11/23 - ho ho HOly Korean! (and a sneaky Venezuelan)

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4.90 star(s)
Aug 30, 2007
The Michigan Thumb
I honor of the holiday spirit, a couple things to mention today...


Chan Ho Park
1/3 - kept others
140 days

Mr. T's Comment: The first Korean player in MLB history came through, even after being DFA'ed by the Yankees, picked up by the Pirates, and then becoming a FA this offseason. I had given up on this one, but glad to see he came through.

Carlos Carrasco
125 days

Mr. T's Comment: I was wondering what happened to Carlos, especially when I saw other returns much shorter than mine. It sneaked its way into my to sort/scan pile unnoticed, so the date is estimated here.

From trades/etc.
Wil Rhymes (which I got not thinking about the one I had him sign for me)
Jeff Frazier
all of these are badly bubbled/smeared (which I knew about of course):
Aubrey Huff - the only one I want, so everything else is to whoever it helps out I guess
Jim Burt (Mets 04 DP)
Richard Lewis (Braves 01 DP)
Jim Begrych (Pirates 06 DP)
Joseph Mahoney (Orioles 07 DP)
Graham Hicks (Nationals 08 DP)
Brad Komminsk (Braves 79 #1 DP)
Xavier Avery (Orioles 08 DP)

From a 50/50
Kyle Davies
Kyle Farnsworth x4
Brian Bannister
Gil Meche x2
Brayan Pena x2
Billy Butler
Anthony Lerew
John Gibbons
Willie Bloomquist
Robinson Tejeda
Chris Getz
Alex Gordon
Bob McClure
Luke Hochevar
Jason Kendall
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nice.. who got you the McClure? I could use him for my set.
wonder if thats the same guy that 50/50'd Royals for me and got me nothing lol congrats
BTW, I got a list of the "new" 08 Topps and I'll check to see if you need any of those for your set ;).

I will just mention that his name is Clint R., and he was a pain to work with on this stuff. He really took way more than he should have (I only got 10% of what I sent signed, maybe less than that) and it took him until two weeks ago to send them back while others have not gotten their stuff back as of today.

I'm still happy I at least got a Gordon, Butler, and a Fransworth Tigers card, among the others.