1 success + 1 success + 1 success + 1 success = 4 successes. 3 cards + 4 cards + 3 cards + 1 card = 11 cards. 11 cards / 4 successes = 2.75 cards per success. There. Arithmetic. Yay.
Andre Reed, c/o home, 3/3, 8 days, blue Sharpie
Felix Wright, c/o home, 4/4, 8 days, ballpoint pen
Dan Reeves, c/o home, 3/3, 8 days, blue Sharpie
Mike Peluso, c/o home, 1/2, 8 days, black Sharpie
I know Peluso is usually a one-per signer, and occasionally 2-per; unfortunately he didn't sign my set card, even though I mentioned in my letter liking him with the Devils (the set card is with the Devils, the other is not). Wondering if he might be yet another who won't sign his card in that set (02-03 Fleer Throwbacks; Tim Hunter and David Maley won't sign theirs).
Andre Reed, c/o home, 3/3, 8 days, blue Sharpie
Felix Wright, c/o home, 4/4, 8 days, ballpoint pen
Dan Reeves, c/o home, 3/3, 8 days, blue Sharpie
Mike Peluso, c/o home, 1/2, 8 days, black Sharpie
I know Peluso is usually a one-per signer, and occasionally 2-per; unfortunately he didn't sign my set card, even though I mentioned in my letter liking him with the Devils (the set card is with the Devils, the other is not). Wondering if he might be yet another who won't sign his card in that set (02-03 Fleer Throwbacks; Tim Hunter and David Maley won't sign theirs).