My wife found a yard sale today in a small town near where we live well as we pulled up I immediately saw a shadow box wall hanging with 2 baseballs, well as we got closer I noticed it was Ken Griffey Jr. and Alex Rodriguez Autographed balls and a limited edition numbered to only 300. So I asked the old guy how much and trust me it blew my mind when he said $50, so I forked it over and also picked up a box of 15 1977-82 Star Wars figures with a 1977 C3PO in Awesome shape and an original box of GoBots in the original box for another $25 anyways below is the baseball find......Let me know what kind of value it should have......
Alex Rodriguez & Ken Griffey Jr. Auto Baseballs Shadow Box:
Alex Rodriguez & Ken Griffey Jr. Auto Baseballs Shadow Box: