I need base-1-74-230-250 to finish my set. AllI have for you is 338. Anything else I can send you? LMK, Aaron
If you can hit any of this, that would be great but if not. Post up what you have.
Wants (*) means pending
2024 Donruss 139, 156, 173
2024 Stadium Club - 227, 247, 254, 285,
2024 Stadium Club Beam Team - BT10
2024 Stadium Club Chrome - 173, 227, 244, 247, 254, 268, 270, 285
2024 Stadium Club Red Foil - 173, 227, 244, 247, 254, 268, 270, 285, 289
2024 Stadium Club Special Forces - SF1
2024 Topps '23 Sliver Slugger Award Winners - SSJR
2024 Topps '89 Topps All Star - 89ASB16(*), 89ASB24, 89ASB38
2024 Topps '89 Topps Series 2 - 89B213
2024 Topps Allen and Ginter - 107, 174, 177, 313, 329
2024 Topps Archives - 43, 70, 125, 152, 196, 253
2024 Topps Big League - 276, 307
2024 Topps Celebration of the Kid - KID 2, 9, 16(*), 17(*)
2024 Topps Chrome - 172, 245, 300
2024 Topps City to City - CTC11
2024 Topps Companion Cards - COTB12
2024 Topps Heritage - 48, 60, 94
2024 Topps Home Field Advantage - HFA7
2024 Topps Mega Star - TMS14
2024 Topps Platinum Performers - PP19
2024 Topps Update - 89US-45(*), AC4, AC19(*), AT4, AT8, AT11, AT19, LHC11
2023 Donruss - 144
2023 Stadium Club - 39, 68, 122, 246, 268, 273, 295
2023 Topps '88 Topps - T8864
2023 Topps '88 Topps All Star - 88AS41
2023 Topps '88 Topps Series 2 - 2T8832, 2T8845
2023 Topps All Aces - AA47, AA67
2023 Topps A&G - 3, 302, 355
2023 Topps Archives - 94, 143, 212
2023 Topps Big League - 72, 93, 116, 149
2023 Topps Chrome Update - USC40(*), USC99
2023 Topps Chrome Update '23 All-Star Game - ASGC36
2023 Topps Heritage - 430, 438, 497
2023 Topps Heritage New Age Performers - NA5
2023 Topps Home Run Challenge Code Code - HRC10
2023 Topps Legends of the Game - LG4, LG25
2023 Topps Update '23 All-Star Game - ASG36(*), ASG49(*)
2023 Topps Update '88 Topps Baseball - 88US44
2023 Topps Update Black Gold - BG25, BG26
2022 Bowman - 86
2022 Diamond Kings - 67, 87, 171
2022 Donruss - 100
2022 Stadium Club - 148, 176, 199
2022 Topps A&G - 36, 106, 329
2022 Topps Archives - 196, 290, 342, 375
2022 Topps Chrome - 92, 222
2022 Topps Generation Now - GN50
2022 Topps Gypsy Queen - 309, 316
2022 Topps Heritage - 495, 547, 700
2022 Topps Holiday - HW166, HW175, HW191
2022 Topps Opening Day Dugout Peeks - DP19
2022 Topps Opening Day Walk This Way - WTW16, WTW22
2022 Topps Update - US44, US97
2022 Topps Update '87 Topps - 87TBU44
2021 Select - 96, 131, 156, 232
2021 Score - 5
2021 Topps '65 Topps Redux - T651
2021 Topps '86 Topps - 86B60, 86B78, 86B82
2021 Topps Allen and Ginter - 18, 23, 75, 196, 252, 311, HH35
2021 Topps Archives - 24, 47, 78, 82, 187, 191, 267, 272, 290
2021 Topps Big League - 18, 91
2021 Topps Gallery - 107, 109, 125, 145, 160, 176, 181, 189
