#45..............Thanks David!
Alright, being that it is my birthday today, the 5th, I am going to go with 5. Thanks for the contest David!
39 Thanks for another great contest.
47, and thanks so much.
Thanks for the contest,
66 for me cheers
Hey David
Thanks again for another great contest
I am going with 69 for my number on this one
64 today David ..Thank you so much !
#10 - thanks again, erik
Hey David! 51 today please!
26 please - thanks again, David!! And Happy Birthday Tony!
#27 this week. Thanks for another contest!
I'll try 35, thanks
12 please, thanks David!
I'm gonna go with 22!
I'll try #31, thanks.
89 please and thank you
Numbers already taken: 5, 10, 12, 22, 26, 27,31, 34,35, 39, 45, 47,51, 64,66, 68, 69, 88,89,