2016 TOPPS All Series for trade/sale *CHEAP*

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5.00 star(s)
Mar 28, 2010
New Jersey
I need to thin these out getting ready for 2017's and really no more storage room for them.
I'll trade/sell these for help to my Mets wantlist, for postage, or for anything that I can use for trade bait in a list below. Here is what I need to get rid of:
2016 TOPPS Series 1 FT
base- (I have a series 1 set FT)-1+ 2 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 8++ 9+ 10+++ 11++ 12 13+ 14+ 15+ 16 17++ 18++ 19+ 21+ 22+ 23+ 24+ 25++++ 26 27+ 28+ 29+ 30+++++ 31+ 32+ 33+ 34+ 35 36+ 37+ 38+ 39++ 40 41+ 42++ 43 44 45+ 46++ 47+ 48++++ 49+ 50+ 51+ 52 53+ 54+ 55++ 56+ 57+ 58 59 60+ 61+ 62++++ 63+ 64+ 65+ 66+schwarber, 67++ 68+ 69+ 70 71+++++ 72+++ 73++ 74+ 75++ 76++ 77++ 78+sano, 79++++ 80+++ 81+ 82+ 83 84++ 85++seager, 86++ 87+ 88 89 90+ 91+ 92+++ 93+ 94+ 95+ 96+ 97+ 98+ 99+ 100++ 101++ 102+ 103+tturner, 104 105++ 106+++ 107+ 108+ 109+ 110 111++ 112++ 113+++ 114+ 115++ 116++ 117+ 118+++ 119+ 120+ 121+ 122++ 123++ 124+ 125+ 126+ 127 128+ 129+ 130 131+ 132 133+ 134+++ 135+ 136+ 137+++ 138+++ 139+ 140+ 141+ 142+ 143+ 144 145+ 146+ 147+ 148 149+ 150+ 152++ 153++ 154 155+ 156++ 157+ 158+ 159+ 160+ 161 162+ 163+ 164 165+ 166+ 167+ 168 169+ 170+ 171+++ 172+ 173+ 174+ 175+ 176+ 177+ 178+ 179+ 181+ 182 183 184+++ 185+ 186 187+ 188 189+++ 190++ 192+ 193+ 194++ 195+ 196++++ 197+++++ 198++ 199+ 200+ 201+ 202 203 204+ 205+ 206++ 207+ 208+ 209 210+ 211+ 213++ 214 215+ 216+++ 217+ 218+ 219+ 221+ 222 223+ 224+ 225 226+ 227+ 228+ 229+ 230++ 232++conforto, 233+ 234+ 235++ 236 237+ 238+ 239+ 240+ 241+ 242 243 244++++ 245+++ 246+ 247+ 248+ 249++ 250+ 251 252+++++ 253+ 254+ 255+ 256+ 257+ 258 259+ 260++ 261+ 262+ 263+ 264+ 265 266 267+ 268+++++ 269+++ 270+ 271 272++++ 273+ 275 276+ 277 278 279++ 280+ 281+ 282+ 283+ 284+ 285+ 286 287+ 288+ 289+ 290+ 291+ 292+ 293+ 294 295 296+ 297+ 298++ 299+ 300+++ 301+ 302+ 303+ 304 305++++ 306+ 307+ 308+ 309 310+ 311+ 312 313+ 314+ 315+ 316 317 318++++ 319++ 320+ 321 322+ 323+ 324+ 325 326 327++ 328+ 329+ 330++++ 331+ 332+ 333+ 334+ 335+ 336+ 337+ 338+ 339+ 340+ 341+ 342++ 343+ 344 345+ 346+ 347 348 349+ 350+ 351+