2021 Topps Gypsy Queen - 66, 191, 236, 252, 276, 309, 316
2021 Topps Heritage - 101, 134, 276, 402, 467, 486, 493
2021 Topps Opening Day Legends of Baseball - LOB11
2021 Topps Through the Years - TTY7
2020 Donruss - 100
2020 Stadium Club - 4, 108, 186, 198, 221, 224, 232, 244, 249, 270, 279
2020 Topps Allen and Ginter - 17, 33, 159, 176, 349
2020 Topps Archives - 37, 85, 93, 153, 155, 157, 200, 205, 235, 316
2020 Topps Big League - 16, 163, 286
2020 Topps Gypsy Queen - 20, 63, 64, 80, 97, 144, 168, 226, 244, 318
2020 Topps Heritage - 405, 418, 461, 547, 598, 606, 613, 619, 717
2020 Topps Opening Day - 8, 25, 91, 115, 198
2020 Topps Turkey Red '20 - TR79
2020 Topps Turkey Red '20 Series 2 - TR1, TR78, TR80, TR81
2020 Topps Update - U21, U85, U121, U152, U196
2020 Topps Update Decades' Best - DB62
2019 Diamond Kings - 112, 113
2019 Donruss - 146, 252
2019 Stadium Club - 209, 216, 223, 252, 257, 265, 274
2019 Topps '84 Topps - T8433
2019 Topps '84 Topps All Stars - 84ASI
2019 Topps Allen and Ginter - 57, 59, 60, 100
2019 Topps Archives - 54, 230, 326, 328
2019 Topps Archives Ichiro Retrospective - I1, I2, I4, I5, I10, I12, I16
2019 Topps Big League - 369
2019 Topps Chrome - 110, 156
2019 Topps Gypsy Queen - 26, 143, 189, 222, 242
2019 Topps Heritage - 289, 377, 447, 449, 477, 706, 725
2019 Topps Opening Day Mascots - M7
2018 Stadium Club - 21, 74, 207, 237, 251, 252
2018 Topps Allen and Ginter - 17, 53, 72, 113, 288, 317
2018 Topps Archives - 97, 135, 162, 225, 231, 241, 308
2018 Topps Big League - 54, 62, 94, 137, 144, 172, 223, 226, 237, 266, 277, 310, 376
2018 Topps Chrome - 52, 155
2018 Topps Fire - 108, 126, 180
2018 Topps Gypsy Queen - 122, 166, 256, 299
2018 Topps Heritage - 21, 69, 172, 322, 429, 453, 604, 618, 641, 716
2018 Topps Opening Day National Anthem - NAKS
2018 Topps Salute Series 2 - S41, S44
2018 Topps Update - US5, US100, US123, US153, US182, US267
2018 Topps Update Don't Blink - DB8
2018 Topps Update Salute - S49
2017 Donruss - 144, 199, 225, 237
2017 Donruss '83 Retro Variations - RV32
2017 Stadium Club - 4A, 45, 70, 124, 150, 177, 209, 298
2017 Topps '87 Topps - 877, 8726, 8759, 87125, 87141, 87158, 87183
2017 Topps All Time All Stars - ATAS5, ATAS32
2017 Topps Allen and Ginter - 24, 207, 208, 209, 230, 264, 314
2017 Topps Archives - 67, 72, 86, 130, 145, 202, 230, 253, 279
2017 Topps Fire - 4, 56
2017 Topps Gypsy Queen - 15, 70, 306
2017 Topps Heritage - 6, 86, 105, 202, 274, 292, 369, 408, 422, 456, 502, 510, 546, 589, 610, 613, 637, 668, 676, 680, 702
2017 Topps Opening Day - 7, 27, 76
2016 Donruss - 25, 39, 48, 119, 134, 137
2016 Stadium Club - 51, 124, 171, 195, 201, 208, 245, 299
2016 Topps Allen and Ginter - 49, 65, 84, 165, 188, 233, 265, 331, 337
2016 Topps Archives - 7, 59, 73, 103, 128
