Search results

  1. teammaddux

    2007 & 2008 Moments and Milestones Maddux base -- down to last 30 or so.

    Need the following 2007 and 2008 Moments and Milestones base cards (/150) of Greg Maddux to finish off both sets. Have a few dupes to trade but have other stuff to trade or will buy if reasonably priced. Thanks! 2007 Topps Moments and Milestones 13-28 2008 Topps Moments and Milestones...
  2. teammaddux

    2006 Upper Deck Special FX Purple /150 -- down to last 121 cards needed

    Looking for the following 2006 Upper Deck Special FX Purple /150 -- huge set of 1007, down to last 121. Only have a few dupes to trade but have plenty of other stuff, or will buy if reasonable. 14 Orlando Cabrera 26 Javier Vazquez 38 Chipper Jones 44 Anthony Lerew (RC) 45 Julio Franco 55...
  3. teammaddux

    Looking for Chris Heisey 1/1's and plates

    Chris Heisey played for the Reds from 09 to 14. Local guy here. Have most of his regular stuff, pretty much all but 5 or 6 cards, the rest that I need are all 1/1's and plates. I know its a long shot, but worth a try. Thanks for looking!! Will trade or buy at right price.
  4. teammaddux

    2006 Upper Deck Special FX Purple /150 Needs -- down to 128 needed!

    Looking for the following to finish this huge set! Need only 128 left out of 1007!! After 18 years of building!! All of these are purple and /150. Have lots to trade; will also purchase at the right price in quantity. Thanks! 2006 UD F/X Purple Needs 14 Orlando Cabrera 26 Javier Vazquez...
  5. teammaddux

    LF 2022 Topps Platinum Anniv parallels

    Looking for base and parallels from above set for Maddux, Pedroia, Dalbec, Devers, Bogaerts, Duran. Looking to do a larger deal. LMK what you are looking for. I do not have anything from this set. Thanks!
  6. teammaddux

    Down to last 170+ of 2006 UD FX Purple /150

    Here is what I need to finish this monstrous set of over 15 years ago. If you have any, let me know what you are looking for. 2006 UD F/X Purple Needs 5 Chone Figgins 11 Jarrod Washburn 14 Orlando Cabrera 24 Conor Jackson 26 Javier Vazquez 38 Chipper Jones 41 John Smoltz 44 Anthony...
  7. teammaddux

    Anyone interested in Andrew Benintendi?

    Looking to unload my Andrew Benintendi collection...long story short, once someone gets signed by the Evil Empire, I no longer collect them :). Have 186 cards plus a good handful of dupes. Want to try to get rid of it at one shot, so if anyone is interested in details, please send me a PM...
  8. teammaddux

    Looking for Pokemon energy cards for my son

    My son has a bunch of pokemon cards but doesnt have many energy cards to be able to play. Looking to see if anyone here has a lot of them (an assortment of the different energy types) and probably would want a total of around 100. I collect baseball and can trade as needed. Thanks!
  9. teammaddux

    Looking For Red Sox

    Below are the Red Sox cards THAT I OWN. I am looking for the following players: Benintendi (BOS uniform only); Betts (BOS uniform only), Bogaerts, Chavis (BOS uniform only); Dalbec, Devers, Duran, Houck, Pedroia Trade list Andrew...
  10. teammaddux

    2014-2022 Trade List

    Below is my trade list; if you are looking for base cards from the sets below, I may also be able to help out. Please look in my sig for my needs. Link to Red Sox Havelist: 2022 to 2017 in this thread; 2016-2014 in next thread...
  11. teammaddux

    Looking for Red Sox: Betts, Benny, X, Pedroia, Devers, Houck, Dalbec, Chavis

    Below is my HAVE list for Red Sox players: Looking for Betts, Benintendi, Chavis (in BOS uniform only); Bogaerts, Devers, Pedroia, Dalbec, Houck, Duran Current Trade List (although I have much more before 2016) -- link here -- prices listed are sale prices. HAVE LIST: Andrew Benintendi...
  12. teammaddux

    2014-2022 RC's, Inserts, Parallels, #'d FS

    Let me know what you need; make me an offer. Payment by PP G&S only; $4.00 shipping up to 20 cards; $5.00 shipping 21-50 cards; anything more I'll cover it. Fees covered in the shipping. If there are any other base cards you are looking for from these same sets, let me know and I'll see what I...
  13. teammaddux

    Looking for these Chris Heisey cards

    Most of these are 1/1's ... will consider finders fee if you can lead me to them and I am able to make a deal for them. If anyone collects minor league or knows of someone, LMK. Thanks, John 2008 Grandstand Sarasota Reds 12 Chris Heisey 2008 Sarasota Reds Team Issue 16...
  14. teammaddux

    Cheap Maddux I still need

    Below is a list of Maddux up to 2017 that I need that book for $8 or less. Looking to either trade or buy at a reasonable price. Trade list: 1988 Topps Stickers 59 Greg Maddux (198)/Dan Plesac $1.25 $3.00 1988...
  15. teammaddux

    Looking for Chris Heisey 1/1s

    Looking for any 1/1 or plate of Chris Heisey, who primarily played for the Reds from 09 to 14. Will pay $20 per plate, and at least $20 for other 1/1s. Thanks!
  16. teammaddux

    Looking for Red Sox: Betts, Benintendi, Bogaerts, Chavis, Dalbec, Devers, Pedroia

    Looking for the above players. For Benintendi and Betts, Red Sox uniform only. Here is my HAVELIST; I need anything not on this list. My tradelist: Name Year Company Insert Card # Note Andrew...
  17. teammaddux

    Red Sox Needs -- updated w/new link- delete please

    Below is the link to my Havelist for Red Sox cards. Looking for anything NOT on the list of the following players: Benintendi & Betts (in Boston uniform ONLY) Bogaerts, Devers, Chavis, Dalbec, Pedroia Red Sox PC Have List
  18. teammaddux

    2016-2021 cards for sale/trade

    Below is my trade/sell list for 2016 to 2021. Listed with team for easy searching. Always looking to sell first, but do not have current BV's. However, I will also trade. Wantlist Priorities for Trading: 1) Greg Maddux cards I need -- send list 2) Chris Heisey cards I need -- send list 3) Nate...
  19. teammaddux

    Needing Maddux price list -- 2016 to present; will trade something

    Looking for BV pricing for Greg Maddux from 2016 to present, preferably in an Excel format. Will make a trade in exchange if desired. Thanks, John
  20. teammaddux

    WTB/Finder's Fee: 2013 Topps Mini Printing Plates Yellow #195 Chris Heisey

    I need this card, or leads to this card...I have the other 3 plates...and the rest of the rainbow. Let me know if it can be found! Will pay a Finder's Fee (in cards) if you can find it! Thanks, John