BASE-352 353+ 354+ 355 356+ 358+ 360+ 361 362+ 263+ 364 365+ 366+ 367+ 368+ 369+ 370+ 371 372 374+ 375+ 376 377+ 378+ 380+ 381 383+++ 384+ 385+ 386+ 387+ 388 389+ 390 391+++ 392+ 393+ 394+ 395+ 396+ 397+ 398+ 399 400 401+ 403 405+ 406 408+ 409+ 410+ 411+ 412 413+ 414 416 417 418 419+ 420 421 422+ 423+ 424 425 426+ 428+ 429 430+ 431 432+ 433+ 434+ 435+ 436+ 437+ 438+ 440++++ 441+ 442+ 443+ 444+ 445+ 448+ 449+ 450 451 452+ 453+ 454+ 455+ 456+ 457+ 458+ 459+ 460+ 461+ 462+ 463 464+ 465+ 466+ 467+ 468 470+ 471+ 472+++++ 473+ 474+ 475+ 476+ 477+ 479+ 480 483+ 484+ 485 486 487+ 488+ 489+ 490+ 491+ 492+ 494+ 495+ 496 497 498+ 499+ 500+ 501+ 503 505+ 506+ 508+ 511+ 512+ 513 515+ 516+ 517+ 518 520+ 521 522+ 524 525+ 526+ 527+ 528 529+ 530+ 532+ 533+ 535 536+ 537 538+ 539+ 542+ 545 546+ 547+ 549+ 550+ 553+ 554 555 556+ 557+ 558+ 559+ 560+ 561+ 563 565+ 566+ 567 569+ 570+ 571+ 572 573+ 574+ 575+ 576+ 577+ 578++ 579+ 580+ 582 584+ 585+ 586 587 588+ 590 591 592+ 593+ 594+ 596 597+ 598 599+ 602+ 603 604+ 605+ 606 607 610 611+ 612+ 613+ 614+ 615 616+ 617 618+ 621 623 625 626+ 627+ 628+ 629+ 630 631+ 632+ 633+ 634+ 635+ 636+ 637+ 638 639 641+ 642+ 644 646+ 648+ 649+ 650+ 652 653 654+ 655 656 657+ 658+ 659+ 660 661 663+ 664 665+ 669+ 671 673+ 676 677+ 678+ 679 680+ 681 682+ 683+ 684+ 685+ 686+ 687 688+ 689+++ 690+ 691+ 693+ 694+ 695+ 696+ 697++ 698+ 699 700+ 701

base -US1+ 2+ 3 4+ 5+ 7+ 8 9++++ 10+++ 11+ 12+ 13 14 15+++++ 16 17+ 18+ 19+ 21++ 23++ 24+ 25 26 27+ 28 29+ 30++++ 31++ 32+ 33+ 34++ 35+ 36++ 37+ 38++ 39+ 40++++ 41+ 42+ 43conforto, 44+++++diaz, 45+urias, 46+++ 47++ 48++ 49+ 50+ 51+ 52+ 53+ 54+ 55++ 56+ 57+ 58 59+ 60+++ 61++ 62 63+++++ 64+ 65+++ 66 67++ 68+ 69+ 70++ 71+ 72 73 74 75++ 76+++++ 78+ 79+ 80++ 82+ 83 84++ 85+ 86+ 87++ 88+ 89+ 90++ 91++++ 92++++ 93+ 94++++ 95+ 96++ 97+ 98++ 99+++ 100++ 101 102 103+ 104 105++ 106 107 108++++++ 109+ 110+ 111 112++ 113+++ 114++story, 115+ 116+++++ 117++ 118+ 119+++++piscotty, 120++ 121+ 122+++++ 123+ 125+++ 126++ 127+ 128 129+ 130+ 132+ 133+ 134+ 136++++urias, 138++++schwarber, 140+ 141 142+ 143+ 144+ 145++ 146+ 147+ 148+ 149 150+++story, 151+++++ 152++fulmer, 153+ 154+ 156 157++ 158+++++mazara, 159 160 161+ 162+ 163+ 164+ 165+ 166+ 167+seager, 168 169+++ 170++ 171+sano, 172+ 173+ 174+ 175++++ 176+berrios, 177++ 178+ 179+ 181+ 182+ 184 185 186+ 188++ 189+ 190+ 191 192+ 193+ 194 195+ 196++ 198 199 200+ 202++++++ 203++++ 205++seager, 206++++ 207+ 208 209+ 210+ 211++ 212 213++++ 214+ 215+ 216 217+ 218+ 219++ 220++++ 221+ 222+ 223 224++++ 225+ 226story, 227+++++ 228+++berrios, 229++++++giolito, 230++ 231+ 232+ 233+++++ 234++ 235++ 236++ 237+++ 238+ 239+ 241+++ 242 243+ 244++ 245+ 246++ 247 248+ 249 250+++ 251++++ 252+ 253+ 254+ 255++ 256+ 257+ 258++ 259+ 260+ 261+ 262++ 263 264++++ 265+ 266+ 267 268++ 269+++ 270+ 271 272+ 273 274++ 275+ 276+++ 278+ 279++seager, 280++ 281+ 282++ 283+++++ 284++nola, 285++maeda, 286+ 287+ 288 289+ 290+++ 291+++ 292+++++diaz, 293+ 294++ 295++mazara, 296 297+ 298+ 299++ 300+

