There is a non sp Beckham #174. Have one.
I don't believe there are any mistakes on the mini sp cards. Althought there are a few differences in the pictures between the mini sp and the regular set card sp. Those would be the Arod card. Ruth, Poreda, Ichiro, Ramirez(Fl), and Mccutchen. Two or three have difference backgrounds.
Few errors on numbering (piedmont minis only).....
(non sp version only).............
23 Uehara (I have yet to see this card)
There is a 23 mini sp version of the card
42 Marquis
42 Crede Should be 50
Both are numbered 42, there is no number 50
151 Lablanc
151 Gamel Should be 158
They are both numbered 151, there is no number 158
174 Beckham
174 Uehara Should be #23
both are numbered 174
289 Whitesell
289 Cahill should be 290
both are numbered 289
290 Guzman should be 295
295 Latos should be 296
Confusing enough. As mentioned this is only for the mini piedmont non sp cards.