Jerzembeck, Mike - sent 1996 Best and 1999 Fleer Tradition on 09/28/2009 and received both back signed on 11/28/2009
Miles, Les - sent 2008 Allen & Ginter (X2) on 11/19/2009 and received both back signed on 11/28/2009
Wathan, John - sent 1979 Topps, 1981 Topps Coke, and 1983 Topps RB on 11/16/2009; received all, but the 1983 Topps, back signed on 11/28/2009
Miles, Les - sent 2008 Allen & Ginter (X2) on 11/19/2009 and received both back signed on 11/28/2009
Wathan, John - sent 1979 Topps, 1981 Topps Coke, and 1983 Topps RB on 11/16/2009; received all, but the 1983 Topps, back signed on 11/28/2009