This is in no way a reflection of nelballs and this should in no way stop anyone from buying his boxes.
Now that I made that clear....My two boxes were the pits. I am swimming in doubles as 1/3 of all my cards are doubles. The packs were collated so poorly that when my wife opened and pack and I opened a pack, even from the different boxes, we knew who was coming in order.
My "hits" were all jersey cards, 3 in each box.
6 Tall Buildings, 3 are doubles
6 Codes
6 Sketches
6 Historical Turning Points
Minis: 4 whales, 2 dogs, 2 military leaders, 1 composer
5 black, 6 high # SP (2 A&G back), 10 A&G back, 18 reg
I did pull 3 Harper, 3 Jeter and a Yu.
And my box toppers were both roller coasters.
Maybe my expectations were too high. In 09 when I got 3 boxes of A&G from The Bench I pulled a rip card, two autos, jerseys, and a Bazooka back.
Oh well, I tried.