Misch 1/1 8x10
Tuffy Gosewisch 1/1 8x10 (pretty cool name as well)
Scott Elarton 3/3
Dominic Brown 4/4
Kyle Hudson 3/3
So last night July 19th, I actually had tickets for the game. Got there before the gates opened and then the rain came. So they let us into the stadium early only for the rain to return and boy did it come down. A rain delay went into effect and everyone who wanted Sandberg went into trying to stay dry. It rained and rained and rained some more and the lightening struck somewhere behind the stadiums which sent hordes of people under the stadium where the concessions were. Finally the rain let up and everyone made a mad dash for their spot in line. Of course I lost my good spot in line but no worries. Finally about 15 minutes before first pitch Sandberg started signing and only did 1 per. Glad my wife was a good sport about being there. Sandberg signed a photo and 1 card I had. Didn’t get anyone else pre-game.
Post game: finished up what I need from LeHigh
David Purcey 3/3, 2/2 help keeping the 09 Topps
Tyson Brummett 1/1 (actually a very nice guy and very personable. Saw him warm up but didn’t get to pitch. Has a nice pitching stance and delivery. Not a very good sig though. Signed TB)
Hector Luna 2/2 (1 for Arron)
Kevin Frandsen 8/8
Cody Overbeck 1/1 8x10
Domonic Brown 1/1 1/1 w/ help
Kyle Hudson 1/1, 1/1 w/ help
Andres Blanco 1/1 (hoping to get Berroa, can anyone help me out with that one?)
Justin De Fratus 1/1 (glad I checked the roster to see he was with the team)
Rod Nichols 2/2
Sam Fuld – on rehab, didn’t have any cards but got him to sign a program
As always, wiling to trade but am keeping 1 of the Brown A&Gs, at least 1 from everyone and the Aumont Heritage minor card.