Looking to trade this towards nice star autos in baseball and football. If interested please post or pm me tradelists. Willing to take 2-3 cards in trade. Looking for $100-$120 BV range.
I am looking to trade this towards another nice auto in baseball or football. Looking to trade it for around $50 BV. If interested post or pm me your tradelist and I'll get back to you.
Looking to trade this towards a nice auto in baseball or football. Willing to take 1-2 cards in trade. If interested please post or send me an open offer. Looking for in the $80 BV range.
5/10#d (Johnny Bench's Jersey Number)
Looking to trade towards other star autos in baseball and football. Willing to take multiple cards (2-3) in my favor. If interested please post or pm me, thanks.
$100 Book Value
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