2016 Topps Gypsy Queen - 182, 212, 240
2016 Topps Heritage - 432, 457, 519, 559, 629
2016 Topps Opening Day - OD41, OD148
2016 Topps Update - US262
2015 Donruss - 25, 54, 145, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 204, 214, 244
2015 Stadium Club - 16, 66, 209, 213, 218, 233, 245, 253, 260, 292
2015 Topps - 450A, 584
2015 Topps Allen and Ginter - 12, 49, 64, 70, 143, 192, 205, 288
2015 Topps Archives - 19, 40, 50, 99, 120, 140, 222, 231, 268, 270, 282, 304
2015 Topps Gypsy Queen - 32, 55, 122, 199, 206, 215, 266
2015 Topps Heritage - 65, 237, 442, 462, 470, 481, 493, 523, 529, 613
2014 Bowman - 43, 71, 86, 102
2014 Donruss - 28, 34, 39, 67, 75, 149, 156, 162, 231
2014 Stadium Club - 9, 38
2014 Topps Allen and Ginter - 11, 34, 64, 86, 130, 151, 157, 165, 275, 289, 316
2014 Topps Archives - 53, 64, 71, 75, 132, 163, 195, 216, 222, 239
2014 Topps Gypsy Queen - 4, 33, 46, 67, 123, 133, 170, 177, 324
2014 Topps Heritage - 67, 83, 142, 157, 298, 354, 381, 477, 482, 495, 503, 507, 509, 576, 597
2013 Bowman - 53, 93, 143, 208
2013 Topps Allen and Ginter - 165, 168, 280, 339
2013 Topps Archives - 15, 92, 98, 107, 149, 184
2013 Topps Gypsy Queen - 45, 79, 153, 262, 347
2013 Topps Heritage - 166, 184, 186, 226, 447, 499, 517, 533, 554, 581, 582, 588
2013 Topps Opening Day Highlights - ODH3
2013 Topps Opening Day Mascots - M3
2012 Bowman - 143
2012 Topps Allen and Ginter - 28, 44, 53(*), 95, 212(*), 229, 260(*), 277(*)
2012 Topps Archives - 155, 220, 226
2012 Topps Heritage - 10, 60, 191, 246, 274, 367, 383, 444, 459, 466, 491
2012 Topps Opening Day - 50, 65
2012 Topps Opening Day Elite Skills - ES8
2012 Topps Opening Day Mascots - M23
2012 Topps Opening Day Stars - ODS16
2012 Topps Update - US18, US84, US90, US92, US187, US204, US303
2011 Topps - 477
2011 Topps Allen and Ginter - 86, 92, 140, 250
2011 Topps Gypsy Queen - 1, 76, 331, 337, 340, 345
2011 Topps Heritage - 55, 216, 222, 321, 346, 362, 475
2011 Topps Opening Day Mascots - M20
2011 Topps Opening Day Superstar Celebrations - SC20
2011 Topps Topps Town Series 2 - TT22
2011 Topps Update - US118, US179, US197
2010 Topps Allen and Ginter - 81, 149, 151, 169, 212, 253, 342
2010 Topps Heritage - 302, 341, 430, 441, 472, 487
2010 Topps Legendary Lineage - LL37
2010 Topps Opening Day Mascots - M20
2010 Topps Turkey Red - TR127
2010 Topps Update - US72, US103, US105, US130, US138, US262
2010 Upper Deck - 443, 447, 448
2009 Finest - 17, 51
2009 O-***-Chee Highlights and Milstones - HM10
2009 O-***-Chee Midsummer Memories - MM1
2009 O-***-Chee The Award Show - AW14
2009 SP Authentic - 161, 221, 244
2009 Topps 206 - 18
2009 Topps Allen and Ginter National Pride - NP68
2009 Topps Heritage - 429, 493, 720
2009 Topps Heritage Chrome - C32, C80, CHR160, CHR192
