What if I never get my items?

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5.00 star(s)
Jun 17, 2023
Las Vegas
Hey guys not putting this on anyone just wondering this was one of my biggest fears when I joined the bench. Please tell all input . What if someone is lying and saying they never got it if it was sent PWE or if they never send out your items... THANKS
Ive had it happen once or twice in all the trade made on the Bench. In both occasions it was with a new trader. Thats why The Bench requires newbies to send cards out first until they develop a trading rep. People here on the Bench aren't looking to rip you off. Lots of good people here.
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Hey guys not putting this on anyone just wondering this was one of my biggest fears when I joined the bench. Please tell all input . What if someone is lying and saying they never got it if it was sent PWE or if they never send out your items... THANKS
These types of things are very rare. You have to give people some time. A lot of people need to understand that for a very large majority of people, this is a hobby. Some people are not as active on here as others. Life gets in the way. I have an active trade that I made in September of last year. I sent my cards but I am still waiting to receive mine from the other trader. These things sometimes happen. A lot of people also need to rea;lize that the postal system is under a lot of pressure and things do not move as fast as most people would like.

My advice is to just be patient because these things end up working out in the end.
These types of things are very rare. You have to give people some time. A lot of people need to understand that for a very large majority of people, this is a hobby. Some people are not as active on here as others. Life gets in the way. I have an active trade that I made in September of last year. I sent my cards but I am still waiting to receive mine from the other trader. These things sometimes happen. A lot of people also need to rea;lize that the postal system is under a lot of pressure and things do not move as fast as most people would like.

My advice is to just be patient because these things end up working out in the end.
Ive had it happen once or twice in all the trade made on the Bench. In both occasions it was with a new trader. Thats why The Bench requires newbies to send cards out first until they develop a trading rep. People here on the Bench aren't looking to rip you off. Lots of good people here.
Thanks for the input… The bench has a great community which I have seen just one bad trader I had made me skeptical but I definitely understand where both of you are coming thanks
It happens more on Ebay. I have had only 1 or 2 here over the years. The USPS can crush one in their machines also. Over all I think the guys & gals on the Bench are great.
Not sure if you mentioned the length of your wait time. Be patient, especially if it was PWE ans possibly damaged in transit. I've had envelopes show up 2-3 weeks after mailing. Cancelation dates confirmed they mailed when they did. Another possibility is that he put down an incorrect address and the letter will be returned to him. I've seen that also. Took a couple of weeks for the PO to return to the sender.
Hope everything turns out for the best. This is an awesome place for our hobby and many. many great people here to trade with.
Probably the best advice I can give is as a new person to the site try to make your first few trades with established members. That way you shouldn't have to worry about not getting what you traded for.
All great input agree with all of you USPS does take a while thanks
I've had a trade take over 30 days to get here via pwe. Had traded with the member multiple times so wasn't worried. If you ever send something with tracking and watch where all it goes, the usps has some crazy routes. Literally had a package come from Texas that went to Minnesota before coming back to me. I've also sent pwe that took almost a month for the person to get. It gets worse at Christmas
I had that happen with a veteran trader - sent PWE and was told it did not arrive - after a month of it not arriving, I sent back what was sent to me. This was during the peak of the pandemic so who knows what happened. I now use tracking even if it costs more.
This just happen to me a couple weeks ago but the cards finally showed up 2 and a half weeks later.
Also, I would recommend sending with tracking until you are established. Especially on trades worth 20 bucks or more.
USPS does take a while
Also, bear in mind that some logistical issues may delay a package like mailing coast-to-coast across the country, mailing to a foreign country, mailing to an area that has had weather or natural disaster issues or even mailing to an area with bureaucractic/staffing problems (like, dude, you can always expect a delay when mailing stuff or receiving stuff from Los Angeles).