First Pitch- FP- 3 6+ 12 17
Perspectives- P- 4++harp, 5+ 6+bux, 8+ 9+ 10 11++bryant, 12+++ 13 15+++ 16 17+ 19+ 20 22 23+ 25++ozzie
Wrigley Field- WRIG-2 3 7 9 21 22
Walk off Wins- 2 5 7 11++ 12 13+ 15
Greatest Streaks- 1ripken, 6sale, 7seaver, 9williams
Wacky Packages- MLBW-1++++ 2+++++ 3+ 4++++++++ 5++++ 6++++++
bACK TO bACK- B2B-1 5+++ 6+ 7+ 8 9 10++ 11trout/pujols, 12 15+
COPPER-MLBD- 4miggy, 7cespedes, 9++darvish, 10++donaldson, 11ellsbury, 19longo, 20vmart, 21++mauer, 23mccutch, 26posey, 32+ruth, 36 38valenz, 39werth,
GOLD- 7cespedes, 20vmart,
​ SILVER- 8cruz, 9yu, 10donaldson, 19+longo, 26+posey, 28ripken, 36tulo, 39werth
Pressed Into Service- PIS- 1 2+++ 3+++ 5+ 6++ 7+++++ 8++ 9+++ 10++
​Bergers Best- BB-5robinson, 6williams, 11maris, 23 33mattingly, 34+ 40thomas, 41ripken, 43 44 45 54 58+ .
Amazing Milestones- AM-01 02 05 06+ 09 10
65th Anniversary Buybacks- GOLD (1/1) 1972 #114BUCKNER; BLACK-1978- 346biittner(chc), '83 #304rucker(det), '85 #563ruthven(chc), BLUE-'74 63Tsudakis(nyy), '78 394howell(tor) , '02 #T269boggs; RED- '79 #299ontiveros(chc)

KID Tribute- KID-19
ICHIRO- 3000-3 4+ 5 7 9 12 14 15 18 20 21 23 24+ 25 27 29++ 30
Record Setters- RS-8 12harper, 14
First Pitch- FP-3+++ 9 12 14 18 20
Bergers Best- BB2- 1959 1978
65TH ANNY Silver Border- 1955+mays, 1973clemente, 1980henderson, 2011+trout, 2012harvey
Changing of the Guard- CTG-3harper, 8machado
Wrigley- WRIG-26 28 35 37
Hallowed Highlights- HH-1+musial 2+ozzie 3++ 4 7 10jr 11++mattingly 14+
MLB Debut- Copper- MLBD2-5+ 7+ 12 14++ 18++ 19 21 22 23 27+ 32+ 37+
Gold- MLBD2-4brett. Silver- MLBD2-33noah


3000 HITS CLUB- 3000H- 2cobb, 3++aaron, 4+++musial, 5+++++wagner, 6molitor, 7+++mays, 8+murray, 9+++++ripken, 10brett, 12+++gwynn, 14++++biggio, 15++rickey, 16+++++carew, 18+boggs, 20++kaline
FIRE- F-1++meada, 2conforto, 3+++harper, 4trout, 5correa, 6++griff, 7kershaw, 8+noah 10+++rizzo, 11++seager 12sano, 13mccutch, 14donaldson, 15stanton
​FRANKLIN- TF1+ 5 6 7+ 8++ 9+++ 10 11++ 14 15 16 17+ 18 20
FIRST PITCH- FP-1++++++ 2+++++++ 3++ 4+++++ 5+++ 6+++++ 7++++++ 8+++++ 9++ 10+++
ICHIRO 300-33 34 36+ 41 45 46+ 48 49 50+ 51+ 53 54+ 55+ 56+ 58+
ALL STAR GAME- MLB2+ 3 4 5 7+ 9 10+ 11 12 13 14+ 15 16+ 19+ 20+ 21+ 22 23
500 HR FUTURES- Red500- 1+ 2 3+ 4+++ 7+++ 8+ 9+++ 10+ 11+ 12+ 13++ 14+++ 16 17+ 18+ 19 20+; Silver- 11; Gold- 7 11 12 14 16 17
​WALMART ROOKIES EXC- W3+ 4+ 6+++ 8 9++ 11++ 13 14 16
TARGET ROOKIES EXC- TAR-1+ 3 4 7 12 14

Besides want list help or postage help, I can use some of the following for trade bait:
2016 Allen & Ginter Mini Singles and Mini sp's.
2016 Donruss Diamond King Mini Singles (any)
2016 Certain Parallels from the following teams: Cardinals, Cubs, Pirates, Yankees, Orioles
Vintage cards, Pre 1975 baseball in Ex-Mt condition.
Pre 1980 Topps NY Rangers Hockey cards from my want list
I can possibly use Cubs. I'll have to check which ones you have that I still need for my Cubs sets.