2009 Topps Heritage High Number Flashbacks - FB10
2009 Topps Heritage High Number Then and Now - TN05
2009 Topps Unique - 19, 125, 147
2009 UD A Piece of History - 147
2009 Upper Deck Ballpark Collection - 27, 34, 51
2009 Upper Deck First Edition - 373, 374
2009 Upper Deck Goudey - 236, 269, 289
2009 Upper Deck Icons - 109
2009 Upper Deck O-***-Chee 1977 Preview - OPC45
2009 Upper Deck Signature Stars - 43, 69
2008 Bowman - 10, 76, 113, 127
2008 SP Authentic Marquee Matchups - MM12, MM15, MM16, MM19
2008 Stadium Club - 51
2008 Sweet Spot - 38, 47
2008 Topps Chrome - 23, 102, 140
2008 Topps Heritage - 116, 429, 492, 566, 699, 708
2008 Topps Trading Card History - TCH24, TCH68
2008 Topps Year in Review - YR2, YR72, YR101
2008 UD A Piece of History - 86, 141
2008 UD A Piece of History Timeless Moments - 46
2008 Ultimate Collection - 92, 93
2008 Upper Deck First Edition - 113
2008 Upper Deck Goudey - 165, 260
2008 Upper Deck Rookie Debut - 27
2008 Upper Deck StarQuest Uncommon - 46
2008 Upper Deck Timeline - 54, 297, 298
2007 Artifacts - 76
2007 Bowman Heritage - 79, 152, 191b no sig, 199n no sig, 247
2007 Fleer - 59, 62
2007 Topps - 374, 400
2007 Topps '52 - 152, 209, 221
2007 Topps Allen and Ginter - 49, 145, 167, 225, 300
2007 Topps Chrome - 129, 158, 178, 195, 232, 247, 270, 290, 306, 315, 325, 363
2007 Topps Heritage - 6, 29, 127, 160, 204, 381, 383, 396, 433
2007 Topps Opening Day - 139, 141, 151, 154
2007 Topps Update - 18, 188, 222
2006 Artifacts - 80
2006 Bowman - 27, 50
2006 Fleer Tradition - 86, 88, 91
2006 Topps - 495
2006 Topps Heritage - 47, 91, 139, 276, 285, 305, 308, 309, 360
2006 Topps Opening Day - 130
2006 Topps Update - 4, 43, 63, 174, 205,
2006 Ultra - 201, 211, 251
2006 Upper Deck - 1181, 1245
2005 Bowman - 204
2005 Bowman Heritage - 156, 157, 158, 263, 264, 265, 292, 311
2005 Donruss - 31, 67, 326, 328, 330, 331, 333, 334, 396
2005 Fleer Authentix - 36
2005 Fleer Tradition - 74, 326
2005 Studio - 248, 252, 255, 256
2005 Topps - 16, 337, 361, 394, 426, 592, 618, 663, 681, 683, 688, 698, 702
2005 Topps Heritage - 405
2005 Topps Opening Day - 93
2005 Topps Update - 25, 43, 71, 110, 240, 242, 293
2004 Bowman - 45, 97, 118, 197, 275
2004 Bowman Heritage - 114, 152, 154, 228, 326, 342
2004 Donruss - 4, 48, 174, 175, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 183, 184, 186, 187, 297, 381
2004 Fleer Authentix - 21
2004 Fleer Legacy - 51, 62
2004 SP Prospects - 57
2004 Topps - 39, 72, 206(*), 340, 388, 423, 448, 459, 558, 586(*), 622, 663, 694, 698, 699, 702(*), 703
2004 Topps Heritage - 50, 83, 116, 134, 155, 184, 196, 203, 218, 248, 249, 266, 306, 315, 340, 392
2004 Upper Deck - 70
2003 Bowman - 75, 101, 152
2003 Bowman Heritage - 5, 65, 160, 246, 273
