I picked up a box of archives,some packs, and some loose singles at a local shop as well. I'm only after the set,including SP's. With the inserts, I only collect Red Sox and White Sox players. So, I have inserts and a pile of about 100 dupes that I can trade. Listed below is my wantlist. Let me know if you can help.
2016 Topps Archives
7 18 42 58 64 82 91 95 100 107 109 116 130 131 160 168 182 194 200 201 204 210 217 221 229 234 238 241 251 257 266 293 296 301 302 303 304 305 307 308 310
2016 Topps Archives
7 18 42 58 64 82 91 95 100 107 109 116 130 131 160 168 182 194 200 201 204 210 217 221 229 234 238 241 251 257 266 293 296 301 302 303 304 305 307 308 310