Search results

  1. Powerhitter

    * Looking for 2016 holiday snowflakes metallics *

    I have these numbers for trade 6 Starling Marte 143 Adam Wainwright 155 Nomar Mazara 166 Roberto Ozuna 175 Troy Tulowitzki I could use these from your web page 2016 Topps Chrome #112 2016 Topps Heritage #468 Cespedes SP If that works as a trade for you, post it or I can. If not, let me know...
  2. Powerhitter


    **correction** Not #34 on the Walmart Holiday, I have #24 Machado Walmart Holiday from your list. For some reason I can't edit my posts on this website, so I wanted to clarify my typo. Jantz
  3. Powerhitter


    Hi Robert I clicked on your link and found these cards from your want list to trade. 2015 Topps #s - 486-581-637-641-692 2015 Topps Chrome #s 64-90-101-145-160-195 2016 Topps Walmart Holiday #s 34-147 I could use these cards from your trade list. 2016 Topps Heritage #s...
  4. Powerhitter

    WTTF 2016 Topps Chrome refractors

    How about this for a trade? I get these cards (15 total) 2015 Topps Chrome Sepia Refractors - #26-39-97-158-187 (I added Bumgarner, Strickland & Swisher's number) 2015 Topps Chrome Regular Refractors - #41-42-49-99-106-109-113-139-194 2015 Topps Gold Refractor Bumgarner - #26 You get these...
  5. Powerhitter

    WTTF 2016 Topps Chrome refractors

    Sorry, I'm no help on your 2015 Chrome want list. I looked through my cards and can't hit a single number you need, I do have some gold & orange refractors for that Gold Bumgarner. I'm interested in the other Giants/Indians refractors as well. Here is what I have. Gold Refractors: 58 -...
  6. Powerhitter

    WTTF 2016 Topps Chrome refractors

    Hi Josh Here is my want list for 2015 Topps Chrome. Pink Refractors: 4-162 Sepia Refractors: 4-23-30-42-52-61-81-89-93-97-103-146-147-152-187-192 Prism Refractors: 130-177 Regular Refractors...
  7. Powerhitter

    WTTF 2016 Topps Chrome refractors

    Yes, I will post them up in this thread later tonight. Thanks Jantz
  8. Powerhitter

    WTTF 2016 Topps Chrome refractors

    Josh I see you are also looking for 2015 Topps Chrome refractors. Do you have any regular, prism, sepia or pink refractors from 2015 Chrome for trade? I'm close to finishing up those 4 refractor sets and would like to make a trade if you have any 2015 Chrome refractors that I might need. I am...
  9. Powerhitter

    2016 METS Wantlists

    Hi Mike, Beckett is correct in the fact that there are refractors of Syndergaard in other colored refractors (green, red, gold etc.), just not these for 4 versions (regular refractor, prism, sepia & pink). Hopefully I will be opening some new baseball product soon because you have a few cards...
  10. Powerhitter

    2016 METS Wantlists

    Hi Mike I can't help you much with your want list at this time, we made a trade recently and you got all my 2016 Mets cards, but I wanted to mention to you that on your master want list on your webpage that you have 4 cards listed that to the best of my knowledge don't exist. Under the 2015...
  11. Powerhitter

    ****PLEASE CLOSE THREAD sets complete

    I have these two cards from your want list. Pink Refractor - 16 Scherzer Sepia Refractor - 179 Lee Could use these two from your trade list. Pink Refractor - 136 Samardzija Sepia Refractor - 184 Kipnis If this sounds like a fair trade with you, post it up. Thanks
  12. Powerhitter

    WTTF and WTT 2016 topps chrome /pink

    Sure thing. Take your pick of the Pujols or Ichiro sepia (whichever one you want) and post it up.
  13. Powerhitter

    30% off High Beckett...NEW LISTING new stuff for sale.... $3 shipping

    Hi Bob I would like to purchase these 10 cards 2014 Topps Chrome Purple Refractor #110 Brandon Belt - .90 #152 Buster Posey - 1.80 Refractor #7 Matt Cain - .45 2015 Topps Chrome Refractor #43 - M.Taylor - .38 #46 - J.McCann - .60 #52 - Y.Puig - .60 #122 - Rodriguez - ? You have zeros...
  14. Powerhitter

    WTTF and WTT 2016 topps chrome /pink

    Hi Larry I have these cards from your want list for trade. 2016 Topps Chrome Sepia Refractor - #58 Pederson FS Pink Refractors - #8-85-121 I'm interested in this card you have listed for trade. Green Refractor - #39 If this sounds like a trade to you, post it up or let me know otherwise...
  15. Powerhitter


    I don't need any of those three.
  16. Powerhitter

    2016 Topps Heritage Wantlist

    I can hit 27 cards on your 1997 Donruss want list. Do you have any spare 1997 Donruss commons? I need 14 cards to finish my set as well. I'm sure that I can hit a few more cards on your 1997 Donruss want list and possibly your 1997 Upper Deck want list as well. I was thinking maybe I bigger...
  17. Powerhitter


    I'm in need of 2015 Topps Chrome base, 2016 Topps Chrome base & 2016 Heritage short prints. Do you have any for trade for the pinks?
  18. Powerhitter


    I have these for trade. Let me know what numbers you need and we can go from there. 8-9-13-14-16-26-29-35-39-49-81-85-91-102-108-109=121-135-154-167-167-178-182-186-188-194-200 Thanks
  19. Powerhitter

    2016 Topps Heritage Wantlist

    Found all the cards I needed to finish these sets.
  20. Powerhitter

    2016 Topps Heritage Wantlist

    Hi Everyone, I need a few cards to finish 3 2016 Heritage base sets. Some of these cards I need multiples of since I'm helping 2 friends finish their sets as well. Here is my wantlist: 10(x2)-41-97-109-118(x3)-121-139-140(x2)-156(x2)-203-237-266-282(x2)-301-391-395-400(x3)-425 Don't look at...