2003 Donruss - 6, 61, 180, 182, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195
2003 Flair - 8, 76
2003 Stadium Club - 46, 70
2003 Topps - 100, 129(*), 244, 332(*), 425, 520, 687, 688, 692
2003 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites - 5
2003 Topps Heritage - 3, 35, 74, 147, 173, 197, 206, 230, 232, 248, 255, 284, 385, 404
2003 Topps Traded - T139, T148
2003 Ultra - 3, 134, 158, 206, 233
2003 Upper Deck Classic Portraits - 142, 208
2002 Bowman - 51, 83, 104, 136, 143, 300, 321, 345, 350, 394, 397
2002 Donruss - 173, 178, 207, 212
2002 Leaf - 42, 45, 65, 98, 173, 178
2002 Stadium Club - 51
2002 Topps - 67(*), 349, 396, 564(*)
2002 Topps Heritage - 1, 69, 349, 410, 416, 427, NA5
2002 Upper Deck - 123, 130, 493
2001 Bowman - 129, 190, 300, 419
2001 Donruss - 76, 85, 194, 195
2001 Fleer Genuine - 101
2001 Fleer Showcase - 116
2001 Fleer Tradition - 84, 94, 452, 457
2001 Stadium Club - 50(*), 89, 120(*), 179(*), 188, 190, 191
2001 Topps - 105, 167, 238, 391, 393, 505, 541, 720, 726
2001 Topps Opening Day - 62, 127
2001 Topps Traded - T99, T132, T158, T196, T203, T239
2001 Ultra - 278
2001 Upper Deck - 271, 328
2000 Stadium Club - 93, 100, 124, 146, 171, 239
2000 Topps - 462
2000 Topps Opening Day - 6, 44, 135(*), 160(*), 164(*)
2000 Ultra - 1, 100
1999 Aurora - 181
1999 Bowman - 52, 265
1999 Fleer Tradition - 3, 587, 593
1999 Stadium Club - 200, 351
1999 UD Choice - 143, 144
1998 Bowman - 33, 232, 278, 403
1998 Donruss - 185, 213, 255, 260, 269, 308, 370, 375, 386, 408, 420
1998 Score - 34, 110
1998 Stadium Club - 20, 41, 131, 182, 199, 230, 271, 278, 288, 359
1998 Topps Opening Day - 44, 124, 147
1998 Upper Deck - 3, 18, 245, 282, 455, 457, 510, 511, 512, 515, 516, 540, 542, 552, 597, 617, 620, 723
1997 Bowman - 16, 100, 138
1997 Donruss - 21, 44, 58, 327, 436
1997 Upper Deck - 150, 178, 319, 384, 422, 424, 500, 502, 504
1996 Bowman - 79, 179, 258, 353
1996 Donruss - 141, 373, 385, 438, 496
1996 Stadium Club - 16, 30, 105, 211, 221, 235, 300, 322, 374, 423
1996 Upper Deck - 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 218
1995 Stadium Club - 13, 152, 180, 241, 284, 340, 354, 396, 421, 494, 561
1995 Topps - 565
1994 Donruss - 126, 574
1994 Stadium Club - 44, 103, 299, 357, 364, 409, 438, 510, 529, 555, 578, 604, 656
1994 Topps - 448, 684
1994 Upper Deck - 24, 31, 61, 94, 292, 330, 333, 389, 506,
1993 Score - 272, 504
1993 Stadium Club - 591, 683, 731
1993 Upper Deck - 714, 824
1992 Bowman - 33, 98, 123, 134, 144, 151, 192, 248, 336, 366, 369, 423, 503, 626
1992 Donruss Elite - 13
1992 Donruss Rookies Phenoms - BC2, BC4
1992 Fleer Rookie Sensations - 11
1992 Fleer Smoke'n Heat - S11
1992 Fleer Team Leaders - 15
1992 Fleer Update - 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
1992 Fleer Update Headliners - 1
1992 Leaf - 38, 71, 185, 203, 265, 302, 398, 472, 513
1992 Triple Play - 71, 127, 137, 203
1991 Bowman - 250, 252
1991 Donruss Grand Slammers - 6
1991 Fleer All-Stars = 7
1991 Fleer Update - 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
1991 Leaf - 222, 297, 345, 380, 429, 452, 503, 511, 521
1991 Score 100 Superstars - 5, 17
1991 Score Cooperstown - B3
1991 Score Promos - 113
1991 Score Rookie/Traded - 33T
1991 Stadium Club - 446, 508, 597
1991 Topps - 337B Keith Comstock COR/Mariners logo on front
1991 Topps Traded - 70T
1991 Ultra - 336
1991 Ultra Update - 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
1991 Upper Deck - 110
1991 Upper Deck Final Edition - 18F, 79F
1990 Classic Blue - 20
1990 Classic Yellow - T1, T89
1990 Donruss Grand Slammers - 2
1990 Donruss Super DK's - 4
1990 Fleer Award Winners - 16
1990 Fleer Baseball All-Stars - 14
1990 Fleer League Leaders - 14
1990 Fleer Soaring Stars - 6
1990 Score Young Superstars II - 18
1990 Topps Rookies - 11, 28
1989 Donruss All-Stars - 27
1989 Donruss Rookies - 3, 15, 49, 53
1989 Donruss Super DK's - 21
1989 Donruss Traded - 1, 54
1989 Fleer Heroes of Baseball - 33
1989 Score - 142
1989 Score Hottest 100 Rookies - 40, 43, 54, 63, 73, 86
1989 Score Hottest 100 Stars - 78, 82
1989 Score Rookie/Traded - 7T, 100T
1989 Score Young Superstars II - 18, 30, 34
1989 Sportflics - 6, 7, 33, 77, 89, 159, 165
1989 Topps Rookies - 5
1989 Upper Deck - 1
1988 Classic Blue - 250
1988 Donruss Rookies - 2, 36
1988 Donruss Super DK's - 20
1988 Fleer Baseball MVP's - 21
1988 Fleer Exciting Stars - 5
1988 Fleer Hottest Stars - 23
1988 Fleer League Leaders - 24
1988 Fleer Sluggers/Pitchers - 23
1988 Fleer Team Leaders - 18
1988 Leaf/Donruss - 20, 30, 104, 196, 227, 258
1988 Score Young Superstars II - 15, 37
1987 Donruss All-Stars - 29
1987 Donruss Opening Day - 116, 260
1987 Donruss Super DK's - 23
1987 Fleer Award Winners - 22
1987 Fleer Exciting Stars - 13
1987 Fleer Game Winners - 34
1987 Fleer Hottest Stars - 26
1987 Fleer Record Setters - 5
1987 Fleer Sluggers/Pitchers - 30
1987 Leaf/Donruss - 23, 118, 154, 200, 250
1987 Topps Rookies - 19
1986 Donruss All-Stars - 41
1986 Donruss Super DK's - 22
1986 Fleer All-Stars - 11
1986 Fleer Sluggers/Pitchers - 8
1986 Leaf/Donruss - 22, 66, 114, 183, 184, 187
1985 Donruss - 240
1985 Fleer - 647
1985 Fleer Limited Edition - 7, 17
1985 Fleer Update - 17
1985 Leaf/Donruss - 18, 50, 56, 85, 129, 167, 195, 221, 239
1984 Donruss - 16, 240
1984 Fleer Update - 9, 14, 15, 30, 60, 70, 90, 117
1984 Topps Traded - 28T, 70T
1983 Fleer - 656
1983 Topps Traded - 71T, 129T
1982 Topps Traded - 12T, 18T, 80T, 88T, 113T, 114T, 122T
1981 Topps Traded - 745, 747, 755, 767, 817, 857
1977 Topps - 478, 597